
433. What was "Morton's Fork"?

434. "Francis I. on his way to Paris from Madrid vapored much of Regulus." Explain.

435. Charles V. once said, "I do not intend to blush like Sigismund." Explain.

436. What English kings were authors?

437. What was the Revolt of the Beggars?

438. Who said, "Some birds are too big for any cage"?

439. Who was the "Tyrant of the Escurial"?

440. Why did not Pope Clement VII. dare to offend Charles V.?

441. What English minister lost his head for getting his king a homely wife?

442. Who was the first queen-regnant of England?

443. Who was styled the "Flower of Chivalrie"?

444. What kings have expelled from their dominions large classes of their subjects?

445. Contrast the general characteristics of the middle ages with those of the modern era.

446. Who was the "King-maker"?

447. What was the Holy Roman Empire?

448. Name several instances of the general persecuting spirit of former times.

449. What English author defends the character and conduct of Henry VIII.?

450. Describe the growth and influence of free cities in the middle ages.

451. Mr. Bagehot writes, "The slavish Parliament of Henry VIII. grew into the murmuring Parliament of Queen Elizabeth, the mutinous Parliament of James I., and the rebellious Parliament of Charles I." Explain.

452. What great events occurred in 1689?

453. Was Napoleon I.'s reign a permanent benefit to France? What was its general effect upon Europe?

454. When did a beggar's grandson become a king?

455. Who said, "I am the state"?

456. Who was the "Last of the Knights"?

457. What peasant girl became a queen?

458. Has Germany or France ever had a queen-regnant?

459. To what historical event is allusion made in the poem beginning,

"On Linden, when the sun was low,

All bloodless lay the untrodden snow?"

460. Name the fifteen most decisive battles and sieges of modern times, and state the reasons for the selection.



The figures refer to the page number.

NOTE. Diacritical marks are as follows: a, e, i, ō, ù, are long; ă, è̟, ì, ở, ù, short,
as in ăm, mět, în, ổn, úp; â, ä, a, a, as in cûre, ürm, ask, all; ü as in full; è as in tērm;
as in there; like 8; ġ like j; ch like k; § like z; th as in thine.

[blocks in formation]

Abou Beker (a’boo běk'r), 327.
Aboukir (á-boo-keer'), battle of, 551.
Abram in Canaan, 80; in Egypt, 39.
Aby'dus, temple of, 18.

Academy at Athens, the, 175, 282.
Ac'cad, 45, 46.

Acca'dian, the, 45.

Achæ'an League, the, 157.

Achæans, conquest of, by Dorians, 117.
Achaia ( ka'ya), province of, 237.
Achilles (a-killeez), 116, 190.

Acre (a'ker), 400, 403, 551.

Acropolis, 123, 128, 145, 180-182, 187, 194.
Actium (ak'she-um), battle of, 25-4.
Addison, Joseph, 553.

Adelheid (a'dél-hid), married to Otto, 375.
A'drian IV., Pope, 391.

Adriano'ple, capture of, 407.

Æ'diles, Roman, 271.

Ægospot'ami, battle of, 145.

Ene'as, 117, 205.

Ene'id, the, 117, 275.

Æ-o'li-an war, the, 116.

E-olic Colonies, 118.

Equians, the, 220.

Æschines (és kí-neez), 173.

Eschylus (es'kl-lus), 127, 165, 168, 192.
Æsop (e'sop), 173, 174.

Aetius (a-e shl-ŭs) at Châlons, 268.
Ætoli-an League, 157.

Etolians, the, at Thermopylæ, 237.
Africa, 19, 328, 426.

Agamem'non captures Troy, 116.
Agath'o-cles, tyrant of Sicily, 79.
Agesila'us, King of Sparta, 146.

Agincourt (ă-zhan-koor'), battle of, 366.
A'gis, King of Sparta, 179.
Ag'ora, the Athenian, 182.
Agrarian Law, 216.

Agricola conquers Britain, 260, 337.
Agrigen'tum, capture of, 227.
Agrippa, 214, 298.

Agrippina (a-grip-pi'na), 259.
A'hab, 48.

A'haz, 49.

Ahriman (ah'ri-man), Persian god, 98.
Aix (aks), battle of, 242.

Aix-la-Chapelle (aks-la-shä-pěl'), 336, 381,

490, 529.

Ajaccio (a-yat'chō), 546.

Al'aric the Goth, 267.

BG H-37

Al'ba Lon'ga, 205, 209.

Albert I., Duke of Austria, 384, 387, 388.
Albert II., 384.

Albert, Prince, 586.

Albertus Magnus, 413.
Albigen'ses, the, 358.

Albuera (al-bwa'ra), battle of, 568.
Alça'us, Greek poet, 164.
Alcazar (al-kaz ́är), the, 435.
Alçibi'a-deş, 141, 143, 144, 175.
Ale-mæ-on'idæ, the, 123, 124.
Alcuin (al'kwin), 336, 349.
Alexander the Great, 150-152, 177.
Alexander of Russia, 562, 565.
Alexander Sevē'rus, 262.
Alexandria, 151, 154, 328, 551.
Alfonso of Aragon, 395.
Alfred the Great, 339, 349.
Algiers (al-jeerz'), 492.
Alhambra, the, 330, 405.
Allia, 221.

Allo'dial Lands, 408.
Alma, battle of, 586.

Alphabet, 77, 113.

Alsace (al-sas'), 485, 580.

Altis, the Greek, 181, 186.

Al'vä, Duke of, 446.

Alvinczy (al-vin'tse), 549, 550.

Am broşe. See Christian Fathers.
Amenemhe (a-men-em'e) III., 39.

America, discovery of, 387, 405, 427.
Amiens (ami ăn), 358, 559.
Amphictyon'ic Council, 115, 149.

Amphitheater, Flavian (Colosseum), 284.
Am'unoph III., 17.

Amurath (a-moo-rät'), 407.

Anăb'asis, the, 172.

Anacreon, 164.

Anaxagoras, 167, 174.
Anaximan'der. 174.

Androni'cus, Livius, 273.

An'gelo, Michael, 395, 424, 467.
Anglo-Saxons, 318, 338, 339, 347.
An-go'ra, battle of, 406.

Anjou (on-zhoo'), Dukes of, 430.
Anne of Austria, 488.

Anne of Beaujeu (bō-zhoo'), 370.

Anne of Cleves, 460.

Anne of England, 512.

Antăl çidas, Peace of, 146.

Anti-Corn Law League, 585.

An'ti-och, 155, 237, 399.

Anti'o-chus the Great, 234, 237.
Antip'ater, 150.

[blocks in formation]


Arch of Constantine, 284; of Severus, 284;

of Titus, 284, 396.

Archan'gel, first Russian seaport, 520.
Archida'mus, 140, 141.
Archil'ochus, 163.

Archimedes (är-kl-mē deez), 155, 234.
Architecture. See Art.
Archons, Athenian, 121.
Arcole (ar-kō'lā), battle of, 549.
A-re-op'agus, court of, 122, 194.
A'reş (Mars), god of war, 184, 192.
Argonautic Expedition, 115.
Argos, 117, 146.
Aria or Iran, 10.
Ariad'ne, 185.
A'rianism, 265, 266.

Aristides, 128, 129, 132, 135.
Aristode mus, 193.

Aristophanes, 155, 169, 175, 199.
Aristotle, 150, 176, 177, 194, 413.
A'rius, 265.

Arkwright, Sir Richard, 556.

Armada, the Invincible, 464.

Armagnacs (är-män-yäks'), 366-368.
Arminius, 256.

Armor. See Military Customs.
Arquebus (arkwē-bŭs), 436.
Arsa'çidæ, the, 156.

Art, Assyrian and Babylonian, 55, 71, 72,
113, 413; Carlovingian, 336; Chaldean,
64, 65, 71; Chinese, 110; Egyptian, 26,
44, 413; English, early, 349, 350; French,
early, 372; German, early, 325; Greek,
137, 145, 154, 158, 180, 192, 194, 201; He-
brew, 85; Hindoo, 105; medieval, 316,
414; Persian, 96, 104; Phoenician, 77;
Roman, 281, 285, 305, 310; Saracen, 330;
16th century, 467; 17th century, 515,
517; 19th century, 561.

Artaxerxes (ar-taks erks'eez), 135, 145.
Artaxerxes (Babegan), 156.
Artemis, 184, 189, 194.

Arthur, Prince, 358.

Artois (är-twa), 358, 370, 489.

Arts and inventions, Assyrian and Baby-
lonian, 48, 59, 71, 72; Carlovingian,
336; Chaldean, 64; Chinese, 111; Egyp
tian, 28, 44; English, 349; French,
early, 372; German, 325, 384; Greek,

183; Hebrew, 85; Hindoo, 105; medi-
æval, 414; Persian, 97, 104; Phoenician,
77; Roman, 282, 310; Saracen, 331; 16th
century, 467; 17th century, 514; 18th
century, 555; 19th century, 561.

Aryan race, 10-13, 51, 88, 89, 105, 114, 204.
Asca'nius, son of Æneas, 205.
Astham, Roger, 467, 472.
Aspa sia, 167.

As pern, battle of, 566.

Assemblies, Congregation of Israel, 86;
French, 359, 540-542, 581; German, 323;
Greek, 116, 194; Roman, 208, 212, 215
(see Comitia); the Witenagemot, 347.
As'shur, Assyrian god, 62; emblem of, 98.
Asshurban'ipal, 49, 54, 67, 69, 70.
Asshur-e-med'i-lin (Saracus), 47, 50, 55.
Asshur-i'zir-pal, 48.

Assyria, 17, 46-70, 88, 89.

Astar'te (Ash'ta-roth), 79.
Astrologers, 52, 56, 288, 290.
Asty'ageş, 88.

Athe'na, 180, 181, 184, 187, 194.
Athenian art, 123, 181-183; constitution
(of Solon), 122; democracy, 119, 124, 139,
159; education, 178; homes, 195; kings,
121; literature, 123, 161-172; Panath-
enaic procession, 187; respect for
Pericles, 140, 141; schools closed, 157;
schools of philosophy, 175-177; senate,
123; supremacy, 134; symposia, 197-
199; theaters, 170, 187-189; tyrants, 123.
Athenians, the, 134, 137, 138, 159, 170, 179,
194, 197, 201.

Athens, 119, 121-140, 144, 146, 157, 158, 194.
At'talus, 237.

Attic wit, 199.

At'tica, 121, 124, 143, 176.

Attila, 267, 268, 393, 405.

Auerstadt (ow'er-stat), battle of, 564.

Augsburg, confession of, 442; diet at, 441.

Augurs, Roman, 205, 208, 251, 293.
Augustan age, the, 256, 310, 553.

Augus'tulus Rom'ulus, 269.

Augustus Cæsar, 252-258, 296, 298.
Augustus the Strong, 523.
Aulic Council, 387.
Aurelian, 263.

Austerlitz, battle of, 563.

Austria, 374, 384, 531, 588, 590-593.
Austrian Succession, war of the, 527.
Austro-Hungary, 592.

Av'entine Hill, 205, 208, 209, 214, 217.
Avignon (a-veen-yōn'), 360.
Azof', capture of, 521.
Aztecs, the, 427.
Ba'al, 78.

Baalbec (bal-běk'), 75, 281.
Babel, Tower of, 55.

Ba'ber, 406.

Babylon, 46, 50, 51, 58, 89.

Babylonian art, 55; curious customs, 63;

empire, 45, 46, 50; literature, 54, 55, 71
religion, 61; scene, 63; writing, 52.
Bac'chus (Diony'sus), 185, 187.

Bacon, Lord, 468, 513.
Bacon, Roger, 413, 424.
Bac'tria, 10, 93.

Badajoz (bad-a-hōs'), capture of, 568,
Bad'en, 326, 592,

Bägdäd', 330; capture of, by Turks, 406.
Bajazět ravages Greece, 407.
Balaklava, battle of, 586.

Baldwin, King of Jerusalem, 399.
Bali-ol, John, King of Scotland, 345.
Ban'nockburn, battle of, 345.
Banquets, Reform, 576.

Barbaros'sa, Algerine pirate, 437.
Barbarossa, Frederick, 380, 400.
Bar'neveld, John of, 449.
Barras (bá-ra'), Gen., 546.
Barré (bá-ra'), Col., 536.

Barri (ba-re'), Comtesse du, 537.
Basil'icas, Roman, 281.

Basle (bal), 476, 478; Council of, 392.
Bissa'no, battle of, 549.

Bastile (bas-teel'), storming of the, 540.
Batavian Republic, 545.

Bautzen (bowt'sen), battle of, 570.
Bavaria, 485, 592.

Baxter, Richard, 513.

Bayard (ba'ård), Chevalier, 431, 432, 434.
Bazaine (ba-zan), Marshal, 580.

Beauharnais (bō-är-na'), Mme. de, 547.
Beauharnais, Eugene de, 547, 562.
Beaumont (bo'mont), Francis, 513.
Becket, Thomas à, 313.

Bede, the Venerable, 349.

Bedford, Duke of, 367, 368.

Beggars, 439, 446, 448, 473, 476-478, 491.
Behis'tun Inscription, 53, 90.

Belgium, 445, 543, 550, 599.

Belisarius, 320.

Belshazzar, 51.

Benedictine monks, 390.

Benevento, 563.

Benevolences, 455.

Beni Hassan, tombs of, 40.

Berengar, Prince, 375.

Berlin Decrees, 565; treaty, 597.

Bernadotte', French marshal, 563.

Bernard, Duke of Weimar, 483, 484.
Berō'sus, 46.

Bethho'ron, Joshua at, 82.

Bias. See Seven Sages.

Bible, the, 85, 154, 226, 425, 440, 459, 501,
507, 523.

Bismarck, Otto von, 590.

Black Death, the, 362.

Black Hole of Calcutta, 534.

Black Prince, the, 362-364.

Blake, Admiral Robert, 504.
Blenheim (blěn'im), battle of, 493.

Blücher (bloo'ker), Marshal von, 572.
Be o'tian League, 139, 147.
Bohemia, 356, 480, 455, 528.
Bhemond, 398.

Boilean (bwa-lo'), 513.

Boleyn (Bool'in), Anne, 457, 460.
Bonapartists, the, 576.

Boniface VIII., Pope, 359.

Book of the Dead, Egyptian, 24.
Bordeaux (bor-dō'), 543.

Borodino (bor-o-dee'no), battle of, 568.

Borsip'pa, Temple of Nebo at, 55.
Bossuet (bos-su-a'), 513.
Bog'worth, battle of, 346.

Both well, Earl of, 463.

Boulogne (boo-lōn'), 562.

Bourbon, Duke of, 434, 435,

Bourbon, House of, 355, 451-454, 543, 571,

574, 578.

Bourgeoisie (boor-zhwa-zē), the, 359.
Bouvines (boo-veen'), battle of, 358.
Boyne, battle of the, 511.

Brahma and the Brahmans, 105-107.

Brandenburg (Bran'den-boorg), 386, 526.

Bren'nus, Gallic leader, 156.

Breslau (bres low), 477.'

Bretigny (bra-teen-yee'), 364.

Brienne (bre-ĕn'), French minister, 538.
Bright, John, 585.

Britain, 249, 337, 338: 347.

British Empire, 587; museum, 52, 55, 60, 181.
Brunswick, House of. See Hanover.

[blocks in formation]

Calli'o-pe. See Muses.

Calonne (ka-lõn ́), 538.

Calpurnia, 251.

Calvin, John, 441.

Calvinists, the, 444.

Calydonian Boar, Hunt of the, 116.

Cambrai (kon-brá'), 432.

Camby'sēş, King of Persia, 15, 90.

Camillus, 221-223.

Campbell, Colin (Lord Clyde), 587.

Campo Formio, 550.

Campus Martius, 222, 299, 301, 308.

Can'næ, battle of, 232.

Cannon, first used, 424.

Cantons, the Eight Swiss, 389.

Canule'ian Decree, 218.

Canute', 339.

Capet (kā pět), Hugh, 356.

Capetian Kings, 356.

Capitoline Hill, 206, 208, 209, 222, 296, 307;

museum, 183.

Cappadocia, 400.

Capua, 203, 233.

Caracal'la, or Caracallus, 262, 285.
Carbonari (kär-bo-na're), the, 593.
Carchemish (kar kee-mish), 87.
Carlovin'gian kings, 332, 356.
Caroline, Queen of England, 533.

Carthage, 73, 76, 227-235, 244, 250, 269, 320.
Carthagin'ians, the, 133, 227–235.
Cartier (kär-tya'), 427.

Cassius (kash'e-us), Caius Lonģī'nus, 251–


Cassius, Spurius, 216.

Castes, Chaldean, 52; Hindoo, 105.

Castiglione (käs-tel-yō'nā), battle of, 549.
Castile (kas-teel'), 404.

Castillon (kas-tee-yon'), battle of, 369.
Castles, mediæval, 409.

Castor and Pollux, 213, 296.

Câteau-Cambresis (kä - tō'- kön - brā - zee'),
444, 450.

Catharine of Aragon, 457.
Catharine of Austria, 452.

Catharine the Great of Russia, 525.
Cathedrals, art in, 415, 446, 575; Cologne,
415; Jerusalem, 320; Notre Dame, Paris,
492; Pisa, 468; sacked in Netherlands,
445, 446; St. Mark's, Venice, 575; St.
Paul's, London, 515; St. Peter's, London,
340; St. Peter's, Rome, 333, 575; 11th
century, 445, 446.

Catiline's Conspiracy, 247, 275.
Cato the Censor, 235, 274, 289.
Cato the Stoic, 248, 250.

Cauca'sian race, the, 10.

Caudine Forks, battle of, 223.
Cavaliers, the, 500.

Cavendish, Henry, English chemist, 555.
Cavour (ka-voor'), Count, 594.
Cawnpore', 587.

Ceç'il, Sir William (Lord Burleigh), 462.
Ce'crops, 121.

Cellini (chel-lee'nee), Benvenu'to, 467.
Cel'sius, Anders, Swedish astronomer, 555.
Celts, the, 12, 337, 338.

Censors, Roman, 218, 256, 271. See Cato.
Centuries. See Assemblies.
Cerami'cus, the, 140, 177.
Cerberus, 184.

Ce'reş. See Demeter.
Cerisolles (-sol), 438.

Cesno ́la, Luigi Palma di, 77, 87.
Charone'a, battle of, 149.
Chalde'a. See Babylon.

Châlons (sha-lōn'), battle of, 268.
Chambord (shon-bōr'), Comte de, 576.
Champollion (sham-pol'e-on), François, 22.
Chapman, George, English poet, 468.
Charlemagne (sharle-man), 330, 332, 333,
335, 336, 349, 417.

Charles I. of England, 498-503.
Charles II.. 503, 506, 508-510, 514.

Charles I. (the Bald) of France, 335.

Charles III. (the Simple), 354.

Charles IV. (the Handsome), 355.
Charles V. (the Wise), 355, 365.

Charles VI. (the Well-beloved), 355, 365.
Charles VII. (the Victorious), 355, 367–369.
Charles VIII. (the Affable), 355, 369, 430.
Charles IX., 450-453.

Charles X., 575.

Charles Albert of Sardinia, 592.

Charles of Anjou, King of the Sicilies, 395.
Charles of Austria, 493, 494.

Charles the Bad, of Navarre, 362.

Charles the Bold, of Burgundy, 369, 433.
Charles of Valois, 360.

Charles IV. of Germany, 385.

Charles V., 428, 433, 435, 439, 442-444.
Charles VI., 493, 494.

Charles II. of Spain, 493.

Charles XII. of Sweden, 523–525.
Chartists, the, 584.

Chatham (chat ́ăm), Earl of. See Pitt.
Chau'çer, Geoffrey, 414, 467.
Che Hwang-te, 109.

Chemistry, development of, 555.
Cheops (ke'ops), 16, 36, 37.
Childeric (chil'der-ik), 332.

Chilo (kilo). See Seven Sages.
China, 109-112.
Chios (ki'os), 139.

Chivalry, 410-412, 439.

Choragic Monument, 181, 194.
Chora'gus, Greek, 188.
Christ, 257, 259, 310.

Christian IV. of Denmark, 480.

Christian Church, the, 265, 320, 321, 331, 332,
358, 386, 390-392, 403, 439, 450, 458, 478,
479, 601 (see Papal Power); Fathers, 155,

Christianity, 263, 265, 319, 330, 331, 339.
Christians, the, 260, 262-264, 437.
Christina (kris-tee'nä) of Sweden, 484.
Church of England, 458, 460, 462; in Ire-
land, 584, 588; in Scotland, 499; re-
stored after Cromwell, 506.

Cicero, 157, 236, 247, 248, 253, 274, 296, 303,

Cimbri, 242, 244.
Ci'inon, 136, 141.
Cincinna'tus, 220.

Cin'eas, ambassador to Rome, 225.
Cinna, 244.

Circus Flaminius, 299.
Circus Maximus, 208, 297.
Cisal'pine Gaul, 204.

Cities, Christianized, 263; free, 383, 392.
Civilization, Anglo-Saxon, 347; Arabian,
330; Aryan, 12; Assyrian and Babylo-
nian, 51, 71; Chinese, 110; Court of Char-
lemagne, 335; Court of Louis XIV., 515;
Egyptian, 19, 43; Elizabethan age, 468;
Gallic, 371; Greek, 119, 158, 201; He-
brew, 25; Hindoo, 105; mediæval, 383,
408, 474; Persian, 92, 103; Phoenician.
77; Roman, 270, 309; Teutonic, 322, 325;
16th century, 467; 17th century, 513;
18th century, 538, 544, 553.

Clan, the Celtic, 372.
Claudius, Emperor, 263.
Cleis'thenes, or Clis'theneş, 124.

Clement V., Pope, 360.

Clement VII., 457.

Cleobu'lus. See Seven Sages.

Cle'on, 141, 170, 172.

Cleopatra, 155, 249, 253, 254, 285, 303.

Clients, Roman, 207, 213, 270, 298.
Clio. See Muses.

Clive (kliv), Robert, 534.

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