On Heroes, Hero-worship, & the Heroic in History: Six Lectures ; Reported, with Emendations and Additions

Első borító
James Fraser, 1841 - 393 oldal

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115. oldal - The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away ; blessed be the name of the Lord.
237. oldal - Scottish man, now after three hundred years, should have to plead like a culprit before the world; intrinsically for having been, in such way as it was then possible to be, the bravest of all Scotchmen! Had he been a poor Half-and-half, he could have crouched into the corner, like so many others ; Scotland had not been delivered ; and Knox had been without blame. He is the one Scotchman to whom, of all others, his country and the world owe a debt.
314. oldal - Duchesses to dinner; the cynosure of all eyes ! Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man ; but for one man who can stand prosperity, there are a hundred that will stand adversity.
152. oldal - And how much of morality is in the kind of insight -we get of anything ; ' the eye seeing in all things what it brought with it the faculty of seeing' ! To the mean .eye all things are trivial, as certainly as to the jaundiced they are yellow. Raphael, the Painters tell us, is the best of all Portrait-painters withal. No most gifted eye can exhaust the significance of any object. In the commonest human face there lies more than Raphael will take-away with him.
173. oldal - To know a thing, what we can call knowing, a man must first love the thing, sympathise with it : that is, be virtuously related to it.
74. oldal - This Mahomet, then, we will in no wise consider as an Inanity and Theatricality, a poor conscious ambitious schemer; we cannot conceive him so. The rude message he delivered was a real one withal; an earnest confused voice from the unknown Deep. The man's words were not false, nor his workings here below; no Inanity and Simulacrum; a fiery mass of Life cast-up from the great bosom of Nature herself.
139. oldal - To me it is a most touching face ; perhaps of all faces that I know, the most so. Lonely there, painted as on vacancy, with the simple laurel wound round it; the deathless sorrow and pain, the known victory which is also deathless ; — significant of the whole history of Dante ! I think it is the mournfullest face that ever was painted from reality ; an altogether tragic, heart-affecting face.
1. oldal - Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here.
175. oldal - Shakspeare greater than Dante, in that he fought truly, and did conquer. Doubt it not, he had his own sorrows: those Sonnets of his will even testify expressly in what deep waters he had waded, and swum struggling for his life; —as what man like him ever failed to have to do? It seems to me a heedless notion, our common one, that...
4. oldal - The thoughts they had were the parents of the actions they did; their feelings were parents of their thoughts: it was the unseen and spiritual in them that determined the outward and actual; — their religion, as I say, was the great fact about them.

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