
their opinions. Next I defign to name those pieces of whofe fpurioufnefs I doubted, tho' their authority is ftill receiv'd; and fo conclude this point with fom material obfervations.

A Catalogue of Books mentioned by the Fathers and other Ancient Writers, as truly or falsely afcrib'd to JESUS CHRIST, his Apoftles, and other eminent Perfons.

I. Of Books reported to be written by CHRIST himself, or that particularly concern him.



IS Letter in answer to that of Abgarus King of Edeffa. Eufeb. Hift. Ecclef. 1. 1. c. 13. You may alfo confult Cedrenus, Nicephorus, Conftantinus Porphyrogennetus in the Manipulus of Combefifius, p. 79, &c. extant.

2. The Epistle of Chrift to Peter and Paul. Auguftin. contra Fauftum, 1. 28. c. 13.

3. The Parables and Sermons of Christ. Eufeb. Hist. Eccl. 1. 3. c. 39.

4. A Hymn which Chrift fecretly taught his Apostles and Difciples. Auguftin. Epift. 253. ad Ceretium Epifcopum.

5. A Book of the Magic of Chrift. Auguftin. de confenfu evangelico, 1. 1. c. 9, 10. If it be not the fame with the Epistle to Peter and Paul.

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6. A

6. A Book of the Nativity of our Savior, of the Holy Virgin bis Mother, and her Midwife. Gelafius apud Gratianum, Decret. 1. part. Dist. 15. But I believe this is the fame with the Gofpel of James; whereof in its due order.

c. 3.


1. An Epiftle to Ignatius: which is now extant among his works.

2. Another Epistle to the Inhabitants of Meffina: to be read among the fame Ignatius's works. 3. A Book of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, ufually publish'd with St. Jerome's works. 4. Another Book about the Death of Mary, is faid by Lambecius to ly unpublish'd in the emperor's library, T. 4. p. 131.

5. We fhall not infist on the Book of Mary concerning the Miracles of Chrift, and the Ring of King Solomon.


1. The Gospel of Peter. Origen. T. 11. Comment. in Mat. Hieron. in Catalog. Scriptor. Ecclef. c. 1. Euseb. Hift. Ecclef. 1. 3. c. 3, 25. Idem, 1. 6. c. 12.

2. The Acts of Peter.


Eufeb. Hift. Ecclef. 1. c. 3. Hieronym. in Catalogo. Origen. Tom. 21. Comment. in Joan. Ifidorus Pelufiota, 1. 2. Epift. 99.

3. The Revelation of Peter. Clem. Alex. in Epitom. Theodot. Eufeb. Hift. Ecclef. 1. 3. c. 25. 1. 6.

c. 14. Idem, 1. 3. c. 3. Hieron. in Catalogo, c. I. Zozomen. Hift. Ecclef. 1. 7.

c. 19.

4. The Epiftle of Peter to Clemens, is ftill fhewn in the Ethiopic language by the eastern Chriftians. Tilmont, Hift. Ecclef. Tom. 1. part. 2. p. 497. And he has it from Cotelerius. The Epistle of Clemens to James, is publifh'd in the Clementines.

5. The Doctrine of Peter. Origen, in præfat. ad libros principiorum. Gregor. Nazian. epist. 16. Elias Levita in notis ad Nazianzeni Orationem ad cives trepidantes.

6. The Preaching of Peter (if it be not the fame with his doctrin.) Origen. Tom. 14. in Joan. Idem, in præfat. ad Libros principiorum. Clem. Alex. Stromat. l. 1. & l. 6, &c. Lactant. 1. 4. Autor libri de baptifmo Hæreticorum inter opera Cypriani. Joan. Damafcen. 1. 2. parallel. c. 16.

C. 21.

7. The Liturgy of Peter, publish'd by Lindanus at Antwerp in the year 1588, and at Paris, Anne


8. The Itinerary, or Journys of Peter (mention'd by Epiphanius, Hæref. 30. n. 15. and by Athanafius in his Synopfis of the Scriptures ;) I believe to be the fame with the Recognitions of St. Clement ftill extant, wherein we have a very particular account of Peter's voyages and performances.

9. The Judgment of Peter. Hieronym. in Catalogo, c. I.

[blocks in formation]


1. The Gospel of St. Andrew. Gelafius in Decreto, &c.

2. The Acts of St. Andrew. Eufeb. Hift. Ecclef. 1. 3. c. 25. Epiphan. Hæref. 47. n. 1. Item, 61, 63, 47 Philaftrius in Hæref. 8. Gelafius in Decreto; & Turribius Afturicenfis apud Pafchafium Quefnerum inter epiftolas Leonis magni, P. 459.


1. The Gospel of St. James, or his Protoevangelion. Origen, Tom. 11. Comment. in Mat. Epiphan. Hæref. 30. n. 23. Euftathius Antiochen. Comment, in Hexaemer. Epiphanius monachus in notis Allatii ad Euftathium. Multa ex hoc Evangelio mutuaffe Gregorium Nyffenum, tacito Jacobi nomine, monet Allatius ibid. This book is now in manufcript in the library of Vienna, as is faid by Lambecius, 1. 5. p. 130. Father Simon fays, he has feen two manufcript copies of it in the king of France's library. Nouvelles Obfervations, &c. p. 4. It was printed by Neander and alfo by Gryneus in the first volum of his orthodoxographs.

2. The Liturgy of St. James is printed in the second tome of the Bibliotheca Patrum, at Paris, Anna 1624


We mention'd before The Book of St. James concerning the Death of the Virgin Mary; but there



want not reasons to believe John, and not James, to be the author of it.


1. The Alts of St. John. Eufeb. Hift. Ecclef. 1. 3. c. 25. Epiphan. Hæref. 47. n. 1. Auguftin. 1. 1. contra adverfarios legis & prophetarum. Turribii Scriptum inter Epiftolas Leonis magni; & Phot. in codice 229.

2. Another Gospel of John. Epiph. Hæref. 30.

n. 23.

3. The Itinerary, or Voyages of St. John. Gelafius in Decreto.

4. The Liturgy of St. John. It was together with feveral others printed in Syriac at Rome. See father Simon in his Supplement to Leo of Modena.

5. We spoke twice before of St. John or St. James's Book about the Death of the Virgin Mary. 6. The Traditions of St. John. Ecclef. 1. 3. c. ult.


Eufeb. Hift.

1. The Gospel of St. Philip. Epiphan. Hæref. 26. n. 13. Timotheus Prefbyter a Combefifio edi

tus in tomo fecundo Auctuarii.

2. The Acts of St. Philip. Gelafius in Decreto.


1. The Gospel of St. Bartholomew. Hieronym. in prolegom. Com. in Mat. Dionyfius Areopagita de Myftica Theologia, cap. 1..

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