
blessed to many souls, and will doubtless continue to be greatly blessed to its humble, prayerful, selfdenying members. But I am persuaded there are some devoted and loving disciples of Jesus, who are not led to unite themselves with the Alliance, because they believe that true unity, peace, and concord, are more likely to be preserved by a contrary course. May those who differ from them respect their motives. Let them not quarrel in advocating unity. Believers will not see eye to eye, until the appearing of Jesus Christ. But no further light is needed in order to shew believers the plain Scriptural duty of exercising "unfeigned love of the brethren," wherever found. Let us recognize and love the image of Christ, in all his people. The tie of external profession must vanish as smoke in the day of the Lord; but whatsoever kindness we have shown to the least of Christ's people, "in the name of a disciple," will be owned by our gracious Lord, as done unto himself. (Matt. xxv. 45.)


A comparison of the earliest days of the Christian Church, with the present times, must fill our hearts with deep humiliation. "The multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul;" "walking in the fear of God, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost ;" and rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ. We must perceive that modern religion is defective in power; in simplicity also, and in love. It cannot, therefore, answer the full end of the Gospel of Christ. It renders but little glory to our Father in heaven, nor can it satisfy the enlightened conscience of a child of God. If we are walking far below our privileges, as "partakers of the heavenly calling," we cannot rejoice in the Lord," as the early disciples did. In proceeding to the painful consideration of the various indications of spiritual declension in the Church of Christ, there is none, perhaps, which more strongly characterizes the age in which our lot is cast than


4th, Conformity to the world. The

*Acts iv. 32; ix. 31; v. 41.

Word of God declares that believers are "a peculiar people," whose "treasure is in heaven," and who are therefore to live as strangers and pilgrims upon earth; "declaring plainly," by their deadness to the world, that "they desire a better country, that is an heavenly." They are "the salt of the earth" -"the light of the world" -"epistles of Christ known and read of all men." But the Church of the Redeemer, no longer as a body, exemplifies to the world these Scriptural representations of the believer's character.

If, in the apostolic times, an angel had been sent from heaven to number the people of God, there would have been no difficulty in discerning in every place, that holy little band of worshippers "of whom the world was not worthy." But now, alas, if the heavenly messenger had no other clue than the Scriptures afford, for distinguishing believers in Christ Jesus from a world that walketh in darkness, he must return to the mansions of glory without fulfilling the object of his mission. A comparison of the precepts of Christ, with the practice of his disciples, would be an insufficient index. In vain would he seek, in the religious meetings and conversazioni, at those of our watering places, where evangelical preaching and profession have become fashionable; for that heavenly, selfdenying walk, which is so forcibly set forth in the Acts, and in the Epistles. In vain would he attempt to trace that broad Scriptural line of demarcation, which should ever separate the disciples of Christ from the followers of Mammon. "For what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?”

How much is there, that is highly esteemed by men, that will not bear God's scrutiny?"Every plant," said the Lord Jesus, "that my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up." Faith, which worketh

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by love, is the only principle that will be owned by God, and he will not bless the works of our hands if they are not carried on in godly simplicity. When God declares," be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers," it is most painful to witness the unblushing worldliness which is manifested in the management of some of our religious societies. The favour of the world, and the wealth of the ungodly may promote their external prosperity, but if "the blessing of the Lord which maketh rich" is really desired, they must cease go down to Egypt for help." This is a principle which is ever condemned in the Word of God. It dishonours God, and therefore must sorely hinder the spiritual prosperity of the Society that countenances the practice. The following words are equally applicable to societies, as to individuals: "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own; but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen ye out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." A Christian ought so to live, and a society ought so to be framed, that worldly men (as long as they continue of the world,) will have no desire to unite with them. If the world fully approves a society, an institution, or an individual, the world must be courted, or Christian principle must in some respect be compromised.

A distressing inconsistency is exhibited by many Christian men who fill the office of secretary to the district associations of various societies. I speak now from personal observation. When an annual meeting is to be held in a country town, instead of honouring those men whom God delighteth to honour, it is not uncommon to see them propitiating "the God of this world" in their selection of a president or a chairman. Worldly influence, or wealth, and, above all, high rank, are thus unequivocally preferred to godly wisdom and sincerity. It is supposed that the worldly peer or baronet will ensure a better meeting and a larger collection than the pious commoner, but is there not consequently a practical denial that "the silver and the gold is the Lord's"? (Hag. ii. 8.) These are the

Achans, who " cause Israel to turn their backs before their enemies, neither will the Lord be with you any more, except ye destroy the accursed thing from among you."

It is certain that if our religion excites the admiration of the world, it is not conformed to the standard of the sanctuary. The carnal mind is still enmity against God, and is as much opposed to the faithful disciple of Christ, as it was two thousand years ago. Any believer who escapes reproach or persecution, is not following the steps of the Redeemer; for


they that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution." A consistent and heavenly life will assuredly expose the believer to much reproach, for it bears a constant testimony to the world, that Christianity is not a mere system of divinity, but a religion of motives and principles. But the faithful servant of the Lord will probably experience a much heavier trial than the scorn of an evil world. In these unhappy days of lukewarmness, a man's foes will often be those of his own household, yea, of" the household of faith," heirs of the same hope, but like Peter before his fall," following the Lord afar off," and mingling with his enemies, and "learning their works." An individual who is endeavouring, in the strength of God, to give up, at all costs, whatever is contrary to His revealed will, must submit to be often looked upon with unkindness and suspicion, even by his brethren in the Lord. He has been led to the conclusion that the path to heaven is not so broad, or so easy, as is generally imagined, and the tacit reproof of his example cannot be endured by those who have departed from the simplicity of Christ in their conversation with the world.

It is grievous to witness so many Christian women, in the higher walks of life, differing but little in their habits and general expenditure from the world around them, and wasting those precious hours, which are committed to their stewardship, by their Lord and Master, in dressing and unprofitable pursuits. It cannot be for the glory of God, when faithful labourers are so much needed in

the Lord's vineyard, that Christians should pass many hours in each day in embroidering tapestry, or in preparing fancy articles for bazaars. And are there not many Christian females, who encourage the same habits of expensive récherche, as the idolators of Mammon? Is not conformity to the world stamped on all their possessions? Their furniture, their dress, their table, their equipages?-all savour strongly of that world which is at enmity with God. Are not their apartments filled with fashionable luxuries, and their tables crowded with useless ornaments; whilst the cause of the Redeemer is scantily aided, and millions are perishing for lack of knowledge? "All seek their own, and not the things of Jesus Christ."

Believers in Christ! Ye women that are at ease in Zion!-you know not how much the prayer of faith, and labour of love, are hindered, by your present course of life. You satisfy your consciences with the belief that you have no love for these vanities, and that you sit loosely to them. The world will not believe you, whilst you are still walking in a vain shew, surrounded by the luxuries which you profess to despise. But "you do not wish to be singular.' This excuse is suggested by the father of lies. He desires nothing more than that your practice should be a lie to your profession. knows, that if you manifested the power of godliness by an open contempt for those things which are most coveted by the world, the interests of his kingdom would suffer. He therefore perverts Scripture, and whispers smooth things to you, and strives to make you content to follow Christ without taking up your cross. can these two things be separated? (See Luke xi. 23.) "To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them." (Isaiah viii. 20.)



We ask you not to abridge your actual comforts, or those of your household, but we do ask you, as the daughters of the Lord Almighty, (2 Cor. vi. 18.) to live with the simplicity that becometh the Gospel, FEBRUARY-1847.

We do beseech you to manifest practically to the votaries of this vain world, that "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life," are utterly distasteful to a soul that is renewed in the spirit of its mind. Oh! do not shrink from confessing Christ before men. Testify by your life, that "old things are passed away, and that all things are become new"

-that your treasure is in heaven, and that where your treasure is, there is your heart also. Cast your splendid draperies, your sumptuous plate, your jewels, and your baubles, into the treasury of Christ. Abridge the dainties of your table, that you may deal your bread to the hungry, and cause the widow's heart to sing for joy."


I am far from desiring to convey an impression that worldly mindedness is exclusively or chiefly confined to the highest circles; for I am convinced that this is not the case. It is the weakness, and the sin, of every class of females, to emulate the fashionable follies of the circle immediately above them, not only in their dress, but in the various details of their establishment. The religious tea-party in a small country town is often as much imbued with the spirit of the world as the more extended meeting at Bath or Cheltenham. The professed object of these assemblies is spiritual edification, but they cannot prove really profitable to those who attend them, until they are conducted with more Christian simplicity. If you desire, in truth, to profit from communion with your Christian friends, cease to enquire as a preliminary to the meeting, "What shall I put on?" Oh! remember, "that after these things do the Gentiles seek ;" and rather "let your adorning be the hidden man of the heart, even the ornament of a meek and a quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price." (1 Pet. iii. 4.)

Once more; be ye not conformed to this world. Cease to imagine that this precept relates not to external things, but solely to the inward spirit, which must "be transformed by the renewing of the mind." (Rom. xii. 2.) It is not enough that our hearts should be separate from the world. Con


fession is needed also; and a confession not merely of the lips, but of the life. We must "declare plainly" whose we are, and whom we serve. We cannot be faithful servants of Christ unless we testify to the world that its ways are evil. Let us not suffer the adversary to deceive us with the vain notion that we have any Scriptural authority for ceasing to be in outward things " a peculiar people." An undecided walk is dishonouring to our divine Master, and excludes from our souls that joy and peace in believing which is the privilege of the disciples of Christ.

Are you afraid of being too decided, or too hot a Christian? "Would that ye were cold or hot"! (Rev. iii. 15.) Undoubted coldness and indifference are positively less injurious as an example, than that of a lukewarm professor. Be zealous, therefore, and repent lest the awful threatening to the Laodicean church be fulfilled to the uttermost.

A sifting time is probably at hand, and the most watchful Christians have ample cause to trim their lamps,

and gird up the loins of their mind, lest that day should come upon them unawares. The signs of the times forewarn us that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh. Would you prepare with joy to obey the summons: "Behold the Bridegroom cometh, go ye forth to meet Him"? Or is it your desire that your Lord should delay his coming, that you may trim your almost expiring lamps, and put away all things in your life and conversation that would offend his glorious Majesty? The coming of Christ is an unerring touchstone, whereby we may try the healthiness of our spiritual condition, and the true character of our pursuits. We may so quench the light of the Spirit by our unfaithfulness, as to call evil good, and good evil; and we may for a time attempt to quiet the clamours of conscience, by appealing to the practice of other Christians; but if we steadily fix our minds on the coming of the Lord, and the glory that shall be then revealed, every refuge of lies must be put to flight. (To be continued.)


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THERE is generally some cause for the idolatrous homage which human beings pay to each other; amongst the heathen, their benefactors or conquerors became their gods or even the bubbling stream, the fruitful valley, or heathy mountain were invested with attributes which rendered them sacred objects.

The mind of man is always wanting something which is tangible to the senses, for the things which are seen are more easily understood than those which are abstract and invisible; the temporal will secure attention before the eternal, and whilst purely spiritual worship is difficult of attainment, that which is addressed to the ear and eye can attract the most indifferent. Thus, in the infancy of society, it pleased God to set forth his laws in a manner so terrible to the hearers, that Moses said, "I exceedingly fear and quake;" and the Jewish ritual was one of signs and ceremonies significant of those future events which were revealed in the fulness of time, when civilization having attained a high growth, and the faculties of men having been culti

vated and enlarged, a simpler and more spiritual religion was given, which could be understood and appreciated by all nations, and tongues, and people. Our Lord Jesus Christ spake his commands and laws without any pomp or circumstance of glitter or show, and his still small voice has penetrated into regions where the thunders of Sinai were never heardbut there was to be no similitude, no image, no picture to reverence and bow down to.

From the tendency in human nature to embody and personify Deity, image worship has arisen, and the Church of Rome, which panders in every possible way to the natural corruption of fallen humanity, has seized upon this principle, and interwoven it universally into her system, We know not if there be any question as to the Mariolatry which prevails amongst Romanists, and by this term we would mean the undue reverence, and adoration, and worship of Mary, the mother of Jesus," which began in the 6th century, and has continued in unreformed churches until this day. When images were



*Referring to the worship of the Virgin in the dark ages, says the calm and philosophic Hallam, "It is difficult to conceive the stupid absurdity and the disgusting profaneness of those stories which were invented by the monks to do her honour." He then gives, upon the authority of Le Grand D'Aussey, the following few specimens, to confirm his assertions," lest they should appear to the reader harsh and extravagant." are my own.

The titles

1. The robber saved from hanging." There was a man whose occupation was highway robbery; but, whenever he set out on any such expedition, he was careful to address a prayer to the Virgin. Taken at last, he was sentenced to be hanged. While the cord was round his neck, he made his usual prayer, nor was it ineffectual. The Virgin supported his feet with her white hands,' and thus kept him alive two days, to the no small surprise of the executioner, who attempted to complete his work with strokes of a sword. But the same invisible hand turned aside the weapon, and the executioner was compelled to release his victim, acknowledging the miracle. The thief retired into a monastery, which is always the termination of these deliverances."

2. The wicked monk admitted to heaven." At the monastery of St. Peter, near Cologne, lived a monk perfectly dissolute and irreligious, but very devout towards the apostle. Unluckily, he died suddenly without confession. The fiends came as usual to seize his soul. St. Peter, vexed at losing so faithful a votary, besought God to admit the monk into Paradise. His prayer was refused, and though the whole body of saints, apostles, angels, and martyrs, joined at his request to make interest, it was of no avail. In this extremity he had recourse to the mother of God. 'Fair lady,' said he, 'my monk is lost if you do not interfere for him; but what is impossible for us, will be but sport to you, if you please to assist us. Your Son, if you but speak a word, must yield, since it is in your power to command him.' The queen-mother assented, and, followed by all the virgins, moved toward her Son. He, who had himself given the precept, Honour thy father and thy mother,' no sooner saw his own parent approach, than he rose to receive her, and, taking her by the hand, inquired her wishes. The rest may be easily conjectured. Compare the gross stupidity, or rather the atrocious im

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