
and hoped (and who would wish to destroy this hope?) he would be merciful to her. But Mary knew not that God was just as well as merciful. She knew not that Divine justice required satisfaction, ere mercy could be exercised. She was a stranger to the Scripture cha racter of Jehovah, and altogether ignorant of the way in which he could be "just, and yet the justifier of the ungodly:" hence it was necessary to tell her that God was of "purer eyes than to behold ini. quity;" that he hates sin with a perfect hatred; that he, in whose sight the heavens are not clean, had declared," the soul that sinned should die." The awful nature and consequences of sin were then pointed out to her; the spiritual nature of the law of God was laid open; the least violation of which, even in thought, proved our condemnation : while the violation of the seventh in particular was brought to her remembrance, and charged home with as much tenderness as possible to her conscience. Allusion was then made to the curse denounced against sin; the nature and extent of it. These things were all new to Mary, and failed not to alarm her in a manner different from her former fears. The Spirit of God was graciously pleased to own and bless these momentous truths. She became alive to her real character and situation. The tears of contrition and penitence, which before began to roll down her pallid cheeks, now flowed fast. Her heart appeared to tremble within her her clasped hands denoted the agony of her mind her eyes, still looking on the face of Mrs. H. bespoke compassion and pity, while their language appeared to be, "Is there no hope for one so vile? Is there no mercy for one so wicked? Is there no way of escape from the wrath to come? Must I be lost for ever? Tell me, O tell me, what must I do to be saved! "What heart could remain unmoved at such a scene as this? Truly the arrows of the Almighty

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appeared entering her soul; and her sins stood in array before her, while the thunders of Sinai were bursting over her head. O! who can describe the feelings of the awakened sinner? What language can express the horrors of an awakened conscience? What heart can conceive the terrors of that soul who, after a long course of iniquity is awakened and convinced of sin by the Spirit of God? None but those who have passed through these "deep waters; "those only who have been driven into the fold of Christ through the terrors of the law. Painful as it was to Mrs. H. (in some respects) to behold the agonizing feelings of Mary, yet she could but inwardly rejoice and give God thanks. She knew that these distresses were antecedent to comfort and peace-that this darkness would be followed by lightthat he who bruised would bind up the broken heart, and in his own time restore health to her soul.

The trying part of Mrs. H.'s duty was now over. With feelings better conceived than described, and which many of the readers of this paper can duly appreciate-especially ye, the faithful ambassadors of Christ, who delight to proclaim the love and mercy of God to penitent sinners, and who have been so highly distinguished and honoured as to be the instruments in his hands of" turning sinners from darkness to light, and from the power and dominion of satan unto God." Yes, ye, the heralds of the Cross, know what are the peculiar feelings of that heart which has been made useful to a fellow-immortal, to a soul that is of more value than the whole world. She now spoke of Christ, the Saviour of sinners: but Mary knew nothing of Christ; she had never heard of the love of the Father in sending his dear Son into the world to die for sinners; she had never been told of the grace and compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ, "who came to seek and to save them that were lost: she was alto

gether unacquainted even with the name of Jesus, as her answers to the following questions testify. "Did you never hear who Jesus Christ was?"" No, ma'am." "Did you never hear whose Son he was?"" Never, ma'am." "Do you know who he came into the world to save ?"—"No, ma'am." It might appear strange that any one residing in a Christian country should be thus ignorant of the Saviour of sinners. But, alas! this is by no means a solitary case; those who are accustomed to frequent the beds of the sick poor, find it confirmed in the experience of not a few;-so gross, alas! is the darkness which covers the minds of many in this land of Gospel light and privileges!

Mrs. H. then told her of the Gospel message: That God, perceiving the lost and miserable condition of man, and that he could never, of himself, make satisfaction for his sins, was so moved with love and compassion, that "he sent his only begotten Son into the world, to redeem us from the curse of the law: That the Lord Jesus Christ came to save sinners, by dying in their stead, and was crucified for their sins, that "whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life:" That he in

vites all who feel themselves to be sinners, to "come unto him, and he will not cast them out:" That he himself says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour," &c.-Many passages from Scripture were read to her, confirming what was said; and ended by speaking of the willingness of Christ to receive all that come unto him. Did she want repentance? "Christ was exalted to give repentance." Did she want forgiveness? He was ready to bestow it.

His language is, "Look unto me, and be ye saved." In a word, she was exhorted to come unto Christ just as she was; to pray earnestly for the gift of the Holy Spirit, whose office it is to "take of the things of Christ and reveal them to the soul," &c.&c.

Such are the circumstances connected with the first visit of these ladies to the sick-bed of Mary.— Many and important are the reflections arising from this brief account; but I forbear enlarging. Mary thankfully expressed her gratitude for their kindness in calling on her, and wondered who could send them. -"I feel very thankful, ma'am. Come again soon. Will you come again soon?" After promising they would, they left the chamber of sickness, thankful to that God who had conducted their steps thither.



"WHY, my soul, O tell me why
Terror thus bedews thine eye?
Where's thy trust in God to-day?
Whither's fled thy hope away?
What! He change who dwells above?
Has the Saviour ceased to love?
Why when whelmed with toil and pain,
Flee thy Lord, and then complain?"
"No, no more before his face

Meets me now one smile of grace!"
"What! He change who dwells above?
Has the Saviour ceased to love?"
"Thou art feeble, languid, cold;
Therefore fears thy bosom fold,
Lest, amidst thy deep unrest,
God should still surcharge thy breast."
"What! He change who dwells above?
Has the Saviour ceased to love?"

* Cant. ii. 4.


"Can I," thus I hear thee mourn,

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Hope again his love's return? No, too long my rebel heart Has denied his faithful part." "What! He change who dwells above Has the Saviour ceased to love?" "His compassion's gone," you cry, Justly now he dooms to die: Can his wrath surprise create? I too well deserve his hate!" "What! He change who dwells above? Has the Saviour ceased to love?" "Constant Saviour, hear; I call; Hardness, folly-pardon all; I forgot thy truth could ne'er In thy creature's weakness share : No, thy banner waves above*: No, thou canst not cease to lovet." + Heb. xiii. 8. R. T.

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NARRATIVES of shipwrecks and marine disasters have always been found to excite a peculiar interest among English readers. It is not often, however, that a case of this nature is found to furnish matter for such profitable reflection, and such encouraging hopes as arise out of the present instance. It is not often that the principles which seem to have supported many of the inmates of the Kent, are seen in such active operation; or that their power has been proved and asserted by so competent a witness as the writer of the present narrative. We know no way of recommending this little work so strongly to our readers, as by laying before them a brief sketch of its contents, assuring them of the greater interest and advantage with which they will peruse the work itself.

The Kent, Captain Henry Cobb, a fine new ship of 1350 tons, bound to Bengal and China, left the Downs on the 19th February, with 20 officers, 344 soldiers, 43 women, and 66 children belonging to the 31st regiment, with 20 private passengers, and a crew (including officers) of 148 men, on board.

With slight interruptions of bad weather, the ship continued to make way until the night of Monday the 28th, when it was suddenly arrested in lat. 47 deg. 30 min. long. 10 deg. by a violent gale from the south-west, which gradually increased during the whole of the following morning.

The activity of the officers and seamen of the Kent appeared to keep pace with that of the gale. The larger sails were speedily taken in, or closely reefed; and about 10 o'clock on the morning of the 1st of March, after having struck her top-gallant yards, the ship was lying to, under a triple-reefed main

top-sail only, with the dead lights in, and with the whole watch of soldiers attached to the life-lines, that were run along the deck for this purpose.

The rolling of the ship, which was vastly increased by a dead weight of some hundred tons of shot and shells that formed a part of its lading, became so great about halfpast eleven or twelve o'clock, that the main chains were thrown by every lurch considerably under water; and the best cleated articles of furniture in the cabins and the cuddy were dashed about with so much noise and violence, as to excite the liveliest apprehensions of individual danger.

It was a little before this period that one of the officers of the ship, with the intention of ascertaining that all was fast below, descended with two of the sailors into the hold, where they carried with them, for safety, a light in the patent lantern; and seeing that the lamp burned dimly, the officer took the precaution to hand it up to the orlop deck to be trimmed. Having afterwards discovered one of the spirit casks to be adrift, he sent the sailors for some billets of wood to secure it; but the ship in their absence having made a heavy lurch, the officer unfortunately dropped the light; and letting go his hold of the cask, in his eagerness to recover the lantern, it suddenly stove, and the spirits communicating with the lamp, the whole place was instantly in a blaze.

The orders of Captain Cobb and other officers were promptly obeyed by the seamen and troops, who used every exertion by means of the pumps, buckets of water, wet sails, hammocks, &c. to extinguish the flames. Finding, however, that the devouring element was rapidly

spreading, and that volumes of smoke were issuing from all the four hatchways, Captain Cobb, with an ability and decision of character that seemed to increase with the imminence of the danger, resorted to the only alternative now left him of ordering the lower decks to be scuttled, the combings of the hatches to be cut, and the lower ports to be opened, for the free admission of the watery element.

These instructions were speedily executed by the united efforts of the troops and seamen; but not before some of the sick soldiers, one woman, and several children, unable to gain the upper deck, had perished. So dense and oppressive was the smoke, that it was with the utmost difficulty that Captain Cobb's wishes could be fulfilled; which were no sooner accomplished, than the sea rushed in with extraordinary force, carrying away, in its resistless progress to the hold, the largest chests, bulk-heads, &c.

Such a sight, under any other conceivable circumstances, was well calculated to have raised feelings of horror; but in the natural solicitude to avoid the more immediate peril of explosion, the crew and passengers endeavoured to cheer each other, as they stood up to their knees in water, with the hope that by these violent means they might be speedily restored to safety. The immense quantity of water that was thus introduced into the hold, had indeed the effect, for a time, of checking the fury of the flames; but the danger of sinking having increased as the risk of explosion was diminished, the ship became water-logged, and presented other indications of settling previous to her going down.

Death, in two of its most awful forms, now encompassed them; and they seemed left to choose the terrible alternative. But naturally preferring the more remote, though equally certain crisis, they tried to shut the ports again, to close the

hatches, and to exclude the external air, in order if possible to prolong an existence, the near and certain termination of which appeared inevitable.

The scene of horror that now presented itself baffles all description

Then rose from sea to sky the wild farewell;

Then shriek'd the timid, and stood still the brave.

The upper deck was covered with between six and seven hundred human beings, many of whom, from previous sea-sickness, were forced on the first alarm, to flee from below in a state of absolute nakedness, and were now running about in quest of husbands, children, or parents. While some were standing in silent resignation, or in stupid insensibility to their impending fate, others were yielding themselves up to the most frantic despair. Some on their knees were earnestly imploring, with significant gesticulations and in noisy supplications, the mercy of Him, whose arm, they exclaimed, was at length outstretched to smite them; others were to be seen hastily crossing themselves, and performing the various external acts required by their peculiar persuasion, while a number of the older and more stout-hearted soldiers and sailors, sullenly took their seats directly over the magazine, hoping, as they stated, that by means of the explosion which they every instant expected, a speedier termination might thereby be put to their sufferings. Several of the soldiers' wives and children, who had fled for temporary shelter into the aftercabins on the upper decks, were engaged in prayer and in reading the Scriptures with the ladies, some

* Captain Cobb, with great forethought, ordered the deck to be scuttled forward, with a view to draw the fire in that direetion, knowing that between it and the magazine were several tiers of water casks; while he hoped that the wet sails &c. thrown into the hold would prevent it from communicating with the spirit-room abaft.

of whom were enabled, with wonderful self-possession, to offer to others those spiritual consolations, which a firm and intelligent trust in the Redeemer of the world appeared at this awful hour to impart to their own breasts. The dignified deportment of two young ladies in particular, formed a specimen of natural strength of mind, finely modified by Christian feeling, that failed not to attract the notice and admiration of every one who had an opportunity of witnessing it. Some of the older children, who seemed fully alive to the reality of the danger, when reminded, Now is the time to put in practice the instructions you used to receive at the regimental school, and to think of that Saviour of whom you have heard so much; replied, as the tears ran down their cheeks, "O, sir, we are trying to remember them, and we are praying to God." It was at this appalling instant, when "all hope of being saved was now taken away," that it occurred to Mr. Thomson, the fourth mate, to send a man to the fore-top, rather with the ardent wish, than the expectation, that some friendly sail might be discovered on the face of the waters. The sailor, on mounting, threw his eyes round the horizon for a moment,-a moment of unutterable suspense, and waving his hat exclaimed, "A sail on the lee bow!" The joyful announcement was received with deep-felt thanksgivings, and with three cheers upon deck. Flags of distress were instantly hoisted, and minute guns fired; and the Kent bore down under three top-sails and fore-sail upon the stranger, which proved to be the Cambria, a small brig of 200 tons burden, Cook, bound to Vera Cruz, having on board 20 or 30 Cornish miners, and other agents of the Anglo-Mexican Company.

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For ten or fifteen minutes it was doubtful whether the brig perceived these signals, or, perceiving them, was disposed to lend any assistance.

From the violence of the gale, it seems, that the report of the guns was not heard; but the ascending volumes of smoke from the ship sufficiently announced the dreadful nature of its distress; and after a short period of dark suspense, the brig hoisted British colours, and crowded all sail toward the Kent.

To prevent the rush to the boats, as they were being lowered; which, from certain symptoms of impatience manifested both by soldiers and sailors, there was reason to fear; some of the military officers were stationed over them with drawn swords. But from the firm determination which these exhibited, and the great subordination observed, with few exceptions, by the troops, this proper precaution was afterwards rendered unnecessary.

Arrangements having been considerately made by Captain Cobb for placing in the first boat, previous to letting it down, all the ladies, and as many of the soldiers' wives as it could safely contain, they hurriedly wrapt themselves up in whatever articles of clothing could be most conveniently found; and about two, or half-past two o'clock, a most mournful procession advanced from the after-cabins to the starboard cuddy port, outside of which the cutter was suspended, Scarcely a word was uttered-not a scream was heard; even the infants ceased to cry, as if conscious of the unspoken and unspeakable anguish that was at that instant rending the hearts of their parting parents: nor was the silence of voices in any way broken, except in one or two cases, where the ladies plaintively entreated permission to be left behind with their husbands. But on being assured that every moment's delay might occasion the sacrifice of a human life, they successively suffered themselves to be torn from the tender embrace, and with the fortitude which never fails to characterise and adorn their sex on occasions of overwhelming trial,

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