The Spectator, 第 45 巻F.C. Westley, 1872 A weekly review of politics, literature, theology, and art. |
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American annum application Athanasian Creed Author believe Bishop British cent character Chemists CHLORODYNE Church claims cloth College colour Company course Crown 8vo doubt England English evidence favour fcap Feap feel France French George George Eliot give Gladstone Government House Illustrations India interest Ireland Irish January JOHN kind land letter Liberal London LONGMANS Lord Lord Derby matter ment Messrs mind Montevideo moral natural never Nonconformists novel opinion Oxford Oxford Street Parliament Paternoster Row PEPSINE persons Pig Iron political Post 8vo post free present Professor published question railway readers ready Regent Street religious remarkable schools Second Edition seems shares Sir Henry Holland Sir John Lubbock Sir William Gull society speech spirit story Thiers things thought Threadneedle Street tion Treaty vols volume week whole WILLIAM wine writing