
Sherwood Forest-In a very different state to New Forest-
Celebrated as the Scene of Robin Hood's Exploits-The
Norman Kings, especially John, fond of Hunting there
Formerly of great extent; containing Nottingham, Mans-
field, Annesley, Newstead, etc.-Its Constitution and Affairs
-Curious Fact regarding the Byrons and Chaworths-
Present Extent of the Forest-Bilhaghe an unique and im-
pressive Remains of a portion of it- Birkland a beautiful
tract of Birch Woodland-Its Fairyland Character-Con-
cluding Remarks

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The Fairy Superstitions -Fairies all vanished from the Country
-Gone in Chaucer's Days-Bishop Corbett's Farewell to
them Hogg their last Poet-Fairies of Caldon-Low-

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Cheap Pleasures of Country Life-No great Events needed by
the Lover of Nature to render him happy-Recollections of
early Delight in the Country-Objects of Pleasurable Ob-
servation as they present themselves in the course of the

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