
We arrived within a few miles of our destination the 21st, and encamped on a high piece of ground; about 10 o'clock at night our picket fired upon a few of the enemy, and killed one. At 11 o'clock our spies returned with information that a large body of the enemy were encamped about three miles distant. Being prepared at all points, nothing remained to be done, but await their approach, or be in readiness to attack them by day light. The enemy attacked our left flank, about 6 o'clock in the morning, which was vigorously met by our troops; the attack lasted half an hour. So soon as it became light enough to pursue the enemy, the brave Gen. Coffee led on our troops to the charge; the enemy was completely routed at every point, and chased two miles with great slaughter. Gen. Coffee was now sent with 400 troops to reconnoitre the enemy's camp, who returned after satisfying himself of their strength. In half an hour a considerable force of the enemy made its appearance on my right flank, and attacked us with great spirit. Gen. Coffee requested 200 men of me for the purpose of turning their left flank, which was granted; but by some mistake, not observed at the time, only 54 followed him, who were chiefly old volunteer officers. With this little band of heroes, the Gen. attacked it, and drove them from the ground; at the same time 200 friendly Indians were ordered to fall upon their right, and co-operate with the General. This order was soon obeyed, and in its execution, what I expected, was realized. The enemy intended the attack on my right as a feint, and soon attacked my left with their main force, which they hoped to find weakened and in disorder-they were disappointed--the whole line met the attack with firmness and astonishing intrepidity, and having given a few fires charged with great vigor; the effect was immediate and inevitable. The enemy fled with precipitation, and were pursued to a considerable distance with great slaughter. In the mean time Gen. Coffee was contending with a superior force, the Indians having joined my left. Jim Fife, with 100 friendly Indians, I forthwith ordered to his assistance; he no sooner reached the spot than the General made a charge, and the enemy were routed and driven three miles, with the loss of 45 slain. I was determined to commence a return march the next morning,

as my provisions were nearly consumed. I considered it not necessary to pursue them any farther, as the object of a general engagement would be more certainly attained by commencing a return, which, to them, would have the appearance of a retreat, and would inspire them with new courage to pursue me; and not prudent because of my wounded, the starving condition of my horses, they not having neither eat corn nor cane for two days, and of the scarcity of my provisions--influenced by these considerations, I commenced my return march on the 23d and reached Enotachopco that night. I took a different route from the one we came in, to avoid a deep defile between two mountains. Having a deep creek to pass I issued a general order pointing out the manner in which the men should be formed, in case of an attack. The front guard and the wounded had crossed, when an alarm gun was heard in the rear. I heard it without surprise, and even with pleasure, as I calculated on the firmness of my troops, from the manner in which I had seen them act on the 22d. Having chosen the ground, I expected to have entirely cut off the enemy, by wheeling the right and left columns on their pivots, recrossing the creek above and below, and falling upon their flanks and rear. But to my astonishment, after a few guns had been fired, I beheld the right and left columns of the rear guard give way. This shameful retreat was disastrous in the extreme; drawing with it the greater part of the centre column, and producing consternation and dismay in the whole army. There was left to oppose the enemy a few of the rear guard, the artillery, and Capt. Russell's company of spies; they realized and exceeded my best expectations. Never was there more bravery displayed than on this occasion. Amidst the most galling fire from the enemy, more than ten times their number, they ascended the hill. In the hurry of the moment, in separating the gun from the limbers, the rammer and picker were left tied to it. No sooner was this discovered than Craven Jackson, and Constantine Perkins, gunners, found means to replace them; Jackson amidst the galling fire of the enemy, pulled out the ramrod of his musket, used it as a picker, primed with a cartridge, and fired the cannon. Perkins having taken off his bayonet, used his gun as a rammer, aud Jackson using his former plan, again dis

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charged her. Lieut. Armstrong soon fell, and exclaimed as he lay, my brave fellows, some of you may fall, but must save the cannon.' At this time a number crossed the creek, and entered into the chase, when they were pursued more than two miles, fleeing in consternation, throwing away their packs, and left 26 of their warriors dead on the field. This last defeat was decisive.

I am, sir, with sentiments of respect, &c.



Killed 20-wounded 75.


Killed 235-wounded, not known.

Gen. Jackson to Governor Blount.

Fort Williams, March 31, 1814. [Extract.] SIR-I have just returned from the expedition which I advised you in my last I was about to make to the Tallapoosee; and hasten to acquaint you with the good fortune which attended it.

I took up the line of march from this place on the morning of the 21st inst. and having opened a passage of 52 1-2 miles over the ridges which divide the waters of the two rivers, I reached the bend of the Tallapoosee, three miles beyond where I had the engagement of the 22d of January, and at the southern extremity of New-Youka, on the morning of the 27th. This bend resembles in its curvature that of a horse shoe, and is thence called by that name among the whites. Nature furnishes few situations so elligible for defence, and barbarians have never rendered one more secure by art. Across the neck of the bend which leads into it from the north, they had erected a breast-work of the greatest compactness and strength, from five to eight feet high, and prepared with double port holes very artfully arranged. The figure of this wall manifested no less skill in the projection of it, than its construction; an army could not approach it without being exposed to a double and cross fire from the enemy, who lay in perfect security behind it.

In this bend the warriors from Oakfusky, Oakehagu, New-Youka, Hillibee, the Fish Ponds, and Eufauta towns, apprised of our approach, had collected their strength.

Their exact number cannot be ascertained; but it is said by the prisoners we have taken, to have been a thousand, Early on the morning of the 27th, having encamped the preceding night at the distance of five miles from them, I detailed Gen. Coffee with the mounted men, and nearly the whole of the Indian force, to cross the river at a ford about 3 miles below their encampment, and to surround the bend in such a manner that none of them should escape by attempting to cross the river. With the remainder of the forces I proceeded slowly and in order, along the point of land which led to the front of their breast-work; having planted my cannon (one six and one three pounder) on an eminence at the distance of 150 or 200 yards from it, I opened a brisk fire, playing upon the enemy with the muskets and rifles whenever they shewed themselves beyond it; this was kept up, with short interruptions, for about two hours, when a part of the Indian force, and Capt. Russell's and Lieut. Bean's companies of spies, who had accompanied Gen. Coffee, crossed over in canoes to the extremity of the bend, and set fire to the buildings which were there situated; they then advanced with great gallantry towards the breast-work, and commenced a spirited fire upon the enemy behind it.

Finding that this force, notwithstanding the bravery they displayed, was wholly insufficient to dislodge them, and that Gen. Coffee had entirely secured the opposite bank of the river, I now determined to take their works by storm. The men by whom this was to be effected had been waiting with impatience to receive their order, and hailed it with acclamation.

The spirit which animated them was a sure augury of the success which was to follow. The history of warfare furnishes few instances of a more brilliant attack-the regulars led on by their intrepid and skillful commander, Col. Williams, and by the gallant Major Montgomery, soon gained possession of the works in the midst of a most tremendous fire from behind them, and the militia of the venerable Gen. Doherty's brigade, accompanied them in the charge, with a vivacity and firmness that would have done honor to regulars. The fighting continued with some severity about five hours.

According to my original purpose, I commenced my return march for fort Williams to-day, and shall, if I find supplies there, hasten to the Hickory ground. The power of the Creeks is, I think, for ever broken.

I have the honor to be, &c.



Killed 26-Wounded 106.


Killed 823-Prisoners 250.


Capt. Porter to the Secretary of the Navy.

U. S. F. Essex, Pacific Ocean, July 2, 1813. SIR-On the 23d March last, I sailed, shaping my course to the northward, and on the 26th of the same month, fell in with the Peruvian corsair ship Nereyda, mounting 15 guns she had a few days before, captured two American whale ships, the crews of which (amounting in number to 24 men) were then detained prisoners on board her; and they assign no other motive for the сарture, than that they were the allies of G. Britain, and as such, should capture all American vessels they could fall in with; therefore, to prevent in future such vexatious proceedings, I threw all her armament into the sea, liberated the Americans, and dismissed the Nereyda.

I then proceeded with all possible dispatch for Lima, to intercept one of the detained vessels, which had parted with the Nereyda only three days before, and was so fortunale as to arrive there and recapture her on the 5th April, at the moment she was entering the port. This vessel (the ship Barclay, Capt. Gideon Randall, of New Bedford,) I took under my protection, and have had her with me ever since. From Lima, I proceeded for Galapagos Island where I captured the following British Letters of marque ships. Montezuma, 2 guns, 21 men-Policy, 10 guns, 26 men -Georgiana, 6 guns, 25 men-Atlantic, 8 guns, 24 menand Greenwich, 10 guns, 25 men.

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