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ブックス A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : Comprising the History, Description,... の書籍検索結果
" A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : Comprising the History, Description, and Scientific Principles of every Branch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL and E. "
First Proofs of the Universal Catalogue of Books on Art,. - 158 ページ
National Art Library (Great Britain) 著 - 1870
全文表示 - この書籍について

The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, 第 92 巻

1850 - 638 ページ
...Improved Edition of Brande's Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art, corrected to the Present Time. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art ; comprising...Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT Brande, FRSL & E. ; assisted by Dr. J. Cauvin. A New and thoroughly Revised Edition (1850), with...

Catalogue of Standard English Authors: Also a Collection of Books Relating ...

Dawson, William, & Sons, of London - 1809 - 344 ページ
...and Art, assisted by Cauvin and other eminent men, very thick 8vo. cloth, £1. 8s. 1842 806 BRANDE'S DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, Literature, and Art, comprising...Derivation and Definition of all the Terms in general use. Third Edition, revised and corrected, with numerous woodcuts, very thick 8vo. cloth, £2. 10s. 1853...

Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle, 第 19 巻

1841 - 712 ページ
...Edited by the Rev. JOHN CUUMINO, MA Imperial Svo, 2*. G. Virtue. 5. Part* I. II. and III. A Dictionarjj of Science, Literature, and Art. Comprising the history,...derivation and definition of all the terms in general use. Illustrated by engravings on wood. General Editor, WT DBANDE, FKSL and E , &c. Being the Twelfth of...

A Guide to the Orchard and Kitchen Garden: Or, An Account of the Most ...

George Lindley - 1831 - 674 ページ
...Athletic, Scientific, and Recreative, of Boy 12mo. with many Engravings on Wood, 8s. 6d. boards BRANDE. -A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL St E. ; assisted by JOSKPH CAOVIN, Esq. The various departments are by Gentlemen of...

The Works of Mrs. Sherwood: Being the Only Uniform Edition Ever Published in ...

Mary Martha Sherwood - 1834 - 450 ページ
...Professor EH COURTENAY. With Plates. 8vo, Sheep extra, $2 25. Brando's Encyclopedia of Science, &c. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art : comprising...Definition of all the Terms in general Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL and E., assisted by JOSEPH CACVIN, Esq. The various Departments by eminent Literary...

A Treatise on the Valuation of Property for the Poor's Rate: Showing the ...

J. S. Bayldon - 1834 - 286 ページ
...of Boyhood and Youth. 20th Edition, square 12mo. with many Engravings on Wood, 6s. boards. BRANDE.-A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Branch of Human Knowledge; with the Derivation and Definitionof all the Terms iu GeneialUse Kdited by WT BRANDE, FRSL & E. ; assisted by JOSKPH CAUVIN,...

A Catalogue of the Books Belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia ...

1856 - 1156 ページ
...pharmacy. By James C. Booth, assisted by Campbell Morfit. Philadelphia, 1850. Brande, 10G18, & 10768, 0. A dictionary of science, literature and art; comprising...scientific principles of every branch of human knowledge. Edited by WT Brande, FRS London, 1842. Carpenter, 7573, & 7680, D. Popular cyclopaedia of natural science,...

Selections from the Phrenological Journal: Comprising Forty Articles in the ...

Robert Cox - 1836 - 434 ページ
...SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART; Comprising the History, Deseription, and Seientific Principles of erery Branch of Human Knowledge ; with the Derivation and...Definition of all the Terms in general use. Edited by WT Brande, FRSL and E.; assisted by Joseph Canvin, Esq. The varions departments ore by Gentlemen of...

The Connexion of Natural and Divine Truth Or the Study of the Inductive ...

Baden Powell - 1838 - 376 ページ
...Boyhood and Youth. 20th Edition, square 12rao. with many Engravings on Wood, 6s. boards. BRANDE.-A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE LITERATURE, AND ART; comprising...Definition of all the Terms in General Use. Edited by WT BRANDE, FRSL & E. ; assisted by JOSKPH CAUVIN, Esq. The various departments are by Gentlemen of...

On the Education of the People of India

Charles Edward Trevelyan - 1838 - 270 ページ
...Treatise on the bte&m-Kngine." Third Kdition, revited and corrected, Foolscap Svo. 6*. cloth. BRANDE.— A DICTIONARY OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, AND ART: Comprising...Definition of all the Terms in general use. Edited hv WT Brandt, FRSL and E.: assisted hy Dr. J. Canvin. A new and thoroughly revised Edition, corrected...

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