
of others for your departure. After saying "goodbye" to the host and hostess, nothing more is demanded than the inclusion of the company as a whole in a sweeping bow at the moment of exit. Q. Describe the process of hand-shaking.

A. The hand is extended as the foot steps forward. The torso is also carried forward; in fact, the entire body responds to the greeting of the mind. To take one by the hand is the admission to something more than mere acquaintanceship. Women should not shake hands in the promiscuous manner that men do. To offer the tips of the fingers or the whole of a lifeless hand, to stand with the feet and legs set rigid, to fail to clasp the extended fingers, to go to the other extreme and see how tightly the other's hand can be squeezed in a strength test, to use that hand as a pump handle for the extraction of cordiality, all these exhibit a lack of knowledge of the method and meaning of this ancient symbol of friendliness. It may be added that men remove their gloves when given the hand of a woman to shake.

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Q. What form should I observe in asking questions?

A. You should always pronounce the name, as "O mamma," or "O Miss White," keep silent

until the person addressed responds by looking you in the eye, and quietly demand, "May I ask Nellie Johnson to come to dinner this

evening?" "Have you seen the book I was reading?" "Have you seen my rubbers?" "Is dinner ready?' Children in America are prone

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to scream out their wants and wishes in one breath; as, "Mother, may I go to town this morning?" "Where is my overcoat?" without observing the more polite form. Many children and elders answer "What?" when asked a question, instead of "Yes, mamma." "What is it, father?"

Q. Is it good form for children to say "sir" and "ma'am"?

A. No, excepting to their parents and masters. It is better form to say, "Yes, mother." "Yes, Mrs. Henderson." "What did you say, Mr. Jefferson?" "Yes, ma'am" is rustic.

Q. What must be said of the insistence upon specific facts?

A. It is rude and always causes discomfiture. Children frequently lay their elders in lies when the details are too minute to be important. For example: A mother and daughter have returned from a reception and in answer to a question the mother remarks that there were a hundred guests there, and the daughter instantly says, “Why,

mother, why do you say so? You know there were only seventy-five."

Q. Define the difference between "righteous indignation" and anger.

A. Anger is that which makes you lose your self-control, while righteous indignation is the outburst arising from the consciousness of an imposition either upon ourselves or others. is not only justifiable but commendable. Q. Define the term "passion."


A. An outreaching of the mind toward some special object. "All high poetry has its source in passion." It is the temperamental something that flavors a great work of genius.

Q. What of the man who interrupts ?

A. Show him the error of his ways, if you


Q. Is it polite to correct a word mispronounced by another in conversation?

A. No; you should never draw attention to a mistake by employing the correct pronunciation in your reply.

Q. Should you refer to a person's age?

A. It is strictly bad form to make any reference whatever to a person's age.

Q. What is the effect of prejudice?

A. It deprives you of certain advantages; for

example, a disparaging remark about persons or books influences you to disregard them; later on, when you learn to know them, you come to a painful realization of what you have missed.

Q. What may be said of ambition as a factor in human life?

A. When it is an inordinate desire for personal gain, it is to be decried. When it is the inner call for fuller living, it is a characteristic to be admired and emulated. As we are a part of the great universe, you should listen to the inner voice and be guided by it, knowing and believing that only by so doing can you attain that which will endure. I have in mind the building of the Tower of Babel as contrasted with the building of the Temple. Solomon built, not to further his own selfish aims, but for the glory of God and the brotherhood of man.


Question. What two aspects has the art of expression?

Answer. The pictorial and the vocal.

Q. Which is the more important?

A. The pictorial is the broader and more general.

Q. In what sense am I a living picture?

A. In quite the literal sense. You are a panorama continually changing, leaving upon all observers impressions either pleasing or unfavorable. You may be silent and thus avoid being heard, but so long as you move about the world you will be seen by others.

Q. How should I make the picture?

A. In all human kindness, you should make the picture, the panorama, as pleasing as possible.

Q. What acquirements are undesirable?

A. Unbecoming and untruthful postures acquired through association and idiosyncrasy. Q. Of what are they the outgrowth?

A. Of childish defects and timidities, of imma

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