The Five Senses of ManHenry S. King & Company, 1876 - 304 ページ |
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action apparatus appear auditory canal auditory nerve basilar membrane binocular vision body brain cause centre Cloth cochlea colours consonance Demy 8vo direction dissonance distance distinctly ear-bones Eustachian tube excitement experience external ear Fcap fenestra ovalis fibres of Corti field of vision finger fixed fundamental tone harmonics Helmholtz Illustrations imagine impression instance instrument International Scientific Series inwards irritation labyrinth labyrinthine fluid lens light manner minor third motion muscles musical nerve-fibres number of vibrations objects observed octave olfactory olfactory nerve optic nerve organs of Corti papillæ peculiar perceive perception picture pitch Poems position possess post 8vo produced rays recognise resonator retina Second Edition seen sensation sense of touch sensitive fields sensory circle sensory organs skin Small crown 8vo smell sound sound-waves stereoscopic string substances suppose surface sympathetic vibrations takes place taste terminal tion tongue tube tuning-fork tympanic cavity tympanic membrane vols waves whilst
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