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ブックス Woodcuts. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. each. The Application of Cast and Wrought Iron... の書籍検索結果
" Woodcuts. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. each. The Application of Cast and Wrought Iron to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Third Edition, with 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. 16s. Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series... "
First Proofs of the Universal Catalogue of Books on Art,. - 529 ページ
National Art Library (Great Britain) 著 - 1870
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Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 第 26 巻

Institution of Civil Engineers (Great Britain) - 1867 - 678 ページ
...and Appendix. Folio. Plates. Adelaide, 1866. Fairbairn, "W., LL.D. Treatise on Iron Ship-building ; its History and Progress as comprised in a series...experimental researches on the laws of strain ; the strengths, forms, and other conditions of the material ; and an inquiry into the present and prospective...

The Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith, 第 1 巻

Sydney Smith - 1848 - 526 ページ
...to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Fourth Edition, with 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. l6s. Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches. By W. FAIRRAIRN, Bart. FRS With 4 Plates and 130 Woodcuts, 8vo. 18s. NEW WORKS PURLISHED nv LONGMANS...

The Theory and Practice of Horticulture: Or, An Attempt to Explain the Chief ...

John Lindley - 1855 - 662 ページ
...Building Purposes. By the same Author. Fourth Edition, with G Plates ar.d 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. 16». Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches. By Sir W. F-vmBAIRN, Bart. FRS With 4 Plates anJ 130 Woodcuts, 8vo. 18». Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering,...

Elementary Treatise on the Wave-theory of Light

Humphrey Lloyd - 1857 - 260 ページ
...to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Third Edition, with 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. ISi. Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised...Experimental Researches on the Laws of Strain ; the Strengths, Forms, and other conditions of the Material ; and an Inquiry into the Present and Prospective...

The History of France, 第 1 巻

Eyre Evans Crowe - 1858 - 614 ページ
...to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Fourth Edition, with 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. 16*. Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches. By W. FAIRBAIRN, Bart. FRS With 4 Plates and 130 Woodcuts, 8vo. 18*. NEW WORKS PI-BUSHED BY LONGMANS...

Useful Information for Engineers: Being a Series of Lectures

Sir William Fairbairn - 1860 - 424 ページ
...to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Third Edition, withe 1 lates and 118 Woodcuts. Svo. 16*. IRON SHIP BUILDING, its History and Progress, as comprised...Experimental Researches on the Laws of Strain ; the Strengths, Forms, and other conditions of the Material ; Jmd an Inquiry into the Present and Prospective...

Sketches of the Natural History of Ceylon: With Narratives and Anecdotes ...

Sir James Emerson Tennent - 1861 - 586 ページ
...Wrought Iron to Bnilding Purposes. By the same Author. ThirdEditiou, with6HatesandllS Woodcuts. Svo.lfo. IRON SHIP BUILDING, its History and Progress, as comprised...Experimental Researches on the Laws of Strain ; the Strengths, Forms, and other conditions of the Material ; and an Inquiry into the Present and Prospective...

Selections from the Correspondence of R.E.H. Greyson, Esq. [pseud.]

Henry Rogers - 1861 - 496 ページ
...W. FAIRBAIRIC, Bart. FES Fourth Edition, enlarged; with 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. IRON SHIP BUILDING, its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches. By the same Author. With 4 Plates and 130 Woodcuts. Svo. IS*. A TREATISE on the STEAM ENGINE, in its...

Works: Collected and Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis ..., 第 9 巻

Francis Bacon - 1862 - 448 ページ
...to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Fourth Edition, with G Plates and 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. I6s. Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised in a Series of Experimental Researches. By W. FAIP.BAIRN, Bart. FRS With 4 Plates and 130 Woodcuts, 8vo. 18s. Encyclopaedia of Civil Engineering,...

A Treatise on Conic Sections: Containing an Account of Some of the Most ...

George Salmon - 1863 - 412 ページ
...to Building Purposes. By the same Author. Third Edition, with 6 Plates and 118 Woodcuts. 8vo. 16s. Iron Ship Building, its History and Progress, as comprised...Experimental Researches on the Laws of Strain; the Strengths, Forms, and other conditions of the Material ; and an Inquiry into the Present and Prospective...

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