
pletely distrusted as this? Was there suspicions; and yet you utter not a word› ever one of whom the mass of the in defence of your "popular Ministry." people had so bad an opinion! Dr. But, let me now come to another BLACK really seems to deem the WHIGS matter, which, in my opinion, confirms as exempted from all political pledges my suspicions completely, as to the and ties, as RALPHо deemed the "Saints" main point, at least. This main point from all moral obligations. Put WHIGS was, the intention, which I thought the for " Saints," and TORIES for "the Ministers had, to give up the ten-pound wicked," and we have Ralpho and Doc-clause. And, here, before I go any furtor Black uttering the same sentiments.

The WHIGS may do the same things by
Right, and in sincerity,

Which the TORIES are tempted to,
And at the devil's instance do ;
And yet the actions be contrary,
Just as WHIGS and TORIES vary.
For, as on land there is no beast
But in some fish at sea's exprest;
So in the TORIES there's no vice

Of which the WHIGS have not a spice;
And yet that thing that is good in
The one, in th'other is a sin.

ther, I will insert an article (enclosing a letter) which I wrote last Saturday (21st of April,) after my Register had gone to


To the People of Birmingham, and to the Reformers in all the great


Bolt-court, Flect-street, Saturday, 21st April, 1832.

MY FRIENDS,-Be on the alert! Look out sharply; or you will, I am convinced, see all the apprehensions expressed in my Register of this day verified to the fullest extent. The fol

Doctor Black does not perceive, that the day of this impudent humbug is gone, never to return; that the nation has now the sense to know, that both factions are the same as towards it; and that they have, in fact, always been the same, and that they have now, as far as this goes, one and the same, feeling. A pretty story indeed, that GREY "London, 21st April, 1832. has augmented the army, and put swords SIR,I quite agree with you in into the hands of his police, to" deprive "opinion respecting the Ministers and the anti-reformers of the means of" the Reform Bill, that they intend to wounding the good cause!" What fools; "exclude the working people there can what asses; what beasts, this man "be very little doubt; but you seem to must think the people of England! "think that the Unions' nay take part But, DOCTOR, if you should think the" with the Ministers; this would be Ministers "monsters" if you thought my very base indeed, yet I am fearful that suspicions just, why did you not try your opinion is but too well founded; your hand, in order to show them to" for on Wednesday afternoon, while Í be unjust? This is what their friend" was in a bookseller's shop, a gentleman "was ought to have done; and not the smallest came in and said to the bookseller, attempt have you made to do it; and "Well, what think you now? you see this, indeed, this silence of yours, is one "the second reading is carried;' to of the strongest presumptive proofs of " which the bookseller replied that he the correctness of my opinions. Be-"had been so busy that he had not sides, what have you now (Wednesday thought about it, but should be glad morning) before you? The proceed- "when the bill was carried through; ings of the meeting at LEEDS, of that" I joined in and said, that I was sorry at GLASGOW, of that at NEWCASTLE, of" to see the remarks of Lord GREY rethat at DUDLEY; of the LONDON POLI-"specting the 10!. suffrage, and that I TICAL UNION: you have before you all" would rather the bill should be lost, these, every meeting expressing the same" than that the qualification should be

lowing letter has been sent to me, in consequence of the writer having read, in my Register of this day, that I could not help having my fears that some at least of the Political Unions would not, upon this occasion, act as they ought to do. First read the letter, and then hear, if you please, a word or two from me.




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"raised; on which the gentleman said, was above-board. I did every thing "Why, I do not know: we ought to that I could do, to make the thing "take as much as we can get, for it is reach the eye of Mr. PARKES as soon as "impossible to get the whole; and you possible. Dr. BLACK published the "have no idea how difficult it is to article; but though he must have had "keep the people together.' I said it on Sunday, at the latest, he did not "that I did not think so; to which he publish it till yesterday (Tuesday); but "replied that he knew how difficult it he then accompanied it with the fol"was; for that he had a great deal to lowing remarks:-" Mr. COBBETT has "do with them:' and then he said that" transmitted to us an address to the "he came from Birmingham. Now," people of Birmingham (which will "if one who has so much to do with " appear in his next Register). In that "the working people can submit to the " address he assumes (from some al"alteration in the ten-pound qualifica-"leged conversation of Mr. JOSEPH ❝tion, I fear your suspicions are but "PARKES, of that town, in a book"too well founded, as I said before; yet "seller's shop here) that Ministers are "I hope that your remarks in this day's prepared to raise the 10l. qualification, "Register will rouse the people, and" and to abandon the metropolitan bo"defeat all those who would cheat them." roughs. We are quite sure that Mr. "I am, Sir, "PARKES's meaning has been miscon"Your most obedient Servant,"ceived; and from what we know of that gentleman, we are equally cer"tain, that the moment this meets his eye, he will explain in a satisfactory manner the allusions to the Birming«ham people attributed to him. Mr. PARKES never could mean that the people of Birmingham, of all places, "would be indifferent, either to the donment of the metropolitan boraising the qualification, or the aban"roughs. But we shall allow him and themselves in their own way.' "the Birmingham people to vindicate

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After the Birmingham gentleman had gone out, the bookseller told my correspondent, that the name of that gentleman was JOSEPH PARKES. Now, if Mr. PARKES do not deny the truth of" the statement in this letter, or do not deny that he was the man; then, here.. ends my duty with regard to the matter; for, it being notorious that Mr. PARKES has constant intercourse with several of the Ministers, the conclusion to be drawn from his observations is too evident to need pointing out; and if Mr. PARKES do deny as aforesaid, then I am ready to give him the name of the author, who is a gentleman on whose veracity I most firmly rely, and who will, if called on, certainly repeat his statement to Mr. PARKES'S face.


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Now in this article I assume nothing their own conclusions from the facts specific I leave my readers to draw that I have stated, and from those stated cuting the people of Birmingham; by my correspondent. As to "vindiagainst Mr. PARKES, the Doctor must mean; for they have no indifference imputed to them, either by me or by This whole article, just as it stands my correspondent. On the contrary, my here, I had printed last Saturday; I correspondent repelled what he deemed had it put on a sheet of letter-paper, such imputation against them; and and sent off by the post of that night | spoke of the baseness of those political several copies of it, especially to BIR-unions who should neglect their duty MINGHAM. Not knowing where Mr. PARKES lived in London, I sent a copy to Mr. PLACE and to Lord HOLLAND, both of whom, as I was told, he frequenty visited. On Monday I sent off some nore of the copies; and on Saturday I sent one to Dr. BLACK. So that all

upon this occasion. As to Mr. PARKES himself, he may perhaps think, as the Doctor seems to think, that some vindication is necessary; and, from the above assurance given by the Doctor, I did, indeed, expect to see something from him in the Chronicle of this morning

(Wednesday); but nothing from him to aid him in carrying the Reform do I see; and yet, whether he were in Bill! Ah! it had an Envoy auprès de London or at Birmingham, he must la СHOSE; it had an Envoy to the have seen the article which I had written THING. It would be curious to get at respecting him. The reader will at protocols of Mr. PARKES ! We may once perceive the cause of his not an- guess at them, however; we see the swering it directly; and if he should effect of them; and here is a full connot answer at all, every one will be firmation of all my suspicions! What, satisfied, that I was right in my suspi- GLASGOW, MORPETH, NEWCASTLE, LEEDS, MANCHESTER (where they are But, there is a fact connected with just going to hold a public meeting), this conversation with Mr. PARKES, of and DUDLEY, all sending up remonthe greatest importance, namely, that strances on the subject of the ten-pound the Political Union of Birmingham has clause, and Birmingham silent! One


But, Doctor BLACK, it is now THURSDAY; and on TUESDAY you said, "We are QUITE SURE that Mr. PARKES'S

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(as far as we yet hear) not moved upon would think that the shouts of indignathis occasion; not stirred pen or tongue?tion from Dudiey would break the slumWhat! that COUNCIL, which, par excel-bers of the BIRMINGHAM COUNCIL. Ah! lence, was called "the COUNCIL," I am right; and so will say the whole silent now! Silent at this juncture! nation. Calm, still as death, or, at best, slow as a snail. What! this corps d'élite silent and still, when every one else is in alarm and on the alert! Flat, torpid, as the meaning has been misconceived; and, bridge-jobbers and “ improvement”-jobbers, in the City! Torpid as CHARLEY'S "from what WE KNOW of that genCorporation with CHARLEY'S Lord" tleman, we are EQUALLY CERMayor at the head of it! Every one "TAIN that, the moment this meets who knows CHARLEY'S City, knows his eye, he will explain, in a satisvery well, that those who fatten on the" factory manner, the allusions to the roast there, hate reform as much as the “ Birmingham people attributed to boroughmongers do, and as much as " him." I can have no doubt that Mr. Burdett and Hobhouse do. These have PARKES saw my circular last Sunday. all one common feeling, and one com- It was, on Sunday, in the hands of Mr. mon interest: the City-THING is just PLACE, Lord HOLLAND, and in your like the other, only smaller; it has its hands, Doctor. On the same day it DEBT, its PENSIÓN and SINECURE was in the hands of Mr. THOMas Attlist, its RETIRED ALLOWANCE list: wooD, Mr. CHARLES JONES, and Mr. it has its TAX-GATHERERS: it has its GEORGE EDMONDS, of and at BirmingLOANS and, in short, it is another ham. Mr. PARKES was on that day THING, only less in size; but, in pro- either at Birmingham or in this infernal portion to its size, it has as much to lose and all-corrupting and blasting WEN; by Parliamentary Reform as the GREAT or, at any rate, he was within twentyTHING has; and it always consults four hours' post-shot of one or and co-operates with the GREAT other: yet he has not explained! THING. But, even this THING, a Doctor, do not be quite so sure another THING to the bottom of its very soul, time, in a case like this; nor, indeed, in is beginning to move now! From MOR- any case, wherein you differ from me. PETH to CHICHESTER the reformers are Experience ought to have taught you moving; but, not a word do we hear more caution in this case. I do not, to from those of Birmingham; not a word be sure, talk with Ministers, as you do; does that famous "council" put forth; they do not tell me anything; but I do that famous leader of the nation; that not want any of their tellings: I do not famous "light in the wilderness;" that want to hear their lies; and as to the famous body, who tendered King Wil-truth, I can discover that quite_soon liam four hundred thousand men in arms enough without their tellings. Better



never see any of them again, Doctor, if" and that, though carried by only a you have a mind to be right.

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"small majority, it has not at any rate
"been flung back in the teeth of the
people and their representatives, by a
"haughty, scornful, and positive rejec-



"3rd. On the motion of Mr. Charles

What the WHIGS were in POPE's day they now are they have still their "Sir! "2nd. On the motion of Mr. John ROBERT," or two or three of them;" Fife, seconded by Mr. George Abbatt, and, whatever Mr. PARKES may do, "That, though unable to understand you will never laugh any more, Doctor," how, upon any principles of justice or unless you instantly cease to see Sir" of policy, their lordships could have Robert." You are now, at this moment," decided otherwise, and though the exmuzzled; actually muzzled, as compression of any extraordinary warmth pletely as any mastiff ever was. The of gratitude might, therefore, be ungreat towns keep pouring in upon you" suitable in such a case, yet, considertheir expressions of alarm, and you are unmoved. You garble the reports of" decision may have averted, or, at least ing the momentous perils which their the proceedings in the great towns, and 'suspended, we deem it our duty to you give no opinion of your own upon offer our acknowledgments and conthe great matter on which millions are so much alarmed. And why do you gratulations to the majority of their Lordships' House for the adoption of not? Not because you are a political" this course, in preference to another, rogue, for you are not that: not because which might have proved in its effects you do not see that my suspicions were "most fatal. just not because you approve of the design so clearly indicated in the speech" of Lord GREY: but because you have tacitly, at least, committed yourself into be much more indispensably its conversation with some of the Ministers, or with some of their underlings. This is the true cause of your very equivocal conduct. You might still say that my " suspicions were groundless; but you cannot say that now, unless you be pre-mutilations, or calculated to impair pared to assert that the whole nation is its efficacy; particularly as respects mad with suspicion. Take the follow- the schedules of disfranchisement and ing, which was adopted at NEWCASTLE-"enfranchisement, and most especially UPON-TYNE before-four days before- as respects the ten-pound franchise ; my Register appeared even in London "alterations which they have been most Look at it, Doctor; and then reproach" painfully led to apprehend, from me again for my suspicions. "certain expressions publicly ascribed "At a meeting of the Council of the "to Earl Grey, and which, if effected, "Nothern Political Union, and their "would render the bill at once unpopu "associates, held in the Music Hall," lar and useless--destroy all confidence "April 18th, 1832,

"It was resolved,

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Larkin, seconded by Mr. Walsh,-
That this meeting deems it, however,

duty to lose no time in presenting a
petition to the House of Lords, be-
seeching and cautioning their Lord-
ships against the adoption of any
alterations in the bill, in the nature of

"in promises and pledges-and inflame "CHARLES ATTWood, Esq., in the Chair," still further that angry and dangerous "alienation of feeling between the dif"1st. On the motion of Mr. T. Double-"ferent classes of society, which most "day, seconded by Mr. W. A. Mitchell," unfortunately now exists, and which "That, with feelings relieved in part "must be speedily put an end to if "from painful apprehensions for the" society be expected to remain at "tranquillity, safety, and settled order" peace.


"of the country, this meeting has learn- '4th. On the motion of Mr. J. Wat"ed the result of the second reading of "son, seconded by Mr. R. Turnbull,"the Reform Bill in the House of Lords, "That the petition be signed by the

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"Chairman on behalf of this meeting; "That your petitioners, therefore, ear" and that Lord Durham be requested "nestly implore your Lordships to con-"to present it to the House of Lords. sent to no such alterations as above "5th. On the motion of Mr. Laing, described, and especially no means to "seconded by Mr. Dodds,―That the "raise one title the amount of the qua- › "following be the petition adopted by "lification proposed for the elective "this meeting "franchise.


"And your petitioners will ever pray, "To the Right Honourable the Lords Now, Doctor, you give an abridged Spiritual and Temporal in Parlia-account of the proceedings of this meet"ment assembled.

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"The Petition of the Council, Asso"ciates and Friends of the Northern "Political Union, in public meeting "assembled,



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ing, but you take good care to suppress these excellent documents because they hit the bird in the eye; because they show that ny suspicions were reasonable; because, in short, they show that the intentions of the Ministers are clearly seen, at Newcastle as well as at Bolt-court. Take the following, coming still farther north :

"That your petitioners have learned, "with feelings af satisfaction, that the "Reform Bill has passed through its "second reading in your Lordships' "MORPETH, 23 April, 1832.— "House. "REFORM.—FROM THE SPEECH "That deriving from this circum-" OF LORD GREY, ON THE THIR"stance an auspicious hope, that" TEENTH INSTANT, in the HOUSE through the adoption of a course of" oF LORDS, it would appear that the effectual, though late concession, the" TEN-POUND SUFFRAGE did not, "wounds of society may at length be" in his Lordship's opinion, form any "closed and healed, your petitioners "part of the PRINCIPLE OF THE "hasten to solicit your Lordships for" BILL OF REFORM; and that "the realization of that hope, by pas- "there seems to be a disposition amongst sing the Reform Bill as speedily as "the Ministers to alter the bill in this "possible, without any alteration cal-"respect.-As this is a most important "culated to impair its efficacy, by pass"ing it unmutilated as respects the "schedules of disfranchisement and en"franchisement, and most especially as respects the ten-pound franchise.

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consideration, the people of Morpeth "will, it is hoped, see the anticipated change in its proper light.-If the right of voting for members of Parlia "ment be fixed at a larger sum than "ten pounds, a great number of the "inhabitants of this town and neigh

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"That in their acceptance of this measure in its present form, the great body of the people, considering them-"bourhood, will be totally excluded "selves to have made a large and gene- "from the exercise of the elective "rous sacrifice of their feelings and opi-" franchise; the number of votes "nions to considerations of peace and throughout the whole country will be unity, that they would never agree to "greatly diminished; the right of "any further curtailment of the extent of voting will be generally placed in the "this reform, but regarding the whole" hands of large merchants, traders, and "bill as in that case nothing better than "manufacturers, who will have a direct a mockery, they would consider your "interest in keeping the working classes "Lordships' House as interdicting them" in their employment, from having any "from the attainment of that which they" share in the representation of the king"consider to be unquestionably their" dom; public opinion and spirit will right, the right of consenting to the "never be able to exert themselves for "laws that rule them, by means of a "the removal of those great national grievances which the people of this country wish to be rid of; and in one word, the real and substantial benefits

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