


When silver edges the imagery,

And the scrolls that teach thee to live and die.-P. 27,

The buttresses, ranged along the sides of the ruins of Melrose abbey, are, according to the Gothic style, richly carved and fretted, containing niches for the statues of saints, and labelled with scrolls, bearing appropriate texts of Scripture. Most of these statues have been demolished.


-St. David's ruined pile.-P. 27.

David I. of Scotland purchased the reputation of sanctity, by founding, and liberally endowing, not only the monastery of Melrose, but those of Kelso, Jedburgh, and many others, which led to the well-known observation of his successor, that he was a sore saint for the crown.


Lands and livings many a rood,

Had gifted the shrine for their souls' repose.-P. 28.

The Buccleuch family were great benefactors to the Abbey of Melrose. As early as the reign of Robert II. Robert Scott, Baron of Murdieston and Rankelburn (now Buccleuch,) gave to the monks the lands of Hink ery, in Ettricke Forest, pro salute animæ suæ-Chartu lary of Melrose, 28th May, 1415.

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Save to patter an Ave Mary,

When I ride on a Border foray.-P. 29.

The Borderers were, as may be supposed, very igno rant about religious matters. Colville, in his Paranesis or admonition, states, that the reformed divines were so far from undertaking distant journeys to convert the Heathen, "as I wold wis at God that ye wold only go bot to the Hislands and borders of our own realm, to gain our awin countreymen, who, for lack of prech ing and ministration of the sacraments, must, with tyme, becam either infidells or atheists." But we learn, from Leslie, that, however deficient in real religion, they regularly told their beads, and never with more zeal than when going on a plundering expedition.


Beneath their feet were the bones of the dead.-P. 30.


The cloisters were frequently used as places of sepul An instance occurs in Dryburgh Abbey, where the cloister has an inscription, bearing, Hic jacet frater Archibaldus.


So had he seen, in fair Castile,

The youth in glittering squadrons start; Sudden the flying jennet wheel,

And hurl the unexpected dart.-P. 30.

"By my faith," sayd the Duke of Lancaster, (to a Portuguese squire)" of all the feates of armes that the Castellyans, and they of your countrey doth use, the castynge of their dartes best pleaseth me, and gladly I wolde se it; for, as I hear say, if they strike one aryghte, without he be well armed, the dart will pierce

him thrughe." 9966 By my fayth, Sir," sayd the squyer "ye say trouth; for I have seen many a grete stroke given with them, which at one time cost us derely, and was to us great displeasure; for, at the said skyrmishe, Sir John Laurence of Coygne was striken with a dart in such wise, that the head perced all the plates of his cote of mayle, and a sacke stopped with sylke, and passed thrughe his body, so that he fell down dead.”— Froissart, Vol. 11. ch. 44.-This mode of fighting with darts was imitated in the military game called Juego de las canas, which the Spaniards borrowed from their Moorish invaders. A Saracen champion is thus deserbed by Froissart: "Among the Sarazyns, there was a yonge knight called Agadinger Dolyferne; he was always wel mounted on a redy and a lyght horse; it seemed, when the horse ranne, that he did fiye in the ayre. The knighte seemed to be a good man of armes by his dedes; he bare always of usage three fethered dartes, and rychte well he could handle them ; and, according to their custome, he was clene armed, with a long white towell aboute his heed. His apparell was blacke, and his own colour browne, and a good horseman. The Crysten men say, they thoughte he dyd such deeds of armes for the love of some yonge ladye of his countrey. And true it was, that he loved entirely the king of Thune's daughter named the Lady Azala; she was inherytour to the realme of Thunes, after the discease of the kyng, her father. This Agadinger was sone to the Duke of Olyferne. I can nat telle it they were married together after or nat; but it was shewed me, that this knyght, for love of the sayd ladye, during the siege, did many feats of armes. The knyghtes of Fraunce wold fayne have taken hym ; but they colde never attrape nor inclose hym, his horse was so swyft, and so redy to his hand, that alwaies he escaped." Vol. II. oh. 71.


Thy low and lonely urn,

O gallant chief of Otterburne-P. 31.

The famous and desperate battle of Otterburne was fought 15th August 1388, betwixt Henry Percy, called y Hotspur, and James Earl of Douglas. Both these renowned champions were at the head of a chosen body of troops, and they were rivals in military fame; so that Froissart affirms, "Of all the battaylles and encounteryngs that I have made mencion of here before in all this bystory, great or smalle, this batayle that I treat of nowe was one of the sorest and best foughten, without cowardes or faynte hertes, for there was neyther knyghte nor squyer but that dyde his devoyre, and fought hande to hande. This batayle was lyke the ba tayle of Becherell, the which was valiantly fought and endured." The issue of the conflict is well known : Perey was made prisoner, and the Scots won the day, dearly purchased by the death of their gallant general, the Earl of Douglas, who was slain in the action. He was buried at Melrose, beneath the high altar. His obsequye was done reverently, and on his body layde a tombe of stone, and his baner hangyng over him.”— Froissart, Vol. II. p. 161.


-Dark knight of Liddesdale.-P. 31.

William Douglas, called the knight of Liddesdale, flou rished during the reign of David II. and was so distinguished by his valour, that he was called the Flower of Chivalry. Nevertheless, he tarnished his renown by the cruel murder of Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalhou sie, originally his friend and brother in arms. The king had conferred upon Ramsay the sheriffdom of Teviotdale, to which Douglas pretended some claim. In revenge of this preference, the knight of Liddesdale came down upon Ramsay, while he was administering

justice at Hawick, seized and carried him off to his remote and inaccessible castle of Hermitage, where he threw his unfortunate prisoner, horse and man, into a dungeon, and left him to perish of hunger. It is said, the miserable captive prolonged his existence for several days by the corn which fell from a granary above the vault in which he was confined.* So weak was the royal authority, that David, although highly incensed at this atrocious murder, found himself obliged to appoint the knight of Liddesdale successor to his victim, as sheriff of Teviotdale. But he was soon after slain, while hunting in Ettricke Forest, by his own god-son and chieftain, William, Earl of Douglas, in revenge, according to some authors, of Ramsay's murder: although a popular tradition, preserved in a ballad quoted by Godscroft, and some parts of which are still preserved, ascribes the resentment of the Earl to jealousy. The place, where the knight of Liddesdale was killed, is called, from his name, William-Cross, upon the ridge of a hill called William-hope, betwixt Tweed and YarHis body, according to Goldscroft, was carried to Lindean church the first night after his death, and


*There is something affecting in the manner in which the old Prior of Lochlevin turns from describing the death of the gallant Ramsay, to the general sorrow which it excited:

To tell you there of the manere,
It is bot sorow for til here;
He wes the grettast menyd man
That ony cowth have thowcht of than,
Of his state, or of mare be fare;
All menyt him, bath bettyr and war;
The ryche and pure him menyde bath,
For of his dede was mekil skath.

Some years ago, a person digging for stones, about the. old castle of Hermitage, broke into a vault, containing a quantity of chaff, some bones, and pieces of iron; amongst others, the curb of an ancient bridle, which the author has since given to the Earl of Dalhousie, under the impres sion, that it possibly may be a relique of his brave ances tor. The worthy clergyman of the parish has mentioned this discovery, in his statistical account of Castletown.

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