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still continuing to legislate," the Political Unions will, I warrant them, soon bring these matters before them. Better cease to “legislate," then, or, at any rate, cease to call the measure final, while there is a whole series of bills coming forward, the manifest object of which is to counteract the effects of the Reform Bill.

liquidation in full of all claims; and while it occurred to nobody to ask him who the devil qualified him to be the receiver of this liquidation; while he is saying this, and while all the Ministers seem to say that this is a final measure, there is loan-monger BARING with his further reform; and there is Lord WYNFORD with his bill for further reform; and there is the sublime Seignor ELLENBOROUGH with his project for preventing the vacating of seats in cases of pecuniary appointments! Here are a whole series of bills, as I foresaw there would be, for counteracting the effects of the Reform Bill. Certainly so indecent a thing never was heard of in the world before: here is this House of Commons, which has just solemnly declared itself not to be the representatives of the people, entertaining a series of bills for regulating the conduct of those who shall be the repre-" sentatives of the people; and, what is still more, really seeming to be acting upon the notion, that any acts which it shall pass shall be binding upon a reformed Parliament, and that it shall not be able to repeal them!

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Thus, Lawyer CROKER and Perl'sBILL PEEL, you see that something may be said in favour of POLITICAL UNIONS, which are, in fact, dangerous to none but the enemies of the people; to none but those who have still the hope of defeating the effects of reform. These Unions are, in effect, as necessary to uphold the present Ministers, as the faithful and gallant dogs were to protect the sheep against the devouring jaws of the wolves. "Get rid of your dogs," said the wolves to the sheep: " it is they that make all this mischief between us: get rid of them, and then we shall live in harmony.” < Get rid of your Unions," says Croker and Peel's-bill Peel. If the Ministers were as foolish as the sheep, the result would be much about the same as to them. The people would have been well But, they could not get rid of them if *content, after passing the English Re- they would. Without a renewal of form Bill, to see the present House of SIX-ACTS, they cannot get rid of them; Commons sit to finish the other Reform and, does Croker and Peel's-bill Peel Bills, and to do nothing more. Then think, that THIS House of Commons; we might have forgotten, or, at any THIS one; that THIS one, is going to rate, ceased to characterize, this present sit there, and receive green-bags, and House of Commons, and ceased to renew SIX-ACTS! Oh, no! If the trouble it, in its dying moments, with Ministers be wise, they will let the our complaints and remonstrances; Political Unions quite alone; they will but, since it will continue to "legislate" go on, in right earnest, putting the as it calls it; since it seems resolved to Reform Bills into execution; they will go on a "legislating,” it ought to be be gentle towards the people, even in our business, and particularly that of case of their excesses (if they should the Political Unions, to give it some- fall into any, which I do not believe); thing to "legislate" upon; and above they will rely on the people to defeat all all things to remind it, that, agreeably the infamous intrigues against them ; to Lord JoHN RUSSELL'S express de- and they will make no attempt at all claration when the Reform Bill was to make partisans of the leaders of the brought in, the two great questions of Unions. My Lord GREY is too sensible the durations of Parliaments and the a man not to see that the thing must ballot were only "deferred" until the Reform Bill should be passed. I should be well content to leave these matters to a reformed Parliament itself; but if the rotten-borough gentry insist upon

march, as the French call it; and I pray God, that HE may resolve to march with it! I acknowledge great gratitude to him, and my feeling is that of the nation. The thing will march, whether he march

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with it or not; but, it would march He takes a large view of the matter, much better with him at its head. COR- extends his statesmanlike eye over RUPTION's hatred against him is abso- the whole continent of Europe; and, lutely indescribable; but, let him con- at last fixes it, dropping a pious and pafide in the people, and he has nothing to triotic tear at the same time, on the disfear if he pursue the contrary course, mal state in which England will be there is no species of danger to which when it shall have been stripped of all he will not be exposed. He is beset by its rotten boroughs, and shall have been enemies. He may truly say, in the abandoned by all those elegant and language of the Psalmist: "Mine ene-beautiful creatures, who figure on the "mies compassed me round about: pension and sinecure lists, and of all 66 they set a trap for my feet: even the very long spurs, and very bushy "they that dipped their hands in the whiskers, that ornament the deadsame dish with me did seek my life." weight. Having prepared ourselves to And then, to avoid profanity, he might weep with the Lawyer, let us hear his as truly exclaim: "But you, O people, pathetic lamentation: 66 are righteous, and will cover me with Up to the present period England had been shield, and will avenge me on all my the anchor of the social security of Europe. << foes." Equally exposed to the deluge of democracy Lord GREY remembers, he must re-France, and to the deluge of despotism when during the existence of republicanism in member, that, nine years ago, I told Buonaparte obtained supreme authority in him, that, amongst all the nobility, he that country, the hopes of social order had was the only man whom I regarded as been preserved in England as in un urk, until at all capable of setting the thing to which his Majesty's present Government was hoth those dangers had subsided. But that rights; but, at the same time, how about to do, was to convert that ark into a often, my God! did I tell him, that fireship. All who contemplated what was even he could do nothing without the passing in Belgium, in Holland, in Portugal, in Spain, in Russia, must know that the people at his back! How often did I. people of those countries were looking with intell him, that the attempt would destroy tense anxiety to England. (Hear, hear, hear.) him, unless shielded by the people! The republican or movement party throughout And I, as often, assured him, that he Europe, looked on the passing of the Reform would have that shield. He has found Bill as a great advance, and, like the honourable Member for Middlesex, hailed it as the all my words true, thus far; and he precursor of a greater. Looking, therefore, ought to listen to me now. He is now, not only at ourselves, but at the other nations at this moment, in the crisis of his fate; of Europe, was it possible to believe that if and a few short months will decide, maintain the monarchy, the aristocracy, those nations became democracies, we could whether he is to be known hereafter as all the ancient and feudal institutions which we one of the greatest of mankind, or, as a were accustomed to revere? Adverting to the person of very equivocal claim to re- Boundary Bill he (Mr.. Croker) observed, nown. That the former may be his that he should feel it his duty to state his objections to the way in which that bill was to ot is my most sincere and ardent wish; operate, it was not his intention to protract to give effect to that wish I would his remarks upon it, or to carry his opposition cheerfully labour like a horse all the so far as to interpose any serious obstacle to rest of iny life; because the wish cannot the passing of the measure. Indeed, he considered the Reform Bill and the Boundary be accomplished without the re-esta- Bill as inseparable; for, if the people of Eng blishment of the liberties, the happiness, land were assembled for a general election and the greatness of our country. after the Reform Bill was passed, and before I now come to another part of the the Boundary Bill was passed, and therefore before it was determined who had the right of speech of Lawyer CROKER, it is only voting, the most disastrous consequences worthy of attention, as it shows what might be the result. He could not conclude, sort of dreaming is going on in the withoutsolemnly declaring, that nothing which minds of the tax-eaters. The lawyer, had occurred during the discussions on the who has had such a fat birth for so entertained of it at the first moment of its measure had altered the opinion which he many years, seems to be filled with introduction. He believed that the honourmost dismal forebodings for the future. able Member for Middlesex was perfectly




correct in his prognostics. He believed looking with great anxiety to England; that principles were afloat which it would and that the republicans in those coun.be impossible to check, He believed that the noble Lord and the right hon. Gentleman tries look upon the passing of the Reopposite were sincere in their desire to put, as form Bill as a great advance. To be it were, a seal upon the bond; but he also be sure they do, Lawyer; and to be sure lieved that the words of the bond were so ex- their tyrants look at it with dismal foretensive that no seal would be effective; and that as the hon. Member for Middlesex had bodings; and, that is one of the things said, the Reform Bill was but the commence- to be sure, that makes the bill pleasing ment of a career of change; what had oc- to us. You ask, whether, if those nacurred since the original introduction of the tions become democracies, "We could bill confirmed him in that apprehension. The maintain the monarchy, the aristofirst edition of the bill had been received with approbation, even by the most violent refor. cracy, and all the ancient and feudal mers. They had since had two successive" institutions, which we were accuseditions of it; each having a further and a "tomed to revere." Lawyer CROKER, further tendency to democratic character: amongst those revered institutions, do (Cries of "No, no."). That negation should not provoke him to enter further into the sub- you find the excise-laws, the stampject than to say that such was his opinion. laws, the assessed tax-laws, the infaIndeed, the arguments of the friends of mous funding system, the standing the bill had been-"See what your op- army, the military academy, the deadposition comes to; the second bill is worse than the first, and the third than the second." weight, the Bourbon police, and the Seeing, therefore, that every alteration was in treadmill, not to mention more things a democratic spirit, and seeing the prevalence at present. Poh! Lawyer CROKER. of that spirit throughout Europe, he could not Mother CLARKE would not have talked but apprehend the ultimate subversion of the nonsense like this. Constitution, and the establishment first of a democracy, and then (in due course of events) of a despotism; and, after a sad, and he hoped not a bloody interval, the RE-CONSTRUCTION OF THE ADMIRABLE SYSTEM so Injuriously assailed.

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It is, however, the close of your speech which has been most attractive of my admiration. You think that we shall have, first, A DEMOCRACY then, in due course, a DESPOTISM Lawyer CROKER: it is for you who and then return to the PRESENT ADknew Mother CLARKE, and who know MIRABLE SYSTEM! That is to say, your adopted female pensioner: it is to rotten boroughs. Mother CLARKE for you to say whether either of these would not have said that: Mother could have made a speech so stupid as CLARKE was a tax-eater, and a brazen this; but it is for me to say, that I do one, too: Mother CLARKE took the not believe that any other man living footboy from behind her chair, and made could have done it. So Lawyer, Eng-him an officer in the army: but Mother land has been the ark of “social order," CLARKE would not have said that. has it? It stood out against both re- And, if we should have a democracy, publicanism and also against Buona- Lawyer CROKER, why should that be parte, until "both those dangers had followed by a despotism? The parties subsided." Shallow Lawyer: it did in-most interested in the thing; the pardeed put them both down: but it CON- ties who would lose most by it, must TRACTED A DEBT; the borough-be most brutally perverse to drive us to mongers contracted a DEBT in order to a democracy; but, if they were to do put them down, which was sure to put this, wHY should that be followed by a them down; and this I told them, despotism? You say, that the despotwhen they were roasting sheep and oxen at the peace. I told them so then, Lawyer CROKER: I told them that they had to pay the reckoning; and that reckoning, Lawyer, they are now only just beginning to pay.

ism will come in "due course;" just as if democracy was the flower and despotism the fruit! Mother CLARKE would not have said that, Lawyer CROKER : Mary Ann was brazen, to be sure; but Mary Ann, if she had been quoting You tell us, that the people in the WASHINGTON at the same time, would despotic states of Europe, have been have had too much sense to say that,

well knowing, that the very mention towards my country, but a stupid foreof WASHINGTON would remind her going of my own unquestionable right. hearers, that there was a people, and I have been fighting this hellish THING an English people too, who had shaken for thirty long years; it has frequently off the laws of a boroughmonger par- plundered me, once made me flee; once liament; had erected a democracy in the had me prisoner of war, but it never stead, and had, under that democracy, made me lower my colours a single enjoyed, and still continued to enjoy, inch. At last I have fairly beaten it; prosperity and happiness not equalled by and the devil's in me if I do not profit any people on earth Mother CLARKE from my victory! would not have foreseen this conclusive answer, and she, brazen as she was, would have refrained from making the


There were many other things, said in these last dying speeches on the Reform Bill, which things would, under other circumstances, not be unworthy of notice. Other matters, however, now press, and I must, therefore, here conclude my remarks.


Oh LORD! The devils have bred here! I thought they were half masculine; but at Cobham, the other day, I saw two or three of them with some young ones! You might have knocked me down with a feather! The rats, which country people and the people in America call "Hanover rats," are nasty and mischievous enough; stinking and greedy vermin a plenty; but nothing to what these "py-a-proom" devils will be, if once their breed take a spread. There is one consolation, however; that as there are no HES Come Over, the breed must be bastards. Here, indeed, we want MALTHUS and BROUGHAM and Lord Howick and PETER TIMBLE to get to work at checking population!


NOW is the time for EXERTION! We must not stand and stare at each other; nor must we waste our time in rambling pointless talk. We must think well first; resolve on what we ought to do, and DO it! For ME now to negleet anything within my power, would not only be an abandonment of duty

What we now want is, a common understanding amongst the people, with regard to what measures ought to be adopted by the reformed Parliament; and with regard to what we ourselves ought now to do, with regard to the choosing of proper men for that Parlia ment. To this latter subject, which ought to be the object of our immediate and unremitted attention, I shall call the attention of my readers next week, when I shall NAME MEN, whom I think ought to be chosen. It is time to do this; for it is MEN that must do the thing; and the sooner we FIX on some of them the better.

But, besides work with the PEN, I am resolved to work with the TONGUE. I am resolved not. to stand staring, at any rate. I have, at the request of the "NATIONAL POLITICAL UNION OF THE WORKING CLASSES," given two LecTURES, on the two last TUESDAYS, at their place of meeting, in THEOBALD'S ROAD, RED LION SQUARE, and I have engaged to do the same next Tuesday, the 12th June, at the same place. Whether I shall be able to do it after that at that place I do not yet know, though the excellent arrangements of the place, the decorum observed, the sober and attentive conduct of my hearers, and the impression that ap peared to be produced, hold out great encouragement to a continuation of my labours in that quarter. I gave a LECTURE at GREENWICH last Monday night to a very numerous audience. My main object was to convince them that they ought to shun men of rank and of great wealth, and particularly tax-eaters; and I am of opinion, and indeed have no doubt, that they will, for one of their members, choose Mr. PENN, the engineer; and, in this whole kingdom,

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there is not, in every respect, a man

more fit.

But I know that a great deal will depend upon RIGHT OPINIONS, as to this great matter being entertained by the MIDDLE and WORKING classes of this metropolis, and therefore I have determined upon giving a lecture once a week for some time to come, at some place or other. Perhaps I shall continue at the present place; but I have, as yet, made no positive arrangement for that purpose. They take here 3d. from members of the Union, and 6d. from other persons; and, after paying the expenses, I divide the receipts with the Union, half and half.

ask no favours of any one. I am ready, with body and mind, to serve my country; but, while I want no thanks in any shape or form, I am resolved to incur no obligations.


I always said, that the French people were cheated in 1830, and that the ele vation of LOUIS PHILIPPE was planned by him, Charles, and the base loanmongers: I said he was put in to "keep

the nest warm" for Charles. All the If I can find time for it, I shall world sees this now; but, at any rate, be very happy to go for the same the people are making the nest warm purpose to any of the new boroughs indeed for him: hot even. He must around London, if a proper place take care, or it will become a marmite be provided. But to no place will


Igo, unless money be taken for admission. (porrige-pot) instead of a "nest," and never, in my whole life, except in "PHILIPPE I." and his tribe, will, inone instance, gave, as a present, any stead of eating up the people, as they book of which I was the author; seem disposed to do, get cooked themthough that custom is so general. Iselves. It is high time! It is high have always felt, that it would be say


"Here is a book that I have time! It is high time that the people written, pray read it, it is well worth cease to be insulted and loaded like asses your while." Just so would it be to go by such worthless creatures!



about begging folks to come and hear me talk. As to what I do with the money, that is wholly my affair. I have never touched, in any shape whatever, one farthing of the people's money, I work FROM the following petition it seems as hard as the hardest working of them, that the National Union of the Working I pay any of them who work for Classes differ with regard to this curious me, and, if they choose to have any of bill of BARING very widely, indeed, my labour, they of course, must pay me. from the "National Political Union I do, indeed, apply the money thus of Mr. FRANCIS PLACE! The petition' earned, in part at least, and, per- was presented by Mr. O'Connell on haps, wholly, to the use of the hus- Friday, the 1st instant. The circumbandless wives and fatherless chil- stance is just barely noticed by the dren and forlorn parents of the killed Morning Chronicle, and other morning and transported chopsticks: to these papers, though Mr. O'CONNELL stated poor fellows we owe the Reform Bill; the substance of the several parts of the and they and theirs shall never be aban- petition, expressed his concurrence in doned by me. However, this is for my opinion with the petitioners, and deown gratification. I choose to do this; clared that he would oppose the Bill in and I do it with my own means. I take all its stages. All this was omitted by the lecture-money for myself; and I do the morning papers. The omission dispose of it as I like. Above all things, might have been ascribed to laziness or let no one imagine that he confers a ignorance in the reporthers; but I am favour on me by coming to hear me. I well informed, that copies of the peti

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