
The lieutenant governor, elected in the same manner as governor, and for same term-to be pre sident of the senate; when that body is in com mittee, to vote and debate in the same manner as the rest of the members. In case of death or disability of the governor, he is to act in his stead-and in failure of both, the president elected by the senate to officiate.

The judicial power is confided to a supreme court of errors and appeals, and to such other inte rior courts as may be created.

The judiciary for such offences as are not im peachable, may be removed from office, on the joint address of three fourths of each branch of the legis lature. The appointments to office (except in the militia) to be made by the governor and senate. Militia officers, below the rank of major, to be elected by the persons composing the companies :Those above, by the officers.

Congressional Reports.

according to the rank which they held) the noncommissioned officers and privates of the volunteers and militia, who were killed in the battle of 7th November, 1811, or who have since died of their wounds.

3d. Resolved, That provision ought to be made by law to place on the pension list, the officers, (ac. cording to the rank which they held) the noncommissioned officers and soldiers of the volunteers and militia, who served in the late campaign on the Wabash, under the command of governor Harrison, and who have been wounded or disabled in the said campaign

4th. Resolved, That provision ought to be made by law to pay for the horses and other property of individuals, lost in, or in consequence of the said battle.

5th. Resolved, That the farther time of years ought to be allowed to the officers and soldiers who were wounded, and to the legal representatives of those who were killed in the said battle, to complete the payments due or which may fall due to the United States on any purchase of the public lands made by them before the said battle.


United States.

I lay before congress, for their information, a report of the director of the mint.


The committee to whom was referred the memo rial of the legislative council and house of represen tatives of the Mississippi Territory, and the petitions of sundry citizens thereof, praying to be admitted into the union of the United States, on an equa!] footing with the original states; and also, the pe To the Senate and House of Representatives of the tition of the inhabitants of West Florida, setting forth their desire to be annexed to said territory, for reasons therein contained, have had these sub jects under consideration, and made a lengthy report in favor thereof to which is annexed the following resolution, embracing the views of both petitions : Resolved, That it is expedient to admit all that tract of country bounded north by a line drawn due east from the river Yazoo, where it unites with the With the exception of a few weeks, after the exMississippi, to the river Chatahouchy, and down piration of the charter of the bank of the United said river to the thirty-first degree of latitude, States, the supply of bullion, now furnished chifly thence along said degree of latitude to a point by the other banks in this city, has never been more opposite the river Perdido; thence to the confluence abundant.


Mint of the U. States, January 1, 1812. SIR-I have now the honor of laying before you report of the operations of the mint during the last year.

of said last mentioned river with the gulph of From the treasurer's statement of the last year's Mexico, and thence in a direct line through the coinage, which is herewith transmitted, it will ap middle of the lakes Maurepas and Ponchartrain, pear that during that period there have been struck to the junction of the Iberville with the river Missis and issued-in gold coins, 99,581 pieces, amountsippi, and up said river to the above mentioned rivering to 497,905 dollars; in silver coins, 1,268,824 Yazoo, into the union of the United States, on an equal footing with the original states.

pieces, amounting to 608,340 dollars; in copper coins, 281.165 pieces, amounting to 2,495 dollars 95 cent-making in the whole, 1,649.570 pieces of coin, amounting to 1,108,740 dollars 95 cents.

I have, sir, the honor to be, with sentiments of the greatest respect and esteem, your most obedient R. PATTERSON. servant,

President of the United States.

The committee to whom was referred the mes sage of the president of the United States transmit ting two letters from governor Harison, of the Indiana territory, reporting the particulars and the issue of the expedition under his command against the hostile Indians on the Wabash, and to whom JAMES MADISON. also was referred the inemorial of the general assembly of the Indiana territory, and the memorial of the officers and soldiers of the militia of Knox county, in the Indiana territory who served in the late cam paign under the command of governor Harrison, have made a very honorable report on behalf of the said officers and soldiers, which concludes with the following resolutions

1st. Resolved, That one month's pay ought to be allowed, in addtion to the common allowance, to the officers, (according to the rank which they held the non commissioned officers and privates of the regulars, volunteers, and militia, and to the legal representatives of those who were killed, or have since died of their wounds, composing the army under the command of governor Harrison, in the late campaign on the Wabash.

2d. Resolved, That five years half pay ought to be allowed to the legal representatives of the officers,

Estimates for the year 1812. (Founded on a peace establishment.)

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Dec. 31, 1811. Sir, I have the honor to transmit, herewith, the estimates of the appropriations proposed for the service of the year 1812; also a statement of the receipts and expenditures at the treasury, for the year ending on the 30th day of September, 1811.

The appropriations, as detailed in the estimates,
amount, in the whole to six millions seven hundred
and eighty five thousand eight hundred and sixty-
five dollars seventy-six cents: viz:
For the civil list,

For miscellaneous expences including
the additional estimate at foot for
Indian trading houses

638,690 91

339,227 42

For intercourse with foreign nations,
For the military establishment in-
cluing, 161,500 dollars for the In-
dian department
For the naval establishment including
the marine corps,

142,000 00 Enrolled and licensed tonnage employ-
ed in the coasting trade, paying an
annual duty,
3,161,277 80 Fishing vessels the same,

2,501,069 60) $6,785,865 76

[blocks in formation]

2. So much of the balances of appropriations unexpended on the 31st of December, 1811, as is not wanted to defray the expences of that year.

3. The surplus of the revenue and income of the United States which may accrue to the end of the year 1812, after satisfying the objects for which appropriations have been heretofore made.

4. The proceeds of such loan or loans as may be authorised by congress.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, sir, your most obedient servant,


The honorable the speaker

of the house of representatives.

District Tonnage of the U. S. Letter from the secretary of the treasury transmitting an annual statement of the district tonnage of the United States, on the 31st of December, 1810.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, December 12th, 1811. SIR-I have the honor to transmit the annuall statement of the district tonnage of the United States on the oist of December, 1810, together with an explanatory letter of the Register of the treasury. I have the honor to be, very respecfully, sir, your obedient servant. ALBERT GALLATIN. The hon. The speaker,

of the house of representatives.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register's Office, Dec. 7th, 1811. SIR-I have the honor to transmit the annual statement to 31st December, 1810, of the district tonnage of the United States.

The registered tonnage is stated in said abstract, at

The enrolled and licensed, at

The fishing vessels, at

Amounting to

Tons. 95ths.

981,269 05

The tonnage, on which duties were

colleted during the

405.346 69
35,167 48

1,424,783 27

same year,

amounted as follows:

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The amount of the registered tonnage
as examined and settled at the trea-
sury, from the accounts of the col-
lectors of the several districts, is
stated at 984,269 5 95 tons. This
aggregate is something more than
the true amount; to correct which,
lists of the outstanding registers
are forming at the treasury, from
the marine records. Upon each
collector being furnished with a
list of outstanding registers (com-
prehending the number, name and
tonnage of each vessel) applicable
to his district, he will be enabled
to correct the same by striking off
those vessels which no longer be.
long thereto. From these results,
a corrected statement will be exhi-

bited for the ensuing year. I beg
leave to observe, that on a former
occasion you resorted to this mode;
and on which your communication
was made to the house of represen-
tatives of the United States, on
The enrolled and licensed tonnage is
the 27th February, 1802,
stated at the amount upon which
the annual duty was collected in
1810, on that description of tonnage,
as being the most correct, and
may be considered nearly the true

The fishing vessels the same,

314,687 83

30,208 50

1,221,288 32 +

30,100 88

1,251,389 25

984,269 50

314,687 83 30,208 50

[blocks in formation]

It appears by the collectors' abstracts that 127.575 86 95 tons new vessels were built in the year 1810, whereof 102,479 72 95 tons were registered, and 25,096 14-95 tons were enrolled.

I have the honor to be, with the greatest respect, sir, your most obedient humble servant,

JOSEPH NOURSE, Register. 876,391 89 Hon. Albert Gallatin, secretary of the treasury.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]



Treasury Department, Register's Office, December 7th, 1811.

Abstract of the tonnage of the shipping of the several districts of the United States on the last day of December, 1810.




[ocr errors]

Aggregate ton

rend fisher of eachd strict

TONS 95/hrONS. 95ch.

Licensed under 20

TONS 95 hPONS 9.


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

3,650 52

168 26

133 5

333 62

28,820 09

Newburyport, M.

29,514 60

3,91 61

5,398 17


4,882 76

120 5

3,502 13

74 41

608 319 81

181 38

39,100 02

2,493 73

11,393 85


33,159 3

1,449 70

6,416 84



129 13 10,699 55

22 4

911 31

21 12

46 8

73 71

41,462 80

116 38

1,277 31

328 3

[blocks in formation]

186 74


100,085 74 23,491 5

19,589 08

4,740 13

466 67

745 61

20,922 26 149,121 85


13,119 71

607 71

9,051 64

121 02

15 03

107 18

23,028 42


1,271 67


14,015 83

70 16

403 77

297 53

16,175 57

[blocks in formation]

11,940 82
153 32
18,157 48

109 18

4,436 67

213 83

76 02

16,776 57

[blocks in formation]

32 66

29 69

1,391 70

91 22

7,955 16

42 85

131 21

26,378 02


2.181 67

80 75

4,713 86

26 32

91 05

7,126 75


1 676 75

221 19

1,512 49

70 50

129 15

112 82

3,723 25


7.786 51

418 55

418 11

15 14

139 68

8,808 10

Biddefo d, Saco

6,003 76)

153 42

1,494 31

15 67

52 41

7,719 70


22.592 52

2,337 57

6,266 37

[blocks in formation]

32,599 78


15,867 38

1,574 41

2,547 19

124 65

231 15

20,344 81

Wi-c sset,

13,970 82

474 72

2,671 14

39 02

755 35

17,911 15


7,330 66

856 01

9,857 0

151 18

846 80

19,041 74


8.674 47

579 80

7,745 04

371 90

648 33

18,019 64

Frenchman's Bay,

763 46

572 6

2.793 29

[blocks in formation]

143 35

4,828 20



798 83

278 0

1,040 12

81 33

60 72

2,259 18


1,030 90

2,444 30

485 79 1,810 68

15 45

13 74

5,801 06


494 51

Newport, R. Island.

7,278 26

[blocks in formation]

494 51 12,517 06


6.226 38

419 4

1,065 26

65 59

7,776 72


12,428 92

590 21

2,844 67

15.863 85

New London, Ct.

3,487 43

775 2

5,809 32

[blocks in formation]

10,814 55


10,401 58

372 78

5,319 85

332 01

675 41

17.131 76

New Haven,

[ocr errors][merged small]

203 34

3,128 48]

99 81

264 02

10.494 10


632 19

5,891 81

142 85

Lake Champlin, N. Y.

New York,

[blocks in formation]

Sag Harbor,

Perth Ambov, N. J.

948 71
2,517 92 14,632 55

236 57

3,037 SS

7,034 30

151 21 682 42

33 15

Little Egg Harbor,

1,847 47

51 54


1,337 51

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

43 89

1,575 21

6,670 28 150 78 3,453 82 268,548 01

4,407 €2 24,867 29

1.899 06

1,592 70

11,468 66

Great Egg Harbor,t

3,976 54

3,986 54

Philadelphia, Penn.

100,953 08 8,501 72 12,921 81

1,333 90 1,547 49

125,258 15

Presque Isle,



173 72
789 83

Baltimore, Maryland. 78,878 44

[blocks in formation]

687 45 2,065 06

173 72 8,192 17

103,444 69


1,519 11

93 63


248 02

10,336 93

1,781 64

1,612 74 12,366 64


[blocks in formation]

9,496 61

1,933 75

12,271 52

Havre de Grace,

1,857 41

119 88

1,977 37

Snow Hill,

557 32

5,121 48

751 83

6,430 68


1,633 84

449 72

2,083 61


1.385 22

48 58

1,433 80

Nanjemoy, St. Marys,

1,916 17

249 46

2.165 63

Georgetown, Col.

[blocks in formation]

566 48

3,805 16


5,952 53

2,029 53

2,857 07

[blocks in formation]

11,736 36

Hampton, Virginia.

593 86

53 27

233 40

880 581


[blocks in formation]

2,399 17

2,571 29

47.613 26


2 988 57 1,110 31

3.040 65

488 91

479 15

8,107 69


1,170 18

1,159 70

3,408 38

278 58

40 63

6.357 57

York Town,

3.293 25

36 87

323 41

3.633 58

East River,


[blocks in formation]

286 82

2.024 29

[blocks in formation]

6,890 26


1,426 18

431 61

1,857 82


102 39

1,091 93

318 76

1,513 18

Folly Landing,

856 59

1,266 82

1.325 58

3,419 09


33 59

705 77

510 711

1,547 17

*bih quarter 1808, being the last return.


th quarter 1809, being the last return.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



Registered. Enrolled & Lice iset.fi censed under 20 t', [.1ggregate ton Permanen [f'empora, i. Permanen Tempo) ar 4|Coast,trade Cod eryf each district TONS 9 TONS 9 PONS 95 TONS 90 TONS 95 hTONS 95th TONS 95/hs.

[blocks in formation]


3,328 44

1,415 53

[blocks in formation]

9,262 17

[blocks in formation]

6,875 48 929 69


s. ċ.


[blocks in formation]


40 08

[blocks in formation]

40 08 12,679 29

197 35

598 56 2,144 80

[blocks in formation]

840,431 6743,837 33381,812 33 15,891 94 34,232 57 8,577 28 1,424.783 27

54 88

528 86

[blocks in formation]

It appears, by the collectors' abstracts, that 127,575 86 95ths tons new vessels were built in the year 1810, whereof 102,479 72 95ths were registered, and 25,096 14.95th rons were enrolled. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register.

(A.) Official Papers.

Accompanying the Secretary of the Treasury's annual report. (See page 229.)

A statement exhibiting the amount of duties which accrued on merchandize, tonnage, passports and clearances, of debentures issued, on the exportation of foreign merchandize, of payments for bounties and allowances and for expences of collection, during the years 1809 and 1810:

[blocks in formation]

1.706,608 48,940 18 7,022,166 22494.998 02 6,527.168 20 7.839,16 2,268 05a 12,952,972 96 439,382 8712.513.490 03

evenue for the year 1810 Deduct interest and storage,

Gross revenue per statement (B.)

14,552,572 90 30,701 95

12,922,170 95

A statement of the amount of American and foreign tonnage employed in foreign trade, for
the year 1810, as taken from the records of the treasury.
American tonnage in foreign trade
Foreign tonnage,

Total amount of tonnage employed in the foreign trade of the United States,

Tons, 906,434

80,316 986,750

Proportion of foreign tonnage to the whole amount of tonnage employed in? the foreign trade of the United States,

[ocr errors]

8.1 to 100

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register's office, Nov. 9, 1811.



A statement exhibiting the value and quantities respectively of merchandise on which duties actually accrued during the year 1810, (consisting of the difference between articles paying duty imported, and those entitled to drawback re-exported,) and also the net revenue which accrued during that year, from duties on merchandise, tonnage, passports and clearances.

GOODS PAYING DUTIES AD VALOREM. 39,714,120 dollars at 12 1-2 per cent 7,703,290

[ocr errors]


1,155,493 50

[blocks in formation]

Extra duty of 10 per cent. on merchandise imported in foreign vessels,

[blocks in formation]

Net revenue,

87,779 69

12,689,581 71

127,697 40
41,463 84

169,161 24 23,428

12,882,170 95


12,922,170 95

439,382 87

12,482,788 08

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register's office, November 9, 1811.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Extra duty of 10 per cent. on merchandise imported in foreign vessels,

[blocks in formation]

3,832 51 2,427 86

Dollars, 1,201,431 43

5,401 76

267 09 20,615 74

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