
"O revolutionary rage!

Doft thou fufpect that I am grown
Too blunt for ufe, too weak from age,
That I afide fhould thus be thrown?
"You floating fails ufurp my place,

His thifted flag there Terror waves,
The Guillotine is in difgrace!

Death now likes nought but Galley-flaves* !





[From the Morning Chronicle.]

RENCHMEN! fince you're fond of dancing,
We will give you many a ball;

Lo! to meet you, we're advancing,

Then obey our mufic's call.

Calais is a fiep from Dover;

Strike up, and the dance begin;

Yet, though eager to cross over,
Ye fhall never figure in.
For our balls when ye are riper,
And ye dance upon the waves,
We fhall fee, who pays the piper,
As ye fink in watery graves!
Gallic cock boats, dread our thunder!
They who 're footing on the fea,
Are not flaves, whofe God is plunder,
But who fight for Liberty!

If, our gallant tars escaping,

Some fhould land upon our fhore;
Then, instead of fiddles feraping,
Deep-ton'd inftruments thail roar.
Then with light heels nimbly capering,
Ye fhall skip till out of breath,
And the cadence to this vapouring,

Shall be Holbein's Dance of Death.

*Alluding to the prefent mode of punishment in France, by fending fenfive perfons to the Gallies inftead of the Guillotine.


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Difcard all your fears,

And once more be jovial and hearty :

Come follow the fafhion,

And, like the Great Nation,

Bow down to the great Bonaparté.

All Europe to me

Shall one family be,

And thofe that oppose me fhall fall.

What glorious fun,

That nobody's fon

Should thus be the father of all!

In fashions all own

That the French fet the ton

Like them make religion a joke,

Cut heads off by dozens,

Slay uncles and coufins,

To-bend to a foreigner's yoke.

Nay, hope not to ftir up

The powers of Europe,

To join in your frantic defires:

Affifted by no man,

The Corfican showman

Can dance them at will on his wires.

Should Britain alone

(Ere Freedom is gone)

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Prefume to lament your new fetters,
Reject her endeavour

Your peace to diffever,

And join in this fong with your betters: " We gay Mountaineers

Have difcarded all fears,

And once more are jovial and hearty;
We follow the fashion,

And, like the Great Nation,

Bow down to the great Bonaparté."


[From the Oracle.]

Z. Z.

Piazza Coffeehouse, Covent
Garden, Thurfday Noon.

GAVE full scope to my rifible faculties on the perufal of your judicious and good-humoured criticifm in this day's Daily Advertifer, on a remarkable paffage in the leaded article of Wednesday's Times,, which paffage appears to have been dictated by the fpirit of bombaft and nonfenfe. I beg leave to recur to it here, that the reader may better comprehend the defign of the fubfequent jeu d'efprit. It is thus fairly copied verbatim et literatim :

"It is impoffible for all the natural philofophers of the Inftitute, if they decompofe and analyze all the waters of the ocean, to difcover any particles or properties which difqualify or infect the human beings which inhabit its fhores, and cut them off, by any law of repulfion, from the communion and fociety of the reft of mankind. It is neither a misfortune nor a difgrace to be the natives of an ifland; and if ever the human race has had occafion to blush for any integral part of the fpecies, it has not been for the people of Great Britain."-Times, Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1802.

I confefs,

I confefs, Mr. Editor, that I was fo highly pleased with this political defcendant of Blackmore, whom the wits of the age immortalized as the commander in chief of the battery of Bombaft, that I thought of the following



WHAT nonfenfe these philofophers will talk!
I mean the fages of the Inftitute,
Who tell us that each islander muft ftalk,
'Mong continental folk, just like a brute!
Now, we iflanders folemnly declare,
It's no misfortune nor difgrace,
To be born here:

And we can look our neighbours in the face,
As boldly as a cobler eyes a pot of beer;
We are no anti-human, anti-focial wights,
But we have lofty minds and continental rights.
For proof, I'll fet philofophers a job,
Which it has puzzled now my nob
To ftate in proper phrase;

In ftyle fublime to make a wondrous clatter,
And with opake ideas to fhine in leaded matter :
Then let them take the fea, with all its creeks and bays,
Even when ships ride

On the full tide,

And pop

The whole falt ocean in a chemift's shop;
Then let them" analyze" and "decompofe"
It, and all that in it flows,

Sprats, whales, and herrings-with or without roes:
And if they any particle can find,

To fatisfy a reasonable mind,
That every twenty on the island fhore
Are not as good as every score
Which on the continent are cramm'd,
Then I'll be d-d.

Ergo-and my philofophy is good,
As we're of the fame flesh and blood,

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integral" portion of our race

E'er brought it to disgrace,

I care not a fingle rush,

By our


What these philofophers may fay;
Against their nay I stake my yea;
It is not we, but they that ought to blush!
Witness their infolence, which they measure
quantity of patience" and our treasure!
They try prepofterous tricks upon mankind,
And fancy all men but themselves are blind.
They think too, nobody can write like them,
Dilating antic notions with Dutch phlegm :
Seeking with pompous nothings to furprise,
And charm the multitude with vague furmife;
But here they're devilishly mistaken,
For I'll bet my bacon,

That I, like them, philofophize and puff,
And of queer phrases have enough:

From common fenfe, like them, I stand aloof,
As may be always feen-" The Times give proof!"


[From the British Prefs.]




Y the telegraph of this day, I learn with fatisfaction that you approve my principles, preach my doctrine, and defire to enforce my practice. Citizen, I am but young; the day of the convocation of the States General in France was the day of birth; but my lineage dates from Adam. I am defcended from Čain; and when the Ifraelites gave no quarter


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