


my freedom for eighteen-pence. In to promise to pray God, to be protected short, this snuggling in with this band against the seductions of the devil in of city-jobbers is a bad sign. These are future. Nothing short of one of these nothing more than a band of jobbers will induce me to regard the BIRMING and place-hunters: they are the mana-HAM Union as not acting under the ingers of a THING which is more oppres-fluence of the Ministers. I am well sive to us, the citizens of London, than aware, that many men, and even some the THING at St. Stephen's is to the good men, will say, that these observanation at large their conduct towards tions of mine tend to do harm, tend to us is more audacious and more profli- prevent unanimity. They do indeed: they gate: they have mortgaged every ounce directly tend to prevent us from becomof property bequeathed us by our an- ing ALL dupes together. Oh, no! cestors they have plunged us into a This is the old cant of exposed cheats. DEBT that never can be paid: they have 1 am for unanimity, when it means their pension-list, their sinecure-list, unanimity on the side of truth and jusretired-allowance list, and dead weight; | tice; but if I cannot have that, let me and now at last, that they might want have a part of the people uncheated at nothing to make the little THING a any rate. perfect imitation of the great THING, I have not dwelt so long and so they have just established a Bourbon- painfully upon this matter for nothing: like police; boldly setting at, defiance a very great deal depends upon it; for, all the ancient laws and usages, and all whoever believes that it was THE MIthe feelings of the city. And this is the NISTERS THAT KEPT THE BIRMINGHAM band, is it, whom the BIRMINGHAM UNION QUIET, must believe that the Council come up to London to em- Ministers had the intention to sacrifice brace! Reform! Why, the prodi- the metropolitan members and the tengious zeal which we have, in this case, pound franchise, and thus to keep their shown in the city of London, has arisen places by the consent of the Tories. from the assurance that Reform will This, therefore, is a point of the greatest rid us of the greedy and plundering importance; and must never be left out band whom the BIRMINGHAM Council of view, either as applicable to the preare come up to London to applaud! sent state of things or the future proHowever, this proceeding will deceive bable state of things. Be the facts, nobody in London; and I will take however, what they may, it is certain care that it shall not deceive the coun- that all the nation, except the Birmingtry. This little THING is, at this ham Union, entertained those suspitime, the tool of the Whig Ministry; cions which I have before described": and, indeed, it must be the tool of every everywhere their petitions and adMinistry; because any Ministry can put dresses were, in effect, a censorious an end to its jobbing, and to the op-commentary on the speech of GREY. Bepressive burdens which this little THING imposes upon us; and, remember the Spanish proverb, "Let me know your companions, and I will "tell what you are." To dismiss this part of my subject, let me, at once, say, that the Birmingham Council have but two ways of cleanly wiping out all the suspicious circumstances that I have mentioned; namely, FIRST, to account satisfactorily for not having even called a meeting until the twenty-seventh of April; SECOND, to acknowledge, that it was kept silent by the influence of the Ministers, to express sorrow for it, and

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fore the Houses met again on the 7th of May, he had had time to see the storm gathering, and to see torrents of execration preparing to be poured upon his head; therefore, in moving for the House to go into committee on the 7th of May, he took care to make an explicit declaration, that he would stand by the ten-pound suffrage! The storm had not been gathering and the torrents of execration preparing, without the Tories perceiving them as well as he. They knew that he must make and stand by this declaration; and, seeing that the nation was roused, and that the

thing must be done, they resolved on doing it themselves, and not to be marked out to the end us the enemy of the people, while their opponent was regarded as their friend.

ters, a copy of which address will be found in the Register of May 12, page 330.

In the mean while WELLINGTON had been appointed minister, and the town MAY 7. On this day GREY made his was all in an uproar, as described in the motion for going into committee, and last Register; publications, pictures, Lyndhurst moved the postponement ballads, every thing that could be of the disfranchising clauses. This, brought into play pouring forth abuse which was merely intended as a trial of on Wellington, the King, and especially strength, produced a debate, in which the Queen. But, on Monday morning the Ministers were beaten by a majority the fourteeth, that run upon the Bank, of thirty-five. It was very clear that which had begun during the latter end the object was not to throw out the bill, of the preceding week, became truly but to drive Lord GREY from power. alarming. This is the peaceable way The Tories would have liked better to of resisting a Government which is fool have seen him dragged through the enough to have a paper-money. Paper dirt of keeping his place with the de- money, that most complete of all the molition of the ten-pound clause; to instruments of tyranny, becomes, in have made him detested first, and then time, the sure and easy means of resist to have turned him out when it suited ing that tyranny. Amongst the numer them; but, as they had not been able ous wise and profound sayings that PAINE to effect that; as the explosion of pub- has left behind him, is this :-" Paperlic opinion had prevented that, they re-money is strength to a Government in solved to take the work out of his" the beginning and weakness in the hands at once, and to do it themselves." end." It was strength to the Whigs Seeing their design; and, in short, at the revolution; it was strength to knowing the intrigue that had been the SEPTENNIAL Villains; it was strength going on for some time, he here made to PITT and DUNDAS, and old Ben his stand; moved an adjournment until | tinker, and SPENCER and FITZWILLIAN the 10th of May; went to the King at in their war against the people of Windsor on the 8th; proposed to the France; it has been strength to the King to make new peers to enable him THING, until PEEL'S BILL made it to carry the bill, which the King having weakness. It is now complete weakrefused, he tendered his resignation, ness: it now furnishes the means of our which the King accepted on the 9th of taking back those rights which it ena❤ May. The House of Lords met on the bled the boroughmongers to take from 9th, when GREY announced his resig us. It and boroughmongering are twin nation; and at the same time he moved devils; they were born together, and to discharge the order for going into together they will die; but the devil of committee on the Reform Bill, and paper-money will serve to kill the other Lord CARNARVON moved for going into devil, and then it will expire in the other -the committee on it on Monday, the devil's arms. This paper-money has 14th. There was a great deal of angry been the means of taking the clothes discussion this day, an account of which from the working man's back, and the will be found in the Register of the dinner from his table: it is only wanted 12th; and in the same Register an ac- as an instrument of pillaging the peocount of the debate on Lord LYND-ple; but without it they cannot be pilHURST'S motion. There were no pro- laged as long as the forms of law exist ceedings in the House of Lords on the in the country. Some one will say 10th; but in the House of Commons a" What fools the Boroughmongers were very long and most interesting discus- for not getting rid of the papersion took place on a motion of Lord money!" We now know, that the little EBRINGTON for an address to the King placard, "TO STOP THe Duke, go for on the subject of the change of Minis- GOLD," we all know, that this did ston

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all the associations of rich people; the taxing people; all the military and naval establishments; all the yeo"manry cavalry tribes. Your allies are endless in number and mighty in influence. But we have one ally worth the whole of them put together; This is an ally

the Duke. "What fools, then," some 66 many terrible blows, that men like one will say," the boroughmongers you worship her as the American sàwere for not getting rid of this paper!" " vages are said to worship the Devil. Oh, no! to get rid of it, would be to "But a change is at hand. The reget rid of themselves; for, if they get "formers have yet many and powerful rid of it, they must get rid of it sud-foes; we have to contend against a denly; and then the fulfilment of Guy" host, such as never existed before in FAWKES's design would have been child's" the world. Nine-tenths of the press; play to what they would have had to all the channels of speedy communiendure. Oh, no! They cannot get rid" cation of sentiment; all the pulpits; of it: it is become our best friend, our fast ally. Those who have long been readers of the Register, will recollect" the lofty eulogium I pronounced upon the DEBT in the year 1816. Oh! How prophetic was that Register; if I had then witnessed the events which I have beheld within these fifteen days, I could" namely, the DEBT. not have written otherwise than I then " whom no honours or rewards can sedia. A base bookseller of BIRMINGHAM" duce from us. She is a steady, unrelaxhad stuck up in his window papers" ing, persevering, incorruptible ally. An grossly insulting the REFORMERS. Some ally that is proof against all blandishman went in and tore the insulting "ments, all intrigues, all temptations, papers out of his window. Instantly "and all open attacks. She sets at detroops were called in, and the vagabond" fiance all military, all yeomanry was protected, and he instantly com- 'cavalry.' "They may as well fire at a menced his revilings against the RE-" ghost. She cares no more for the FORMERS, putting forth, amongst other" sabres of the yeomanry or the life things, the abusive words of the vaga- guards, than Milton's angels did for bond CANNING, representing the RE" the swords of Satan's myrmidons. FORMERS as a low, degraded, and despi- "This ally cares not a straw about spies cable crew, and predicting that they" and informers. She laughs at the would always be easily kept in subjec-" employment of secret-service-money. tion. I told the vagabond that it would" She is always erect, day and night, not always be thus; that the REFORM" and is always firmly moving on in ERS, however destitute of help they our cause, in spite of all the terrors might then appear, had ONE ALLY that" of jails, dungeons, halters, and axes. would never forsake them; and then I" Therefore, Mr. JABET, be not so pert. proceeded thus: "The combat is not so unequal as you

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"To abuse and act maliciously to-" imagine; and, confident and insolent ewards those who would have pre- 16 as you now are, the day of your hu"vented those calamities, has been and" miliation may not be far distant. yet is, a profitable trade. But that" Already do many of your friends, "trade may very soon fall off; and I seeing the strength of our ally and very believe, that many will live to the tendency of her march, begin to repent of having carried it on so long. propose measures for weakening her; "You, and men like you, can hardly be" for diminishing her power by degrees; "made to believe, that any such change" for drawing off detachments from her "will ever take place. It is now twenty- "under the name of reduction. Oh, five years since there was any real" no! She is not to be taken from our "freedom of the press. During that" cause in this way! She is one and long period corruption has had all the indivisible. She is as stanch as she "channel of thought in her power. So" is strong. She is to be attacked only "many thousands have fallen under her" by sap and mine. She is to be beaten grasp, she has inflicted such and so only by blowing up; and the exple

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"sion is sure to bury her and our assail- Mr. REEVES very acutely observed upon "ants in her ruins! If you had sense, the effects of this quiet good sense. I "therefore, equal to your greediness wish he had been alive now, to have " and low-cunning, you would be more "cautious how you insulted the feelings "of your townsmen."-Register, vol. 31, page 477.


witnessed the fine illustration of his doctrines in the sensible appeal which the people made to the dugs of the old she-devil in Threadneedle-street, the How true was this description! How old sow with many pigs, which 1 repreit will gladden your hearts, my friends, sented some years ago as all flying at now to read this description! She has her at once to draw the blood out of been true to us. She has now given us her body, and which idea my good old a peaceable, a bloodless victory. She friend, Win. MARSDEN, of Sheffield, has other victories in store for us, how- portrayed upon the blade of a most She will abolish tithes, and re-elegant pruning-knife, which he had the peal hop-tax, and malt-tax, and corn- goodness, some years ago, to send me bill for us: she is at once disease and as a present, and which I gave to my cure; curse and blessing: like Hercules, eldest son for him to keep as a specimen when she has extirpated all other mon- of the industry and ingenuity and pubsters, she will destroy herself: and, in lic spirit of those working people of her last will and testament, she will England, who, in their several callings, bequeath a halter to the villain that have always been so much admired by shall again propose to make funds and his father, and whose well-being had so paper-money. constantly been the principal object of his exertions. "To stop the Duke," we should have stopped the old devil of a sow in about three days more; and this was prevented, and I think luckily, by this "reconciliation debate," of which I have been speaking.

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Of her power in producing "weakness and fright, we have a fine specimen in the thing, called a debate in the House of Commons, of Monday, 14th of May, which surpasses every thing of the sort that I ever read. In my last Register, I called it the "reconciliation 17.May. The "reconciliation debate,” debate." I wished to insert the whole and particularly the pressure upon the of it in my last Register; but I had not old sow, had induced the King to send room. The remainder of it will be for GREY again, until this reconciliationfound in the next Register. I do debate had taken place; or, as some beseech you, my friends, to read the people call it, the l'EACHUM and LOCKITwhole of the debate; I do beseech you debate; until this had taken place the to read the speeches of BARING, Who Whigs were in a very low condition: was to have been their Chancellor of the Duke had "kissed hands," they said: the Exchequer. This fellow made no what else he might have kissed was not less than three speeches. I beseech stated; but this work of kissing would you to read this fellow's speeches: I appear to be a very important matter; beseech you to read his defence of for it cut down the Whigs to such a deSTRATHFIELDSAY and the King; and I gree, that a friend of mine who had just beseech you to recollect that the Bank taken the wall of little HOBHOUSE, Obhad had to pay nearly half a million in served that the face of this husband of gold on that very day! Mr. REEVES Our Lady JULIANA resembled, in point once wrote a pamphlet, addressed to of colour, one of those implements of the quiet good sense of the people of the nursery which cleanly mothers reEngland; for which he was prosecuted move as often as the occasion arises. by order of the House of Commons, and The Whig newspapers, too, began to to which prosecution PITT had the appear to have a touch of the cholera. baseness to give his consent, the thing My dignitary, Dr. BLACK, was not only having been moved for by that low fel-firm but desperate; but the base Cove low SHERIDAN, and supported by that RIER began to moralize; and the BLOODY still more low fellow WILBERFORCE. TIMES, like MOTHER COLE, began to



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give" symptoms of fitness for nothing observe that it is absolutely necessary but the kingdom of heaven!" On the for him to read this speech through with morning of Monday the fourteenth, this the greatest attention; for here is this bloody old MoTHER COLE of the press famous commander's justification of observed, "WE are like the people; himself. Here is all he can say in his we want the reform bill, and if the justification. What BARING had to say "Duke of Wellington will pass it, we in justification of the Duke, and also in "will hail its passing as a boon, and we justification of himself who was to have "think it is measures more than men we been his Chancellor of the Exchequer, we › ought to look to." Whoever has been have seen in his speeches, which were on board a ship, has frequently heard the inserted in the last Register. Let us word of command, Prepare for the now hear what the DUKE had to say for tack!" Such were these words: the himself. I now insert the speech, again Whigs understood them well: they felt requesting that it may be read all the hand of death upon them their through with the greatest attention, knees knocked together, and their teeth the reader bearing in mind that it was chattered in their heads. God be praised, delivered on the 17th of May. I never see them; but I am told that The Duke of WELLINGTON, after presenting they looked just like BURDETT and a petition from Cambridge against reform, HOBHOUSE When they were escaping proceeded to say-My Lords, this is the first into the church of St. PAUL COVENT occasion on which I have risen to address you GARDEN to avoid the turnips and cab-duty to my charge, and your Lordships, or at since his Majesty confided a most important bages that their loving constituents were sending at their heads. The FEACHUM and LOCKIT-debate brought things about again. The bloody old TIMES, which, only that very morning, had given the word of command for to prepare for the tack, and had said, that it would take the bill from the Duke of WELLINGTON as a boon, the next morning said, that it anticipated" the overthrow of the entire conspiracy, and the submission of the "Duke of WELLINGTON to moral superiority, with which his nature and his experience had equally unfitted him to contend."



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The Whigs now began to look bluff again: it was observed that little HOBHOUSE made the pavement rattle as he strutted down WHITEHALL in his highheeled and iron-shod boots. In the evening of the seventeenth GREY announced to the House of Lords, that he

least some noble lords here present, are, I am sure, desirous that I should avail myself of this, or some other early opportunity to explain the nature of the transactions in which I have been engaged. I confess too, my Lords, that, exposed as I have been to the extreme of misrepresentations (hear, hear), and vilified as I have been in another place by persons of high anxious to take the first opportunity of explaincondition, and otherwise respectable, I was ing the nature of the transactions in which I have been engaged, and the grounds on which

acted. Your Lordships will recollect, that in the course of the last week-I believe on Wednesday last-his Majesty's Ministers informed your Lordships, that in consequence of their having tendered advice upon an important subject to his Majesty, and his Mahimself of that advice, they considered it their jesty's not having thought proper to avail duty to tender their resiguations to his Majesty, which he was pleased to accept. Now, my that very day, when he was left entirely alone Lords, his Majesty was graciously pleased on by his Ministers, to send for a noble Friend of mine, who had held a high place as well in the service as in the confidence of his Majesty,

had received a communication from the to inquire, if in his opinion there were any King; but that it had not been attended Government for his Majesty on the principle meaus, and if so, what means, of forming a' as yet with any conclusive result. On of carrying an extensive reform in the reprethe same evening STRATHFIELDSAY sentation of the people. His Majesty, when explained his conduct in the House of he had the misfortune of disagreeing with his Lords, in a speech of which the follow-tendered to him, happened to have so little servants respecting the advice which had been ing is the report given in the MORNING Communication with other men, and was so CHRONICLE of the 18th of May. I think little acquainted with other opinions on public it right to lay the whole of this speech affairs, that be felt it necessary to send for my before my readers; and indeed to put it immediate line of politics, and seek for innoble and learned Friend, who was out of the upon record. The reader will please to formation at his hands. My noble and learned

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