
While Mr. -> was with her .In vain our fancy strives to paint she broke out in an indescribable The moment after death, manner, her countenance beaming

The glories that surround the saint, as before-—Tell the world I am a

When he resigns his breath. sipner saved by grace-saved-lam

One gentle sigh his fetters breaks; saved ;' and continued to pronounce

We scarce can say, “He's gone,' the word again and again with an

Before the willing spirit takes

ller mansion near the throne. emphasis and power of voice of which any one would have imagined

Faith strives, but all its efforts fail, her at this time wholly incapable.

To trace her heavenward flight,

No eye can pierce within the veil The scene was a living comment on

Which hides that world of light. the words of the Apostle, 1 Pet.

Thus much (and this is all) we know, i. 8. “ Whom having not seen, ye

They are supremely blest, love; in whom, though now ye see

Ilave done with sin and care, and him not, yet believing, ye rejoice

woe, with joy unspeakable and full of And with their Saviour rest : glory.And again; “ o death,

On harps of gold his name they praise, where is thy sting? O grave,

His presence always view : where is thy victory ? Thanks be And if we here their footsteps trace, to God, which giveth us the victory There we shall praise him too. through our Lord Jesus Christ.” At the close of this day she ob

The day was remarkably fine, served to a friend, · To-day I have and in the evening the sun went had a heaven below; to-morrow

down with unusual splendour. As perhaps I shall have a heaven

I took my solitary ramble through above.'

a lovely part of the village which I On the evening of the 1st of had not before explored, I thought April, the summons came to Har- of the happy saint who had just riet, who for some days had been finished her course with joy. Whilst waiting on the river's brink, to greeted by the parting beams of pass over the Jordan of death the sun, now sinking in the west, to her heavenly inheritance. She you will not wonder that I was was one who knew well the value reminded afresh of Harriet's last of her Bible, who accounted the moments, when I heard the sound Sabbath a delight. who felt the of " glory," so often repeated, love of Christ constraining her, dying away to a gentle wbisper on who lived to adorn her Christian her exhausted lips. profession, and who thus, at an early

On the whole I do not know that age, fell asleep in Jesus, in the full I ever witnessed a more gratifying assurance of a blessed immortality. instance of a dying believer “ reWhen I saw her earthly remains, joicing iu Christ Jesus with joy the smile which had been impressed, unspeakable and full of glory. on her countenance in dying, still What I have now written conveys perceptibly remained, now that the a very inadequate conception of soul had quitted its earthly dwell- what was seen, and heard, and felt, ing. It was a lovely visage, and on this deeply interesting occasion. spoke volumes.

I grieve that my memoranda are so On the following Wednesday, scanty and imperfect. Such as her remains were committed to the they are, if they should prove in grave, in the sure and certain hope the smallest measure useful or of the resurrection to eternal life. profitable to yourself or to others, through Jesus Christ our Lord. I shall indeed rejoice.. Over her grave was sung that . I remain, &c. sweet and appropriate hymn,

J. E. J.



MY DEAR FRIENDS,– You can hardly fail to have heard, that several pious and learned men, some of whom are burning and shining lights in the world, have devoted much of their time and talents of late years to the consideration of those prophecies of Scripture, which remain yet to be fulfilled. Meetings have been held, dialogues have been written, sermons have been preached, and volumes published, bring ing strange things to our ears, assigning new meanings to texts of Scriptures, and propounding fresh discoveries of the sccret purposes "of the Almighty, in his intended dealings with the church and with the world, with believers and unbelievers, in these latter days : and loudly and importunately calling upon the Christian public, to adopt their interpretation of the Divine predictions, and to prepare for the personal appearance of the Son of God upon earth, at no distant interval, (nay, the very year is designated by some) and for those fearful signs and judgments, by which this his second manifestation in the flesh is to be ushered in.

I respect their learning, I honour their zeal, and venerate their piety; but I candidly confess to you my regret, that men thus highly gifted should have expended so large a portion of time and talent on an inquiry into what is more curious than useful, more speculative than practical, rather calculated to feed curiosity than to nourish the soul, to interest the imagination than to influence the heart. Curiosity may possibly conduct 11s to the truthbut more likely, to doubt and uncertainty. Watchfulness and prayer can alone, through God's Holy Spirit, conduct us to Christ and bis glory.

For my own part I am inclined to agree with those, who are of

opinion, that prophecy is to be principally studied in the fulfilment ; that the event will best clear up the prediction; that God is his own interpreter, and he will make it plain, “ Secret things belong unto Him, but the things that are revealed, to us and to our children," and, blessed be his holy name, He bas revealed in infinite mercy enough for all essential purposes ; enough to make man both holy and happy; enough to sanctify his nature, and to save his soul : enough to give him peace of mind on earth, and a bright prospect of glory in heaven.

He hath made known to us “a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in whom whosoever believeth, shall live though he die, and whosoever livetk and believeth in Him, shall not die eternally.” He has invited “all who are atbirst to take of the water of life freely." He has offered the grace of “ his holy Spirit to every one that asketh,” – to help our infirmities, to deepen our repentance, to strengthen our faith, and to guide us into all truth. Nay, He is so gracious, that, though “ He is the bigh and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, He consents to dwell with him who is of a contrite spirit, and who trembleth at his word,”--thus evidencing, that the kingdom of heaven cometh not by observation, but is an internal state of “ righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.”

And it is a peculiar mercy, that these saving, sanctifying truths lie 50 near the surface, that he who runs may read; and are so plain and easy to be understood, that the way-faring man, though a fool, need not err therein. On this point how striking was the declaration of an aged saint, when about to step out of time into eternity; All that I can do now,' said he,

is to take one of the plain promises with his miraculous endowments, of God, and feed upon that, and I remained unsanctified in heart ; his bless God,' he added, that they nearness to God as a prophet proare plain promises.'

fited him not : he would not live Think not, however, that I would the life, and hence he died not the discourage in its due proportion the death, of the righteous. And is it study of prophecy. It forms a not the dread declaration of our part, but still only a part, of God's Lord himself, the Judge of quick word : let it then have its share, and dead, that many will say to him but not more than its share, in the in that day, the day of final account, devout consideration of the Christ- “ Lord, Lord, have we not proian. But oh ! let us tread with phesied in thy name, and in thy wary and apprehensive steps in a name done many wonderful works?" path so intricate, distrusting our to whom he will profess, “I never own powers,-carefully guarding knew you, depart from me, ye that against any favourite system, work iniquity?" humbly seeking illumination from Hence then we learn, my dear above,—and diligently comparing friends, that salvation depends not Scripture with Scripture ; lest on upon gifts but upon graces. While the one hand, while indulging a knowledge too often puffeth up, taste for prophetic inquiry, we charity edifieth: and the blessing neglect those devotional exercises, descends not upon him, who sees on which our progress in grace farthest into the divine decrees, depends : and lest on the other, we but upon him, who has the deepest be found rashly to rush in, where insight into his own depravity,angels tremble and adore. .

and who with genuine humility We learn from the word of truth, receives “ the truth as it is in Jesus," that, to be possessed even with the in the love of it. spirit of prophecy is no sure test Let us not then strive to fathom of a heart right with God, no cer- "the deep things of God”—but let tain proof of being in a state of us strive to enter in at the strait acceptance with Him. The great gate. Let us thankfully clasp the apostle empbatically assures us, good word of God to our bosomsthat a man may “ have the gift of and humbly and prayerfully read prophecy, and understand all mys- and meditate upon it, not that we teries and all knowledge, and yet may be wise, which is sometimes be nothing,” nothing in the esti- the case, above that which is writmation of God, unless he have a ten, but that we may become wise higher, a heavenly principle within, unto salvation : and instead of the “ love of God shed abroad in prying into the future fate of Chris. his heart by the Holy Ghost,” tendom and the world, let us seek renewing his nature and sanctifying mainly to know, whether we have his soul. Nor are instances want. a real interest in the Lamb of God, ing in scripture of this awful in- and whether our names are written consistency. Balaam, that un- in that blessed register, the Book righteous Seer, could prophesy, of Life; assured of this, that if we (for he spake under the impulse are found at last “in Christ, not of God himself,) and he did pro- having our own righteousness, phesy and truly too, of God's which is of the law, but that which future dealings with bis people, is through the faith of Christ,” it and the utter defeat of all their will not affect our eternal welfare, enemies—pay, he announced that that we did not know the precise crowning mercy, the coming of the hour and the precise manner of the Son of God, the Saviour of sinners, Saviour's coming. Our proper into the world. And yet Balaam, posture is to be as men, that wait

for their Lord; to make it our joy of the Lord is your strength :" chief concern to live every day in and the more you live on the Rethe spirit, in which we would wish deemer's fulness, the more closely to be found, in that day, whether it you cleave to Him, the clearer be the literal Advent of the Saviour, evidence will you possess of your or the hour of death, or the day of title to the heavenly inheritance, judgment.

and the more fruitful will you beWithout perplexing yourselves come in every good word and work. then about “that day and hour, of But are all, to whom I am ad. which knoweth no man,-no, not dressing these words of affectionate the angels of heaven," be this your counsel, working out their salvation daily study and prayer, to make with fear and trembling, and preyour calling and election sure, and paring to meet their God? Would to obtain a growing meetness for to God, this were indeed their the inheritance of the saints in case! But the widest stretch of light; that you may meet the event, charity forbids the thought. Does whenever and whatever it be, not the conduct of many amongst without dismay, in humble confi- us too plainly declare the contrary ? dence to hear from the lips of the Yes, it is a lamentable truth, that Judge that transporting sentence, instead of seeking God while he “Come, ye blessed of my Father, may be found, many are fleeing inherit the kingdoin prepared for from Him, following after lying you from the beginning of the vanities, serving divers lusts and world.”

pleasures, walking in rioting and Meanwhile, are the outward cir- drunkenness, in chambering and cumstances of your lot the occa- wantonness, profaning the holy sion of sorrow? Have you been Sabbath, taking the Lord's name reduced from a state of ease to a in vain, and living without God, state of indigence ? Let not your and without Christ in the world. heart be troubled; your treasure is You cannot call God Father, for in heaven; your best interests are you have not the temper and chasecure, beyond the reach of change racter of his children. The kingIt is your Father's good pleasure dom of heaven is not prepared for to give you the kingdoni,” and he you, who are in a state of rebellion will not, be ye sure of this, withhold against Him. No, sinner, a far any meaner gift, that is truly good different fate awaits you. If you for you.-Or have you been depriv. continue impenitent and unbeliey. ed of your most valued earthly ing, and die in your sins, you shall comforts?—still you ought not to be found, at that day, among those, mourn, as those that have no hope. upon whom “He shall rain snares, It is the hand of a Father that fire, and brimstone, and a horrible smites; and he smites not in anger, tempest; this “ shall be the portion but in love. “The Lord giveth, of your cup.” and the Lord taketh away: blessed But, blessed be God, the door be the pame of the Lord !”

of mercy still stands open. Still Do your fears arise from the you, even you, may return. The remains of indwelling sin? This Redeemer still invites you. He is a just cause for deep humiliation, calls and beseeches you in the but not for despondence. Still tenderest and most importunate look unto Jesus as the Author and manner. “Unto you, O men, I Finisher of your faith, and in the call !” Once more the offer of strength of his grace labour to pardon and reconciliation is promortify your corruptions, and to claimed in your ears. O reject not attain a growing conformity to the the counsel of God against yourwill and image of God." The selves! “Behold, now is the ac. cepted time; now is the day of and conversation, you may live as salvation !" But how long this becometh the Gospel, and adorn day may last, God only knows. the doctrine of God your Saviour in May the Holy Spirit incline the all things ! heart of every thoughtless sinner

Be this your one great object here, in this parish, ere it be too late,

With serious industry and fear to comply with the gracious call!

Eternal bliss to insure! And may those, ainong you,.who God's utmost counsel to fulfil, have received Christ Jesus the

To suffer all his righteous will, Lord, be careful to “ walk in

And to the end endure! bim!” careful to be found in

I remain, my dear Friends, peace, without spot and blameless; Your affectionate Minister and so framing every part of your

Servant in Christ, conduct, that in your whole temper



Sir-Some time ago, I perused in your Magazine a Letter from Mr. Norton, Missionary at Travencore, India, addressed to British Christ. jans, proposing to establish a school or asylum for rescuing, maintaining, and educating poor Hindoo Chile dren, and which states, that you may adopt and bring up a little Hindoo for £5 per annum, who may hereafter become a Swartz, a Martyn, or a More of the East Ye that are rich can have a family of ten children in India for £50 per annum, who may, in the course of a few generations be the instru. ments, under God, of converting ten thousand idolaters!

Now, Sir, I have often thought of these poor Hindoo children, since the perusal of this affecting address. But I am only a tradesman, and have four children already. I have, however named the thing to my brother, who has also a family, and we have agreed to adopt one of these little Hindoos, and, as a proof, have inclosed you £5 for the first year ; on its arrival in India, let Mr. Norton fetch in a little outcast boy.“We can give him a name hereafter.

I wish you could make this Es tablishment more generally known to those opulent married Gentlemen and Ladies who are pining for the pleasures of a family, or to those

unmarried persons who are disposed like Absalom, to rear a pillar to perpetuate their names and memory. What an opportunity is here presented you for tasting a considerable portion of parental felicities. Why should you any longer complain 'you have no one to care for, and no one to care for you?' You are perhaps ready to say, We should like to have children about us, to see them and be amused with their innocent and interesting actions ? Very well, you may possess these enjoyments at home for an extra sum ; there are orphans to be found in this country; ah! but to have children of our own to fondle and caress--stopdo you not mean to idolize and dote upon. If this be the summit of your wishes, you are not fit to have children; and whilst you withhold the sympathies of your nature from poor children, and have so little regard for their spiritual welfare, who can tell, but the decree may stand against you—'write this pair childless !'* A Plain Man.

* Our Correspondent suggests that such an appropriation of money might have a tendency to divert a certain class of feelings now too awfully perverted : thus, one Lady's Lap Dog is supposed to cost €30 per apnum-another puts out three Dogs at six shillings per week during the Summer, for the benefit of the air, and many fall into similar foolish and sinful practices.

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