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Highlanders, Montgomerie's, em-
ployed against Fort du Quesne,
313-expedition against the Che-
rokees, i. 338-sent against Do-
minique, 340-Martinique, 343
-Havannah, 345, 349-New-
foundland, 341
Highlanders, Loudon's, 3-officers

of, ii. 5-act against the rebels,
7-embark for Flanders, 8-
conduct at the siege of Bergen-
op-Zoom, 9-reduced, 13
Highlanders, Montgomerie's, ii. 14
-officers of, 15-embark for
Halifax, 16-employed on de-
tached expeditions, 17-list of
killed and wounded, ib.
Highlanders, Fraser's, 78th regi-
ment, ii. 18-officers, 20-uni-
form, 21-embark for Halifax,
22-killed and wounded, 23
Highlanders, Keith's and Camp-
bell's, 87th and 88th regiments, ii.
23-officers of, 26-service in Ger-
many, 25-33-attentions shown
to in Holland, 33-reception at
Derby, ib.-reduced, 34-list of
killed and wounded, 35
Highlanders, 89th regiment, com-

mand of given to Major Morris,
ii. 36-officers of, 37-ordered to
the East Indies, 38-service in
the East, ib.-ordered home and
reduced, 39

Highlanders, Johnstone's, ii. 40-

raised as independent companies,
ib.-ordered to Germany, 41-
sent to suppress a riot at New-
castle, ib.

Highlanders, Fraser's, or the 71st
regiment, 43-officers of the first
battalion, ii. 44-officers of the
second battalion, 45-eagerness
of the men to embark at Green-
ock, 47-conduct of Lochiel's
men, ib.-service in America, 49
—battle of Brooklyn, 51—Skir-
mishing warfare, 62-Excursion
into the Jerseys, 53-battle of
Brien Creek, 56-defence of Stono
Ferry redoubt, 58-defence of
Savannah, 61-service of the gre-
nadiers at Stoney Point, 65-siege
of Charlestown, 66-battle near
Cambden, 67-attack on General

Sumpter's encampment, 69-at-
tack on General Morgan, 71-
First instance of a Highland re-
giment running from an enemy,
72-Defeat of Cowpens, ib.-
battle of Guilford, 74-skirmish
near Petersborough, 77-made
prisoners, 79-released at the
conclusion of hostilities, 80-dis-
charged, ib.

Highlanders, Lord Macleod's, ii.
80-embodied at Elgin, 85-first
battalion sent to India, the se-
cond to Gibraltar, ib.-severe
service, 86-94-loss, 95-receive
new colours, 96-return home,
105-change of garb and designa-
tion, 106-embark for Buenos
Ayres, 107-return to Ireland,
108-placed under the command
of Sir Arthur Wellesley, 109-
shared in all the Peninsular war,


Highlanders, Argyle, 47th regi-
ment, ii. 113-embark for Hali-
fax, 111 engaged in much skir-
mishing, 115-reduced at Stir-
ling, ib.
Highlanders, Macdonald's, 76th re-
giment, ii. 116-embarked for
America, 117-ordered not to
take their swords on shore, ib.-
join the army under Lord Corn-
wallis, 118-make their debut in
a gallantstyle, 120-return home,


Highlanders, Seaforth's, the 72d
regiment, ii. 127-Macrea a com-
mon name in, 128-exhibit symp-
toms of dissatisfaction, 129-em-
bark for the East Indies, 129—
found unfit for active service, 130
-return home, 137
Highlanders, Aberdeenshire, the
81st regiment, ii. 138-raised by
the Gordon family, 139-station-
ed in Ireland, ib.-disbanded, 140
Highlanders, Royal Emigrant, ii.

140-raised in Canada, 141-se-
cond battalion, 143
Highlanders, second battalion of the
42d, now 73d regiment, ii. 145
-officers of, 146-service in In-
dia, 149-163
Highlanders, 74th regiment, ii.

164 officers, ib.-uniform, 165
service in India, Highland uni-
form laid aside, 170-actions in
which the regiment had a share,
Highlanders, the, 75th regiment, ii.
171-raised for Colonel Robert
Abercromby, ib.-embodied at
Stirling, 172-exercised by a
sharp system of discipline, ib. 173
-sent to India, 175-ordered to
England, 176

Highlanders, Ross-shire, the 78th

regiment, first battalion, ii. 176
-officers of, 181-service in Hol-
land, 183-officers of the second
battalion, 186-embarked for
England, 187-both battalions
united at the Cape of Good Hope,
188-service in India, 188-202-
part of the regiment shipwrecked,
ib.-firmness of the men, 203-
embarked for England, 206-
list of killed and wounded,

Highlanders, Cameron's, or the
79th regiment, ii. 208-embo-
died at Stirling under the com-
mand of Allan Cameron of Er-
rach, 208-service in the West
Indies, 209-service in Egypt,
210-second battalion added, 211
-service in Portugal and Spain,
ib.-at Quatre Bras and Water-
loo, 213 stationed in France,
214-killed and wounded, 215
Highlanders, Argyleshire, 98th, now
91st regiment, ii. 217-embodied
at Stirling under the command of
Campbell of Lochnell, ib.-Ac-
tions in which they had a share,
Highlanders, Gordon, or the 92d
regiment, ii. 218-officers of, 221
-character of the corps, 222—
embarked for Gibraltar, 223-
employed in Ireland, 224-placed
in General Moore's brigade, 225
-uniform changed, 226-em-
barked for Portugal, 229-con-
duct at Quatre Bras and Water
loo, 330-killed and wounded,
233 stationed in Jamaica, 239
Highlanders, Sutherland, or the

93d regiment, efficiency of the

corps, ii. 241-Number of Scotch
and Highlanders in at their for-
mation, 242-embarked for the
Cape of Good Hope, 243-sent to
reinforce the army in America,
244-attack on New Orleans, 245
-moral and religious habits of
the corps at the Cape, 248-dis-
posal of their money on landing
in England, 250
Highlanders, Ross-shire, or the 78th
regiment, second battalion, ii. 253
-officers, 254-disciplined under
the improved system, 257-at-
tachment to Sir John Moore,
258, n.-stationed in Sicily, 259
-conduct at the battle of Maida,
260-270-sent to Egypt, 273-
suffer in Rosetta, 274-proceed-
ings at El Hamet, 277-Changes
among the officers, 282-em-
barked for Holland, 286-list of
killed and wounded, 290
Highlanders, Queen's, ii. 291
Highlanders, independent compa-
nies of, ii. 293

Highlanders, fencible regiments,
see Fencibles

Highlanders, volunteers and local
militia, ii. 436-439
Highlander, defends his basket, i.

Home's History of the Rebellion,

quoted and characterized, i. 73. n.
Hounds, blood or slough, ii. 370
Howe, General Sir William, com-
mander-in-chief in America, i.


Howard, Colonel, ii. 71, 72
Howe, General, ii. 48, 52
Howe, Lord, his death, i. 300
Huntly, Marquis, joins the 42d re-
giment, 403-succeeds Colonel
Munro, i. 505-vol. ii. 121, 122,

Hyder Ali, ii. 82, 87, 91, 92, 92,
93, 145, 151

Jackson's Systematic View, quoted,
i. 237-239

Jacobite songs, their merit and in-
fluence, i. 101

James I. King, his attempts to check
the feuds of the Highlanders, i.


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James II. King, his attempts to
check the feuds of the Highland-
ers, i. 99

James, the abdicated king, his let-
ter to Stewart of Bellechin, i. 67
Icom-kill, college of, i. 17
Inch Ewan, stream of, the boundary
between the Saxons and the Celts,
i. 108

Indian, the answer of one respecting
the difference of shooting at an
orange and a man, i. 278
Indies, West, expedition to, i. 416
Intrigues, political, ii. 310
Inverkeithing, battle of, i. 52
Inverlochy, castle of, i. 18
Invincibles, French, beaten in E-
gypt, 465-captured colour of,
dispute about, i. 465
Johnstone, Major Sir James of Wes-
terhall, appointed to the command
of the 101st regiment, ii. 41-his
excellent mode of discipline, 42
Johnson, Dr Samuel, i. 17—his ac-
count of Coll's piper, 48-his opi-
nion of the disarming act, 117-
his Journey, quoted, 140-his sar-
casm respecting the want of old
trees in Scotland in danger of
proving a truth, 148-his senti-
ments respecting clanship, ii. 391
Johnson, Sir William, his military
genius, i. 324

Irishmen, by changing their names,
are added to the 42d as High
landers, i. 308

Itinerant preachers, their motives
for misrepresenting the High-
landers, ii. 447

Language, Celtic, i. 5, n.-of orien
tal origin, 10-when spoken at
court, 16-its adaptation for social
intercourse, 97-whisky-house, a
term unknown in, 199, n.
Latham, Lieutenant, his fate a
warning to young officers, i. 408,


Lafeldt, battle of, i. 288
Lenny, i. 5

Leslie, General, ii. 74

Letters of a Nobleman to his Son,
quoted, i. 110

Lieutenant, a wounded, saved by a
serjeant, i. 432

Lindsay, Hon. Captain John, ii. 87,


Lockhart Papers quoted, i. 71
Lockhart, Colonel, gallantry of,i.483
Louisburg attacked, i. 297, 311
Lowendahl, General, lays siege to
Bergen-op-Zoom, ii. 9

Lovat, Lord, his influence over his
clan, i. 28

Lee, General, his opinion of Eng-
lish grenadiers, i. 387, n.
Linsay, Rev. David, minister of
Glenorchy, i. 102, n.

Loudon, Earl of, ii. 4, 42
Loudon, Fort, attacked by the In-
dians, i. 339
Lowlands, i. 3, 8
Lowlanders, i. 83

Macalpin, King Kenneth, unites
the Picts and Scots, i. 16
Macculloch, Dr, his Description of
the Western Islands quoted, i.148
ii. 444

Katrine, Loch, supposed origin of Macdonald of Clanronald, rejected

the name, i. 38, n.

Keith, Major R. Murray, raised a
Highland regiment, ii. 28
Kenmore, an affray at, i. 54
Killiekrankie, Pass of, i. 5, 19—bat-
tle of, 65, ii. 81
Kingdom, Celtic, i. 15

Lady, a sensitive, ii. 144
Lally, Colonel, ii. 88

Landlords, instances of the attach-
ment of the Highlanders to, i.
125, n. 126, n.

Lamont, Captain, his death and
character, i. 491

by his clan, i. 56

Macdonalds, the history of the clan,
ii. 378-392

Macdonald, Sir Archibald, ii. 391
Macdonalds of Sleate, Sir Alexan-
der, ii. 388-Sir James, 389-Sir
James and Dr Johnson, 391
Macdonald, King of the Isles, his
garde de corps, ii. 379
Macdonald, Big Sam, ii. 307
Macdonald, Major Simon, of Morer,
defended by a follower, ii. 120
Macdonell of Keppoch, i. 23-de-
posed by his clan, 56
Macdonell of Lochgarry, ii. 46

Macdougals, the clan, ii. 369
Macdowall, General, singular his-
tory of, ii. 146, n.
Macgregor, the clan, acts of Parlia-
ment against, ii. 370, 371
Macintyre, the family of, possessors
of the farm of Glencoe, i. 80
Mackay, the family of, distinguished
in the wars of Gustavus Adolphus
and of the Imperialists, ii. 337
Mackay, General, at the battle of
Killiekrankie, i. 66

Mackenzie, the influence of the clan
over their chief, i. 57
Mackenzies, arms and crest of, ii.
128, n.

Mackenzie, Sir G. Stewart, his mis-
representation of the Highland-
ers, ii. 444

Mackenzie, General Kenneth, his
system of discipline, i. 144, n.
ii. 257

Mackenzie, Colonel Humberstone,
ii. 133

Mackenzie,a young gentleman of that
name personates Prince Charles
i. 59

Mackenzie of Fraserdale,


estate given to, i. 72
Mackerras, Major, his death, i. 449
Mackintosh, clan, their mode of at-
tack at Culloden, i. 72
Mackintosh, Lady, embarks in the
Rebellion, i. 111

Mackintosh, the Laird of, an officer
in the Black Watch, i. 279
Mackintosh, the head of a band of
robbers, i. 35

Maclachlan, the Laird of, ii. 362-
the clan of, 369
Maclaggan, the Rev. Mr, chaplain
of the Black Watch, i. 292
Maclean, General, ii. 114
Maclean, Sir Hector, supported by
his clan, i. 52

Maclean, Lachlan, his great age, i.


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Macpherson, the Rev. Robert, ii. 26
Macquarries, their chief, ii. 113
Macreas, the affair of, ii. 128
Maida, battle of, ii. 261-269
Maitland, Colonel, his conduct in
America, ii. 54-64

Malcolm, Colonel, his death and
character, i. 426

Manners, Highland, change of, i.
121-effect of the Union on, 182
-with reference to their chiefs
and landlords, 123
Marmorice bay, British fleet in, i.

Martin, quoted, i. 17, n. 34, n. 78,
n. 97, n. 123, n.
Martinique, island of, troops em-

ployed against, i. 314-expedition
to, 342-Fort Royal in, taken,


Memoirs of an English Cavalier,
quoted, i. 75, ii. 238-240
Menzies of Culdares, makes a pre-
sent of a charger to Prince Charles,
i. 52

Merchant's History of the Rebel-
lion, quoted, i. 251, n.
Militia, Local, regiments of, ii. 437


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Military character, cause of, i. 234
Minorca, capture of, i. 443
Moira, Lord, appointed to an expe-
dition, i. 408.

Monro, Major Hector, quells a mu-
tiny, ii. 38, 39-a General, 86
Morgan, General, ii. 70
Montgomerie, Major, the Honour-
able Archibald, raises a Highland
regiment, ii. 14
Moore, General, his attentions, i.
428-system of discipline suggest-
ed to, 444, n.—his difficulties in
Spain, 511-death and character,
524-attachment of the 78th re-
giment to, ii. 258, n.
Munro, George, of Culcairn, an offi-
cer in the Black Watch, i. 241~
shot by a Highlander, 272
Munro, the late Sir Hector, his dili-
gence in quest of Prince Charles,
i. 60, n.

Munro, Colonel, his death, i. 505
Munro, Sir Robert, lieut.-colonel

of the Black Watch, i. 250-com-
mander of the Black Watch at
Fontenoy, 270-his family unfor-
tunate, 271-his gallantry, 272
Munro, a soldier of that name,
strikes his officer in the ranks, i.


Murray, Sir Patrick, of Ochtertyre,
an officer in the Black Watch, i.


Murray, General, singularly wound-
ed, ii. 126

Mutinies of the Highland regi-
ments, ii. 402-Macdonalds, 204
-Athole, 405-Seaforth, detach-
ments of the 42d and the 71st
regiments, 410-Breadalbane, 413
-Grant, 415-Canadian, 416

Names, Gothic and Danish, i. 6-
tic, 10, 11
Needham, Honourable Major, ii.

Negro soldiers, notices of, ii. 239
Newcastle, insubordination of the
pitmen at, 41, n.
Newfoundland, expedition against,
i. 351
Niagara, Fort of, its importance,
i. 323-surrenders to the British,


O'Hara, General, ii. 94
Oliphant of Gask, his ingenious
manner of drinking the king's
health, ii. 6, n.

Orleans, New, attack upon, ii. 245
Oxford, transport, captured, i. 368,


Pack, General, his conduct at Wa-
terloo, ii. 235

Pakenham, Sir Edward, ii. 244, 245
Parker, Captain Hyde, ii. 54
Parish, relief, established in Eng-
land, i. 153

Passion, unbridled, an instance of
its bad effects, i. 548
Patronymics, the origin of many
surnames, i. 97

Peasantry, of England, cause of their
degradation, i. 153, 211
Peasantry, Irish, i. 210
Peebles, town of, its reception of the
42d regiment, i. 496

Pennant, the tourist, quoted, i. 104
Pensioner, an old, his account of
himself and of the Highlands, i.
499, n.

Pentland Firth, i. 6
Perth, town of, its petition to Lord
Drummond, i. 50
Picts, i. 15, 16, n.

Pinkerton, Mr, his misrepresenta-
tion of the Highland character,
ii. 441
Pisquatua, severe duty of the High-
landers at, i. 381

Pitt, Lord Chathamn, his wise policy
with reference to the Highlands,
ii. 18-encouraged to follow up
his plan, 36
Plaid, belted, i. 77

Poetry, traditional, recitations of, i.


Pollock, Major, his death, ii. 28
Ponsonby, General, his conduct at
Waterloo, ii. 235

Port Lee, battle of, i. 377
Port Washington, battle of, i. 376
Portugal, war in, i. 507

Presence of mind, an instance of, i
44, n.

Prevost, General, ii. 55, 56, 57, 58,
60, 61

Prestonpans, battle of, arms of the
clans at, i. 69, 281

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