
Sanctify, O Lord, these Rings, and graciously bedew them with the dew of thy benediction, and consecrate them by the rubbing of our hands, which thou hast been pleased according to our ministery to sanctify by an external effusion of holy oyle upon them: to the end that what the nature of the mettal is not able to performe, may be wrought by the greatnes of thy grace: through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then must holy water be cast on the Rings, saying,

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

O Lord, the only begotten Son of God, Mediatour of God and men, Jesus Christ, in whose name alone salvation is sought for; and to such as hope in thee givest an easy acces to thy Father: who, when conversing among men, thyself a man, didst promise, by an assured oracle flowing from thy sacred mouth, that thy Father should grant whatever was asked him in thy name: Lend a cious eare of pity to these prayers of ours; to the end that, approaching with confidence to the throne of thy grace, the beleevers may

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find, by the benefits conferr'd upon them, that by thy mediation we have obtained what we have most humbly begd in thy name: who livest and reignest with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

Wee beseech thee, O Lord, that the Spirit, which proceedes from thee, may prevent and follow on our desires: to the end that what we beg with confidence for the good of the faithful, we may efficaciously obtaine by thy gracious gift: through Christ our Lord. Amen.

O most clement God; Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; wee supplicate and beseech thee, that what is here performed by pious ceremonies to the sanctifying of thy name, may be prevalent to the defense of our soule and body on earth; and profitable to a more ample felicity in heaven: who livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen.

Stemmata Magnatum.




"When Adam dolve, and Eva span,
Who was then a Gentleman?

Then came the Churle, and gather'd Good;
And thence arose the Gentle Blood."

"It is an ancient received saying, that there is no Poverty but is descended of Nobility; nor no Nobility but is descended of Beggary."

History of the Gwedir Family, p. 94.


From the


BURGHERSH*, Baron (FANE).-Bartholomew, Baron of Burghersh, was the Tenth

* A corruption of Burghwash, a little Village in Sussex, on the River Rother. See Camden's Brit.

Knight of the Order of the Garter, at the Institution 1350; who left a Daughter and Heir, who married Edward Le Despenser ; which official Title was afterwards erected into a Barony by Summons, A. D. 1285; and was for a long time merged in the Family of Fane, Earl of Westmoreland, till the failure of Male Issue in a direct line, 1762. The Earldom and Barony of Burghersh passed to a distant branch, of the name of Fane; but the Barony of Le Despenser went by a Female to Sir Francis Dashwood, Bart. in right of his Mother.

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Le Despenser, Baron (STAPLETON).— A nominal Title from official derivation. It was held originally by Descent and Summons, A.D. 1295. Anno 23 Edward I. it passed by Marriage to the Earl of Westmoreland; and, being a Fee, descended to Sir Francis Dashwood, Bart.; and after him to his Sister, Lady Austen, and now, 1788, is vested in Sir Thomas Stapleton, Bart. of Oxfordshire.

WENTWORTH * Viscount (NOEL). After the Barony of Wentworth had continued for several successions in the name of Wentworth, of Nettlestead in Suffolk, the Title devolved on Anne, the Wife of John Lord Lovelace, whose Daughter Martha inherited the Barony of Wentworth, and to whom the Title was confirmed, by Descent, in Parliament, A. D. 1702; and she walked at the Coronation of Queen Anne as Baroness Wentworth in her own right. She dying without Issue, 1745, the Title devolved on the Descendants of Sir William Noel, Bart. who had married Margaret, another Daughter of Lord Lovelace, by Anne, the Heiress of Wentworth Lord Wentworth. Hence the Title passed to Edward, the eldest Son of Sir Clobery Noel, Bart. who succeeded to his Father's Title of Baronet, 1733; and to the Barony of Wentworth, as Heir of Margaret,

*The Ancestor of this Family was Thomas Went

worth, Earl of Cleveland; which Title became extinct, for want of Male Issue, 1667. The Barony passed as above.

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