
prizes in the lottery-commissaries and contractors., Who must suffer by it? The people. It is their blood, their taxes, that must flow to support it.

"Her march is on the mountain wave,

Her home is on the deep!"

clog upon her resources--an incumbrance, but one, which, from a spirit of honor, she will vigorously defend. In what situation would you then place some of the best men of the nation? As Chatham and Burke, and the whole band of her patriots prayed for her defeat in 1776, so must some of the truest friends to the country deprecate the success of our arms against the only power that holds in check the arch enemy of mankind.

Will you call upon her to leave your ports and bar. But gentlemen avowed that they would not go to bors untouched, only just till you can return from war for the carrying trade-that is, for any other Canada to defend them? The coast is to be left de. but the direct export and import trade-that which fenceless, whilst men of the interior are revelling carries our native products abroad, and brings back in conquest and spoil. But grant for a moment, for the return cargo,-and yet they stickle for our mere argument's sake, that in Canada you touched commercial rights, and will go to war for them? the sinews of her strenght, instead of removing a He wished to know in point of principle, what difference gentlemen could point out between the abandonment of this or of that maritime right? Do gent emen assume the lofty part and tone of chival rous redressers of maritime wrongs, and declare their readiness to surrender every other maritime right, provided they may remain unmolested in the exercise of the humble privilege of carrying their own produce abroad, and bringing back a return cargo? Do you make this declaration to the enemy at Mr. Randolph declared, that the committee had the outset? Do you state the minimum with which outstripped the executive. In designating the power you will be contented, and put it in her power to against whom this force was to be employed; as close with your proposals at her option; give herthe had most unadvisedly been done in the preamble or basis of a treaty ruinous and disgraceful beyond manifesto with which the resolutions were prefaced; example and expression? and this too after having they had not consulted the views of the executive-turned up your noses in disdain at the treaties of that designation was equivalent to an abandonment Mr. Jay and Mr. Monroe! Will you say to Eng of all our claims on the French government. No land, "end 'he war when you please, give us the direct sooner was the report laid on the table, than the trade in our own produce, we are content." But vultures were flocking round their prey, the carcase what will the merchants of Salem, and Boston, and of a great military establishment-men of tainted New York, and Philadelphia, and Baltimore, the reputation, of broken fortune (if they ever had any) men of Marblehead and Cape Cod, say to this? will and of battered constitutions, "choice spirits, tired they join in a war professing to have for its object what they would consider (and justly too,) as the sacrifice of their maritime rights, yet affecting to be a war for the protection of commerce?

of the dull pursuits of civil life" were seeking after agencies and commissions; willing to doze in gross stupidity over the public fire; to light the public candle at both ends. Honorable men undoubtedly He was gratified to find gentlemen acknowledg there were, to serve their country, but what man ing the demoralizing and destructive consequences of spirit or self respect would accept a commission of the non-importation law--confessing the truth of in the present army?

all that its opponents foretold when it was e acted- The gentleman from Tennessee, (Mr. Grundy) and will you plunge yourselves in war, because you had addressed himself yesterday, exclusively to the have passed a foolish and ruinous law, and are" Republicans of the House." Mr. Randolph knew ashamed to repeal it? But our good friend the not whether he might consider himself as entitled to French emperor stands in the way of its repeal,' an part of the benefit of the honorable gentleman's and as we cannot go too far in making sacrifices to discourse. It belonged not, however to that genhim, who he given such demonstration of his tleman to decide. If we must have an exposition love for the Americans, we must, in point of fact, of the doctrines of republicanism, he should receive become parties to his war. "Who can be so cruel it from the fathers of the church, and not from the as to refuse him this favor?"-His imagination junior apprentices of the law. He should appeal shrunk from the miseries of such connection. He to his worthy friends from Carolina, (Messrs. Ma. called upon the house to reflect whether they were con and Stanford) "men with whom he had meanot about to abandon all reclamation for the unpa-sufed his strength," by whose side he had fought rallel ed outrages, "insults and injuries" of the during the reign of terror, for it was indeed an hour French government--to give up our claim for plun of corruption, of oppression, of pollution. It was dered millions, and asked what reparation or atone not at all to his taste, that sort of republicanism ment they could expect to obtain in hours of future which was supported on this side of the Atlantic by dalliance, after they should have made a tender of the father of the sedition law, John Adams, and by their persons to this great deflowerer of the virginity Peter Porcupine on the other. Republicanism of of republics. We had by our own wise (he would John Adams! and William Cobbett ! Parnobite franot say wise-acre) measures, so increased the trade trum,now united as in 1798, whom the cruel walls of and wealth of Montreal and Quebec, that at last Newgate alone keep from flying into each others we began to cast a wistful eye at Canada. Having embrace--but whom, in sentiment, it is impossible done so much towards its improvement by the to divide! Gallant crusaders in the holy cause of exercise of "our restrictive energies." we began to republicanism! Such " republicanism does indeed think the laborer worthy of his hire, and to put in mean any thing or nothing." elaim for our portion. Suppose it ours-are we any Our people will not submit to be taxed for this nearer to our point? As his minister said to the king war of conquest and dominion. The government of Epirus" may we not as well take our bottle o of the United States was not calculated to wage wine before as after this exploit ?" Go! march to offensive foreign war-it was instituted for the comCanada!--leave the broad bosom of the Chesapeake mon defence and general welfare; and whosoever and her hundred tributary rivers-the whole line of should embark it in a war of offence, would sea coast from Machias to St. Mary's, unprotected put it to a test which it was by no means calculated You have taken Quebec- Have you conquered Eng-to endure. Make it out that Great Britain had in land? Will you seek for the deep foundations of her stigated the Indians on a late occasion, and he was power in the frozen desarts of Labrador? ready for battle; but not for dominion. He was

unwilling, however, under present circumstances, thrown into a state of insecurity. Men dead to the to take Canada, at the risk of the constitution; to operation of moral causes, had taken away from embark in a common cause with France and be the poor slave his habits of loyalty and obedience dragged at the wheels of the car of some Burr or to his master, which lightened his servitude by a Bonaparte. For a gentleman from Tennessee, or double operation; beguiling his own cares, and Gennessee, or lake Champlain, there may be some disarming his masters suspicion's and severity; and prospect of advantage. Their hemp would bear a now, like true emprics in politics, you are called great price by the exclusion of foreign supply. In upon to trust to the mere physical strength of that too the great importers were deeply interested. the fetter which holds him in bondage. You have The upper country on the Hudson and the lakes deprived him of all moral restraint, you have temptwould be enriched by the supplies for the troops, ed him to eat of the tree of knowledge, just enough which they alone could furnish. They would have to perfect him in wickedness; you have opened the exclusive market: to say nothing of the in his eyes to his nakedness; you have armed his nacreased preponderance from the acquisition of ture against the hand that has fed, that has clothed Canada, and that section of the union, which the him, that has cherished him in sickness; that hand, southern and western states had already felt so se- which before he became a pupil of your school he verely in the apportionment bill. had been accustomed to press with respectful affecMr. Randolph adverted to the defenceless state tion. You have done all this--and then shew hira of our seaports, and particularly of the Chesapeake. the gibbet and the wheel, as incentives to a sullen, A single spot only, on both shores, might be con repugnant obedience. God forbid, sir, that the sidered in tolerable security-from the nature of the southern states should ever see an enemy on their port and the strength of the population-and that shores, with these internal principles of French spot unhappily governed the whole state of Mary- fraternity in the van. While talking of taking land. His friend, the late governor of Maryland, Canada, some of us were shuddering for our own (Mr. Llovd) at the very time he was bringing his safety at home. He spoke from facts, when he said warlike resolutions before the legislature of the that the night bell never tolled for fire in Richmond state, was liable, on any night, to be taken out of that the mother did not hug the infant more closely his bed and carried off with his family, by the most to her bosom. He had been a witness of some of contemptible picaroon. Such was the situation of the alarms in the capital of Virginia. many a family in Maryland and lower Virginia. How had we shewn our sympathy with the pa. Mr. Randolph dwelt on the danger arising from triots of Spain, or with her American provinces ? the black population. He said he would touch By seizing on one of them, the claim to which we this subject as tenderly as possible-it was with had formerly respected, as soon as the parent counreluctance that he touched it all-but in cases of try was embroiled at home. Was it thus we yieldgreat emergency, the state physician must not be ed them assistance against the arch fiend, who is deterred by a sickly, hysterical humanity, from grasping at the sceptre of the civilized world. The probing the wound of his patient-he must not be object of France is as much Spanish America as withheld by a fastidious and mistaken humanity old Spain herself. Much as he hated a standing from representing his true situation to his friends, army he could almost find it in his heart to vote or even to the sick man himself, where the occa one, could it be sent to the assistance of the Spanish sion called for it. What was the situation of the patriots. slave holding states? During the war of the revo Mr. Randolph then proceeded to notice the unlution, so fixed were their habits of subordination, just and illiberal imputation of British attachments, that while the whole country was overrun by the against certain characters in this country, some enemy, who invited them to desert, no fear was times insinuated in that house, but openly avowedever entertained of an insurrection of the slaves.-out of it. Against whom were these charges brought? During a war of seven years, with our country in Against men who in the war of the revolution possession of the enemy, no such danger was were in the councils of the nation, or fighting the ever apprehended. But should we therefore be battles of your country. And by whom were they unobservant spectators of the progress of society made? By run-aways, chiefly from the British dowithin the last twenty years-of the silent but pow-minions, since the breaking out of the French trouerful change wrought by time and chance upon bles. He indignantly said-it is insufferable. It its composition and temper? When the foun cannot be borne. It must and ought, with severity, tains of the great deep of abomination were broken to be put down in this house-and out of it to meet up, even the poor slaves had not escaped the gene. the lie direct. We have no fellow feeling for the ral deluge. The French revolution had polluted suffering and oppressed Spaniards! Yet even them even them. Nay, the e had not been wanting men we do not reprobate. Strange! that we should in that house, witness their legislative legendre, the have no objection to any other people or governbutcher who once held a seat there, to preach upon ment, civilized or savage in the whole world.te at floor these imprescriptible rights to a crowded The great autocrat of all the Russians receives the audience of blacks in the galleries-teaching them homage of our high consideration. The dey of that they are equalto their masters; in other words, Algiers and his divan of pirates are very civil, good advising them to cut their throats. Similar doc sort of people with whom we find no difficulty in trines were disseminated by pedlars from New maintaining the relations of peace and amityEngland and elsewhere throughout the southern Turks, Jews and Infidels," Melimcit, or the country--and masters had been found so infatuated, Little Turtle; barbarians and savages of every clime as by their lives, and conversation, by a general and color, are welcome to our arms. With chiefs contempt of order, morality and religion, unthink-of banditti, negro or mulatto; we can treat and can ingly to cherish those seeds of self destruction to rade. Name, however, but England, and all our them and their families. What was the conse antipathies are up in arms against her. Against quence? Within the last ten years, repeated alarms whom? Against those whose blood runs in our of insurrection among the slaves-some of them own veins; in common with whom we can claim awful indeed. From the spreading of this infernal Shakespeare, and Newton, and Chatham for our doctrine, the whole southern country had been countrymen whose form of government is the

freest on earth, our own only excepted; from whom palliate, much less defend them. He well rememevery valuable principle of our own institutions ha bered flying with his mother and he new-born been borrowed-representatom-jury trial-voting child from Arnold and Philips-and ti eys been the supplies-writs of habeas corpus--our whole driven by Tarleton and other British pandours from eivil and criminal jurisprudence-against our fellow pillar to post, while her husband was fighting the protestants identified in blood, in language, in reli battles of his country. The impression was indeligion with ourselves. In what school did the worle on his memory-and yet, (like his worthy old thies of our land, the Washingtons, Henrys, Han neighbor, who added seven buckshot to every car cocks, Franklins, Rutleges of America, learn those ridge at the battle of Guildford and drew a fine sight principles of civil liberty which were so nobly as at his man) he must be content to be called a tury serted by their wisdom and valor? And American by a patriot of the last importation. Let us not get resistance to British usurpation had not been more rid of one evil (supposing it possible) at the expense warmly cherished by these great men and their of a greater-mutatus mutandus, suppose France in compatriots; not more by Washington, Hancock possession of the British naval power-and to her and Henry, than by Chatham and his illustrious the trident must pass should England be unable to associates in the British parliament. It ought to wield it--what would be your condition? What be remembered, too, that the heart of the English would be the situation of your seaports and their people was with us. It was a selfish and corrupt seafaring inhabitants? Ask Hamburg-Lubec?— ministry, and their servile tools, to whom we were Ask Savannah? What! si, when their privateers not more opposed than they were. He trusted that none such might ever exist among us us-for tools will never be wanted to subserve the purposes, how ever ruinous or wicked, of kings and ministers of


are pent up in our harbors by the British bull dogs, when they receive at our hands every rite of hospi tality, from which their enemy is excluded--when they capture within our own waters, interdicted to British armed ships, American vesels; when such He acknowledged the influence of a Shakespeare is their deportment towards you, under such cir and a Milton upon his imagination, of a Locke upcumstances, what could you expect if they were the on his understanding, of a Sidney upon his politi uncontroled lords of the ocean? Had those privacal principles, of a Chatham upon qualities, which, teers at Savannah borne British commissions--or would to God! he possessed in common with that had your shipments of cotton, tobacco, ashes, and illustrious man! of a Tillotson, a Sherlock and a what not, to London and Liverpool been confisca Proteus, upon his religion. This was a British in ted, and the process poured into the English exfluence which he could never shake off. He allows chequer-my life upon it! you would never have ed much to the just and honest prejudices growing listened to any miserable wire-drawn distinctions out of the revolution. But by whom, had they been between "orders and decrees affecting our neutral suppressed when they ran-encounter to the interest rights," and " municipal decrees," confiscating in of his country? By Washington. By whom would mass your whole property. You would have had you listen to them, are they most keenly felt? By instant war! The whole land would have blazed felons escaped from the jails of Paris, Newgate and out in war. Kilmainham, since the breaking out of the French And shall republicans become the instruments of revolution-who, in this abused and insulted counhim who had effaced the title of Attila to the try, have set up for political teachers, and whose SCOURGE OF GOD!" Yet, even Attali, in the disciples give no other proof of their progress in refalling fortunes of civilization, had, no doubt, his adpublicanism, except a blind devotion to the most vocates, his tools, his minious, his parasites in the ruthless military despotism that the world ever saw. very countries that he overran-sons of that soil These are the patriots who scruple not to brand whereon his horse had trod; where grass could with the epithet of tory, the men (looking towards never after grow. If perfectly fresh, Mr. Randolph the seat of col. Steuart) by whose blood your liber said, (instead of being as he was-his memory ties have been cemented. These are they, who clouded, his intellect stupified, his strength and spihold in such keen remembrance, the outrages of rits exhausted) he could not give utterance to that the British armies, from which many of them were strong detestation which he felt towards (above all deserters. Ask these self styled patriots where they other works of the creation) such characters as Zinwere during the American war for they are for the most, old enough to have borne arms) and you strike them dumb-their lips are closed in eternal silence If it were allowable to entertain partialities, every consideration of blood, language, religion and inte rest would incline us towards England: and yet, shall they be alone extended to France and her rul er, whom we are bound to believe a chastening God suffers as the scourge of a guilty world! On all But before this miserable force of 10,000 men other nations he tramples-he holds them in con- was raised to take Canada, he begged them to look tempt-England alone he hates; he would, but at the state of defence at home-to count the cost of he cannot despise her-tear cannot despise; and the enterprise before it was set on fout, not when it shall we disparage our ancestors? shall we bastar might be too late; when the best blood of the coun dize ourselves by placing them even below the bri- try should be spilt, and nought but empty coffers gands of St. Domingo? with whom Mr. Adams had left to pay the cost. Are the bounty lands to be negociated a sort of treaty, for which he ought to given in Canada ? It might lessen his repugnance to have been and would have been impeached if the that part of the system, to granting these lands, not people had not previously passed sentence of dis-to these miserable wretches who sell themselves ta qualification for their service upon him. This antislavery for a few dollars and a glass of gin, but in pathy to all that is English, must be French,

But the outrages and injuries of England-Bred up in the principles of the revolution, he could never!

gis, Tamerlane, Kouli Kan or Bonaparte. His in tincts involuntarily revolted at their bare idea.Malefactors of the human race, who ground down man to a mere machine of their impious and bloody ambition. Yet under all the accumulated wrongs and in-ults and robberies of the last of these chieftains are we not in point of fact about to become a party to his views, a partner in his wars ?

fact to the clerks in our offices, some of whom, with an income of 1500 or 2000 dollars lived at the [See No. 18, for continuation.]

VOL. I.]


-I wish no other herald,

"No other speaker of my living actions,
"To keep mine honor from corruption
"But such an honest chronicler."

Shakspeare-HENRY VIII,

[No. 17.

Printed and published by 11. NILES, Water-street, near the Merchants' Collec-House, at $5 per annum.

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Concluded from supplement to No. 17.

rate of 4 or 5000, and yet grow rich: who perhaps at that moment were making out blank assignments for these land rights.

owls along our coasts and hovers over our habitations; whether it may be dispelled, or descend upon us in all its fury, remains undetermined. The representatives of the people of the several states are now in council. They have access to the best rie would beseech the house, before they ran sources of information, as to the conduct of the their heads against this post Quebec, to count the belligerents. They well know the sentiments of His word for it, Virginia planters would not their constituents, and we may safely rely on their be taxed to support such a war-a war which must wisdom and patriotism faithfully to discharge the aggravate their present distresses; in which they trust reposed in them. had not the remote t interest. Where is the Montgomery, or even the Arnold, or the Burr, who is to march to the Point Levi?


If they should determine that we have not only exhausted the eup of forbearance, but tasted of that of humiliation, and that our only hope of havHe called upon those professing to be republicans ing our wrongs redressed and our rights respected, to make good the promises held out by their repub- and of holding our equal rank among the nations of lican predecessors when they came into power-the earth, is by an appeal to the last resort; then promises, which for years afterwards they had ho let us as citizens and public functionaries, mannestly, faithfully fulfilled. We had vaunted of pay-ully prepare to do our duty. Let the voice of fac ing off the national debt, of retrenching uselession be heard no more, but let every arm be rai-ed establishments; and yet had now become as infatuto defend the rights and liberties, and maintain the ated with standing armies, loans, taxes, navies and independence of the only free people upon the earth. war, as ever were the Essex junto. What republiLet us differ (if we must differ) about men or minor canism is this? political questions; let us, however, be unanimous

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Mr. Randolph apologised for his very desultory in our measures against the common enemy. Let manner of speaking He regretted that his bo the sword and the shield be uplifted by the nation as dily indisposition had obliged him to talk perhaps band of brothers and freemen, who having a somewhat wildly; yet he trusted some method righteous and common cause, are determined that would be found in his madness. On the other reso-either art nor intrigue, force nor fraud, shall inlutions he should perhaps be obliged to trouble the duce them to abandon the common standard, upon house again.

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Pennsylvania Legislature.

GOVERNOR'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Fellow citizens--Three years have this day elapsed since, in this house, surrounded as I now am by the representatives of the people of Pennsylvania. solemnly swore to devote all the eneges of my mind to the promotion of their happiness.

which is impressed the glorious moito of virtue, iberty and independence. With such determinations, we shall be as invincible as our cause is just and sacred.

Again permit me, though faintly, to express to you, and through you, to all my fellow citizens, the gratitude I feel for the distinguished manner of my edne-s to the happiness of our common country; re-election; to renew the assurances of my devot

I have a well grounded reason to believe that my and to assure you of my good wishes for your perzealous efforts have not been unsuccessful; besonal happiness and welfare. cause, they have received the approbation of a free and enlightened community. My te election, and

Lancaster, Dec. 17, 1811.


the circumstances attending it, fill my heart with Indiana Territorial Legislature. gratitude, and produce a more perfect and entire devotion, if possible, of all my faculties, to the VINCENNES, Nov. 23, 1811. service of the people who have thus honorably dis The legislature of the territory met on Monday stinguished me, I am sensible that my personal the 11th inst. James Beggs was appointed presi merits have contributed but little to the concentrant of the council, and gen. W. Johnson was ap tion of the public suffrage. A faithful adherence pointed speaker of the house of representatives. to republican principles, an earnest desire to pro mote the public prosperity, and a general coinci dence of opinion upon pubic measures with the representatives of the people, united to a cordial co operation with them in all their efforts to promote the public weal, are the true causes of the unani mity which has been so happily manifested at the general election.

On Tuesday the governor met both house in the representatives' chamber, and delivered the following SPEECH:

Gentlemen of the legislative council, and

Gentlemen of the house of representatives, The execution of an order received from the President of the United States, at the head of a body of our troops, prevented me from meeting you We are, fellow citizens, placed in authority at a at the time to which you were prorogued by my momentous period of our history. The storm of last proclamation. Although his circumstance war which has long been desolating the old world, may produce some personal inconvenience to you, Z


and perhaps a little additional expence to the terri tainly correct, and as a proof of it, I refer you to the tory, it will not I am sure be regretted when it is first chapter of Genesis. There you will find vege recollected that the result of the expedition which tation had clothed the earth's surface, before any I had the honor to command is a complete victory mention is made of an animal; besides, vegetables over the hostile combination of Indians which has are a more simple form of matter; it is absurd to been formed by the Shawanese Prophet. It is with suppose the Wise Disposer of all things should equal pleasure and pride, gentlemen, that I have it commence with the most exquisite workmanship in my power to inform you that in an action where and dwindle down to simplicity. undaunted valor was conspicuous in every corps, our own militia behaved in a manner to do credit to themselves as well as the territory.

After vegetation is mentioned in the 1st chap. 11th v. we find from the 19th to the 26th that God is employed in making all the inferior animals, and in the 26th man is formed, with power and dominion over them. Man being the last animal formed, and formed too from materials which have undergone such a variety of changes in point of refinement, must be composed of matter wonderfully polished and wrought up to the highest pitch of perfection; ne therefore is an animal of the highest possible order, he claims a superiority in every respect over

The numerous duties which claim my attention at this time gentlemen will prevent me from giv ing my opinion upon such subjects as require legis lative provision. The most important of these, however, you will find discussed at length in my for me addresses. Permit me to recommend to you industry and concord in the discharge of your fune tions, and be assured of my cordial co operation in every measure which may be calculated for the be-all others. There is in man the most delicate work nefit of our constituents.

Vincennes, 19th Nov.


manship; of the best possible contrivance. When we view this animal properly, we find organization carried to the greatest degree of perfection. Three things strike our senses, motion, sensation, and To his excellency WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, go-thought. Motion is of three kinds, voluntary, invernor and commander in chief in and over the voluntary and mixed. Sensation, or the power of Indiana territory. having feeling excited by means of impressions, is SIR-The house of representatives of the India- diffused throughout the body; the nails and hair na territory in their own name, and in behalf of excepted: and thought originates from the brain; their constituents, most cordially reciprocate the now motion, sensation and thought exist in most congratulations of your excellency on the glorious animals, but man possesses them in a much higher result of the late sanguinary conflict with the Sha degree than any other. Motion, sensation and wanoe Prophet, and the tribes of Indians confede-thought must be as various as the different causes rated with him; when we see displayed in behalf of which act upon the body, each degree of exciting our country not only the consummate abilities of matter which acts upon the animal organization, the general, but the heroism of the man; and where produces a certain degree of motion, which depends we take into view the benefits which must result to upon the affinity existing between the two portions that country, from those exertions; we cannot for of matter. a moment withhold our meed of applause.

We shall cordially and industriously endeavor to Co-operate with you, sir, in such measures as may best comport with the immediate interests of our territory and although we may lament the occa sion which gave rise to the necessary delay of le gislative business, yet we feel it to be our duty as patriots, as representatives, and as men, to submit without a murmur to any inconvenience which the good of our common country may require.

Speaker of the house of representatives.
Representatives Chamber.
November, 1811.

All the various motions then, depend upon the manner exciting matter acts upon organised animal matter. The different sensations originate from the great variety of motion, and the various faculties of the mind depend entirely upon the manner sensa. ion acts upon the brain. As a proof that motion, sensation, and thought are as various as the causes which act upon the animal, we never yet found two animals whose organization was exactly alike, nor did we ever see two animals whose motions corresponded in every particular; nor was there ever two minds that thought alike on all subjects; in fact, we never saw two portions of any kind of matter resemble each otheria every particular, and it never will be the case as long as there is a continued change of figure in matter. I can conceive of two Believing as I do that the highest reward which small portions of matter of equal bulk, that resema republican soldier can receive, is the approbation ble two other portions of equal size. I can likewise of his fellow citizens. I cannot be otherwise than conceive of two organized bodies similar to each highly gratified at the applause which you have other, that are acted upon by two causes similar to been pleased to bestow on my conduct as comman each other, and the effects produced to be similar; der of the late expedition. It has ever been my but if the organized bodies and unorganized matter wish, gentlemen, to deserve the confidence of your could be strictly examined, I doubt very much, consiments. To promote their welfare and happi whether there would be the same arrangement of ness, has been for years, the great object of my prrts found in each. Were it possible to have cares, and if in the late action it had pleased the two animals whose organization agreed in every Almighty to seal with my life the victory, which particular, their motions would not correspond; bewas to ensure their safety, the sacrifice would have cause the exercising matter which acts upon the one been cheerfully made.

Gentlemen of the house of representatives,


Philosophical Disquisitions.

No. III.

It seems that I have accounted for animal exist ence, by first supposing a vegetable one, this is cer

would not agree in every particular with the exciting matter which acts upon the other, although the action would be such as to produce similar motion in each other.

The great varieties of exciting matter, which produce the different motions in animals are too numerous to mention; but the causes we are most intimately acquainted with are the various stimuli

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