
Dum licet, in rebus jucundis vive beatus:

Vive memor quam fis aevi brevis. Haec ubi dicta Agreftem pepulere, domo levis exfilit: inde Ambo propofitum peragunt iter, urbis aventes Moenia nocturni fubrepere. jamque tenebat Nox medium coeli fpatium, cum ponit uterque In locuplete domo veftigia: rubro ubi cocco Tincta fuper lectos canderet veftis eburnos ; Multaque de magna fupereffent fercula coena, Quae procul exftructis inerant hefterna caniftris. Ergo ubi purpurea porrectum in vefte locavit Agreftem; veluti fuccinctus curfitat hofpes, Continuatque dapes: nec non verniliter ipfis Fungitur officiis, praelibans omne quod affert,

Away they come, thro' thick and thin,
To a tall house near Lincoln's-Inn;
('Twas on the night of a Debate,
When all their Lordships had fate late.)
Behold the place, where if a Poet
Shin'd in Description, he might fhow it;
Tell how the Moon-beam trembling falls,
And tips with Silver all the walls;
Palladian walls, Venetian doors,
Grotefco roofs, and Stucco floors

But let it (in a word) be faid,
The Moon was up, and Men a bed,

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The Napkins white, the Carpet red:


The Guests withdrawn had left the Treat,

And down the Mice fate, tête à tête.

Our Courtier walks from difh to dish, Taftes for his Friend of Fowl and Fish; Tells all their names, lays down the law,

Que ça eft bon! Ab goutez ça !

"That Jelly's rich, this Malmsey healing,
"Pray, dip your Whiskers and your Tail in."
Was ever fuch a happy Swain?

He ftuffs and fwills, and ftuffs again.
"I'm quite afham'd---'tis mighty rude
"To eat so much---but all's fo good.



Ille cubans gaudet mutata forte, bonifque
Rebus agit laetum convivam: cum fubito ́ingens
Valvarum ftrepitus lectis excuffit utrumque.
Currere per totum pavidi conclave; magifque
Exanimes trepidare, fimul domus alta Moloffis
Perfonuit canibus. tum rufticus, Haud mihi vita
Eft opus hac, ait, et valeas: me fylva, cavusque
Tutus ab infidiis tenui folabitur ervo,

"I have a thousand thanks to give.

My Lord alone knows how to live.”
No fooner faid, but from the Hall
Rush Chaplain, Butler, Dogs and all:
"A Rat, a Rat! clap to the door
The Cat comes bouncing on the floor.
O for the heart of Homer's Mice,
Or Gods to fave them in a trice!
(It was by Providence they think,


For your damn'd Stucco has no chink.) "An't please your Honour, quoth the Peasant, " This fame Deffert is not so pleasant: "Give me again my hollow Tree, ← A Crust of Bread, and Liberty!





NTERMISSA, Venus, diu


Rurfus bella moves? parce precor, precor.

Non fum qualis eram bonae

Sub regno Cynarae. define, dulcium

Mater faeva Cupidinum,

Circa luftra decem flectere mollibus

Jam durum imperiis: abi

Quo blandae juvenum te revocant preces.

Tempeftivius in domum

Paulli, purpureis ales oloribus,

Comiffabere Maximi;

Si torrere jecur quaeris idoneum. Namque et nobilis, et decens,

Et pro folicitis non tacitus reis,

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