
smallest of them to be in anywise violated or infringed; and should anything be done contrary to their true tenor and meaning, they will cause such persons to be instantly arrested as disturbers of the public peace, and punish them as guilty of high treason toward us and toward the state, so that they may serve for examples to all others who may be inclined to act in the same way. We ordain that these presents be proclaimed in the most public manner in the usual places, that no one may pretend ignorance thereof; and we enjoin all persons who may hear or know of any one that shall utter words in public or otherwise against the honour of the aforesaid persons of our blood and lineage, or to the disgrace of this said peace, that they do denounce him or them to our officers of justice, that punishment may ensue according to the exigence of the case, and that they may be proceeded against as rebels to our commands and ordinances. That these presents may have their due weight, we have hereunto set our seal. Given at Paris in the month of February in the year of Grace 1414, and of our reign the 35th." Signed by the king and his grand council. Countersigned, "Estienne Mauregard." As this peace was proclaimed throughout Paris, so was it published in divers parts of the kingdom of France.


Ar this period, there was a combat between three Portuguese and three Frenchmen, performed at the king's palace of St. Ouen near to Paris. The names of the Portuguese were the lord d'Alenton, sir Jean Cousaille knight, and sir Peter Cousaille. The three Frenchmen were sir François de Grignaulx, Marigon, and la Rocque. The Portuguese, as the challengers, were first introduced into the lists by the earl of Dorset and the other English lords. The French were conducted by Clugnet de Brabant, admiral of France, John brother to the duke de Bar, and several more. After the accustomed proclamations had been made, in the king's name, the combat began, and was hard fought; but at length the Portuguese surrendered themselves as vanquished, to save their lives, to the great indignation and displeasure of the English, who had conducted them to the lists. The Portuguese were, by the king's command, put out of the lists, and the French honourably escorted home, very much rejoiced at their victory.

When the business of the peace had been concluded, the countess of Hainault left Senlis, and returned to her country and to her lord duke William. The English, about the same time, departed from Paris, after having been magnificently feasted and honoured by the king and his princes, and having likewise been presented with rich gifts. They did not, however, succeed in the object of their mission, namely, the marriage of their king with the lady Catherine of France, because their demands for her portion were unreasonable and excessive, such as the duchy of Normandy, the county of Ponthieu, with the duchy of Aquitaine, to be held as inheritances for ever. The king of France, in reply, told them that he would shortly send ambassadors to England with his final answer to the request they had made.


On the 13th day of March, in this year, the duke of Brabant, the bishop of Tournay, the lord de Ront, sir William Bouvier, governor of Arras, counsellors and ambassadors from the duke of Burgundy, and the deputies from the three estates of Flanders, having full powers from the duke of Burgundy for this purpose, swore in the name of the said duke, and in his behalf, in the presence of the king of France, on the true cross and holy evangelists of God; and in like manner the duke of Brabant and the others above-mentioned, for themselves in their own private capacities, swore to the full observance and preservation of all the articles of the peace first treated of before Arras and confirmed at Paris. The dukes of Berry,

Orleans, Alençon and Bourbon, the counts d'Eu, de Vendôme, grand-master of the household, the lord de Prayaux, the chancellor of France, the archbishops of Sens, Bourges, Rouen, the bishops of Laon, Lisieux, Paris, Chartres, the chancellor of Aquitaine, the count de Tancarville and others, took the same oath in the presence of the king and the grand council.

Commissioners were then sent by the king from Paris, namely, the master of the crossbows of France, the lord de Rambures, and master Jean de Vailly, first president of the parliament, to Tournay, where they arrived in the month of March. The duke of Brabant, the countess of Hainault, Philip of Burgundy count of Charolois, the nobles and prelates of Ghent, and other great towns in Flanders, there met them. When the king's letter had been read, the count de Charolois, and all present, took the oath required, in the hands of the said commissioners, and in the presence of the duke of Brabant and the countess of Hainault, promising on their own behalf, to keep the said peace, and to pay attention to the contents of the king's letter. In like manner did the prelates, nobility, and others of the town of Tournay and the adjacent countries, make oath, delivering their certificates signed and sealed by them, as the count de Charolois and the Flemings had done to the commissioners, to be carried to Estienne Mauregard, the master of the rolls, at Paris. The count de Charolois, after the holy week, convoked, at Arras, all the nobility, clergy, and inhabitants of the country of Artois and its dependencies, who all swore, and delivered in certificates, as those of Tournay had done. Commissioners were afterward sent into Burgundy, to receive the oaths of the duke and of the estates of the duchy and its dependencies. These commissioners were the lord de Tynouville+ and master Symon de Vanterre, president of the parliament, who received the oaths and certificates, and sent them to the master of the rolls at Paris; but the duke himself refused to swear, and said he must speak to the king and the duke of Aquitaine before he made oath to keep the peace, on certain causes that affected him.


[A. D. 1415.]

Ar the beginning of this year, those of Amiens wrote such letters as follow.

"The mayor, sheriffs, and commonalty of Amiens make known, that on the 18th day of the month of April, in the year 1415, by orders from master John de Vailly, president of the parliament, and commissioner in these parts in the name of the king, the inhabitants of this town were collected in the market-place, by sound of bell, from house to house, when we being present, with the principal inhabitants, this said president caused to be read to us letters from the king of the following purport: Charles, by the grace of God king of France,' &c., (and similar to what I have before detailed,)—which being ended, we, and all the people assembled, made oath, and faithfully promised on the cross and holy evangelists of God, and we now by these presents do swear and promise punctually to observe and keep all the articles of the peace lately ratified, as far as it shall concern us, and conformably to the will and pleasure of the king our lord, as contained in these his said letters. In testimony whereof, we have to these presents affixed the common seal of the town of Amiens. Given on the day and year before-mentioned."

The substance of the above was copied by two apostolical notaries, who certified that the aforesaid ordinance had been published, and the colleges assembled in the chapter-house of the cathedral of Nôtre Dame of Amiens, who had sworn to the same. These were sealed with the seal of the bishop of Amiens, of the chapter, and of the other chapters and colleges, and given to the bailiff of Amiens to carry to master Estienne Mauregard, master of the rolls in Paris. The bailiff caused the king's proclamation to be published everywhere Azincourt, Peter, lord of Préaux in 1417, and James, lord of Thury. The two latter married two daughters of the grand-master Montagu. + Q. Tignonville.

Préaux. James de Bourbon, third son of James, first count of la Marche, lord of Préaux by marriage, and grand-butler of France. His sons were, Louis, killed at

within his jurisdiction, except within the lands of the duke of Burgundy: he received the oaths of all ranks of persons to the due observance of the same, and the proper certificates from each prelate, noble, and others resident within his bailiwick. Thus were these ordinances respecting the peace proclaimed throughout all the bailiwicks and seneschalships in the realm, at the usual places; and then oaths and certificates were demanded by the commissioners from the clergy, nobles, and chief towns, and delivered at Paris in the same manner as the others had been.


On the 9th day of April, in this same year 1415, Waleran count de St. Pol and de Ligny, calling himself constable of France, fell ill in the castle of Yvoix, in the county of Chiny. His disorder, as it was reported, was occasioned by his physician having administered to him too strong a clyster; and about twelve days after, he departed this life, and was buried in front of the great altar in the principal church in Yvoix, amidst the tears and lamentations of his attendants,--although he had ordered, by a will made in his lifetime, that his body should be carried to the abbey of Cercamp, of which his ancestors the counts de St. Pol had been the founders. In the course of his illness he had sent for his countess, the sister to the duke of Bar*, having an earnest desire to converse with her before his last hour; but, notwithstanding the diligence she made to comply with his request, she did not arrive, accompanied by a niece of the count's, sister to sir John Luxembourg, until about two hours after his decease, although they had rode a-straddle, on hard-trotting horses, to make the more speed. They were much shocked on hearing of his death. When the countess had remained at Yvoix about eight hours, and disbanded the men-at-arms of her late lord, she returned to Ligny-en-Barrois, where she had the obsequies of the count celebrated in the cathedral church. She publicly renounced, by her attorney, all the debts and estates of her late lord, excepting her dower, by placing on his tomb his belt and purse, of which act she demanded from the public notaries present to have certificates drawn up. The count's heirs were the two sons of the duke of Brabant by the daughter of his first wife+.

In this same month, the princes of the blood then at Paris went to Melun, by command of the queen and the duke of Aquitaine, who were there resident. While they were occupied on business with the queen, the duke of Aquitaine set off for Paris with few attendants; and thence he sent the princes word that they were not to return to Paris until ordered by the king or himself, and commanded them to retire to their estates, and to attend to their own affairs. After this, the duke, knowing that the queen his mother had deposited large sums in the hands of three persons in Paris, who were her confidants, namely, Michault de l'Allier, Guillaume Sanguin, and Picquit de la Haye, suddenly entered their houses with his people, and seized all the money found therein, and carried it to his hotel. He then summoned the provosts of Paris, the university, and the principal inhabitants to come to him at the Louvre, where he caused to be laid before them, by the bishop of Chartres, his chancellor, article by article, the whole history of the government of the kingdom, from the coronation of the king his father until that moment, showing how the duke of Anjou had seized the treasures of king Charles his grandfather, and wasted them in Italy, as well as the portions of the dukes of Berry and Burgundy, last deceased; then mentioning the death of the late duke of Orleans, and his government, and concluding with the administration of the present duke of Burgundy, who had consumed the whole of the finances, and despoiled the kingdom. He then declared, that as duke of Aquitaine, dauphin of Vienne, and

Bona de Bar, second wife of count Waleran, by whom he left no issue.

† Waleran, count of St. Pol, married for his first wife Matilda de Roeux, by whom he had one daughter, Jane, married to Anthony, duke of Brabant. She died before her father, leaving two sons, John and Philip, who succes

sively possessed the duchy of Brabant as heirs to their father, and the counties of St. Pol and Ligny in right of their mother. Guy, count of Ligny, father of Waleran, was also father to John, count of Brienne, whose son Peter succeeded to the county of St. Pol on the death of Philip, duke of Brabant, in 1430, without issue.

presumptive heir to the crown, he would no longer suffer such waste to be committed on the public revenues, or on his father's demesnes. To this end, therefore, and for the security and welfare of the king and realm, he had thus assembled them, to make known to them, and all the world, his resolution of taking on himself the government of the kingdom, with a firm determination to provide a remedy against such abuses in future. When the above had been eloquently and elaborately explained to the assembly, it broke up, and every one returned to his home.

The princes of the blood, on receiving the orders from the duke of Aquitaine, took their leave of the queen, and separated from each other. The duke of Berry went to Dourdan*, in his county of Estampes, the duke of Orleans to Orleans, and the duke of Bourbon to his duchy of Bourbon. The duke of Burgundy was before, as has been mentioned, in his duchy of Burgundy. The king was very ill at his hotel of St. Pol at Paris. The next step of the duke of Aquitaine was to take away his duchess from the company of the queen, which he did in person, accompanied by the count de Richemont, and had her placed at St. Germain-en-Laye.




HENRY V. OF ENGLAND, WITH MILITARY ATTENDANTS, UNDER THEIR APPROPRIATE BANNERS. The figure of the King, from an illumination of the period; the Attendants, from tombs of the heroes of Azincourt; and the Banners from examples engraved in Sir N. H. Nicholas's History of the Battle of Azincourt.

WHEN the English ambassadors were returned to England, and had reported to the king their ill success, the king, princes, and country were much displeased thereat. After many councils had been holden, it was at length resolved, that the king should raise the greatest * Dourdan, a town in Beauce, on the river Orge, four leagues from Estampes.

possible force to invade France, and so sorely despoil that kingdom that the present king and his successors should be driven from it.

To provide a sufficient fleet for the transport of his army, he sent commissioners* into Holland and Zealand, who, on proper security for good payment, made contracts for the number of vessels that would be wanted. The king of England had prepared all manner of stores and provisions necessary for war; and in regard to the payment of the forces, adequate sums were raised: indeed, there remained an overplus of five hundred thousand nobles, in money or plate. It was determined, that the king himself, attended by the princes and the whole army, should embark to invade France as early as possible. Intelligence of this was speedily carried to France. The duke of Aquitaine, who now governed the realm in behalf and in the name of the king his father, in consequence, held many councils, and remanded to Paris the duke of Berry and some other lords, with whom he had several consultations to know how he should act on this occasion, for the king was then confined by his disorder. It was determined, that men-at-arms and archers should be assembled in various parts of France ready to march against the English the moment it should be known they were landed; that garrisons should be placed in every town and castle on the coast; and that as large sums of money as possible should be raised with all speed.


It was likewise resolved to send a solemn embassy to the king of England, to make him other offers, in answer to the demands of his last ambassadors. Those appointed for this business were the count de Vendôme, master William Bouratier, archbishop of Bourges, master Peter Fennel, bishop of Lisieux, the lords of Ivry and Bracquemont, master Gautier Col, secretary to the king, master John Andrieu, and some others of the great council. + Taking advantage of the existing truce, they set out from Paris, and travelling through Amiens, Montreuil, and Boulogne, to Calais, they there crossed the sea to Dover. They were in all three hundred and fifty horsemen, and continued their journey from Dover to Canterbury, where they were met by the king's harbingers, who conducted them through Rochester to London, and thence to Winchester, where the king was. The archbishop of Bourges explained to the king, in the hall of the bishop of Winchester, and in the presence of the dukes of Clarence, Bedford, and Gloucester, brothers to the king, and of the lords of the council, clergy, chivalry, and populace, the object of his embassy. The archbishop spoke first in Latin, and then in the Walloon language, so eloquently and wisely, that both the English and French who heard him were greatly surprised. At the conclusion of his harangue he made offers to the king of a great extent of country in France, with a large sum of ready money on his marriage with the princess Catherine, but on condition that he would disband the army he had collected at Southampton, and at the adjacent sea-ports, to invade France; and that by these means an eternal peace would be established between the two kingdoms. The assembly broke up when the archbishop had ended his speech; and the French ambassadors were kindly entertained at dinner by the king, who then appointed a day for them to receive his answer to their propositions, by the mouth of the archbishop of Canterbury.

In the course of the archbishop's speech, in which he replied, article by article, to what the archbishop of Bourges had offered, he added to some, and passed over others of them, so that he was sharply interrupted by the archbishop of Bourges, who exclaimed, "I did not say so, but such were my words." The conclusion, however, was, that unless the king of France would give, as a marriage-portion with his daughter, the duchies of Aquitaine, of Normandy, of Anjou, of Tours, the counties of Ponthieu, Mans, and Poitou, and every other part that had formerly belonged to the English monarchs, the king would not desist from his intended invasion of France, but would despoil the whole of that kingdom, which had been unjustly detained from him,—and that he should depend on his sword for the accomplishment of the above, and for depriving king Charles of his crown. The king avowed

*The commissioners were Richard Clitherow and ambassadors are detailed at length, with the handsome Symon Flecte, esquires.-Fœdera. proposals on the part of France, in answer to such exorbitant and unjust pretensions.

I would refer the reader to this excellent work for the whole detail of the negotiations with France respecting the marriage of Catherine. The demands of the English p. 447.

"A stoute and prowde bishopp," says Grafton, See the Fœdera.

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