
put together, and we shall witness the harmony of its colouring, the beauty of its form, and the consistency of its whole. Almost all that is yet acknowledged to be done, is, that morals are presented in a clearer light, treated with a greater degree of eloquence and popularity, and divested of the scholastic jargon, which was its attire in the turbulent and factious days of ignorance. Yet even this meagre discovery should encourage us to believe, that if the dawn has succeeded to darkness, more light may yet follow.

Should the reasoning either on the subject of indiscriminate almsgiving, or the claims of the poor to unlimited subsistence, or the inability of coercion to establish a voluntary and conscientious virtue; or finally, the tendency of parochial relief to defeat its own purpose,-be found to be conclusive, however it may fail on the other heads, it will go far towards ascertaining the impolicy of attempting to enforce a juridical system of benevolence. At least, it is hoped that enough has been said to encourage the reader to a further inquiry into the moral principles of the Poor Laws; and if he should find, in applying these sentiments to the present state of the poor, that the conclusions I have drawn are as practically true as they are speculatively, he may safely infer that the present mode of procedure is inconsistent with



reason and just principle, and that the sooner the sweeping practice of finding food and labour for all indiscriminately is given up, and a sounder practice, conforming itself as near as may be to virtuous benevolence, is established in the stead, the sooner we shall return to the path of public virtue and happiness. Whatever may be the opinion of the reader as to the manner in which the subject is treated, the author has no apprehension that the leading arguments he has employed admit of a satisfactory reply.


Shoe Lane, London.


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