[blocks in formation]

Colbert (col-bêr'), French minister, 489,

Coleridge (kōl'rij), Samuel Taylor, 555.
Coligny (ko-leen'ye), Admiral de, 451-453.
Collati'nus, husband of Lucretia, 211.

Colleges. See Universities and Education.
Cologne (kō-lōn'), 326, 415.
Colonna, the Italian, 396.

Colosseum, the, 260, 284, 292, 396.
Columbus, Christopher, 387, 423, 427.
Comitia Centuriata, 212, 215.
Comitia Curiata, 208, 215.
Comitia Tributa, 215.
Commerce, Assyrian and Babylonian, 59,
60; Chinese, 110; English, early, 348;
Greek, 118, 154, 159, 200; Hebrew, 85;
Hindoo, 105; Italian, 392, 394; media-
val, 326, 348, 394; Persian, 92, 97; Pho-
nician, 73-77, 118; Roman, 298, 305;
15th century, 424; 16th century, 456,
465, 467; 17th century, 489; 18th cen-
tury, 538, 555; 19th century, 651.
Com'modus, 261.

Commons, House of, 344, 503, 504, 512, 584,

Commonwealth, English, 503; Hebrew, 85.
Communes, French, 581; mediæval, 358.
Condé (kōn-da'), Louis I. de, 451, 452.
Condé, Louis II. de, 485, 488, 491.
Confederations, 134, 206, 325, 387, 448, 563,
588, 591.

Confucius (kon-fu'she-us), 111.

Co'non, Greek admiral, 146.

[blocks in formation]

Coriola'nus (Caius Marcius), 219.

Corn Laws, 583.

Cornelia, 241.

Corporations and Guilds. See Guilds.
Correggio (kor-ěd'jo), 467.
Cor'teş, 428.

Councils, Amphictyonic, 115, 149; Aulic,
387; Clermont, 398; Constance, 385;
Constantinople, 418; Cortes, 404; eccle-
siastical, 265, 392; of Elders, 116; of
Nice, 265; of State, 553; of Trent, 442.
Courcelles (koor-sel'), battle of, 580.
Covenant, Scotch, 499, 503.
Covenanters, 503, 507.
Cowper, William, 553.
Cranmer, Thomas, 457-461;
Crassus, 245-249.

Crécy (kres's1), battle of, 361.
Crespy, 438, 142, 450.
Crime'a, 525.

Crimean war, the, 579, 586.
Croesus (kree'sus), 89.

Cromwell, Oliver, 501-505.
Cromwell, Richard, 506.

Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex, 458, 460.

Crusaders sack Jerusalem, 399.

Crusades, 397-403, 414, 419.

Cumæ'an sibyl, 209.

Cunax'a, battle of, 145.
Cuneiform writing, 53, 65, 92.
Curatii, 207.
Cu'reş, 206.

Curiæ, Roman, 211, 270.
Cu'ries. See Assemblies.
Cur'ti-us, Mettius, 206.
Cuvier (kü-ve-ā'), 555.
Cyax'areş, 50, 88.
Cy'clops, 114.
Cylon, 123.

Cyn'ics, the, 177.
Cynosar'ges, the, 194.

Cynosceph'alæ, battle of, 236.

Cyprus, Di Cesnola at, 77, 87; settlement
of, 73.

Cyrus the Great, 51, 84, 88, 89, 125.
Cyrus the Younger, 145, 172.

Czars, Russian, origin of title, 520.

Dacians, the, 261.

D'Alembert (dá-lon-bêr'), 554.

Damascus, 49, 400.

Danes, 339, 354.

Daniel, 84.

Dǎn'te, 414.

Danton (dan'ton), 540, 544.

Dardanelles (där-dă-nělz'), 115.

Darius (da-ri'us) I., 91, 125, 126, 129.
Darius III., 151.

Dark ages, the, 316.
Darnley, Lord, 463.
Dauphin, the, 362, 364.
David, Hebrew king, 83.
De bir, 77.

Deb'orah, 82.

Decem'virs, the, 216, 217.
Dē'cius, 262.

De Foe, Daniel, 553.

Del'hi, massacre at, 587.

De los, 134.

Delphi, temple at, 115, 124, 186.
Demagogues, 141, 143, 170.

[blocks in formation]

Eleusin'ian Mysteries, 144, 165, 184.
Eleusis, 165.

Elgin marbles, 181, 187.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, 461-466.

Elizabeth, wife of "Winter King," 480

Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 530.

Elizabethan age, 467-474.

Embalming. See Burial Customs.

England, 337-353, 455-474, 494-513, 532-

536, 583-588.

En'nius, 273.

Epaminon'das, 147, 148.

Eph'esus, 117.

Eph'ors, 120.

Ep'ics, 25, 163, 273, 275.
Epicure'ans, 177.
Epicu'rus, 177.

Epirus, 225.

Equites (ek'wl-teez), 213, 240.
Erasmus, 469.

Er'ato, 185.

Eratosthenes, 155.
Erechthe'ium, 194.

Esarhad'don, 49.
Escu'rial, the, 444.

Esquiline Hill, 277, 281, 298.

Essex, Earl of, 466.

Ethiopia conquered by Egypt, 17.
Etrus cans, the, 204, 206, 208, 211.
Eu'cles, 127.

Eugene, Prince, 493.

Eugénie (u-zha-nee'), Empress, 580.

Eumenes (u'mě-neez), 23.

Eumen'ides (Furies), the, 185.

Euphrates, the, 13, 45, 50, 58.

Eurip'ides, 168, 275.

Eurym'edon, battle of, 136.

Euter'pe. See Muses.

Exodus of the Jews, 82.

Eylau (i'low), battle of, 565.

Fabii (fa'bl-i), the, 218.

Fa'bius, M., Roman dictator, 230, 232.
Fabri'cius, 225.

Famine, cotton, in England, 587; in Ath-

ens, 145; in Canaan, 39; in Egypt, 39;
in Germany, 485; in Haarlem, 446; in
Ireland, 585; in Rome, 218, 220; in Rus-
sia, 599.

Fates, the three, 185.
Fawkes, Guy, 496.

Fayoom (fi-oom'), the, 32, 39, 162, 168, 192.
Feme, the German, 383.

Fénelon (fa-ně-lōn'), 513.

Ferdinand I. of Germany, 436, 441, 444.
Ferdinand II., 444, 480-485.

Ferdinand III., 485.

Ferdinand of Spain, 404, 430, 443.

Festivals, 30, 38, 62, 63, 92, 115, 150, 165,

186, 201, 239, 290, 307, 322, 347, 473, 474,

Feudal castles, 409; ceremonies, 409; levy
abolished, 425; system, 323, 408.
Field of the Cloth of Gold, 438.

Fielding, Henry, 553.

Fire, Great, in London, 507; in Moscow,
568; in Rome, 259.
Fire-worship, 99.
Flamin'ius, 236.
Flanders, war of, 490.

Fleece, the Golden, 115.
Fletcher, John, 513.

Fleu'rus, battle of, 492.

Flodden Field, battle of, 456.
Florence, 394, 430.

Fontainebleau (fōn-tān-blō'), 570.
Fontenay (fön-tě-na'), battle of, 334.
Fontenoy (fön-tě-nwa), battle of, 529.
Forno'vo, battle of, 430.
Forty-Years' War, the, 446.

Forum, Roman, 296, 298, 299; monuments
in, 282, 281; uses of, 239, 281, 300, 308.
Fox, Charles, Pitt's rival, 536.
Fox, George, founder of Quakers, 505.
France, 331-337, 354-373, 409, 413, 416, 450-

454, 486-494, 515, 536-553, 559-582.
Franche Comté (frönsh' kön-tä'), 492.
Francis I. of Austria, 529.
Francis I. of France, 432-438.
Francis II., 450, 451.

Francis Joseph of Austria, 590, 592.
Franconian dynasty, 375.
Franco-Prussian War, 579.
Franklin, Benjamin, 555.
Franks, the, 318, 329-337.

Frederick I. of Germany. See Barbarossa.
Frederick II., 381, 402.

Frederick II. (Elector Palatine), 442.
Frederick II. (the Great), 526, 527-531.
Frederick V., 480.

Frederick, Don, besieges Haarlem, 446.
Frederick of Hohenzollern, 386.

Frederick William (Great Elector), 526.
Frederick William I. of Prussia, 526, 527.
Frederick William IV., 526, 590.
Frederickshall, 525.

Free Lances, the, 364.

Freiburg (fri'boorg), battle of, 485, 488.
Friedland (freet länt), battle of, 565.
Friends, the, 505.

Frobisher, Sir Martin, 464, 465.

Fronde and Frondeurs, 489.

Fucinine, Lake, 282.

Fugger (foog'er), Anthony, 441.

Fugger, Herr Marcus, 476.

Ful'via, wife of Mark Antony, 253.

Furies, the, 185.

Ga bi-i, capture of, 211.

Ga'des (Cadiz), 73, 230.

Gala'tia, 156.

Galileo, 468, 514.

Galleys, Greek and Roman, 192, 224.

Gallus, Roman Emperor, 262.

Galvani (gal-vä'nee), 555.

Games and sports, 38, 67, 186, 197, 250, 285,
290, 310, 324, 351, 412, 473.
Garibaldi (gar-i-bal'di), 594, 595.

Gauls, the, 220, 232, 250, 264, 332, 371, 372.
Ged'des, Jenny, 507.

Geneva, Reformers at, 441.

Genghis Khan (jĕn'gis kän), 109, 403.
Gen'oa, 392, 492.

Genseric (jen'sĕr-ik), 269.

George I. of England, 532.

George II., 529, 533.

George III., 535,

George IV., 583.

German migrations, 266-269.

Germanic Confederation, 588.

German'icus, 256.

Germany, 322, 335, 373, 375, 379–387, 474-
478, 486, 526–532, 588–592.

Gesner, Konrad von, Swiss naturalist, 468.
Ghent, Pacification of, 448.

Ghibellines (gib'el-linz), the, 379, 396.
Gibbon, Edward, historian, 554.
Gibraltar (j1-braltar), 494.
Gid'eon, 82.

Girondists (jl-ron'dists), the, 542, 544.
Gizeh (gë zë), 16, 18, 35.

Gladiatorial games, 291; war, 245.
Gladstone, William E., 587.
Glass, 28, 44, 59, 71, 78, 302.
Godfrey, Duke of Bouillon, 398, 399.
Goethe (ge'těh), Wolfgang von, 554.
Golden Bull, the, 385.

Gonsal'vo de Cor'dova, 431.

Good Hope, Cape of, 19, 426.

Gordon, Charles G., English general, 587.

Görgey (ger geh-e), Hungarian traitor, 591.
Gorgons, the, 185.

Goths, the, 262, 263, 266.
Grac'chi, the, 241.
Gracchus, Caius, 241.
Gracchus, Tiberius, 241.
Graces, the three, 185.

Gräna'da, conquest of, 405, 423.
Grand Alliance, 492.
Grani'cus, battle of, 151.
Granson, battle of, 370.

Grattan', Henry, Irish orator, 584.
Gravelotte (grav-lot'), battle of, 580.
Gray, Thomas, English poet, 553.

Great Britain, kingdom formed, 513.

Greece, 113-203, 598. See Athens and

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Harvey, William, English physician, 514.
Has'drubal, 233, 234.
Hastings, battle of, 340.
Hav'elock, Sir Henry, 587.
Havre (hä'ver), 490.

Hawkins, Sir John, 464, 465.

Haynau (hi'now), the "Hangman," 590.
Hebe, 185.

Hebrews, the, 18, 80-87, 343, 599.
Hector, son of Priam, 116.

Hegel (ha gel), German philosopher, 554.
Hegi'ra, the, 326.

Helen, wife of Menela'us, 116.

Hellas and the Helle'nes, 114, 115, 117.
Hellespont, Alexander crosses the, 151.
Héloise (a-lo-eez'), 413.

Hēlots, Spartan, 119, 136, 160, 161.
Helve'tius, French philosopher, 539.
Hengist (heng gist), 338.

Henry I., of England, 340, 341.

Henry II., 340-343.

Henry III., 340, 343.

Henry IV., 340, 366.

Henry V., 340, 366, 367.

Henry VI., 340, 367–369.

Henry VII., 455, 456.

Henry VIII., 433, 455–460.

Henry I., of France, 355.
Henry II., 443, 450.

Henry III., 450, 453, 454.

Henry IV. (Navarre), 452-454.

Henry I., of Germany, 374.
Henry II., 374.

Henry III., 375, 376.

Henry IV., 375, 376, 377.

Henry V., 375, 377-379.

Henry VI., 380, 401.

Hephaes'tus, 184.

Hera, 184, 189.

Heraclei'dæ, return of the, 117.
Herculaneum destroyed, 261.
Hercules, Twelve Labors of, 115.
Hermes, 143, 184, 196.

He'ro, Greek mathematician, 155.
Herod'otus, 15, 110, 167, 171, 192.
Herschel (her'shel), Sir William, 555.
Hesiod (hee'-sl-od), 163.
Hes'tia, 184, 196, 310.

Hi'ero, King of Syracuse, 227.
Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, 22.

High Commission Courts, English, 499.

Hildebrand. See Gregory VII.

Hill, Rowland, 585.

Hills, plan of Roman, 210, 299.

Him'era, battle of, 133.

Hindoos, the, 105-108.

Hipparchus, 123, 155.
Hippias, 123.

Hippocrates, 174.

Hiram, King of Tyre, 78.

1 Hit'tites, the, 86.

Hoche (ōsh), French general, 545.
Hohenlinden (hō-ën-lín ́děn), battle of,


Hohenstaufen (ho-en-stow'fen) line, 379.
Hohenzollern (ho-en-tsōl'èrn), 386.
Holbein (hol'bin), Hans, 515.
Holland, 445, 491, 503, 598.
Holstein (hol'stin), 591.
Holy Alliance, the, 588.
Holy League, the, 432.

Holy Roman Empire, the, 375, 390, 486,
531, 588.

Homer, 116, 151, 162, 189, 192.
Homes and home life, Anglo-Saxon, 350;
Athenian, 195; Chaldean, 63; Egyptian,
38, 40; English, 468; French, 538, 539;
Gallic, 372; German, 474-476; German,
early, 322; mediæval, 411, 416; Roman,
302; Spartan, 193.

Honorius, Roman emperor, 267.
Hooker, Richard, English author, 468.
Horace, Roman poet, 276, 310, 325.
Horatian Decree, 218.

Horatii and Curatii, 207.

Horn, Count, Swedish general, 484.
Horus, Egyptian god, 30, 31.

Hospitallers, the, 399, 436.

Howard, Catharine, Queen of England, 460.

Howard, John, philanthropist, 556.

Hubertsburg, Treaty of, 530.

Huguenots, the, 450-454, 490.

Hume, David, English historian, 554.

Hundred Years' War, 360–369.

Hungary, 374.

Huns, the, 109, 265, 374.

Huss, John, 386.

Hussite war, 386.
Hyksos, 17.

Hypatia, 177.

Hystas pes, Darius, 58.

Iliad, Homer's, 116, 151, 162.

Iliad, the Egyptian, 26.

Immortals, the Persian, 129, 130.

Incas, the, 428.

Independents, the, 462, 501.
India, 105-108, 152, 406.
Indian Mutiny, 586.

Indo-European. See Aryan.
Inkerman', battle of, 586.
Innocent III., Pope, 358, 391.
Inquisition, the, 446, 450.

Inscriptions, famous, 18, 22, 53, 90, 259, 544.

Institutes of Vishnu and Gautama, 108.
Interregnum, the Great, 381.

Inventions. See Arts and Inventions.

Investiture, 409; war of, 376, 377.

Ionians, the, 117, 118, 119, 139.

Ionic colonies, 117, 144.

Ipsus, battle of, 153.

Iran or Aria, 10.

Ireland, 344, 511, 584, 587, 588.

Ireton, Henry, English general, 502.

Isabella of Castile, 404.

Israel, kingdom of, 82–84.

Issus, battle of, 151.

Isthmian games, 186. See Games.

Italian Renaissance, 395; war, 593.

Italy, 203-312, 320, 332, 390-397, 430-436,


[blocks in formation]

John (the Good), King of France, 362, 364.
John II. of Portugal, 426.

Johnson, Samuel, 553.

Jonson, Ben, 468, 513.

Jordan River, 81, 82.
Joseph, 80.

Josephine, wife of Napoleon, 547, 562, 567.
Joshua, 82.

Joubert (zhoo-ber'), French general, 550.

Jourdan (zhoor-dön), French general, 545.
Journalism established, 553.

Jove. See Zeus.

Judah, kingdom of, 84.

Judea, 80-86.

Judges, the, 82.

Jugurtha, 242-244.

Julian, the Apostate, 265.

Juno. See Hera.

Junot (zhu-no'), Marshal of France, 565.

Jupiter. See Zeus.

Justinian, 319, 320.

Ju'venal, 278.

Ka, the Egyptian, 24, 38.

Kant, Immanuel, 554.

Karnak, Great Temple of, 9, 17, 26.
Kaunitz (kow'nits), 529.
Kellerman, Duke de, 559.

Kepler, German astronomer, 514, 568.
Khadijah (ka-dee'já), 326.

Khu-en-A'ten, King of Egypt, 17.
Khufu. See Cheops.

Klop'stock, German poet, 554.

Knight, the mediæval, 410, 416, 425.

Knights Hospitallers and Templars, 360,


Knights of St. John, 436.

Knox, John, Scotch reformer, 463.

Kolin, battle of, 530.

Koran, the, 327.

Koscius'ko, Polish patriot, 525.

Kossuth (kosh'oot), 590.

Kshatriyas (ksha'tre-yás), 105.

Kunersdorf, battle of, 530.

Labyrinth, Egyptian, 17, 39, 65.
Lacedæ'mon, 119, 132, 146.
Laconia, 121, 158, 160.

Ladies' Peace, the, 436, 441.
La Fayette, Marquis de, 575.
La Fontaine', 513.

Lamarck', French naturalist, 555.
Lancaster, House of, 340.

Laplace (lä-plas), 555.

La'reş and Pena'teş, 289, 310.
Las Casas (läs kä'sas), 429.
Latimer, Hugh, 460.

Latin League, 205, 213, 216, 224.
Latium, 206.

Laud (lawd), Archbishop, 498, 507.
La Vendée (lä võn-dā'), 543, 545.
Law, John, 536.

Lawfelt, battle of, 529.
Lay'ard, Austen Henry, 55.


Legnano (lan-ya'nō), battle of, 380.
Leibnitz (lip'nits), Baron von, 514.
Leicester (les'ter), Earl of, 464, 466.
Leignitz (lig nits), battle of, 530.
Leipsic (lip'sik), battles of, 483, 570.
Lens, battle of, 485, 488.

Leo I., Pope, saves Rome, 269.
Leo X., sketch of, 394.
Leon'idas at Thermopyla, 129.
Leonidas of Tarentum, 171.
Leopold, Duke of Austria, 388.
Leopold, German emperor, 493.
Lepan'to, battle of, 596.
Lep'idus, 253.

Lessing, Gotthold, 486, 554.

Leuc'tra, battle of, 147.

Leuthen (loi'ten), battle of, 530.

Levant', 162, 426.

Lewes (lu'es), battle of, 344.

Leyden (li'den), siege of, 448.

Libraries, 18, 45, 54, 55, 71, 106, 154, 156, 157,

162, 177, 178, 274, 275, 278-280, 297, 304,
325, 328, 331, 553.

Licin'ian Rogation, 219.
Linnæ'us, 55, 555.
Lisbon, 426.

Little Rome, 336.
Livonia, 525.
Livy, 277, 310, 325.
Llewellyn (loo-ěl ́in), 344.
Locke, John, 513.
Locomotive, the first, 585.
Lo'crians, the, 149.
Lö'di, battle of, 548.

Loire (lwär), capture of, 358.
Lom'bard, Peter, 413.

Lombards, the, 320, 392.

London, plague and fire in, 507.

Londonderry besieged, 511.

Longbows, 342, 361, 413.

Longobards, 325.

Long Parliament, 499.

Long Walls, the, 138, 140, 145, 146, 194.

Lord of Misrule, 474.

Lorraine', 335.

Lorraine, Cardinal of, 450.

Lost Tribes of Israel, the, 84.

Lothaire', 335.

Lothaire of Italy, 375.

Lothaire II., of Saxony, 379.
Lotharin'gia, 335.

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