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The Virgin was not martyrized dike so many other saints whose Bete is solemnized or the anniversary day of their mar tyrdom, but the time and place of her death are unknown; although some pretend she died at Ephesus and was taken up to heaven.

Possip has represented this identical moment, and done what few painters had been able to do, avoided the double wating instead of placing at the bottom of the picture the sposten og holy women as witnesses of that extraordinary at he has shown us the Virgin scending in the airy expe, rounded by angels; and merely exhibits a few monu

tal buildings denoting a large city to show that the scene is a place when the Virgin has just left the earth to hasten the boom of the Divinity, there to enjoy unutterable bliss. This picture has been engraved by Pesne,

Height, foot 7 inches; breadth, r foot 3 inches.




The Virgin was not martyrized like so many other saints whose fete is solemnized on the anniversary day of their martyrdom; but the time and place of her death are unknown; although some pretend she died at Ephesus and was taken up to heaven.

Poussin has represented this identical moment, and done what few painters had been able to do, avoided the double action; for, instead of placing at the bottom of the picture the apostles and holy women as witnesses of that extraordinary event, he has shown us the Virgin ascending in the airy expanse, surrounded by angels; and merely exhibits a few monumental buildings denoting a large city, to show that the scene is taking place when the Virgin has just left the earth to hasten to the bosom of the Divinity, there to enjoy unutterable bliss. This picture has been engraved by Pesne.

Height, 1 foot 7 inches; breadth, 1 foot 3 inches.


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La Vierge ne fut point martyrisée ainsi que tant d'autres saints et saintes dont la fête se célèbre le jour anniversaire de leur martyre; mais on ignore l'époque et le lieu de sa mort; cependant on a dit qu'elle avait eu lieu à Éphèse, et que son corps avait été enlevé au ciel.

C'est ce moment que Poussin a représenté ; mais il a évité la double action dont la plupart des peintres n'ont pas su se garantir en plaçant au bas du sujet des apôtres ou des saintes femmes témoins de cet événement extraordinaire. Poussin a montré la Vierge élevée dans l'espace, entourée d'anges, et seulement il a laissé voir quelques monumens qui indiquent une grande ville, voulant montrer par là que la scène a lieu au moment où la Vierge a quitté la terre, pour aller au sein de la Divinité jouir du parfait bonheur.

Ce tableau a été gravé par Pesne.

Haut., 1 pied 6 pouces; larg., 1 pied 2 pouces.

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