
heart, has been affected by the softening recollection of some tender lesson of piety, received from the lips of a beloved mother. Let childhood, then, be guarded vigilently, against the subtle inroads of evil impressions and habits, by a careful instillation of virtuous principles, which will remain in the mind an ever-present check to overt vice, and an incentive to pure morality. We are aware of the triteness of these remarks, but they are of a nature so vastly important, that their frequent repitition is pardonable, nay, absolutely necessary. We were placed here not so much to invent and enjoy novelties, as to attend to those primal duties, in which are involved all that materially concerns us for time and eternity.

It will be very gratifying to the reader of this narrative, te learn that JouN ELLIOTT has now REFORMED from his habits of intemperance-and is an active member of the SOUTH READING WASHINGTON TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY. He signed the Pledge, June 14, 1841. It will be well enough to remark, that he has, in company with Mr. M. W. MERRILL,, the first signer of the Washington Total Abstinence Society, in South Reading, been a successful lecturer under the NEW and better dispensation of Temperance.


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