
haps the first inftance of a lye invented by a another to deprive her fon of a provifion which was defigned him by another, and which the could not expect herself, though he should lose it.

This was therefore an act of wickedness which could not be defeated, because it could not be fufpected; the Earl did not imagine that there could exist in a human form a mother that would ruin her fon without enriching herself, and therefore beftowed upon fome other perfon fix thousand pounds, which he had in his will bequeathed to Savage.

The fame cruelty which incited his mother to intercept this provifion which had been intended him, prompted her in a fhort time to another project, a project worthy of fuch a difpofition.She endeavoured to rid herself from the danger of being at any time made known to him, by fending him fecretly to the American plantations *.

By whofe kindness this scheme was counteracted, or by what interpofition fhe was induced. to lay afide her defign, I know not; it is notimprobable that the Lady Mafon might perfuade or compel her to defift, or perhaps fhe could not eafily find accomplices wicked enough to concur

Savage's Preface to his Mifcellany.



in fo cruel an action; for it may be conceived, that those who had by a long gradation of guilt hardened their hearts against the sense of common wickedness, would yet be shocked at the defign of a mother to expofe her fon to flavery and want, to expofe him without intereft, and without provocation; and Savage might on this occafion find protectors and advocates among those who had long traded in crimes, and whom compaffion had never touched before.

Being hindered, by whatever means, from banishing him into another country, fhe formed foon after a scheme for burying him in poverty and obfcurity in his own; and, that his ftation of life, if not the place of his refidence, might keep him for ever at a distance from her, she ordered him to be placed with a fhoemaker in Holborn, that, after the ufual time of trial, he might become his apprentice *.

It is generally reported, that this project was for fome time fuccefsful, and that Savage was employed at the awl longer than he was willing: to confefs; nor was it perhaps any great advantage to him, that an unexpected discovery de-termined him. to quit his occupation.

About this time his nurfe, who had always treated him as her own fon, died; and it was

Preface to Savage's Mifcellanies.


natural for him to take care of thofe effects, which by her death were, as he imagined, become his own; he therefore went to her house, opened her boxes, and examined her papers, among which he found fome letters written to her hy the Lady Mafon, which informed him of his birth, and the reasons for which it was concealed.

He was now no longer fatisfied with the employment which had been allotted him, but thought he had a right to share the affluence of his mother; and therefore without fcruple applied to her as her fon, and made ufe of every art to awaken her tenderness, and attract her regard. But neither his letters, nor the interpofition of thofe friends which his merit or his diftrefs procured him, made any impreffion upon her mind: She ftill refolved to neglect, though fhe could no longer difown him.

It was to no purpose that he frequently folicited her to admit him to fee her; the avoided him with the most vigilant precaution, and ordered him to be excluded from her houfe, by whomfoever he might be introduced, and what reafon foever he might give for entering it.

Savage was at the fame time fo touched with the discovery of his real mother, that it was his frequent practice to walk in the dark evenings for feveral hours before her door, in

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hopes of feeing her as fhe might come by accident to the window, or crofs her apartment with a candle in her hand.

But all his affiduity and tenderness were without effect, for he could neither foften her heart, nor open her hand, and was reduced to the utmost miseries of want, while he was endeavouring to awaken the affection of a mother: He was therefore obliged to seek fome other means of fupport; and, having no profeffion, became by neceffity an author.

At this time the attention of all the literary world was engroffed by the Bangorian controverfy, which filled the prefs with pamphlets, and the coffee-houses with difputants. Of this fubject, as most popular, he made choice for his first attempt, and without any other knowledge of the queftion, than he had cafually collected from converfation, publifhed a poem against the bishop.

What was the fuccefs or merit of this performance, I know not; it was probably lost among the innumerable pamphlets to which that dispute gave occafion. Mr. Savage was himself in a little time afhamed of it, and endeavoured to fupprefs it, by destroying all the copies that he could collect.

He then attempted a more gainful kind of writing, and in his eighteenth year offered to * Jacob's Lives of Dramatic Poets.

the stage a comedy borrowed from a Spanish plot, which was refused by the players, and was therefore given by him to Mr. Bullock, who, having more intereft, made fome flight alterations, and brought it upon the ftage, under the title of WOMAN'S A RIDDLE, but allowed the unhappy author no part of the profit.


Not difcouraged however at his repulfe, he wrote two years afterwards LOVE IN A VEIL, another comedy, borrowed likewise from the Spanish, but with little better fuccefs than before; for though it was received and acted, yet it appeared fo late in the year, that the author obtained no other advantage from it, than the acquaintance of Sir Richard Steele, and Mr. Wilks; by whom he was pitied, careffed, and relieved.

Sir Richard Steele, having declared in his favour with all the ardour of benevolence which conftituted his character, promoted his intereft with the utmost zeal, related his misfortunes, applauded his merit, took all the opportunities of recommending him, and afferted, that "the inhumanity of his mother had given him a "right to find every good man his father.”

This play was printed firft in 8vo; and afterwards in 12mo, the fifth edition.



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