
orders, every care was taken of him; and within fifteen days, he was perfectly cured, and was not only pardoned for his crimes, but had a sum of money given to him.

On the 28th of January, the king, having a particular affection and reverence for the exalted and devout virtues of St. Charlemagne, ordered, that henceforward his feast should on that day be celebrated, which was done in the city of Paris like unto a Sunday, and continued on every succeeding 28th of January.

The town of Nuys was revictualled by the Germans from Cologne, and other places under the obedience of the emperor, notwithstanding the duke of Burgundy had been so long before it, and had placed a considerable fleet on the Rhine to hinder any reinforcements, or stores, from entering the town. The duke's fleet was destroyed, and from six to seven thousand persons that were on board of it, were killed or drowned. The Burgundians, before this, had suffered great losses in the army that was besieging Nuys. In the month of March, the king ordered four hundred lances from the garrisons of Amiens, Beauvais, and other parts, to make an inroad on the territories of the duke of Burgundy, to retaliate the damages done by his partisans on the country round Roye, Peronne, and Mondidier, in contempt of the truce. The royalists, in consequence, invaded Artois, and advanced even to the suburbs of Arras, in which they lodged one whole night. By means of flails and portable windmills, they thrashed and ground all the corn they could find in the barns throughout Artois and Picardy; which, together with great numbers of cattle, prisoners, and utensils, were carried off by Salazart and the other captains to Amiens, and their different garrisons.

During this, the king never stirred from Paris, but kept his Lent there, making good cheer, and, as he said, being healthy and well satisfied. In this month, a youth, son to a brigandine maker, who had been partly brought up by a fresh-water fisherman of Paris, named Jean Pensart, knowing that this fisherman had acquired a large sum of money by the sale of his fish during Lent, which he gained by purchasing from different lords the produce of the ponds by wholesale, and being instigated by the devil, entered the house of this fisherman, and seeing where he kept his money, opened the door of the house after midnight to three Scotsmen, in order that they might rob the said Pensart. One was called Mortimer, surnamed the Esquire, and the name of another was Thomas Clark. By the assistance of this youth, they carried off the money, amounting to two thousand five hundred livres tournois. The fisherman made such diligence to recover his money that, on the same day, the youth was found within sanctuary at the Carmelites in Paris. He was instantly dragged thence, and carried to the prisons of the Châtelet, for the weight of his irons prevented his walking, and he there confessed that the Scotsmen had taken all the money. Great activity was used in seeking them; and Mortimer was seized, and would have been carried to prison, by orders of master Philip du Four, had not two of the Scots guards attacked him and his sergeants, and effected the rescue of Mortimer. Thomas Clark was afterwards discovered, having taken sanctuary in the church of St. Catherine-du-Val-des-écoliers, and was made prisoner, but not before he had courageously defended himself against the officers of the provost of Paris, having wounded several. At length he was overpowered, and confessed at the prison that he was guilty of this robbery.-and great part of the money was restored, which he had hidden near St. Estienne des Grès. For this and other offences, the provost condemned him to the gallows; but he appealed from this sentence to the parliament,— which appeal was dismissed, and he was sent back to the provost, who was ordered to execute his sentence, which was done on the 16th of March, on the gibbet of Paris, in the presence of sir Denis Hesselin and master Jean de Ruel, as commissioners for the lieutenantcriminal La Dehors, on account of a severe illness that prevented his personal attendance. At this time, the town of Perpignan surrendered to the king's obedience; when the inhabitants were permitted to go whither they pleased with their effects,-but the artillery, which was very handsome and of great value, was detained.

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[A. D. 1475.]

On the 7th day of April, in this year, an alliance was concluded between the emperor of Germany and the king,—which he ordered to be proclaimed first in front of the hôtels of monsieur du Maine, duke of Calabria, and of the ambassadors from Brittany, and then throughout the streets and squares of Paris. There arrived at Paris, in the course of this month, two embassies; one from Florence and the other from the emperor of Germany; which were most honourably received and feasted, as well by the king as by other great lords of his court. Early in April, the king left Paris for Vernon-sur-Seine, where he had appointed the rendezvous for the admiral and his other captains, to determine on the manner of concluding the war that was about to take place, for the truce would expire the last day of April. He then returned to Paris on the 14th; and on the 25th he departed for Pont St. Maixence, to prepare his army. The king took with him, besides the officers of his household, eight hundred lances well equipped, and a large train of great and small artillery, in which were five very large bombards: four of them were named London, Brabant, Bourg-en-Bresse, and St. Omer. In addition to the above, he had his French and Scots guard, his gentlemen, and a great company of franc-archers from the Isle of France and Normandy. Provisions were sent from all parts, for the constant supply of the army.

On the first of May, the king departed from the abbey of La Victoire, whither he had gone from Pont St. Maixence, to arrange the plan of his war against the Burgundians; and detachments were sent against Tronquoy * and Mondidier. On the 10th, the archbishop of Lyon joined the king from Paris, where he had been appointed the king's lieutenant in the council, and reported, that a very devout and general procession had taken place at Paris on the 3rd, the feast of the Holy Cross. All the children in Paris walked in procession, each holding a taper in his hand to fetch the Holy Innocent, and carry it to Notre-Dame. The archbishop of Lyon and the chancellor walked beside each other, followed by the lord de Gaucourt, lieutenant for the king in Paris, the provosts and sheriffs, the presidents and counsellors of the parliament and chamber of accounts, and such numbers of the populace that they were estimated at more than one hundred thousand persons. The Holy Innocent was borne, in this procession, by the first president of the parliament, Nanterre president in the same court, Ladriesche president of the chamber of accounts, and by the provost of merchants. All the archers of the town were drawn out to preserve order, and prevent noise and rioting.

The 2nd of May, the king sent to summon the town of Tronquoy to surrender; but the Burgundians killed those who summoned them; upon which the king ordered the batteries to be opened, and the artillery played with such success that, by five in the evening of the same day, a breach was made, and the town taken by storm. All within were killed or hanged except one, called Motin de Caulers, whom the king caused to be spared, and made him an assessor extraordinary at Paris. The place, however, was not taken without having made a strong defence, by which the governor of Pontoise, who was said to have Tronquoy,-a -a village in Picardy, near Mondidier.


The town was

been an excellent officer, and many of the king's troops, were killed. afterward destroyed and razed to the ground. On the 3rd, the royal army marched for Mondidier, because it had refused to surrender; and on the 5th it was won by capitulation, on condition that the inhabitants might depart in safety, leaving their effects behind. This place was also destroyed. On the 6th, Roye surrendered; and the Burgundians marched away with their baggage in safety. The castle of Moreul followed the example of Roye. These victories caused such dismay, that had the king marched his army further he would soon have reduced to his obedience all the towns of the duke of Burgundy, as well in Flanders as in Picardy, for every one fled before him. To interrupt the career of this grand army, the king received information from different quarters, and even from the lord constable, that it would be necessary for him to look to the defence of Normandy, for that the English were preparing to make a landing on that coast. The constable likewise wrote to him, that he might boldly advance to Normandy without paying any attention to Abbeville and Peronne, for that during his absence he would reduce these towns to his obedience. The king followed this advice, and went into Normandy, taking with him the lord-admiral, five hundred lances, and the nobles and franc-archers: the rest of the troops were disbanded and sent to their homes. But when he arrived in Normandy he heard nothing of the English, although he went along the coast to Harfleur, Dieppe, Caudebec, and other places. During this excursion, nothing was done for the king, as was promised by the constable: on the contrary, his subjects on the borders suffered very much from his absence, by the inroads of the Burgundians.

The king went on a pilgrimage to the church of Our Lady of Ecouis*, and thence to a house called Gaillarbois + belonging to Colon, lieutenant to the lord-admiral, where he made some stay; and while he was there, he received intelligence from the constable of the arrival and landing of the English at Calais; and that the duke of Burgundy had raised the siege of Nuys. It had been reported that the duke had gained possession of that town with the consent of the emperor, and that they had united their forces to make war on the king of France, which was afterward found to be exactly the reverse of truth.

In this interval, an English herald, called Scales, was made prisoner, and many letters found on him, addressed to different persons. These letters the king saw; and the herald assured him, that a large body of English had disembarked at Calais,-and that king Edward was to be there in person on the 22nd of June, at the head of twelve or thirteen thousand combatants. He besides assured him, that the duke of Burgundy had made his peace with the emperor, and was returned to Brussels, the whole of which turned out to be falsehoods. The king was also informed, while at Ecouis, that the constable had sent to the duke of Bourbon his sealed engagement, to attempt to suborn and induce him to take arms against the king, and unite himself with the duke of Burgundy, all of which greatly surprised him. He instantly sent for the duke of Bourbon, and repeated his summons to come to him by the bishop of Mende, by whom the duke of Bourbon had sent the first intelligence of this treason, with the constable's sealed proposals. The king heard, nearly at the same time, that the duke of Bourbon, whom he had appointed his lieutenant-general against the Burgundians, had, with his army, fallen in with the enemy at Guy, near to Château Chinon, and had defeated them with very great loss in killed and prisoners. Two hundred lances from Lombardy were slain; and among the dead were the lord de Conches and several others. The prisoners were the count de Roussy, the marshal of Burgundy, the lord de Longy, the bailiff of Auxerre, the lord de l'Isle §, the banner-bearer of the lord de Beauchamp, the son of the count de St. Martin, sir Louis de Montmartin, sir John de Digoigne, the lord de Rugny, the lord de Cheligny, the two sons of the lord de Vitaulx, one of whom was count de Joigny ||, and others. This defeat happened on Tuesday the 20th of June.

Ecouis, a market-town in Vexin Norman, eight leagues from Rouen.

+ Gaillarbois,-near Ecouis.

Château Chinon,-in the Nivernois, capital of Morvaut. § Qy. William de l'Isle lord of Marivaux, &c., maîtred'hôtel to the cardinal of Bourbon in 1484, who died in 1511.

John de Chalons lord of Viteaux, second son of John and brother of Louis prince of Orange. He married Jane, sister and heir of Louis de la Tremouille, count of Joigny, who died s. P. in 1467; and his eldest son by this lady had the title of count de Joigny in right of his mother.

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