[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

trying to complete, ii. 336
Rectory, the, occupied by the

Wordsworths, ii. 194

Reed, Henry, ii. 392, 426, 428
Reeves, John, i. 233
Reflector, The, ii. 261

Reform Bill, Wordsworth's horror
of the, ii. 378

Registres de la Société des Amis
de la Constitution, i. 155 n.
"Reverie of Poor Susan, The,"
date of composition, i. 332
Revolutionary societies in London,
i. 230-237

Revolution, the French, i. 89-104,
123, 135-137, 155-160, 174-181,
Reynolds, John Hamilton, ii. 293
Robinson, Henry Crabb, i. 149 n.,
150; ii. 38; 166, 167
n., 168, 175, 201-203,
258, 259, 275, 276, 278,
314, 315-320




[blocks in formation]

Rousseau, i. 23, 38, 46-49, 73, 92,
127-134, 135, 151 n., 196, 220,
235, 256, 263, 267, 291, 383
Ruined Cottage, The,' an early
poem embedded in "The Excur-
sion," i. 299

Rydal Mount, removal to, i. 207
fear of leaving, ii. 334

St. Albyn family, owners of Alfox-
den, i. 315, 323, 328

Salisbury Plain, Wordsworth visits,
i. 205

Sandford and Merton," i. 23, 48
Sandford, Mrs., tribute to her
Thomas Poole and his Friends,"
i. 302

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[ocr errors]

Satyrane's Letters," i. 362
Saussaye, de la, i. 152 n.

Scenic fallacy, the, i. 437

Scott, Sir Walter, letter from, ii.

[ocr errors]

visited by the Words-
worths, ii. 61

visits Wordsworth, ii. 99-


letter to, ii. 101, 361

last visit to, ii. 369

Wordsworth's tribute to,

ii. 370

Scotland, Recollections of a Tour
made in," ii. 5, 52, 391

Scotland, Wordsworth visits, in
1801, ii. 5

Wordsworth's second visit to,
ii. 51

Wordsworth's third visit to, ii.

[blocks in formation]

Siddons, Mrs., Wordsworth hears,
i. 108

Simpson family, i. 406, 413

Skirving, William, punished for
sedition, i. 234.

Smith, Mrs. Charlotte, i. 145, 147 n.
Smith, Sir Robert, i. 148

Sockburn, i. 379, 385

[ocr errors]

Wordsworth visits, i. 386, 891
Solitary Reaper, The," origin of,
ii. 91

Southey, Robert, i. 267, 268 n., 277-
282, 289, 356, 357, 381
afraid of a popular up-
rising, ii. 276

his self-righteousness, i.

his intellect and character,
ii. 78

his opinion of Words-
worth in 1804, ii. 103
Spy sent to watch Wordsworth and
Coleridge, i. 323-327
Stone, John Hurford, i. 148
Stuart, Daniel, i. 356, 389, 397 n.;
ii. 205, 243

Susquehanna, French settlement on
the, i. 269

Taylor, Rev. William, head-master
of Hawkshead Grammar-school,
i. 31-33

Taylor, Henry, ii. 359, 363, 387
Tennyson, Alfred, ii. 413, 429
Thelwall, John, i. 236, 316-328, 360;
ii. 175, 196

Thomson, the poet, i. 189, 427; ii.

Threlkeld, Miss (Mrs. Rawson), a

cousin of Wordsworth, i. 238
"Tintern Abbey, Lines Composed a
Few Miles above," i. 205, 350;
ii. 124, 148

Tobin, James, i. 331

Tooke, Horne, i. 212, 236, 249 n.

Toryism, Wordsworth's, ii. 324
Tour in 1828, ii. 346

Town-end. See Dove Cottage
Trelawny, Edward John, anecdote
about Wordsworth, ii. 315
Trouěssart, A., i. 152 n.
Tyrwhitt, Robert, i. 57

Tyson, Anne, the poet's "dame"
at Hawkshead, i. 35, 39

Tyson, Michael, i. 57

Tyson, Mrs., of Rydal, anecdotes
about Wordsworth, ii. 432

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Watchman, The, Coleridge edits, i.

294, 303
Watson, Richard, Bishop of Llan-
daff, i. 213-222

of Words-

worth's reply to, i. 216,
253, 258

Watts, Alaric, anecdote of Words-
worth, i. 179

"We are Seven," origin of, i.

Wedgwood, Josiah and Thomas, i.
337, 378 n.
Wharfedale, ii. 159

White, Andrew D., i. 60 n.
"White Doe of Rylstone, The,"
ii. 153-158, 161, 215, 264

White, W. Hale, i. 413 n., 414, 415;
ii. 117

Wilberforce, William, i. 86, 120 %.,
207 n., 235; ii. 82, 114
Wilkinson, Thomas, ii. 17, 22
Williams, David, i. 221, 265, 360
Williams, Helen Maria, i. 146,147 %.,
148, 149, 150; ii. 9, 319

Wilson, John (Christopher North),
44 m.; ii. 183-186
correspondence with
Wordsworth, i. 423, 436-


Winchilsea, Anne, Countess of, ii.

Windsor, i. 83, 181

Windy Brow, i. 239, 240

Winterbotham, William, punished
for sedition, i. 233

Wollstonecroft, Mary, i. 212, 266,

Wordsworth, Anne, the poet's
mother, i. 18-21, 23, 27
Wordsworth, Catherine, the poet's
daughter, ii. 171

Wordsworth, Charles, nephew of
the poet, ii. 361, 369

Wordsworth, Christopher, the poet's
brother, i. 20, 27

his college diary, i. 61
social life at the English
Universities in the
eighteenth century, i.
61 n.

his qualities, i. 62
compared with William,
i. 76, 183, 202

at Hawkshead, i. 82, 86
at Cambridge, i. 124, 183,
186, 225, 379; ii. 28,
34, 104 m., 159, 278
marries Priscilla Lloyd,
ii. 82

his death, ii. 431

[blocks in formation]

daughter, ii. 82, 316,

her marriage, ii. 412
her death, ii. 431-433
letter from Scotland, ii.

Wordsworth, Dorothy, anecdote of

her childhood, i. 25

her ailment, ii. 351-353,

371, 374, 385, 391

birth, i. 19



letters, i. 139


writes severely of Coler-
idge, ii. 286

tender feeling for Coler-
idge, ii. 13, 16, 20
compares her brothers, i.

congenital gifts, i. 27
her death, ii. 437
disappears with William,

i. 370

favourite companion of
William in childhood,

i. 25
her fears and sufferings, ii.


her felicity deferred, i. 204
Forncett, goes to, i. 82

her life at, i. 86, 92,
103, 104, 138, 181,
her interest in people, i.
journals, her, i. 26, 141
her journal at Alfoxden,
i. 337-345

her journal at Grasmere,
i. 398-400, 405-407; ii.

journal of visit to Ger-

many, i. 357

her literary method, ii. II
her manuscripts, i. ix
supplies material
poetry, i. 343, 409; ii.



Wordsworth, Dorothy, gift of ob-
servation, her, i. 291

at Penrith in 1787, i. 75-

with William, i. 84-

poems about her, i. 25, 26
her poems, ii. 251
reading proof
William, i. 403

her reading, i. 294


resents interference from
her aunt, i. 240

revisits Scotland in 1822,

ii. 330

free from sentimentality,
ii. 12

studies French, i. 200

studies Italian, i. 289

Wordsworth, Gordon, Mr., i. ix,
145, 147 m., 172, 199 n., 249 n.,
368; ii. 127 n., 364, 368

Wordsworth, John, the poet's
father, i. 18, 19, 21, 24, 28, 183,
Wordsworth, John, the poet's
brother, his birth, i. 19
mentioned by Dorothy, i.
76, 82, 86, 124, 147, 202
tour with his brother and
Coleridge, i. 389

Coleridge describes, i. 391
joins his ship, i. 408
arrives in London, ii. 34
voyages, ii. 83

shipwreck and death, ii.

Wordsworth, John, eldest son of
the poet, ii. 51, 350, 386, 396
Wordsworth, Mary, born Robinson,
the poet's grandmother, i. 19
Wordsworth, Mary, born Hutchin-
son, the poet's wife, i. 23, 85, 86,
87, 295, 298, 399; ii. 13, 15-17,
29, 30, 37, 35-39, 316, 329 n., 332,
345, 390, 424, 437

Wordsworth, Richard, the poet's
grandfather, i. 19

Wordsworth, Richard, the poet's
uncle, i, 28, 239

Wordsworth, Richard, the poet's
brother, i. 19, 27, 76,
82, 86, 124

letter to, from Orleans, i.

from Blois, i. 173, 183
his disposition different
from William's, i. 202
gift to Dorothy, i. 204
letter from, ii. 28
business with, ii. 34,
death of, ii. 276 n.

[blocks in formation]

second, i. 84
congenital gifts, i. 27

effect of criticism on him,

[blocks in formation]

reason for leaving, i.


Hawkshead, goes to, i. 30

ances, i. 38


healing power, ii. 85

a homeless wanderer, i.


influence in England and
America, i. 7
Italian studies, i. 54
Jacobin Club, visits the,
i. 150

joy the source of his
poetry, ii. 85

knowledge of men, i. 6
knowledge of nature, ex-
act, i. 9

on landscape gardening,
ii. 97

language of real life, i. 426-


letter to Coleridge, ii. 169
letters to Dorothy, i. 203
letters to William
Mathews, i. 114

letters from Blois, i. 142,


letter from Orleans, i. 145
letter to Sir Walter Scott,
ii. 65

his library, i. 151 n.
observations of London
life, i. III

London, sojourn in, after
graduation, i. 105-113
divided loyalty, i. 211
marriage, ii. 29, 33, 35-39
matriculation at Cam-
bridge, i. 54

metrical forms, abund-
ance of, i. 2
mother, i. 20

mystery of his early years,
i. 7

his moral decline, ii. 323
mystic, not a, i. 4

nature, consciousness of,
i. 41-53

nervous disorder, i. 436
oriental studies avoided, i.
120, 123

Orleans, sojourn at, i. 138,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


Wordsworth, William, defends the

French Revolution, i. 218

Rousseau, his debt to, i. II,


social responsibility, his
sense of, i. 16
studies Spanish, i. 118
happy in his teachers, i. 33
theory of poetic diction, i.

his extreme Toryism, ii.

uncles, breach with his, i.
contrasted with Voltaire
and Goethe, ii. 330
volunteers for military
service, ii. 73

Wales, first visit to, i. 113
Wordsworth, William, the poet's
younger son, ii. 175, 329, 333
Wrangham, Francis, i. 40, 252, 272,
274, 276, 284-287, 295;
ii. 102

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