
rivals in military fame. The issue of the conflict is well known: Percy was made prisoner, and the Scots won the day, dearly purchased by the death of their gallant general, the Earl of Douglas, who was slain in the action. He was buried at Melrose beneath the high altar.

afford the finest specimen of Gothic architecture, and Gothic sculpture, which Scotland can boast. The stone of which it is built, though it has resisted the weather for so many ages, retains perfect sharpness, so that even the most minute ornaments seem as entire as when newly wrought. In some of the cloisters, as is hinted in the next Canto, there are representations of flowers, vegetables, &c., carved in stone, with accuracy and precision so delicate, that we almost distrust our senses, when we consider the difficulty of subjecting so hard a substance to such intricate and exquisite modulation. This superb convent was dedicated to St. Mary, and the monks were of the Cistertian order. At the time of the Reformation, they shared in the general reproach of sensuality and irregularity thrown upon the Roman church



When silver edges the imagery

And the scrolls that teach thee to live and die. -St. 1, p. 8. The buttresses, ranged along the sides of the ruins of Melrose, are, according to the Gothic style, richly carved and fretted, containing niches for the statues of saints, and labelled with scrolls, bearing appropriate texts of Scripture. Most of these statues have been demolished.

-St David's ruined pile.-St. 1, p. 8. David the First of Scotland purchased the reputation of sanctity, by founding, and liberally endowing, not only the monastery of Melrose, but those of Kelso, Jedburgh, and many others, which led to the well-known observation of his successor, that he was a sore saint for the crown. --Lands and livings, many a rood, Had gifted the shrine for their souls' repose. --St. II, p 8. The Buccleuch family were great benefactors to the Abbey of Melrose. As early as the reign of Robert II, Robert Scott, baron of Murdieston and Rankelburn (now Buccleuch), gave to the monks the lands of Hinkery, in Ettricke Forest. Prayer know I hardly one;


* * * * * *

Save to patter an Ave Mary,
When Iride on a Border foray.
-St. VI, p. 8.

The Borderers were, as may be supposed, very ignorant about religious matters. But, however deficient in real religion, they regularly told their beads, and never with more zeal than when going on a plundering expedition

-St. VII, p. 8

Beneath their feet were the bones of the deaa. The cloisters were frequently used as places of sepulchre.

So had he seen, in fair Castile,

The youth in glittering squadrons start;
Sudden the flying jennet wheel,
And hurl the unexpected dart.

-St. vIII, p. 8. This mode of fighting with darts was imitated in the military game called Juego de las canas, which the Spaniards borrowed from their Moorish invaders.

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-Dark knight of Liddisdale.-St. x, p. 8. dale, flourished during the reign of David II; William Douglas, called the knight of Liddisand was so distinguished by his valour, that he' less, he tarnished his renown by the cruel murwas called the Flower of Chivalry. Nevertheder of Sir Alexander Ramsay of Dalhousie, originally his friend and brother in arms. The king had conferred upon Ramsay the sheriffdom of claim. In revenge of this preference, the knight Teviotdale, to which Douglas pretended some of Liddisdale came down upon Ramsay, while he was administering justice at Hawick, seized, and carried him off to his remote and inacessible castle of Hermitage, where he threw his unfortunate prisoner, horse and man, into a dungeon, and left him to perish of hunger. It is said, the miserable captive prolonged his existence for several days by the corn which fell from a granary about the vault in which he was confined. So weak was the royal authority, that David, although highly incensed at this atrocious murder, found himself obliged to appoint the knight of Liddisdale successor to his victim, as sheriff of Teviotdale. But he was soon after slain, while hunting in Ettricke Forest, by his own godson and chieftain, William Earl of Douglas, in revenge, according to some authors, of Ramsay's in a ballad quoted by Godscroft, and some parts murder; although a popular tradition, preserved of which are still preserved, ascribes the resentment of the Earl to jealousy. The place where the knight of Liddisdale was killed is called, from his name, Williams-cross, upon the ridge of a hill called William Hope, betwixt Tweed and Yarrow.

Some years ago, a person digging for stones, about the old Castle of Hermitage, broke into a vault, containing a quantity of chaff, some bones, and pieces of iron; amongst others, the curb of an ancient bridle, which the author has since given to the Earl of Dalhousie, under the impression that it possibly may be a relique of his brave ancestor. The worthy clergyman of the parish has mentioned this discovery in his statistical account of Castletown.

The moon on the east oriel shone.-St. XI, p. 8.
It is impossible to conceive a more beautiful
specimen of the lightness and elegance of Gothic
architecture, when in its purity, than the eastern
window of Melrose Abbey. Sir James Hall of
Dunglas, Bart., has, with great ingenuity and
plausibility, traced the Gothic order through its
various forms, and seemingly eccentric orna-
ments, to an architectural imitation of wicker-
work; of which, as we learn from some of the
legends, the earliest Christian churches were
constructed. In such an edifice, the original of
the clustered pillars is traced to a set of round
posts, begirt with slender rods of willow, whose
loose summits were brought to meet from all
quarters, and bound together artificially, so as to
produce the framework of the roof; and the tra-
cery of our Gothic windows is displayed in the
meeting and interlacing of rods and hoops,
affording an inexhaustible variety of beautiful
forms of open work. This ingenious system is
alluded to in the romance.

They sate them down on a marble stone,
A Scottish monarch slept below.
-St. XII, p. 8.

A large marble stone, in the chancel. of Melrose, is pointed out as the monument of Alexander II, one of the greatest of our early kings;

others say, it is the resting-place of Waldeve, one of the early abbots, who died in the odour of sanctity.

---The wondrous Michael Scott.-St. xi, p. 9. Sir Michael Scott of Balwearie flourished during the 13th century, and was one of the ambassadors sent to bring the Maid of Norway to Scotland upon the death of Alexander III. By a poetical anachronism, he is here placed in a later era. He was a man of much learning, chiefly acquired in foreign countries. He wrote a cominentary upon Aristotle, printed at Venice in 1496, and several treatises upon natural philosophy, from which he appears to have been addicted to the abstruse studies of judicial astrology, alchymy, physiognomy, and chiromancy. Hence, he passed among his contemporaries for a skilful magician. Dempster informs us, that he remembers to have heard, in his youth, that the magic books of Michael Scott were still in existence, but could not be opened without danger, on account of the fiends who were thereby invoked.

embassy to obtain from the King of France satisfaction for certain piracies committed by his subjects upon those of Scotland. Instead of preparing a new equipage and splendid retinue, the ambassador retreated to his study, opened his book, and evoked a fiend in the shape of a huge black horse, mounted upon his back, and forced him to fly through the air towards France. As they crossed the sea, the devil insidiously asked his rider what it was that the old women of Scotland muttered at bedtime? A less experienced wizard might have answered that it was the Pater Noster, which would have licensed the devil to precipitate him from his back. But Michael sternly replied, "What is that to thee? Mount, Diabolus, and fly!" When he arrived at Paris, he tied his horse to the gate of the palace, entered, and boldly delivered his message. An ambassador with so little of the pomp and circumstance of diplomacy was not received with much respect; and the king was about to return a contemptuous refusal to his demand, when Michael besought him to suspend his resolution till he had seen his horse stamp three times. The first stamp shook every steeple in Paris, and caused all the bells to ring: the second threw down three of the towers of hoof to give the third stamp, when the king the palace: and the infernal steed had lifted his rather chose to dismiss Michael with the most

--Salamanca's cave.-St. XIII, p. 9. Spain, from the reliques, doubtless, of Arabian learning and superstition, was accounted a favourite residence of magicians. Pope Sylvester, who actually imported from Spain the use of the Arabian nuinerals, was supposed to have learned there the magic for which he was stigmatized by ample concessions than to stand to the probable the ignorance of his age. There were public magician, having studied so long in the mounconsequences. Upon another occasion, the schools where magic, or rather the sciences sup-tains that he became faint for want of food, sent posed to involve its mysteries, were regularly his servant to procure some from the nearest taught, at Toledo, Seville, and Salamanca. In the latter city they were held in a deep cavern, the mouth of which was walled up by Queen Isabella, wife of King Ferdinand.

In a romantic history of Roderic, the last Gothic king of Spain, he is said to have entered one of those enchanted caverns. It was situated beneath an ancient tower near Toledo, and when the iron gates which secured the entrance were unfolded, there rushed forth so dreadful a whirlwind that hitherto no one had dared to penetrate into its recesses. But Roderic, threatened with an invasion of the Moors, resolved to enter the cavern, where he expected to find some prophetic intimation of the event of the war. Accordingly, his train being furnished with torches so artificially composed that the tempest could not extinguish them, the king with great difficulty penetrated into a square hall inscribed all over with Arabian characters. In the midst stood a colossal statue of brass, representing a Saracen wielding a Moorish mace, with which it discharged furious blows on all sides, and seemed thus to excite the tempest which raged around. Being conjured by Roderic, it ceased from striking until he read, inscribed on the right hand, Wretched monarch, for thy evil hast thou come hither;" on the left hand, "Thou shalt be dispossessed by a strange people;" on shoulder, "I invoke the sons of Hagar;" on the other, "I do mine office." When the king had deciphered these ominous inscriptions, the statue returned to its exercise, the tempest commenced anew, and Roderic retired to mourn over the predicted evils which approached his throne. He caused the gates of the cavern to be locked and barricaded; but in the course of the night the tower fell with a tremendous noise, and under its ruins concealed for ever the entrance to the mystic cavern. The conquest of Spain by the Saracens, and the death of the unfortunate Don Roderic, fulfilled the prophecy of the brazen



The bells would ring in Notre Dame.-St. XIII, p. 9. That future antiquaries may lay no omission to my charge, I have noted one or two of the most current traditions concerning Michael Scott. He was chosen, it is said, to go upon an

farm-house. The attendant received a churlish denial from the farmer. Michael commanded him to return to this rustic Nabal, and lay before him his cap or bonnet, repeating these wordsMaister Michael Scott's man Sought meat, and gat nane. When this was done and said, the enchanted bonnet became suddenly inflated, and began to run round the house with great speed, pursued by the farmer, his wife, his servants, and the reapers, who were on the neighbouring har'st rigg. No one had the power to resist the fascination, or refrain from joining in the pursuit of the bonnet, until they were totally exhausted with their ludicrous exercise.

Michael, like his predecessor Merlin, fell at last a victim to female art. His wife, or concubine, elicited out of him the secret that his art could ward off any danger except the poisonous qualities of broth made of the flesh of a sow. Such a mess she accordingly administered to the wizard, who died in consequence of eating itsurviving, however, long enough to put to death his treacherous confidante.

The words that cleft Eildon hills in three,
And bridled the Tweed with a curb of stone.
-St. XIII, p. 9.

Michael Scott was, once upon a time, much embarrassed by a spirit, for whom he was under the necessity of finding constant employment. He commanded him to build a cauld, or damhead, across the Tweed at Kelso; it was accomplished in one night, and still does honour to the infernal architect. Michael next ordered that Eildon Hill, which was then a uniform cone, should be divided into three. Another night was sufficient to part its summit into the three picturesque peaks which it now bears. length the enchanter conquered this indefatigable dæmon, by employing him in the hopeless and endless task of making ropes out of seasand.


That lamp shall burn unquenchably -St. xvII, p. 9. Baptista Porta, and other authors who treat of natural magic, talk much of eternal lamps, pre

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He thought, as he took it, the dead man frowned. -St. XXI, p. 9.

William of Deloraine might be strengthened in this belief by the well-known story of the Cid Ruy Diaz. When the body of that famous Christian champion was sitting in state by the high altar, where it remained for ten years, a certain malicious Jew attempted to pull him by the beard; but he had no sooner touched the formidable whiskers, than the corpse started up, and half unsheathed his sword. The Israelite fed: and so permanent was the effect of his terror, that he became Christian.

The Baron's Dwarf his courser held

-St. XXXI, p. 10.

The idea of Lord Cranstonn's Goblin Page is taken from a being called Gilpin Horner, who appeared, and made some stay, at a farm-house among the Border mountains. A gentleman of that country has noted down the following particulars concerning his appearance:



"The only certain, at least, most probable, account that ever I heard of Gilpin Horner, was from an old man of the name of Anderson, who was born, and lived all his life at Todshawhill, in Eskedale-muir, the place where Gilpin appeared and stayed for some time. He said there were two men, late in the evining, when it was growing dark, employed in fastening the horses upon the uttermost part of their ground (that is, tying their fore feet together, to hinder them from travelling far in the night), when they heard a voice, at some distance, crying, tint! tint! tint!* One of the men, named Moffat, called out, 'What de'il has tint you? Come here.' mediately a creature of something like a human form appeared. It was surprisingly little, distorted in features, and misshapen in limbs. As soon as the two men could see it plainly, they run home in a great fright, imagining they had met with some goblin. By the way Moffat fell, and it run over him, and was home at the house as soon as any of them, and stayed there a long time; but I cannot say how long. was real flesh and blood, and ate and drank, was fond of cream, and, when he could get at it, would destroy a great deal. It seemed a mischievous creature; and any of the children whom it could master, it would beat and scratch without mercy. It was once abusing a child belong ing to the same Moffat, who had been so frightened by its first appearance; and he, in a passion, struck it so violent a blow upon the side of the head, that it tumbled upon the ground; but it was not stunned, for it set up its head directly, and exclaimed, Ah, hah, Will o' Moffat, you strike sair!' (viz., sore.) After it had stayed there long, one evening, when the women were milking the cows in the loan, it was playing among the children near by then, when suddenly they heard a loud shrill voice cry three times, Gilpin Horner! It started, and said, That is me, I must away;' and instantly disappeared, and was never heard of more. Old Anderson did not remember it, but said he had often heard his father, and other old men in the place, who where there at the time, speak about it; and in my younger years I have often heard it mentioned, and never met with any who had the remotest doubt as to

*Tint signifies lost.

the truth of the story; although, I must own, I cannot help thinking there must be some misrepresentation in it. To this account I have to add the following particulars from the most respectable authority. Besides constantly repeating the word tint!_tint! Gilpin Horner was often heard to call upon Peter Bertram, or Be-teram, as he pronounced the word; and when the shrili voice called Gilpin Horner, he immediately acknowledged it was the summons of the said Peter Bertram; who seems therefore to have been the devil who had

tint, or lost, the little imp.


When, dancing in the sunny beam,

He marked the crane on the Baron's crest.
-St. IV, p. 11.

The crest of the Cranstouns, in allusion to their name, is a crane dormant, holding a stone in his foot, with an emphatic Border motto, Thou shall want ere I want.

Much he marvelled a knight of pride,
Like a book-bosomed priest should ride.
-St. vIII, p. 11.

"At Unthank, two miles N. E. from the church (of Ewes), there are the ruins of a chapel for divine service, in time of popery. There is a tradition, that friars were wont to come from

Melrose, or Jedburgh, to baptize and marry in this parish; and from being in use to carry the mass-book in their bosoms, they were called by the inhabitants Book a-bosomes. There is a mai tized by these Book a-bosomes, and who says yet alive, who knew old men that had been bapone of them, called Hair, used this parish for a very long time."-Macfarlane's MSS.

It had much of glamour might.—St. Ix, p. 11. Glamour, in the legends of Scottish superstition, means the magic power of imposing on the eyesight of the spectators, so that the appearance of an object shall be totally different from the reality.

Now, if you ask who gave the stroke,
I cannot tell, so mot I thrive;

It was not given by man alive.-St. x, p. 12. Some writer upon Dæmonology tells us of a person, who was very desirous to establish a connexion with the invisible world; and failing in all his conjurations, began to entertain doubts of the existence of spirits. While this thought was passing through his mind, he received, from immediately recourse to his magical arts; but an unseen hand, a very violent blow. He had was unsuccessful in evoking the spirit, who had made his existence so sensibly felt. A learned had so chastised his incredulity, would be the priest told him, long after, that the being who first whom he should see after his death.

The running stream dissolved the spell.

-St. XIII, p. 12.

It is a firm article of popular faith, that no enchantment can subsist in a living stream. Nay, if you can interpose a brook betwixt you and witches, spectres, or even fiends, you are in perfect safety,

Burns's inimitable Tam o' Shanter turns entirely upon such a circumstance. The belief seems to be of antiquity. Brompton informs us, that certain Irish wizards could, by spells, convert earthen clods, or stones, into fat pigs, which they sold in the market; but which always resumed their proper form, when driven by the deceived purchaser across a running stream.

His buckler scarce in breadth a span,

No longer fence had he;
He never counted him a man,

Would strike below the knee.

-St. XVII, p. 12. To wound an antagonist in the thigh, or leg, was recko ned contrary to the law of arms. On Penchryst glows a bale of fire, And three are kindling on Priesthaughswire. -St. XXVII, p. 13.

The Border beacons, from their number and position, formed a sort of telegraphic communication with Edinburgh. The Act of Parliament 1455, c. 48, directs that one bale or faggot shall be warning of the approach of the English in any manner; two bales, that they are coming indeed; four bales blazing beside each other, that the enemy are in great force.

On many a cairn's gray pyramid,
Where urns of mighty chiefs lie hid.

-St. XXIX p. 13.

The cairns, or piles of loose stone, which crown the summit of most of our Scottish hills, and are found in other remarkable situations, seem usually, though not universally, to have been sepulchral monuments. Six flat stones are commonly found in the centre, forming a cavity of greater or smaller dimensions, in which an urn is often placed. The author is possessed of one discovered beneath an immense cairn at Roughlee, in Liddesdale. It is of the most barbarous construction; the middle of the substance alone having been subjected to the fire, over which, when hardened, the artist had laid an inner and outer coat of unbaked clay, etched with some very rude ornaments; his skill apparently being inadequate to baking the vase when completely finished. The contents were bones and ashes, and a quantity of beads made of coal. This seems to have been a barbarous initation of the Roman fashion of sepulture.


Great Dundee.-St. III, p. 14.

Belted Will Howard.-St. VI, p. 14. Lord William Howard, third son of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, succeeded to Naworth Castle, and a large domain annexed to it, in right of his wife Elizabeth, sister of George Lord Dacre, who died without he rs male, in the the 11th of Queen Elizabeth. By a poetical anachronism, he is introduced into the romance a few years earlier than he actually flourished. He was warden of the Western Marches; and from the rigour with which he repressed the Border excesses, the name of Belted Will Howard is still famous in our tradition. In the Castle of Naworth, his apartments, containing a bedroom, oratory, and library, are still shown. They impress us with an unpleasing idea of the life of a ford warden of the marches. Three or four strong doors, separating these rooms from the rest of the castle, indicate apprehensions of treachery from his garrison; and the secret winding passages, through which he could privately descend into the guard-room, or even into the dungeon, imply the necessity of no small degree of secret superintendence on the part of the governor. As the ancient books and furniture have remained undisturbed, the venerable appearance of these apartments, and the armour scattered around the chamber, almost lead us to expect the arrival of the warden in person. Naworth Castle is situated near Brampton, in Cumberland. Lord William Howard is ancestor of the Earls of Carlisle.

Lord Dacre.-St. VI, p. 14.

The well-known name of Dacre is derived from the exploits of one of their ancestors at the siege of Acre or Ptolemais, under Richard Coeur de Lion. There were two powerful branches of that name. The first family, called Lord Dacres of the South, heid the castle of the same name, and are ancestors to the present Lord Dacre. The other family, descended from the same stock, were called Lord Dacres of the North, and were barons of Gilsland and Graystock. A chieftain of the latter branch was warden of the West Marches during the reign of Edward VI. He was a man of a hot and obstinate character, as appears from some particulars of Lord Surrey's behaviour at the siege and storm of Jedburgh.

The Viscount of Dundee, slain in the battle of letter to Henry VIII, giving an account of his Killycrankie.

For pathless march and mountain cell,

The peasant left his lowly shed.-St. III, p. 14.

The morasses were the usual refuge of the Border herdsmen, on the approach of an English army. Caves, hewed in the most dangerous and inaccessible places, also afforded an occasional retreat. Such caverns may be seen in the precipitous banks on the Teviot at Sunlaws and Ancram, upon the Jed at Hundalee, and in many other places upon the Border. The banks of the Eske, at Gorton and Hawthornden, are hollowed into similar recesses.

Billhope Stag.-St. v, p. 14.

There is an old rhyme, which thus celebrates the places in Liddisdale, remarkable for game :

Bilhope braes for bucks and raes,
And Carit haugh for swine,
And Tarras for the good bull-trout,
If he be ta'en in time.

The bucks and roes, as well as the old swine, are now extinct; but the good bull-trout is still famous.

Of silver brooch and bracelet proud.-St v, p. 14. As the Borderers were indifferent about the furniture of their habitations, so much exposed to be burned and plundere d, they were proportionally anxious to display splendour in decorating and ornamenting their females.

The German hagbut-men.-St. vi, p. 14. In the wars with Scotland, Henry VII and his successors employed numerous bands of mercenary troops. At the battle of Pinky, there were in the English army six hundred hackbutters on foot, and two hundred on horseback, composed chiefly of foreigners.

Their pleited garments therewith well accord, All jadge and frounts with divers colours deckt.

His ready lances Thirlestane brave
Arrayed beneath a banner bright.
-St. VIII, p. 15.

Sir John Scott of Thirlestane flourished in the reign of James V, and possessed the estates of Thirlestane, Gamescleuch, &c., lying upon the river of Ettricke, and extending to St. Mary's Loch, at the head of Yarrow It appears that when James had assembled his nobility and their feudal followers at Fala with the purpose of invading England, and was, as is well known, disappointed by the obstinate refusal of his peers, this baron declared himself ready to follow the king wherever he should lead. In memory of his fidelity, James granted to his family a charter of arms, entitling them to bear a border of fleurs-de-luce, similar to the tressure in the royal arms, with a bundle of spears for the crest; motto, Ready, aye ready.

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The family of Harden are descended from a younger son of the laird of Buccleuch, who flourished before the estate of Murdieston was acquired by the marriage of one of those chieftains with the heiress in 1296. Hence they bear the cognizance of the Scotts upon the field: whereas those of the Buccleuch are disposed upon a bend dexter, assumed in consequence of that marriage.

Court was by no means enhanced by his new honours. But probably the latest instance of knighthood, conferred by a subject, was in the case of Thomas Ker, knighted by the Earl of Huntley, after the defeat of the Earl of Argyle, in the battle of Belrinnes.

When English blood swelled Ancram ford.
-St. XXIII, p. 16.

The battle of Ancram Moor, or Peniel-heuch, was fought A.D. 1545. The English, commanded by Sir Ralph Evers and Sir Brian Latoun, were totally routed, and both their leaders slain in the action. The Scottish army was commanded by Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus, assisted by the laird of Buccleuch and Norman Lesly.

The blanche lion.-St. XXVII, p. 17

This was the cognizance of the noble house of Howard in all its branches. The crest, or bear

de guerre. Thus, Richard III acquired his wellknown epithet, the Boar of York.

Walter Scott of Harden, who flourished during the reign of Queen Mary, was a renowned Border freebooter, concerning whom tradition has preserved a variety of anecdotes. The bugle horn, said to have been used by this formidable leader, is preserved by his descendant, the pre-ing, of a warrior, was often used as a nomme sent Mr. Scott of Harden. His castle was situate upon the very brink of a dark and precipitous dell, through which a scanty rivulet steals to meet the Borthwick. In the recess of this glen he is said to have kept his spoil, which served for the daily maintenance of his retainers, until the production of a pair of clean spurs, in a covered dish, announced to the hungry band that they must ride for a supply of provisions. He was married to Mary Scott, daughter of Philip Scott of Dryhope, and called in song the Flower of Yarrow. He possessed a very extensive estate, which was divided among his five


There are numerous descendants of this old marauding Baron.

Their gathering-word was Bellenden.-St. x, p. 15. Bellenden is situated near the head of Borthwick water; and being in the centre of the possessions of the Scotts, was frequently used as their place of rendezvous and gatheringword.

A gauntlet on a spear.-St. XVII, p. 16.

A glove upon a lance was the emblem of faith among the ancient Borderers, who were wont, when any one broke his word, to expose this emblem, and proclaim him a faithless villain at the first Border meeting. The ceremony was much dreaded.

We claim from thee William of Deloraine,
That he may suffer march treason pain.
-St. XXI, p. 16.

Several species of offences, peculiar to the Border, constituted what was called marchtreason. Among others, was the crime of riding, or causing to ride, against the opposite country during the time of truce.

--William of Deloraine Will cleanse him, by oath, of march-treason stain. -St. XXIII, p. 16. In dubious cases, the innocence of Border criminals was occasionally referred to their own oath.

Knighthood he took of Douglas' sword. -St. XXIII, p. 16. The dignity of knighthood, according to the original institution, had this peculiarity, that it did not flow from the monarch, but could be conferred by one who himself possessed it, upon any squire who, after due probation, was found to merit the honour of chivalry. Latterly, this power was confined to generals, who were wont to create knights bannerets after or before an engagement. Even so late as the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Essex highly offended his jealous sovereign by the indiscriminate exertion of this privilege. Amongst others, he knighted the witty Sir John Harrington, whose favour at

Let Musgrave meet fierce Deloraine
In single fight.-St. xxvII, p. 17.

It may easily be supposed, that trial by single combat, so peculiar to the feudal system, was common on the Borders.

He, the jovial harper.-St. XXXI, p. 17. The person here alluded to is one of our ancient Border minstrels, called Rattling, Roaring Willie. The soubriquet was probably derived from his bullying disposition; being, it would seem, such a roaring boy as is frequently mentioned in old plays. While drinking at Newmill, upon Tevoit, about five miles above Hawick, Willie chanced to quarrel with one of his own profession, who was usually distinguished by the odd name of Sweet Milk, from a place on Rule Water, so called. They retired to a meadow on the opposite side of the Tevoit, to decide the contest with their swords, and Sweet Milk was killed on the spot. A thorn-tree marks the scene of the murder, which is still called Sweet Milk Thorn. Willie was taken and executed at Jedburgh, bequeathing his name to the beautiful Scotch air, called "Rattling, Roaring Willie." Black Lord Archibald's battle laws,

In the old Douglas' day.-St. XXXI, p. 17. The title to the most ancient collection of Border regulations runs thus:

"Be it remembored, that on the 18th day of December, 1468, Earl William Douglas assembled the whole lords, freeholders, and eldest Borderers, that best knowledge had, at the college of Linclouden; and there he cansed those lords and Borderers bodily to be sworn, the Holy Gospel touched, that they justly and truly, after their cunning, should decrete, decern, deliver, and put in order and writing, the statutes, ordinances, and uses of marche, that were ordained in Black Archibald of Douglas's days, and Archibald his son's days, in time of warfare," &c.


The Bloody Heart blazed in the van,
Announcing Douglas, dreaded name!
-St. Iv, p. 18.

The chief of this potent race of heroes, about the date of the poem, was Archibald Douglas, seventh Earl of Angus, a man of great courage and activity. The bloody heart was the wellknown cognizance of the house of Douglas, ass

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