
<< The History of Friar Rush» is of extreme rarity, bable that the coronation of his predecessor was not and for some time, even the existence of such a book less solemn. So sacred was the herald's office, that, in was doubted, although it is expressly alluded to by Re-1515, Lord Drummond was by parliament declared ginald Scot, in his « Discovery of Witchcraft.»> I have guilty of treason, and his lands forfeited, because he perused a copy in the valuable library of my friend Mr had struck, with his fist, the Lion King-at-arms, when Heber; and I observe, from Mr Beloe's «Anecdotes of he reproved him for his follies. Nor was he restored, Literature,» that there is one in the excellent collection but at the Lion's earnest solicitation. of the Marquis of Stafford.

Note 4. Stanza vii.

Sir David Lindesay of the Mount, Lord Lion King-at-arms.

The late elaborate edition of Sir David Lindesay's Works, by Mr George Chalmers, has probably introduced him to many of my readers. It is perhaps to be regretted, that the learned editor has not bestowed more pains in elucidating his author, even although he should have omitted, or at least reserved, his disquisitions on the origin of the language used by the poet' but, with all its faults, his work is an acceptable present to Scottish antiquaries. Sir David Lindesay was well known for his early efforts in favour of the reformed doctrines; and, indeed, his play, coarse as it now seems, must have had a powerful effect upon the people of his age. I am uncertain if I abuse poetical license, by introducing Sir David Lindesay in the character of Lion-Herald sixteen years before he obtained that office. At any rate, I am not the first who has been guilty of the anachronism; for the author of << Flodden Field» dispatches Dallamount, which can mean nobody but Sir David de la Mount, to France, on the message of defiance from James IV to Henry VIII. It was often an office imposed on the Lion King-at-arms, to receive foreign ambassadors; and Lindesay himself did this honour to Sir Ralph Sadler in 1539-40. Indeed, the oath of the Lion, in its first article, bears reference to his frequent employment upon royal messages and


The office of heralds, in feudal times, being held of the utmost importance, the inauguration of the Kingsat-arms, who presided over their colleges, was proportionally solemn. In fact it was the mimickry of a royal coronation, except that the unction was made with wine instead of oil. In Scotland, a namesake and kinsman of Sir David Lindesay, inaugurated in 1592, «<was crowned by King James with the ancient crown of Scotland, which was used before the Scottish kings assumed a close crown;» and on occasion of the same solemnity, dined at the king's table, wearing the crown. It is pro

1 I beg leave to quote a single instance from a very interesting passage. Sir David, recounting his attention to King James V in his infancy, is made, by the learned editor's punctuation, to say,The first sillabis that thou did mute, Was pa, da, lyn, upon the lute; Then played I twenty springis perqueir, Qubilk was great plesour for to hear.

Vol. I, p. 7, 257.

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Note 5. Stanza x.

-Crichtoun Castle.

A large ruinous castle on the banks of the Tyne, about seven miles from Edinburgh. As indicated in the text, it was built at different times, and with a very different regard to splendour and accommodation. The oldest part of the building is a narrow keep, or tower, such as formed the mansion of a lesser Scottish baron; but so many additions have been made to it, that there is now a large court-yard, surrounded by buildings of different ages. The eastern front of the court is raised above a portico, and decorated with entablatures, bearing anchors. All the stones of this front are cut into diamond facets, the angular projections of which have an uncommonly rich appearance. The inside of this part of the building appears to have contained a gallery of great length, and uncommon elegance. Access was given to it by a magnificent staircase, now quite destroyed. The soffits are ornamented with twining cordage and rosettes; and the whole seems to have been far more splendid than was usual in Scottish castles. The castle belonged originally to the Chancellor, Sir William Crichton, and probably owed to him its first enlargement, as well as its being taken by the Earl of Douglas, who imputed to Crichton's counsels the death of his predecessor Earl William, beheaded in Edinburgh Castle, with his brother, in 1440. It is said to have been totally demolished on that occasion; but the present state of the ruins shows the contrary. In 1483, it was garrisoned by Lord Chrichton, then its proprietor, against King James III, whose displeasure he had incurred by seducing his sister Margaret, in revenge, it is said, for the monarch having dishonoured his bed. From the Crichton family the castle passed to that of the Hepburns, Earls Bothwell; and when the forfeitures of Stuart, the last Earl Bothwell, were divided, the barony and castle of Crichton fell to the share of the Earl of

Buccleuch. They were afterwards the property of the Pringles of Clifton, and are now that of Sir John Callander, Baronet. It were to be wished the proprietor would take a little pains to preserve those splendid refor sheep, and wintering cattle; although, perhaps, mains of antiquity, which are at present used as a fold there are very few ruins in Scotland, which display so well the style and beauty of ancient castle-architecture. The castle of Crichton has a dungeon vault, called the Massy-more. The epithet, which is not uncommonly applied to the prisons of other old castles in Scotland, is of Saracenic origin. It occurs twice in the « Epistolæ Itineraria» of Tollius: « Carcer subterraneus, sive, ut Mauri appellant, MAZMORRAS,» p. 147; and again, << Coguntur omnes captivi sub noctem in ergastula subterranea, quæ Turcæ Algerezani vocant MAZMORRAS,» p. 243. The same word applies to the dungeons of the

In another place, «justing lumis," i. e. looms, or implements of The record expresses, or rather is said to have expressed, the tilting, is facetiously interpreted a playful limbs." Many such mi- cause of forfeiture to be,- Eo quod Leonem armorum Regem pugno nute errors could be pointed out; but these are only mentionediolasset, dum eum de ineptiis suis admonuit.» See NISBET's Heraldry, incidentally, and not as diminishing the real merit of the edition.

Part IV, chap. 16; and Leslæi Historia, ad Annum 1515.

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Note 7. Stanza xiv.

For that a messenger from heaven

In vain to James had counsel given,
Against the English war.

This story is told by Pitscottie with characteristic simplicity: «The king, seeing that France could get no support of him for that time, made a proclamation, full hastily, through all the realm of Scotland, both east and west, south and north, as well in the isles as in the firm land, to all manner of men betwixt sixty and sixteen years, that they should be ready, within twenty days, to pass with him, with forty days' victual, and to meet at the Burrow-muir of Edinburgh, and there to pass forward where he pleased. His proclamations were hastily obeyed, contrary to the Council of Scotland's will, but every man loved his prince so well, that they would on no ways disobey him; but every man caused make his proclamation so hastily, conform to the charge of the king's proclamation.

<< The king came to Lithgow, where he happened to be for the time at the Council, very sad and dolorous, making his devotion to God, to send him good chance and fortune in his voyage. In this mean time, there came a man, clad in a blue gown, in at the kirk-door, and belted about him in a roll of linen cloth: a pair of brotikings' on his feet, to the great of his legs, with all other hose and clothes conform thereto; but he had nothing on his head, but syde 2 red yellow hair behind, and on his haffets, 3 which wan down to his shoulders; but his forehead was bald and bare. He seemed to be a man of two-and-fifty years, with a great pike-staff in his hand, and came first forward among the lords, crying and speiring 4 for the king, saying, he desired to speak with him. While, at the last, he came where the king was sitting in the desk at his prayers; but when he saw the king, he made him little reverence or salutation, but leaned down groffling on the desk before him, and said to him in this manner, as after follows: 'Sir king, my mother has sent me to you desiring you not to pass, at this time, where thou art purposed; for if thou does, thou will not fare well in thy journey, nor none that passeth with thee. Further, she bade thee mell 5 with no woman, nor use their counsel, nor let

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them touch thy body, nor thou theirs; for, if thou do it, thou wilt be confounded and brought to shame.'

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By this man had spoken thir words unto the king's grace, the evening song was near done, and the king paused on thir words, studying to give him an answer; but, in the mean time, before the king's eyes, and in the presence of all the lords that were about him for the time, this man vanished away, and could no ways be seen or comprehended, but vanished away as he had been a blink of the sun, or a whip of the whirlwind, and could no more be seen. I heard say, Sir David Lindesay, lyon-herauld, and John Inglis the marshal, who were, at that time, young men, and special servants to the king's grace, were standing presently beside the king, who thought to have laid hands on this man, that they might have speired further tidings at hin: but all for nought; they could not touch him; for he vanished away betwixt them, and was no more seen.»>

Buchanan, in more elegant, though not more impressive language, tells the same story, and quotes the personal information of our Sir David Lindesay: «< In iis (i. e. qui propius astiterant) fuit David Lindesius, Montanus, homo spectatæ fidei et probitatis, nec a literarum studiis alienus, et cujus totius vitæ tenor longissime a mentiendo aberat; a quo nisi ego hæc, uti tradidi, pro certis accepissem, ut vulgatam vanis rumoribus fabulam omissurus eram.» Lib. XIII.-The king's throne in St Catherine's aisle, which he had constructed for himself, with twelve stalls for the Knights Companions of the Order of the Thistle, is still shown as the place where the apparition was seen. I know not by what means St Andrew got the credit of having been the celebrated monitor of James IV for the expression in Lindesay's narrative, « My mother has sent me,>> could only be used by St John, the adopted son of thre Virgin Mary. The whole story is so well attested, that we have only the choice between a miracle or an imposture. Mr Pinkerton plausibly argues, from the caution against incontinence, that the queen was privy to the scheme of those who had recourse to this expedient, to deter King James from his impolitic warfare.

Note 8. Stanza xv.

The wild-buck bells.

cry of

I am glad of an opportunity to describe the the deer by another word than braying, although the latter has been sanctified by the use of the Scottish metrical translation of the Psalms. Bell seems to be an abbreviation of bellow. This sylvan sound conveyed great delight to our ancestors, chiefly, I suppose, from association. A gentle knight in the reign of Henry VIII, Sir Thomas Wortley, built Wantley Lodge, in Wancliffe Forest, for the pleasure (as an ancient inscription testifies) of «< listening to the hart's bell.»

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ploring the death of his father, their founder, he was seized with deep remorse, which manifested itself in severe penances. See Note 10, on Canto V. The battle of Sauchie-burn, in which James III fell, was fought 18th June, 1488.

Note 10. Stanza xxv.

Spread all the Borough-moor below, etc.

The Borough, or common Moor of Edinburgh, was of very great extent, reaching from the southern walls of the city to the bottom of Braid Hills. It was anciently a forest; and, in that state, was so great a nuisance, that the inhabitants of Edinburgh had permission granted to them of building wooden galleries, projecting over the street, in order to encourage them to consume the timber; which they seem to have done very effectually. When James IV mustered the array of the kingdom there, in 1513, the Borough-moor was, according to Howthornden, « a field spacious, and delightful by the shade of many stately and aged oaks.» Upon that, and similar occasions, the royal standard is traditionally said to have been displayed from the Hare Stane, a high stone, now built into the wall, on the left hand of the highway leading towards Braid, not far from the head of Burntsfield-links. The Hare Stone probab y derives its name from the British word har, signifying an army.

Note 11. Stanza xxviii.

O'er the pavilions flew.

I do not exactly know the Scottish mode of encampment in 1513, but Patten gives a curious description of that which he saw after the battle of Pinkie, in 1547:<< Here now to say somewhat of the manner of their camp: As they had no pavilions, or round houses, of any commendable compas, so wear there few other tentes with posts, as the used manner of making is; and of these few also, none of above twenty foot length, but most far under: for the most part all very sumptuously beset (after their fashion), for the love of France, with fleur-de-lys, some of blue buckram, some of black and some of some other colours. These white ridges, as I call them, that, as we stood on Fauxsyde Bray, did make so great muster towards us, which I did take then to be a number of tentes, when we came, we found it a linen drapery, of the coarser cambryk in dede, for it was all of canvas sheets, and wear the tenticles, or rather cabyns, and couches of their soldiers; the which (much after the common buildings of their country beside) had they framed of four sticks, about an ell long a piece, whearof two fastened together at one end aloft, and the two endes beneath stuck in the ground, an el asunder, standing in fashion like the bowes of a sowes yoke; over two such bowes (one, as it were, at their head, the other at their feet), they stretched a sheet down on both sides, whereby their cabin became roofed like a ridge, but skant shut at both ends, and not very close beneath on the sides, unless their sticks were the shorter, or their wives the more liberal to lend them larger napery; howbeit, when they had lined them, and stuff'd them so thick with straw, with the weather as it was not very cold, when they wear ones couched, they were as warm as they had been wrapt in horses' dung.»—PATTEN's Account of Somerset's Expedition.

Note 12. Stanza xxviii.
-In proud Scotland's royal shield,
The ruddy lion ramp'd in gold.

The well-known arms of Scotland. If you will believe Boethius and Buchanan, the double tressure round the shield, mentioned p, 83, counter fleur-de-lised or, lingued and armed azure, was first assumed by Achaius, King of Scotland, contemporary of Charlemagne, and founder of the celebrated League with France; but later antiquaries make poor Eochy, or Achy, little better than a sort of King of Brentford, whom old Grig (who has also swelled into Gregorius Magnus) associated with himself in the important duty of governing some part of the north-eastern coast of Scotland.


Note 1. Introduction. Caledonia's Queen is changed.

The old town of Edinburgh was secured on the north side by a lake, now drained, and on the south by a wall, which there was some attempt to make defensible even so late as 1745. The gates, and the greater part of the wall, have been pulled down, in the course of the late extensive and beautiful enlargement of the city. My ingenious and valued friend, Mr Thomas Campbell, proposed to celebrate Edinburgh under the epithet here borrowed. But the «Queen of the North» has not been so fortunate as to receive from so eminent a pen the proposed distinction.

Note 2. Introduction.
Flinging thy white arms to the sea.

Since writing this line, I find I have inadvertently borrowed it almost verbatim, though with somewhat a different meaning, from a chorus in «< Caractacus :>>

Britain heard the descant bold,

She flung her white arms o'er the sea,
Proud in her leafy bosom to unfold
The freight of harmony.

Note 3. Introduction.

Since first, when conquering York arose,
To Henry merk she gave repos3.

Henry VI with his queen, his heir, and the chiefs of his family, fled to Scotland after the fatal battle of Towton. In this note a doubt was formerly expressed, whether Henry VI came to Edinburgh, though his queen certainly did; Mr Pinkerton inclining to believe that he remained at Kirkcudbright. But my noble friend, Lord Napier, has pointed out to me a grant by Henry, of an annuity of forty merks to his lordship's ancestor, John Napier, subscribed by the king himself at Edinburgh, the 28th day of August, in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, which corresponds to the year of God 1461. This grant, Douglas, with his usual neglect of accuracy, dates in 1368. But this error being corrected from the copy in Macfarlane's MSS. p. 119, 120, removes all scepticism on the subject of Henry VI being really at Edinburgh. John Napier was son and heir of Sir Alexander Napier, and about this time was Provost of Edinburgh. The hospitable reception of the distressed monarch and his family called forth on Scotland the

encomium of Molinet, a contemporary poet. The Eng-knife, spear, or a good axe instead of a bow, if worth lish people, he says,

Ung nouveau roy créerent

Par despiteux vouloir,
Le vieil en deboutérent,
Et son legitime hoir,
Qui faytyf alla prendre
D'Escosse le garand,

De tous siècles le mendre,

Et le plus tollerant.

Récollection des Avantures.

Note 4. Introduction.

-the romantic strain,

Whose Anglo-Norman tones whilere
Could win the royal Henry's ear.

100l. their armour to be of white or bright harness.
They wore white hats, i. e. bright steel caps without
crest or visor. By an act of James IV their
shawings are appointed to be held four times a-year,
under the aldermen or bailiffs.

Note 8. Stanza iii.

On foot the yeoman too.


Bows and quivers were in vain recommended to the peasantry of Scotland, by repeated statutes: spears and axes seem universally to have been used instead of them. Their defensive armour was the plate-jack, hauberk, or brigantine: and their missile weapons

temper, according to Patten, and a voluminous handkerchief round their neck, «< not for cold, but for cutting.» The mace also was much used in the Scottish army. The old poem, on the battle of Flodden, men

tions a band

Mr Ellis, in his valuable introduction to the « Spe-cross-bows and culverins. All wore swords of excellent cimens of Romance,» has proved, by the concurring testimony of La Ravaillère, Tressan, but especially the Abbé de la Rue, that the courts of our Anglo-Norman kings, rather than those of the French monarchs, produced the birth of Romance literature. Marie, soon after mentioned, compiled from Armorican originals, and translated into Norman-French, or romance language, the twelve curious Lays, of which Mr Ellis has given us a précis in the Appendix to his Introduction. The story of Blondel, the famous and faithful minstrel of Richard I, needs no commentary.

Note 5. Stanza i.

The cloth-yard arrows flew like hail. This is no poetical exaggeration. In some of the counties of England, distinguished for archery, shafts of this extraordinary length were actually used. Thus, at the battle of Blackheath, between the troops of Henry VII and the Cornish insurgents, in 1496, the bridge of Dartford was defended by a picked band of archers from the rebel army, «< whose arrows,» says Hollinshed, << were in length a full cloth-yard.» The Scottish, according to Ascham, had a proverb, that every English archer carried under his belt twenty-four Scots, in allusion to his bundle of unerring shafts.

Note 6. Stanza ii.

To pass, to wheel, the croupe to gain,
And high curvett, that not in vain
The sword-sway might descend amain
On foeman's casque below.

Who manfully did meet their foes,

With leaden mauls, and lances long.

When the feudal array of the kindom was called forth, each man was obliged to appear with forty days' provision. When this was expended, which took place before the battle of Flodden, the army melted away of course. Almost all the Scottish forces, except a few knights, men-at-arms, and the Border-prickers, who formed excellent light cavalry, acted foot. upon Note 9. Stanza vi.

A banquet rich, and costly wines.

that a

In all transactions, of great or petty importance, and among whomsoever taking place, it would seem, present of wine was a uniform and indispensable preliminary. It was not to Sir John Falstaff alone that such an introductory preface was necessary, however well judged and acceptable on the part of Mr Brook; for Sir Ralph Sadler, while on embassy to Scotland, in 1539-40, mentions with complacency, « the same night came Rothesay (the herald so called) to me again, and brought me wine from the king, both white and red.»> Clifford's Edition, p. 39.

Note 10. Stanza ix.

--his iron belt,

That bound his breast in penance pain,

In memory of his father slain.

<< The most useful air, as the Frenchmen term it, is territerr; the courbettes, cabrioles, or un pas et un sault, being fitter for horses of parade and triumph than for soldiers: yet I cannot deny but a demivolte with courbettes, so that they be not too high, may be useful in a fight or meslee, for, as Labroue hath it, in weight of which James added certain ounces every year

his Book of Horsemanship, Monsieur de Montmorency
having a horse that was excellent in performing the
demivolte, did, with his sword, strike down two ad-
versaries from their horses in a tourney, where divers of
the prime gallants of France did meet; for, taking his
time, when the horse was in the height of his courbette,
and discharging a blow then, his sword fell with such
weight and force upon the two cavaliers, one after

another, that he struck them from their horses to the
ground.»-Lord Herbert of Cherbury's Life, p. 48.
Note 7. Stanza ii.

He saw the hardy burghers there
March arm'd, on foot, with faces bare.

The Scottish burgesses were, like yeomen, appointed to be armed with bows and sheaves, sword, buckler,

Few readers need to be reminded of this belt, to the

that he lived. Pitscottie founds his belief, that James was not slain in the battle of Flodden, because the

English never had this token of the iron-belt to show to any Scotsman. The person and character of James are delineated according to our best historians. His romantic disposition, which led him highly to relish gaiety, approaching to license, was, at the same time, tinged with enthusiastic devotion. These propensities sometimes formed a strange contrast. He was wont, during his fits of devotion, to assume the dress, and conform to the rules, of the order of Franciscans; and when he had thus done penance for some time in Stirling, to plunge again into the tide of pleasure. Probably, too, with no unusual inconsistency, he sometimes laughed at the superstitious observances to which he at other times subjected himself. There is a very

singular poem by Dunbar, seemingly addressed to James IV on one of these occasions of monastic seclusion. It is a most daring and profane parody on the services of the church of Rome, entitled,

Dunbar's Dirge to the King,

Byding ower lang in Striviling.
We that are here, in heaven's glory,
To you that are in purgatory,
Commend us on our hearty wise;

I mean we folks in Paradise,

In Edinburgh, with all merriness,
To you in Stirling, with distress,
Where neither pleasure nor delight is,
For pity this epistle wrytis, etc.

See the whole in SIBBALD'S Collection, vol. I, p. 234.
Note 11. Stanza x.

Sir Hugh the Heron's wife held sway.

It has been already noticed, that King James's acquaintance with Lady Ileron of Ford did not commence until he marched into England. Our historians impute to the king's infatuated passion the delays which led to the fatal defeat of Flodden. The author of «The Genealogy of the Heron Family» endeavours, with laudable anxiety, to clear the Lady Ford from this scandal that she came and went, however, between the armies of James and Surrey, is certain. See PINKERTON'S History, and the authorities he refers to, vol. II, p. 99. Heron of Ford had been, in 1511, in some sort accessary to the slaughter of Sir Robert Ker of Cessford, Warden of the Middle Marches. It was committed by his brother the bastard, Lilburn, and Starked, three Borderers. Lilburn, and Heron of Ford, were delivered up by Henry to James, and were imprisoned in the fortress of Fastcastle, where the former died. Part of the pretence of Lady Ford's negotiations with James was the liberty of her husband.

Note 12. Stanza x.

For the fair Queen of France
Sent him a turquois ring, and glove,

And charged him, as her knight and love,
For her to break a lance.

« Also the Queen of France wrote a love-letter to the King of Scotland, calling him her love, showing hini that she had suffered much rebuke in France for the defending of his honour. She believed surely that he would recompense her again with some of his kingly support in her necessity: that is to say, that he would raise her an army, and come three foot of ground on English ground, for her sake. To that effect she sent him a ring off her finger, with fourteen thousand French crowns to pay his expenses. >> PITSCOTTIE, p. 110.-A turquois ring;-probably this fatal gift is, with James's sword and dagger, preserved in the College of Ileralds, London.

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nobility, who did not sympathise in the king's respect for the fine arts, were extremely incensed at the honours conferred on those persons, particularly on Cochrane, a mason, who had been created Earl of Mar. seizing the opportunity, when, in 1482, the king had convoked the whole array of the country to march against the English, they held a midnight counsel in the church of Lauder, for the purpose of forcibly removing these minions from the king's person. When all had agreed on the propriety of the measure, Lord Gray told the assembly the apologue of the Mice, who had formed the resolution, that it would be highly advantageous to their community to tie a bell round the cat's neck, that they might hear her approach at a distance; but which public measure unfortunately miscarried, from no mouse being willing to undertake the task of fastening the bell. <<< I understand the moral,» said Angus, «< and, that what we propose may not lack execution, I will bell the cat.» the strange scene is thus told by Pitscottie :


The rest of

«By this was advised and spoken by thir lords aforesaid, Cochran, the Earl of Mar, came from the king to the council (which counsel was holden in the kirk of Lauder for the time), who was well accompanied with a band of men of war, to the number of three hundred light axes, all clad in white livery, and black bends thereon, that they might be known for Cochran Earl of Mar's men. Himself was clad in a riding-pie of black velvet, with a great chain of gold about his neck, to the value of five hundred crowns, and four blowing horns, with both the ends of gold and silk, set with a precious stone, called a berryl, hanging in the midst. This Cochran had his heumont born before him, overgilt with gold; and so were all the rest of his horns, and all his pallions were of fine canvas of silk, and the cords thereof fine twined silk, and the chains upon his pallions were double overgilt with gold.

<< This Cochran was so proud in his conceit, that he counted no lords to be marrows to him; therefore he rushed rudely at the kirk-door. The council enquired who it was that perturbed them at that time. Sir Robert Douglas, laird of Lochleven, was keeper of the kirk-door at that time, who enquired who that was that knocked so rudely? And Cochran answered, 'This is I, the Earl of Mar.' The which news pleased well the lords, because they were ready boun to cause take him, as is afore rehearsed. Then the Earl of Angus past hastily to the door, and with him Sir Robert Douglas of Lochleven, there to receive in the Earl of Mar, and SO many of his complices who were there, as they thought good. And the Earl of Angus met with the Earl of Mar, as he came in at the door, and pulled the golden chain from his craig, and said to him a tow1 would set him better. Sir Robert Douglas syne pulled the blowing horn from him in like manner, and said, He had been the hunter of mischief over long.' This Cochran asked, 'My lords, is it mows,2 or earnest?' They answered, and said, 'It is good earnest, and so thou shalt find: for thou and thy complices have abused our prince this long time; of whom thou shalt have no more credence, but shall have thy reward according to thy good service, as thou hast deserved in times by past; right so the rest of thy followers.'

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