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the hem. The corsages plain. Gold necklace and ear. rings and a small gold chain enturned in the hair.

A white satin slip under a double natted tulle dress caught upon each side by a bouquet of roses; the corsage flat and unornamented; the coiffure highly frized, a bouquet of roses placed on one side rather far back. The lady who adorned this dress, wore neither necklace, buckle or drops, but superb diamond tops.

A crape dress, the corsage open, and deep cut round the shoulders, round the bust a blond with long dents formed mantilla, two rows on the shoulders; the skirt full wide ornamented under the broad hem, with a deep flounce of blond with long dents similar to that on the corsage; above this flounce, all round the hem were bouquets of small frizzled feathers intermixed with light rose-buds; these bouquets were placed at equal distances.

The sleeves of promenade dresses are made wider over the fore-arm, the wristband about three inches wide, is alone close fitting, but from the wrist upwards, the sleeve becomes excessively wide.

A new sort of pelerine or short cloak, intended to be thrown over the shoulders on coming out of the ball-room or theatre, is composed of satin wadded and quilted, and bordered by a rouleau of marten fur or swan's down. These pelerines are light and warm, and well adapted for the use intended. They are easily made, the only perfection consists in the manner of quilting them, either in quadrils, lozenges &c. some are made with hoods to be drawn over the coiffure, an idea may be formed of them by the design on our third plate.

MATERIALS & COLOURS.-A charming material for evening dresses, is the Algerine damasked satin. The satin flowers of a pure brilliant white, on the pale yellowish-red woollen ground, forms a very agreeable contrast. Blond and satin ribbons have a good effect on this elegant material. The same tissue is made in various colours; the dark shades are used for neglige dresses, one of the handsomest is English or yellow green.

For half-dress robes, dark shaded velvets are much employed, particularly dark blue, violet, brown, garnetred, and black.

The blond employed for the front trimming of dress caps, should be very light in designs and on very clear



PLATE I.-FIGURE I.-EVENING DRESS.-A figured satin dress, deep cut corsage with flat plaits extending from the shoulders to the middle of the chest where they unite under a band; the sleeves short, forming double bouffans; the skirt open on the side from the waist to the extremity of the hem, and closed by three small bouquets. The hair parted smooth over the forehead, and elevated behind in two smooth coques entwined at their base by a close plaited tress, ornamented with a bouquet of roses and a jewelled ornament across the forehead; full side curls.

FIGURE II-CARRIAGE DRESS.-A velvet pelissecloak with large falling square collar and long sleeves with arm-holes; a ceinture closes over the shape, giving it the appearance of a pelisse; the corners of the hem are rounded and the whole bordered with zibline fur.

Under dress of white satin, open at the side, and fastened by ribbon nœuds disposed at eqnal distances and slanting on the skirt from right to left, has the appearance of a wreath. Coiffure, the hair separated over the forehead, the ends forming full side curls, turned up smooth behind and divided in two tresses, one forming a smooth the other a close plaited coque, ornamented with a branch of roses.

FIGURE III.-EVENING DRESS.-An embroidered gauze dress, close fitting, deep cut corsage with point in front and a blond mantilla, edged round the bust with an upright lace; the sleeves short, terminated with lace sabots and closed with a ribbon bow, the ends descending below the elbow. Head-dress, a satin tocquet, round open shape, turned up in front; ornamented with a superb feather, which bending back, arches over the shape and crown.

FIRST HAT & BACK VIEW.-A velvet dress hat, tocquet shape, flat crown, embroidered with a small wreath and a bouquet, the brim turned up in front and supported by two ribbon bars in the shape of a V, ornamented with a white feather.

SECOND HAT & BACK View.-A figured silk hat, half closed shape, high pointed crown, trimmed with a ribbon chou and ornamented with a bouquet of fancy flowers.

THIRD HAT & BACK VIEW.-A satin hat, small open shape elevated in front and closed on the cheeks; the crown pointed and plaited all round, adorned with a bouquet of feathers and a blond ornament.

PLATE TWO.-FIGURE 11.-EVENING DRESS.-A rose-coloured satin dress, draped corsage deep cut round the shoulders, edged round the bust with scolloped lace, trimmed in front with four small bows; the sleeves short, ornamented with three rows of tulle in fluted plaits, figuring épaulettes, terminated with lace sabots; the skirt full wide round the waist and forming rich deep folds, ornamented in front from the waist to the hem, by three ribbon bars terminated by a bow and a bouquet of roses. Coiffure à la Ninon, ornamented with dwarf roses.

FIGURE II.THEATRE DRESS.—An embroidered green silk dress, half high mounting corsage with indented pelerine-mantilla edged with very narrow blond, the sleeves short, and closed on the arm by a circle of small bows, the ends figuring sabots, the skirt ornamented round the hem with a light embroidery. The hair separated in front and forming full side curls, elevated in a smooth coque on the summit of the head, ornamented with three pinked feathers.

FIGURE III-BALL DRESS.-A black crape dress, close fitting corsage, with flat plaits, edged round the bust with an upright lace; the sleeves short, with sabots of black lace; a rose-coloured silk mantilla forming point in front and on the back, extending low down the front of the dress; the skirt ornamented round the hem with a border of bouquets embroidered in côloured silks.

DRESS HAT & BACK VIEW.-A velvet hat, small round open shape, low round crown, ornamented with three feathers.

CAP & BACK VIEW.-A blond cap, tastefully trimmed with ribbon bows, and ornamented with small feathers.

CENTRE CAP & BACK VIEW.-A blond cap, the trimming in front forming an areola supported by an

egret of cut ribbon ends, and tastefully ornamented by two pinked feathers.

PLATE THREE-FIGURE I.-EVENING.-DRESS.A figured satin dress, deep cut close fitting corsage, forming point in front, trimmed with narrow ruches of white tulle; the skirt open in front, and bordered on each side with crevés and ribbon bows. The hair elevated in high smooth coques and forming full side curls. FIGURE II.-EVENING DRESS.-A silk dress, printed in colonades; close fitting flat corsage à la Maintenon, trimmed in front with three ribbon bows, edged round the bust with narrow dented lace; the sleeves short and forming double bouffans terminated with sabots; the skirt plain, the pocket holes marked by a ribbon ruche and a noud. A satin dress hat, open round shape, placed far back on the head; trimmed with ribbon bars and ornamented with two superb feathers.

FIGURE III.—EVENING DRESS. A black velvet dress, close fitting draped corsage crossed in front, edged round the bust with an upright scolloped lace; the sleeves short and closed on the arm by a bow and a jewelled clasp, a similar ornament maintains the plaits on the shoulders; the skirt open in front from the termination of the corsage down to the hem, figuring pelisse, and closed by flattened coques and gold buckles. A velvet dress hat fancifully indented round the brim, and ornamented with a white feather.

FIRST CAP & BACK VIEW.-A blond cap, the trimming in front resembling a turban, ornamented with an esprit.

CENTRE CAP & BACK VIEW A morning cap of embroidered tulle, trimmed with ribbon bows.

HOODED MANTELET. An embroidered satin mantelet, trimmed with black blond, the hood is worn over the coiffure on going in or coming out of the theatres.

PLATE FOUR. FIGURE L-EVENING DRESS.-An embroidered satin dress, close fitting corsage deep cut round the shoulders, trimmed with black lace and ornamented with four ribbon bows; the sleeves short, terminated with black lace sabots; the skirt open in front and trimmed with rich lace. A crape dress hat, turned up shape, low round crown, trimmed with ribbon bows and egrets, ornamented with two feathers.

FIGURE II.-FANCY BALL DRESS.-A black satin close fitting corsage, open in front, ornamented with two rows of buttons; white gauze sleeves very wide, ornamented with cut épaulettes; the skirt of white gauze, full wide round the waist and thickly gathered ; a ceinture of plain satin ribbon fastened in front by a gold buckle, the ends floating down to the hem, A velvet cap placed on one side of the head; full side curls. A black velvet cravat.

EIGURE III.-PROMENADE DRESS.-A satin redingote, cross draped corsage with indented pelerine edged with black lace; the skirt full wide, forming deep folds, and crossed on one side, the dents edged with black lace.

HAT & BACK VIEW.-A satin hat, the shape turned up and fancifully indented, the crown round and gathered up in plaits, trimmed with ribbon bows and ornamented with two feathers.

CAP & BACK VIEW A blond cap, the trimming in front elevated and forming a point, ornamented with bows and dwarf roses.

COIFFURE & BACK VIEW.-The hair separated in front and forming full side curls, the tresses behind

forming close plaited coques, and ornamented with silver gauze.


"Le Follet Courrier des Salons"--" Le Petit Courrier des Dames"-" La Mode"---" Journal des Dames" &c. &c.

MODES.-Les robes de satin brodé sont devenues tellement de mode qu'on les porte même au bal; quelques personnes ont été jusqu'à composer, pour toilette de bal, une robe de satin noir, sur laquelle se détachaient des bouquets de fleurs artificielles ou une guirlande


Les robes de dentelle sont d'une grande élégance, placées sur un dessous de satin blanc; ces robes peuvent être garnies d'un haut volant ou d'une traverse montante en nœuds de rubans,

Voici quelques ensembles de toilettes pour des jeunes personnes qui ont eu un grand succès: une robe de gaze de soie rose, à dessous de satin; corsage drapé à la tyrolienne, manches courtes, à nœuds de page en rubans de satin-blonde, rose et blanc; une ceinture à longs pans, pareille,; dans les cheveux une couronne à la rosière, en roses de haie; pour bijoux, des perles.

Une robe de crêpe blanc, corsage garni de deux rangs de tulle, entre lesquels se trouvaient de petits flocons en rubans de satin bleu-ciel, les manches courtes étaient garnies de même; sur la jupe traversait une très-légère guirlande de petites grappes bleues, qui formaient aussi la coiffure par une guirlande en spirale.

Une élégante toilette de femme était une jupe de dessous en satin blanc sur laquelle ouvrait une double jupe en crêpe, rattachée, en s'écartant par le bas, par des nœuds de satin, le corsage plat était garni d'une blonde plate, relevée au milieu à la Sévigné par uné agrafe en camée; dans les cheveux des guirlandes à la Berthe en liseron des champs; pour bijoux une parue de camée.

Le soir on porte des colliers qui forment en même temps sautoirs et collerettes, ce sont des espèces de petits fichus en crèpe doublé de satin et bordés d'une petite blonde; ils font la pointe derrière comme un fichu, et se croisent par devant, attachés par une épingle.

Les sautoirs de foulard à dessins turcs sont fort bien pour le matin; pour demi-toilettes on porte aussi de jolies écharpes en foulard sur ces mêmes dessins qui sont de fort bon goût. Le foulard grenadine est de bon goût et moine habillé que le satin.

Les femmes ont adopté pour le matin un charment négligé ce sont des robes de chambres en cachemire eu en mérinos, à dessins turcs imprimés. Ces robes de chambre n'ont pas de taille, elles se serrent par derrière, et s'ajustent par une ceintnre qui attache avec un bonton; les manches sont larges et le col se termine par un petit collet. Elles ont un grand but d'utilité, en ce que lorsqu'on est souffrante et sans corset, on peut se dispenser de mettre une robe gênente, et cependant l'on est habillé convenablement et avec beaucoup de grâce lorsque ce vêtement est bien fait. On en fait aussi de fort jolies en foulards belge, à dessins très ouverts et confus.

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