
that these were not to be tranfient and occafional Refolutions; that they were intended for lafting Obligations, and cannot be fincerely discharged, unless they influence the Remainder of that Life fo graciously reftored to me. I ought to look upon my felf as one raised from the Dead; and favoured with Life a fecond time, that from henceforth I might employ and ufe the Gift to the Honour of the Giver, who hath thus, as it were, created me afresh. He faw it better upon my Requeft to continue me longer in this State of Tryal, and I ought to give the more earneft heed, that every Day added to my paft Years may prove a higher Advance in Piety and Virtue; that none of my holy Purposes languifh or die, as too many have formerly done; that this late Approach to the Grave may perpetually warn me of my Mortality; and that whenever Death and Judgment fhall actually overtake me, (as overtake me they moft certainly will) I may not be found lefs provided to meet my Lord, than this laft Summons left me.

For can I reflect upon my late Weaknefs, and harbour an Imagination fo vain, as that this Body, in its greateft Vigor, may promife it felf an everlafting Continuance? Can I obferve this Youth of mine renewed as the Eagle's, and attribute it to any other Caufe, than the Almighty Power and Infinite Goodness of Him, who wounds and heals, who kills and makes alive, after the Counsel of his own Will? Can I acknowledge my prefent Recovery owing entirely to that Power and Goodness, and not difcover the indifpenfible Engagements which lie upon me to make fome fuitable Return? And what Return is poffible, what fo proper, fo acceptable, as that of a thankful Heart; a diligent Improvement of this Mercy; a Life in every part of it entirely dedicated to Him, who hath strengthened his Title now yet more, and made it upon fo many Accounts his own?

V. I will therefore be frequently acting over again thofe Solemn Exercises of Repentance performed in the Bitterness of my Soul; and by the Repetition fhew that the good Thoughts I entertained continue to bę the calm and fettled Senfe of my more composed Mind. I will strictly examine, what Faults committed, what Duties neglected, or but flightly performed, what Abufes, or what Failures in a right Improvement of Health heretofore, might probably have provoked God to caft me upon the Bed of Sickness, and reduce me to fuch Extremity of Suffering. I will thank the Lord for giving me warning by this Affliction,but especially for touching and foftning my Heart, and infpiring me with godly Sorrow, and holy Purposes: And to my own Endeavours I will add my moft fervent Prayers, that the Continuance of his Grace may, out of this painful Chaftifement, produce the peaceable and bleffed Fruits of Righteousness and faithful Perfeverance. To this end I will not fail, frequently to renew my good Refolutions; to cherish and keep up in my Soul all heavenly Difpofitions, by conftant private Prayer, and ferious Reflection; by attending duly upon the Pub lick Worship by reading, and hearing, and confcientiously applying God's Holy Word to my prefent Circumstances and Neceffities, by letting flip none of the precious Opportunities for ftrengthening my Faith and other Chriftian Virtues in the Sacrament of my dear Redeemer's Body and Blood. I will take heed to all my Ways, be upon my guard againft all Temptations and Occafions of Sinning, moderate in my moft lawful Pleasures and Enjoyments, and diligent in all the Duties which the feveral Relations wherein I ftand, and the State of Life to which I am appointed by Providence, require of me. I will fet a Watch before my Mouth,and keep the Door of my Lips,that I offend not in my pf. cxli.3. xxxix. 1., Tongue, I will take heed,that I hurt not


any Man by Thought, Word, or Deed; but will extend my Charity as I am able to all Mankind. To the poor diftreffed Members of my Bleffed Saviour,by fuch Succours as their Condition ftands in need of, and Mine qualifies me to give: To others by my good Advice, and seasonable Instruction; To All by my Prayers and good Wishes, and the powerful Motive of a pious Example: And even to my Enemies, by Meeknefs and Forgiveness, even as God, for Chrift's fake, hath had Compaffion on Me. I will make it my Bufinefs to become every Day more in love with Religion; and to make all with whom I converfe fo; that I may in fome measure give a Check to the Abominations of this degenerate Age in which I live, and adorn the Doctrine of our Lord Jefus Chrift, or at leaft fave my felf from this untoward Generation. In a Word, I will be fure that the Senfe of God's Mercies, (of this Last in particular) may never depart out of my Mind, but live, and grow, and bring forth Fruit, and influence mé powerfully to the very laft Hour of my Life.

VI. Nor think, my Soul, that any Refolutions can be too ftrict, any Endeavours too much, upon this Occafion. For, after all that is come upon mé Ezra ix. 13. for my evil Deeds, and for my great Trespass, feeing that my God hath punished me less than my Iniquities deferve, and hath given me fuch a Deliverance as This Should I again break his Commandmennts

Verse 14. Would be not then be angry with me till he had confumed me, so that there fhould be no efcaping? O Lord, my God, Thou art righteous, for I remain yet Verse 15. efcaped; but let not, I befeech thee, this Mercy, by being forgotten or abused, turn to my utter and eternal Condemnation. For that this must be the fad confequence of fuch Ingratitude at laft, not only thy Word hath told me, but I can plainly gather it from my own Reason and Experience. I feel what

Indignation the Unkindness of Perfons whom I have particularly obliged kindles in my Breaft; I find that no fort of Refentments are more uneafie, no Provocation harder to be born, than that which arifes from the Injuries and Affronts of thofe unworthy People, who prefume upon my Friendship to use me ill. And can I fuppofe, that the juft and jealous God will not call them to a fevere Account, who turn his Grace, into Wantonnefs, and, when they live by Miracles of Bounty and Long-fuffering, live fo as to difhonour Him, and reproach the Patience that fpared them? The more fignal and particular his Goodnefs hath been, the heavier and more infupportable, no doubt, will be that Wrath, which hardned and imRom. ii. penitent Wretches treasure up to themselves against the Day of Wrath, and Revelation of the righteous Judgment of God. So that our bleffed I ord's Admonition to the impotent Man is in Effect the Voice of Reason and every Man's own Confcience. Each Affliction, each Efcape calling out loudly to the Receiver, Sin no more, left a worse thing come

unto thee.


John V. 14:

And how indeed can it be expected, that infinitely worfe fhould not come, when neither feverity will drive, nor Compaffion and Kindnefs lead to amendment; when neither Correcting nor Sparing can do any good? The Circumftances of thofe Men are dangerous, whofe Distemper only is ftrong: But Theirs muft needs be defperate and Mortal, whofe very Remedies feed and inflame their Difeafe. If Pruning and Manuring be both in vain, the next Sentence upon the barren Fig-tree is, Cut it down, why cum

breth it the Ground? The Ax is already Luke xii laid to the Root, and if it be lifted up to give the fatal Stroke, the End of every Tree which

bringeth forth not good Fruit, we are ex- Matth. iii. prefly told fhall be, to be burnt with unquenchable Fire



VII. Thefe Things, and fundry others, which will be apt upon fuch Occafions to offer themselves, if apply'd well and warmly to my Conscience, will have a very great and happy force, in forming my Difpofition, and regulating my Conduct for the time to come. The Recollection of God's abundant Mercies will inflame my Breaft with holy Gratitude and fervent Love; fuch as would keep me ever paffionately defirous to pay the juft Tribute of my beft Service in return, and cheerfully to run the way of his Commandments. The Remembrance of his Judgments will poffefs me with an awful Fear of displeasing him, and convince me, by my own Experience, that no Flesh can ftand before him, when he is angry. My late Pfal. lxxvi. Languifhings and feeble Condition will be a seasonable and lively Admonition what this frail mortal Nature is; Thefe will teach me to die daily to the World, as a person who hath here no continuing City, but ought to feek one to come: A Heb. xii. Person who muft not, from even the most confirmed Health, entertain any fuch fond Profpects and vain Confidences of long Life, as may tempt me to prefume Death and Judgment at a great diftance, and my self secure of any Surprize from them: Much rather ought I to expect them every Moment; and both from the daily Spectacles of Mortality in my Neighbours, and the fenfible Decays, or fudden Changes which happen to my felf, quicken my Preparation to meet that Lord, who hath compared himself Matth: XXIV. to a Thief in the Night, and foretold us,that he will come in fuck an hour as we think not. Thus fhall I, by a true Chriftian Prudence,extract Spiritual Advantage out of Temporal Evils, difcern the Goodness and Wifdom of Providence even in the moft afflicting Difpenfations, convert the Pains and Diseases of a vile perifhing Body, into Inftruments of Strength and Health to my Immortal Soul; and have a happy

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