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years of age, departed calmly and peacefully, in simple trust and faith that he was going to a better world; and the parents were strengthened by God, and supported by the promises with which, in the preparation of this book, they had been delighting themselves. From that time, however, the stricken father began to sink, and on the 13th of October entered into his rest, 66 more than conqueror, through Him who loved him and gave Himself for him. Thus, at the early age of thirty-eight, has passed away, in God's inscrutable Providence, one whose energy, knowledge, and devotion have not often been surpassed. His reading was immense, and the care which he bestowed upon every book which he read was most remarkable. Even while an undergraduate at Oxford, he wrote more than once in defence of the Protestant truths then assailed by the writers of the "Tracts for the Times;" and he was afterwards the editor of the "Christian's Monthly Magazine," a work published peculiarly in opposition to Tractarian error, and containing many contributions from eminent clergymen. His labours, we may humbly believe, were not in vain in the Lord; and this last of his works, truly a labour of love, undertaken amidst great and increasing weakness, will, it is hoped, be a comfort to many sorrowing parents, and aid them to sorrow not as those who have no hope.

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