
In the mean time, his brother, captain John Drake, went, according to the inftructions that had been left him, in fearch of the Symerons or fugitive negroes, from whofe affiftance alone they had now any prospect of a fuccefsful voyage; and touching upon the main land, by means of the negro whom they had taken from Nombre de Dios, engaged two of them to come on board his pinnace, leaving two of their own men as hoftages for their returning. Thefe men, having affured Drake of the affection of their nation, appointed an interview between them and their leaders. So leaving Port Plenty, in the ifle of Pines, fo named by the English from the great ftores of provifions which they had amaffed at that place, they came, by the direction of the Symerons, into a fecret bay among beautiful islands covered with trees, which concealed their fhip from obfervation, and where the channel was fo narrow and rocky, that it was impoffible to enter it by night; fo that there was no danger of a fudden attack.

Here they met, and entered into engagements, which common enemies and common dangers preferved from violation. But the first converfation informed the English that their expectations were not immediately to be gratified; for upon their enquiries after the most probable means of gaining gold and filver, the Symerons told them, that, had they known fooner the chief end of their expedition, they could easily have gratified them; but that, during the rainy feafon, which was now begun, and which continues fix months, they could not recover the treafure, which they had taken from the Spaniards, out of the rivers in which they had concealed it.


Drake, therefore, propofing to wait in this place till the rains were paft, built, with the affiftance of the Symerons, a fort of earth and timber, and, leaving part of his company with the Symerons, fet out with three pinnaces towards Carthagena, being of a spirit too ac tive to lie ftill patiently, even in a state of plenty and fecurity, and with the most probable expectations of immenfe riches.

On the 16th of October, he anchored within fight of Carthagena without landing; and on the 17th, going out to fea, took a Spanish bark, with which they entered the harbour, where they were accofted by a Spanish Gentleman, whom they had fome time before taken, and fet at liberty, who coming to them in a boat, as he pretended, without the knowledge of the governor, made them great promises of refreshment and profeffions of esteem; but Drake, having waited till the next morning without receiving the provisions he had been prevailed upon to expect, found that all this pretended kindness was no more than a ftratagem to amuse him, while the governor was raifing forces for his deftruction.

October 20, they took two frigates coming out of Carthagena without lading. Why the Spaniards, knowing Drake to lie at the mouth of the harbour, fent out their veffels on purpose to be taken, does not appear. Perhaps they thought that, in order to keep poffeffion of his prizes, he would divide his company, and by that divifion be more easily destroyed.

In a few hours afterwards, they fent out two frigates well manned, which Drake foon forced to retire, and having funk one of his prizes, and burnt the other in their fight, leaped afterwards afhore, fingle, in defi


ance of their troops, which hovered at a diftance in the woods and on the hills, without ever venturing to approach within reach of the fhot from the pinnaces.

To leap upon an enemy's coaft in fight of a fuperior force, only to fhew how little they were feared, was an act that would in these times meet with little applause, nor can the general be serioufly commended, or rationally vindicated, who expofes his person to destruction, and, by confequence, his expedition to mifcarriage, only for the pleasure of an idle infult, an infignificant bravado. All that can be urged in his defence is, that perhaps it might contribute to heighten the esteem of his followers, as few men, efpecially of that class, are philofophical enough to state the exact limits of prudence and bravery, or not to be dazzled with an intrepidity how improperly foever exerted. It may be added, that perhaps the Spaniards, whofe notions of courage are fufficiently romantic, might look upon him as a more formidable enemy, and yield more eafily to a hero of whofe fortitude they had fo high an idea.

However, finding the whole country advertised of his attempts, and in arms to oppofe him, he thought it not proper to stay longer where there was no probability of fuccefs, and where he might in time be overpowered by multitudes, and therefore determined to go forwards to Rio de Heha.

This refolution, when it was known by his followers, threw them into aftonifhment; and the company of one of his pinnaces remonftrated to him, that, though they placed the higheft confidence in his conduct, they could not think of undertaking such a voyage without provifions, having only a gammon of bacon,


and a fmall quantity of bread, for seventeen men. Drake answered them, that there was on board his veffel even a greater fcarcity; but yet, if they would adventure to fhare his fortune, he did not doubt of extricating them from all their difficulties.

Such was the heroic fpirit of Drake, that he never fuffered himself to be diverted from his defigns by any difficulties, nor ever thought of relieving his exigences, but at the expence of his enemies.

Refolution and fuccefs reciprocally produce each other. He had not failed more than three leagues, before they discovered a large ship, which they attacked with all the intrepidity that neceffity inspires, and happily found it laden with excellent provifions.

But finding his crew growing faint and fickly with their manner of living in the pinnaces, which was lefs commodious than on board the fhips, he determined to go back to the Symerons, with whom he left his brother and part of his force, and attempt by their conduct to make his way over, and invade the Spaniards in the inland parts, where they would probably never dream of an enemy.

When they arrived at Port Diego, fo named from the negro who had procured them their intercourse with the Symerons, they found Captain John Drake and one of his company dead, being killed, in attempting, almost unarmed, to board a frigate well provided with all things neceffary for its defence. The captain was unwilling to attack it, and represented to them the madnefs of their propofal; but, being overborn by their clamours and importunities, to avoid the imputation of cowardice, complied to his deftruction. So dangerous is it for the chief commander to be abfent!


Nor was this their only misfortune, for, in a very short time, many of them were attacked by the calenture, a malignant fever, very frequent in the hot climates, which carried away, among feveral others, Jofeph Drake, another brother of the commander.

While Drake was employed in taking care of the fick men, the Symerons, who ranged the country for intelligence, brought him an account, that the Spanish fleet was arrived at Nombre de Dios, the truth of which was confirmed by a pinnace, which he fent out to make obfervations.

This, therefore, was the time for their journey, when the treasures of the American mines were to be tranfported from Panama, over land, to Nombre de Dios. He therefore, by the direction of the Symerons, furnished himself with all things neceffary, and on February 3, fet out from port Diego,

Having loft already twenty-eight of his company, and being under a neceffity of leaving fome to guard his fhip, he took with him only eighteen English, and thirty Symerons, who not only ferved as guides to fhow the way, but as purveyors to procure provifions.

They carried not only arrows for war, but for hunt ing and fowling; the heads of which are proportioned in fize to the game which they are purfuing: for oxen, flags, or wild boars, they have arrows, or javelins, with heads weighing a pound and half, which they difcharge near hand, and which fcarcely ever fail of being mortal. The fecond fort are about half as heavy as the other, and are generally fhot from their bows; thefe are intended for fmaller beafts. With the third fort, of which the heads are an ounce in weight, they kill birds. As this nation is in a ftate that does not


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