
A Defence of the Literal Story of Jefus's fuffering the Devils to
enter into the Herd of Swine.

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P. 35

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but at this Paffover.

True State of the Question between Mr. W. and his Oppofers.

p. 60, 61

A Defence of the Literal Story of Jefus's healing the Infirm man
at the Pool of Bethesda.


parted to the Pool.

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The Proofs of JESUS's Refurrection stated, and the Objections to it anfwer'd.

HE Refurrection of Jefus being a Point of fo great Importance, that the whole Weight of Chriftianity refts upon it, it is very neceffary that the Truth of this Fact fhould be made out Clearly, and for that purpose the following Treatife is offer'd to the Reader, who, if he comes to it with Attention and without Prejudice, may (it is hoped) be convinc'd of the Reality of this great Miracle, and be fupply'd with a fufficient Anfwer to the feveral Objections lately rais'd against it.

THE Objections have been formed from the Hiftory written by the four Evangelifts, and therefore fuppofe that they wrote the Accounts, which we now have under their Names; I have the fame right to make the fame fuppofal in Defence of Jesus's Refurrection, as is made in Oppofition to it; and therefore fhall forbear to prove what is allow'd in the Question; when That comes to be deny'd, it will receive a Satisfactory Answer; but till then it must be taken for granted, that the Books of the New Teftament were written by thofe whofe Names they bear, and are handed down to us the fame as they were written.

HAVING premis'd this, I proceed to the Proof of the Fact in view, the Refurrection of Jefus; which is now made matter of Difpute (it feems) in a Chriftian Country; but fince it is, Satisfaction ought to be given to all Enquirers, whether they feek it



in Sincerity or not. The Books, which make this Enquiry neceffary, are too well known to need to be particularly named. In them the Evangelifts and Apoftles are fometimes reprefented as Fools and Gredulous Men, fometimes as Cheats and Impoftors: I fhall therefore confider the Matter in both these Lights, not regarding upon whom One or Both of the two Characters may fall, if it fhould appear (as it will) that they don't in the leaft belong to the Apoftles: And for this purpose I muft follow the old Diftinction (till a better can be found) and fay, that, if the Account given us by the Apoftles be Falfe, it must have been, either because they were Deceived Themselves, or because they knowingly Deceived Mankind.

I. THAT they could not be Deceived Themselves, in the Cafe before us, may be proved by the following Arguments.

AFTER Jefus was rifen, and before he was afcended, he Thewed himself alive (to his Apoftles and feveral others) by many Infallible Proofs, being feen of them forty Days, and fpeaking of the Things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Acts i. 3.

MORE particularly, the facred Writers make mention of ten or twelve different Appearances of Jefus, and intimate that he was feen oftner. He convers'd with them, and gave Anfwers to their Queftions; he Eat and Drank with them, to fhew that his Body was a Real one. Luke xxiv. 43. And when they fufpected, that what they faw might be a Spirit, he bad them handle him and fee; for a Spirit (said he) hath not Flesh and Bones, as ye fee me have. Luke xxiv. 39.

AND beyond all this, he fubmitted to fuch a close Examination as his Scrupulous Apoftle Thomas infifted upon; for he permitted him, in prefence of the reft of the Apoftles, to feel the Marks of the Wounds, which the Nails had caused in his Hands and Feet, and which the Spear had made in his Side.

AND for a ftill farther Conviction, for a Proof which should pafs all Poffibility of deceiving, he told them (before he afcended up into Heaven), that they should be endued with Power from on high. Luke xxiv. 49. and be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days after. Acts i. 5. which, according to the Prediction, happen'd to them at the end of ten Days, when the Holy Ghost fell upon them, and they all spake with other Tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. Acts ii. 4.

IN the Certainty of this Event they could not poffibly be miftaken; they felt within them the wonderful Gift, the Power of fpeaking Languages till then Unknown to them. They had the fame Evidence of their really having This, as they had of their being Alive. And is there any thing in Nature, which a Man can be furer of? Even thofe, whofe Scepticism has carried them fo far, as to affert, that, we cannot be Certain of the Existence of any Objects without us, muft in this Cafe allow, that the Apoftles might be certain of what they felt by inward


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