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IT has been laid upon me to write this book. After eight years' experience among similar social conditions. in British India, and more than two years' residence in the Philippines, it came to me as a duty to set down in order the things which American voters and American Christians ought to know for their guidance in helping shape the policies of our nation, and furnishing the support for our Missionary Societies in the work God has appointed each to do among these people.

Such readers as but dimly comprehend the essential divineness of "the powers that be" will be puzzled to know why so much space has been given to matters which they would denominate purely political. This will cause no confusion, however, to those who believe that God works through nations as well as through His Church for the establishment of the kingdom of righteousness. Because I firmly believe that our army and navy, our governor, the Commission, the judges, the constabulary, and the schoolteachers, and all who toil with them have a divinely-allotted part in Christ's program for the Filipino people, I have tried to set forth some of the work which they are trying to do. Here are nearly eight million people emerging from the twilight or a belated civilization into the high noon of modern life. If the purposes of God for them in the Philippines, and through them among the seven hundred million Asiatics, by whom they

are surrounded, are accomplished, there must not only be evangelization, but legislation. Iniquitous laws must be repealed. Righteous statutes must be enacted. The rising generation must be taught. Equitable taxation, honestly collected and wisely administered, is as certainly a part of the program of Jesus Christ for the Filipino people as the translation and distribution of the Scriptures, or the establishment of the Christian Church.

Through the courtesy of Governor Taft I have had access to all official sources of information, so that if inaccuracies have crept in, it has been in spite of the best opportunities to secure accurate information.

It would have been easy to incorporate serious criticisms of some policies adopted by the Philippine Government. Looked at broadly, however, the tendency of this Government is in the right direction, and I have not felt that detailed criticism of what may be but temporary policies deserves place in a permanent record.

The book has been written in the midst of very heavy duties as pastor and presiding elder of this rapidly-growing work. The time necessary for patient revision could not be secured. Literary finish was out of the question. The controlling motive has been to arrange and present as much information about the Philippines as was possible within the limits imposed. I pray that the book may be accepted of Him in whose name it has been written. HOMER C. STUNTZ.

Manila, Philippine Islands, January, 1904.

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