
described above, but the text is not. It is the political history of every country for the year, giving a full account of the proceedings of the parliament of every country, beginning with France, and ending with Brazil. The work is an annual one, and it was begun in the year 1818, so there are now 12 vols. published. The one I speak of is for 1825. Price 6s. 9d.

"DE L'ACTION COMPAREE DE The Appendix of this work is sufficiently "L'OPIUM, et de ses principes constituans "sur l'économie animale. Par P. A. Charvet, "docteur en Médecine." 1 vol. 8vo. of 312 pages. Published at Paris, 1826. This work contains an account of many experiments made to prove the effect of opium on human beings and animals. It is curious to anybody, but I suppose must be a useful work to doctors. The paper and print are good. Price 38. 3d.

CLASSIQUES FRANCAIS; ou, Biblio"thèque Portative de l'Amateur: composée "des chefs-d'œuvre en prose et en vers des "meilleurs auteurs. Et ornée de portraits." This is a collection in 32mo. published at Paris in 1826. The paper and print are very

handsome indeed.

"LE BARBIER DE PARIS. Par Ch. "Paul de Kock." A Novel. Paris, 1827. 4 duodecimo vols., neatly printed. Price 8s. 3d.

"LONDRES ET L'ANGLETERRE; Ouvrage élémentaire à l'usage de la jeunesse." Paris, 1826. One duodecimo vol. neatly printed, with a portrait of George IV. at the beginning. This little book contains a detailed description of the principal remarkable things in and about London, and then it takes a coup-d'œil of the other towns of England. Price 3s. "L'ESPION DE POLICE. Roman de "mœurs. Par E. L. B. de Lamothe-Langon, (3" auteur de Monsieur le Préfet, De la Pro"vince à Paris, &c." 4 vols. 12mo. Paris 1826. Price 8s.

Of SAINT REAL there is a complete copy in 2 vols., and there are two odd volumes, (vols. 2).


Of Ducis there are two complete copies (2 vols. each).

Of DESTOUCHES, two complete copies vols. each).

Of St. LAMBERT, ditto, ditto (1 vol. each).
Of GRESSET, ditto, ditto (3 vols. each).
Of GILBERT, ditto, ditto (1 vol. each).
Of L. RACINE, ditto, ditto (1 vol. each).
Of HAMILTON, there are four complete
copies (2 vols. each).

Altogether 34 volumes, neatly sewed, and a portrait of each author at the beginning of the first volume of his works. Price 2s. a volume. "HISTOIRE DE BRETAGNE. Par M. "Daru, de l'Académie Française." In 3 vols. 8vo. Published at Paris, 1826. A book in considerable reputation already. It is printed by the first printer at Paris, M. Firmin Didot, and it is on very handsome hot-pressed

paper. Price 12s.

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"VOYAGE DANS LA RUSSIE MERE"DIONALE, et particulièrement dans les 66 provinces situées au-delà du Caucase, fait depuis 1820 jusqu'en 1824. Par le Cheva"lier Gamba, Consul du Roi à Tifles. Avec 66 quatre cartes géopraphiques." In two handsome vols. 8vo. A very nicely printed work on very good paper. The first vol. contains 440 pages, and the second 472 pages.

"LE JEUNE VOYAGEUR EN EGYPTE "ET EN NUBIE, Ouvrage élémentaire, "extrait des Voyages de Belzoni." 1 vol. 12mo. This little volume, containing woodcuts, is intended for young people, aud consists of judicious extracts from the larger works of Belzoni. Paris, 1826. Price 4s.


"TRAITE D'ANATOMIE TOPOGRA"PHIQUE, ou Anatomie de Régions du corps "humain, considérée spécialement dans ses "rapports avec la chirurgie, et la médecine professeur." I thick vol. 8vo. of 690 pages, Par Ph. Fredérick Blandin, opératoire. neatly printed and on good paper. This appears to be a work on the practice of surgery. Published at Paris, 1826. Price 9s. 3d.

"TRAITE ELEMENTAIRE D'ANA"TOMIE CONTENANT LES PREPARA"TIONS, l'anatomie descriptive et les princi"pales régions du corps humain. Par A. "Brierre de Boismont, D. M. P., médecin de "la maison de santé marcel Sante Colombe, "&c. &c. &c. Avec des notes extraites du "cours De Ph. Fred. Blaudin." vol. 8vo. of 800 pages. Printed at Paris, 1827. Inferior paper and print. Price 8s.


This Count Gamba is the most mad, extravagant eulogist that Pitt and his system ever had. It is almost worth while to read his in·troduction just at this moment, to be satisfied "HISTOIRE NATURELLE DES RACES that this nation wants no further bringing" HUMAINES DU NORD-EST DE L'EUdown. Price 12s. "ROPE, de l'Asie Boréale et Orientale, et "ANNUAIRE HISTORIQUE UNIVER-" de l'Afrique Australe, d'après des "SEL, pour 1825. Avec un Appendice con- "cherches spéciales d'antiquités, de physio"tenant les actes publics, traités, notes diplo-"logie, d'anatomie, et de zoologie; appliquée matiques, papiers d'etats, et tableaux sta-" à la recherche des origines des anciens tistiques, financiers, administratifs et né-" peuples, à la science étymologique, à la cricrologiques-une Chronique offrant les "tique de l'histoire, etc. Suivie d'une Meévénemens les plus piquans, les causes les" moire lu en 1823, à l'Académie des Inscripplus célèbres, etc.; et une revue des pro"ductions les plus remarkables de l'année, "dans les sciences, dans les lettres et dans les "arts." Par C. L. Lesur. One thick vol. 8vo.

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of 830 pages.

tions et Belles lettres de l'Institut. Par A. Desmoulins, docteur en médecine." One vol. 8vo., of 392 pages, the paper and print good. The title-page copied above is sufficiently descriptive of the contents of this work.

It contains, besides the matter there men- Published at Paris in 1817. This work, by tioned, five lithographic plates, heads of dif- the late Baron Cuvier, is a clever introduc ferent savage tribes. Published at Paris, tion to a knowledge of all animals, beginning 1826. Price 5s. with man himself and ending with beetles. "MALADIES NERVEUSES DES AU- There are fifteen plates (engravings) at the "TEURS, rapportées à l'irritation de l'en-end of the fourth volume. The paper is in"cephale, des nerfs cérébro rachidiens et ferior, but the print good. Price 19s. "splanchniques, avec ου sans inflamma- "LETTRES INEDITES DE MADAME "tion. Par J. G. Fourcade Prunet, docteur" DE MAINTENON ET DE MADAME LA "en médecine de la faculté de Paris." One" PRINCESSE DES URSINS." Four 8vo. vol. 8vo. of 352 pages, on good paper and print; vols. Good paper and good print, Paris, published at Paris in 1826. Price 8s.


These are the unpublished letters which passed between those two ladies whilst residing respectively in the courts of Paris and Madrid. They will always be of importance in the history of the epoch in which they were written. Price 18s. 6d.


and print. Published at Paris, 1826. This is what has long been wanted in England—a state writing-master. I have long ago showed how badly our statesmen write, and this book comes opportunely enough to show them how to write better. The Treasury should buy this book. Price 11s.

"GUIDES SANITAIRES DES GOUVER"NEMENS EUROPEENS; ou, nouvelles "recherches sur la fièvre jaune et le choléra"morbus, maladies qui doivent être con"sidérées aujourd'hui comme identiques, et "soumises au même régime quarantenaire 66 que la peste due Levant; dédié à S. E. M." Par H. Meisel." 2 vols 8vo. Nice paper "le Baron de Damas, ministre des affaires "étrangères. Par L. J. M. Robert, médecin "du Lazaret à Marseilles, &c. &c. &c. "Ouvrage oruée de vingt-deux planches lithographées et coloriées." 2 vols. 8vo., on rather inferior paper, but in good print; with twenty-two lithographic engravings of corpses of persons who died of typhus and yellow fever under the observation of the author, who is a strenuous stickler for the infectiousness of these fevers, and whose book is written with the view of cautioning the Governments of Europe against relaxing in their quarantine laws.-Published at Paris, 1826. Price 10s.

" ESSAI GEOGNOSTIQUE SUR LE GISEMENT DES ROCHES DANS LES DEUX HEMISPHERES. Par Alexandre de Humboldt. 2d edition, enformé à la première." 1 vol. 8vo., inferior paper, and small print. Published at Paris, 1826. Price 4s. Id.

"DE LA MEDECINE CONSIDEREE COMME SCIENCE ET COMME ART. Par P. H. Duvivier, docteur en médecine, &c. &c." 1 vol. 8vo. with marginal notes, and good paper and print. Printed at Paris, 1826. Price 8s.

"DES INFLAMMATIONS SPECIALES "DU TISSU MUQUEUX, et en particulier ❝ de la diphthérite, ou inflammation pellicu❝laire, connue sous le nom de croup, d'angine "maligne, d'angine gangréneuse, etc. Par "P. Bretonneau, médecin en chef de l'Hôpi- "TRAITE DE L'AUSCULTATION ME"tal de Tours." 1 vol. 8vo. of 540 pages. DIATE ET DES MALADIES DES POUGood paper and print, and three large illustra-MONS ET DU CŒUR. Par R. T. H. tive lithographic plates coloured. Published Laennec." 2 thick vols. 8vo. Published in at Paris, 1826. Price 5s. 6d.

1826 at Paris. Precisely what auscultation is I am not bound to know; but M. Laennec (now dead) was a very celebrated physician at Paris, and this work is principally upon diseases of the lungs, in the treatment of which he was very skilful. Price 9s.

"ECONOMIE POLITIQUE, Ouvrage traduit de l'Allemand de M. Schmalz, "conseiller intime de sa majesté le roi de "Prusse, et Professeur de droit public à "l'Université de Berlin. Par Henri Jouffroy, "conseiller au service de Prusse. Revu et "annoté sur la traduction, par M. Fritot, "avocat à la Cour Royale de Paris, auteur de "l'Esprit du Droit et de la Science du Publi"ciste." Two neat vols., 8vo. nicely printed," and on very good paper. This work, originally.. German, appears to have a good reputation in Germany, and is therefore translated into French, and published at Paris in 1826.

Price 9s.

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"HISTOIRE NATURELLE DES CRUSTACES FOSSILES, sous les rapports Zoologiques et Géologiques; savoir Trilobatis. Par A. Brongniart, membre de l'Académie Royale des Sciences. Les Crustacés proprement dits, par Anselme-Galton-Desmaret, membre titulaire de l'Académie Royale de Médecine." &c. A folio book of 149 pages, with good paper and print, and 11 well-executed illustrative prints in lithographic. Price 8s.

"LE REGNE ANIMAL DISTRIBUE, "D'APRES SON ORGANISATION, pour "TRAITE DES BANDAGES ET D'AP"servir de base e l'histoire naturelle des ani- "PAREILS DE PANSEMENT. Par P. N. maux, et d'introduction à l'Anatomie com- "Gerdy, professeur d'anatomie, &c. &c. &c." "parée. Par M. le Chevalier Cuvier, con- Paris, 1826. 1 vol. 8vo., with an accompany"seiller d'etat ordinaire, secrétaire perpé-ing volume in folio, containing 20 well-exetuel de l'Académie des Sciences de l'In-cuted plates, in illustration of the subject. stitut Royal, &c. &c. &c." Four 8vo. vols. Good paper and print. Price 9s-

"TRAITE COMPLET DES MALADIES "VENERIENNES; contenant l'exposition "de leurs Symptomes et de leur Traitement ra"tionnel, d'après les principes de la médecine organique; avec l'histoire critique de "théories et des méthodes curatives gene"ralement reçues. Par A. J. L. Jourdan, "docteur en médecine." Paris, 1826. 2 vols. 8vo. Inferior paper and rather small print.

Price 9s.

3. JOURNAL OF A TOUR ROUND HAWII, the largest of the Sandwich Islands; by a Deputation from the Mission on those Islands. Published at Boston, 1825. 12mo. Contains 5 Plates and one Map. Price 3s.

4. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW; comprising the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States comprising the Union. 12mo. Published at Washington, 1820. Price 3s. 5. TRAVELS IN THE CENTRAL POR

"DE LA NON-EXISTENCE DU VIRUS "VENERIEN, prouvée par raisonnement, "l'observation, et l'experience; avec un "traité théorique et pratique des maux véné-TIONS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY; "riens, redigé d'après les principes de la comprising observations on its mineral geo"nouvelle doctrine médicale. Par L. F. R. A.graphy, internal resources, and aboriginal "Richand des Brus." 2 vols. 8vo. 1826. Paris, Inferior paper, but good print. Price 12s.


population; performed under the sanction of the Government, in the year 1821. By Henry R. Schoolcraft, U. S. I. A. Containing 459 pages of print, a Map of the Western country, and three Plates. Published at New York, 1825. 8vo. Price 10s.

6. FAUNA AMERICANA; being a description of the mammiferous animals inhabiting North America. By Richard Harlan, M. D. 8vo. Containing 318 pages of print. Published at Philadelphia, 1825. Price 10s.

These books I have just got. They are all useful books; and no one should go to the United States without the first and the tenth. I sell them very cheap; and I do not know that I shall ever 7. TARIFF OF DUTIES ON IMPORTAhave any of them again: it is from a Revenue Laws, and Custom-house RegulaTIONS INTO THE UNITED STATES; and mere accident that I have these. Mr. tions. Compiled by P. P. F. Degrand, under MELLISH'S book is the only book of the direction of General H. A. I. Dearborn, the kind worth a straw; and it has a Collector of Customs for the District of map of the United States, and a very-revised and corrected by the Secretary of the Charlestown and Boston. Third Edition, recently made one. No man, who Treasury. Published at Boston, 1824. 12mo. to acquire property in the Containing 192 pages of print. Price 12s. United States, should go thither without this book and Dr. MORSE's book; but especially the former. They are both cheap enough, God knows!


But we get metal for them, as yet, at any rate. But mind, if honest ALTHORP'S committee should hatch a legal tender, I do not stand to these prices in paper. Mind that. But I hope the books will all be sold before the committee hatches.

1. A GEOGRAPHICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE UNITED STATES, with the contiguous countries, including Mexico and the West Indies; intended as an accompaniment to Mellish's map of these countries. By John Mellish. A new edition (1822) greatly improved. Printed at Philadelphia, 8vo. Price


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8. LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, RELATING TO THE ERIE AND CHAMPLAIN CANALS; together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners, and other documents requisite for a complete official history of those works. Also, correct Maps delineating the routs of the Erie and Champlain Canals, and designating the lands Published by authority of the Government, at through which they pass. In 2 vols. 8vo. Albany, 1825. Price 10s.

9. A LETTER from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting statements of the Commerce and Navigation of the United States, during the year ending on the 30th September, 1824. 8vo.; of 304 pages. Published by authority of the Government at Washington, 1825. Price 4s.

GRAPHY; or, a View of the present state of all the Kingdoms, States, and Colonies in the


known World. In 2 vols. 8vo. The first vò2. A DIGEST OF THE COMMERCIAL lume contains a copious introduction, adapted REGULATIONS OF THE DIFFERENT to the present improved state of astronomical FOREIGN NATIONS WITH WHICH THE UNITED STATES HAVE INTERCOURSE. Prepared conformably to a resolution of the House of Representatives of the 20th January, 1823. Published at Washington, 1824. 8vo.

Price 65.

science; a brief geography of the earth; a general description of America; an account of North America, and its various divisions, particularly of the United States; a general account of the West Indies, and of the four groups of islands into which they are natu

as also Towns-end cows, &c., very dull, at barely Friday's quotations. Small stock also met with a very languid sale. Prime South Down sheep and lambs at a depression of 2d.; large coarse-woolled ditto and veal 4d. per stone. In porkers, little or nothing seemed to

rally divided; and a minuter account of the
several islands. A general description of
South America, and a particular account of
its various states and provinces, and a brief
description of the remaining American islands.
This volume contains three Maps and 898
pages. The second volume contains the geo-be doing.
graphy of the eastern Continent; a general
description of Europe, and a minute accoun calves, 170; pigs, 170.
of its various kingdoms aud states; a general
description of Asia, its kingdoms, provinces.
and islands; an account of the numerous
islands, arranged by modern geographers,
under the names of Australasia and Polynesia;

Beasts, 1,711; sheep and lambs, 19,110;

MARK-LANE.-Friday, June 15.

The supplies are good, and the market dull

a general description of Africa, and a particu. at Monday's prices.
lar account of its various states and islands.
This volume also contains three Maps, and it

has 859 pages. By Jedidiah Morse, D.D., THE NINE GLORIOUS DAYS OF MAY!!!
Minister of the Congregational Church in
Charlestown. Seventh edition; published at
Charlestown, 1819. Price 16s.

11. A REPORT TO THE SECRETARY OF WAR OF THE UNITED STATES, ON INDIAN AFFAIRS; comprising a narrative of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820, under a commission from the President of the United States, for the purpose of ascertaining, for the use of the Government, the actual state of the Indian Tribes in our country. Illustrated by a Map of the United States, and ornamented by a correct portrait of a Pawnee Indian. 8vo.; containing 400 pages. By the Rev. Jedediah Morse, D.D. Published at Newhaven, 1822. Price 7s.

12. SKETCHES, HISTORICAL AND TOPOGRAPHICAL OF THE FLORIDAS, more particularly of East Florida. By James Grant Forbes. 8vo.; containing 226 pages. Published at New York, 1821. Price 5s.

13. NATIONAL CALENDAR, and Annals of the United States, for the year 1824; being the fifth volume of a periodical work. lished at Washington, 1824. 12mo.; containing 280 pages of print. Price 2s.

Just published, price 34d., the

DEFEAT of the ENGLISH POLIGNAC CARPENTER'S POLITICAL LETTER, as large as The Times, but without a Stamp, comprises all the best Leading Articles from the Daily and Weekly Press during the late Interregnum-namely, from the Spectator, Examiner, Ballot, Dispatch, Bell's New Messenger, Cobbett's Register, Times, Chronicle, Herald, Morning Post, Standard, Sun, True Sun, Morning Advertiser, Globe, Church Ex aminer, &c. &c. &c., together with the Spirit of the Public Meetings, forming a Political Barometer-a Reflection of the Public Opinion. A Letter to EARL GREY, by WM. COBBETT, Foreign Politics, especially on the Defeat of Esq. Original Articles ou Domestic and the Oligarchy by the People, &c. &c.

Price 3d., Nos. I. and II. of


"This book ought to be in the hands of Pub-every poor man in the kingdom. It contains a mass of important matter, and details the abuses in the church with a master hand."Times.

14. OFFICIAL LETTERS of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States, during the war with Great Britain, in the years 1812, 1813, 1814, and 1815; with some additional letters and documents, elucidating the history of that period. Collected and arranged by John Braunan. 8vo.; containing 510 pages of print. Published at Washington, 1823. Price 5s.

To be had at No. 11, Bolt-court, Fleet-street.


This day's supply of beasts, which chiefly consisted of Scots, Norfolk homebreds, Devons, and lusty Towns-end cows, was, with that of porkers, very limited; of sheep, lambs, and calves, moderately good. The trade,' with prime Scots, homebred, and prime small Devons, was somewhat brisk; with Durhams, Lincolns, Herefords, and other large beasts,

printer and publisher without an hour's delay.”
"We recommend a prosecution against the
-Fraser's Magazine.
tion to all classes."
"Twenty-four pages of invaluable informa-
-Morning Chronicle.
London: W. Strange, 21, Paternoster-row.

[blocks in formation]


VOL. 76.-No. 12.]



Kensington, 21st June, 1832.


[Price As. 2d.

"Sir," says Mr. Somerville, "as a private in the Scots Greys, I have certainly the means of knowing fully the opinions that pervade the rank in which I serve. It was surely true that a few sent their names to the roll of the Political Union; but let no man think that those who refrained from doing so cared less for the interests of their country. 1, for one, made no such public avowal of my opinion, for I knew it to be an infringement of military law; but I was one who watched with trembling anxiety the movements of the people of Birmingham. We knew well the position in which we might be placed should events require the physical action of the community; for, while we ventured to hope that any collision between the civil and military forces would be prevented by the moral energies of the former, we could not help betraying a fear that the unprincipled and lawless might take the opportunity of the turn in which case we should have certainly consiaffairs to commit outrages on property,-in dered ourselves as soldiers, bound to put down such disorderly conduct. This, I say, we should have certainly felt to have been our duty; but against the liberties of our countrymen we would have never, never, never raised an arm! The Scots Greys have honourably secured a high character in the defence of their country, and they would be the last to tish soldiers in acting as the tools of a tyrant. degrade themselves below the dignity of BriThe Duke of Wellington may, if he sees or hears of this, assure himself, that military Government shall never be again set up in this country."

You, who remember what I suffered for expressing my indignation at the flogging of the poor young fellows of the Local Militia, at the town of ELY, under a guard of GERMAN bayonets; you, who recollect that transaction, and who recollect that Messrs. LEIGH and JOHN HUNT, and Mr. DRAKARD, the editor of the Stamford News, were all most severely punished soon afterwards for expressing their horror of the military floggings; you, who recollect this, will be delighted at the address to the King from the House of Commons, agreed to on the 19th instant, beseeching the King to suspend the flogging of

soldiers until the next session of Parlia

ment. I shall presently have to insert the debate which took place on that occasion, and the very interesting statement made by Mr. HUME; but it is necessary, first, to give a history of the cause of the discussion which led to the adoption of the address.

This letter was published in the Weekly Dispatch; and it appears to have been suspected that Somerville was the author of it. A report got abroad that he was the author. Soon after this report began to prevail, we are informed by the editor of the Dispatch, that "SOMERVILLE was picked It was stated, some time back, that" out from the ranks, and directed to some soldiers of the regiment of Scors" perform, with an unbroken horse, an GREYS, lying at BIRMINGHAM, had joined" exercise which, even with the bestthe POLITICAL UNION there, and had" trained horses, is one of some difficaused their names to be enrolled. This " culty. He was unable to perform the circumstance having been mentioned in" exercise, and dismounted: he was the London Weekly Dispatch, a soldier" ordered to mount and try again he of the SCOTS GREYS, whose name is" replied that he would not, for that the SOMERVILLE, Wrote a letter to the editor" thing was impracticable. Here was of the Dispatch, which that editor, in" disobedience, undoubtedly; but how his excellent paper of the 17th June," far it was a disobedience deserving o gives to his readers in the following" punishment will depend on the an swers which can be given to two or N




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