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so that the same estate may belong to a score confusion in your antalluct. But the of individuals. In the case of the Derwent-great curiosity here is the prediction. water and other forfeited estates, all incum-You predict that, "so long as respect brances were religiously respected. "for property exists, the tenants will Here one cannot help smiling at the "not be allowed to usurp the property simplicity of the remark, that an unof-of their farms!" This is being longfending mortgagee "ought not to be sighted with a vengeance! This is, inousted by a tenant:"-no, faith, nor deed, seeing through a four-inch plank. ought the landlord to be ousted any This is equal to a prediction, that, if it more than the mortgagee. But you rain all day long to-morrow, the earth seem resolved not to perceive that I will not be dry at night. You are sure was supposing a case where the law not to be wrong in your prediction, at would have no force, and not a case any rate; and the only wrong here is, where conveyances and liens would that your prediction would seem to imhave any effect; and I was labour-ply, that I recommended that the farmers ing to prevail upon the Lords to be should be allowed to usurp the property upon their guard against listening to of their farms; which is a little more advice that might by possibility produce than prediction, it being malignity unthis horrid state of things. The last speakable; you well knowing that every paragraph presents us with a set of line on which you were commenting had curious notions; such as never could a direct tendency to make people shudder have arisen out of any thing but prime at the thought of the existence of such antalluct. a state of things; such a total breaking up of that English community which I described as having been, and indeed has still being, with a correction of some abuses, the very best that the world had ever seen; notwithstanding there are, as you say, "millions of strong-backed

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men who were never possessed of more "than a week's wages at a time." And, Doctor, do you happen to know of any community in this world, where the strong-backed men have more money than this at a time?

God forbid that this country should be thrown into confusion by any set of men. What might be the consequence of paralysing credit and confidence in a country, where millions of strong-backed men live from day to day, and are never possessed of more than a week's wages at a time, it is impossible to predict. But this we can predict-so long as any respect for law and property exists in the country, the tenants will never be allowed to usurp the property of the farms occupied by them, without paying the market price for them. When law ceases to have force, and the simple plan of ROB ROY prevails, that every man may take who has the might, and every man may keep who can the tenures will of course be ex-considerable employer of men in the ceedingly short. United States of America; and I not We have here, first, a most pious solemnly declare that I do them who had, prayer, to which I say, with equal piety recollect one of I hope, Amen! God forbid, indeed, that as I had reason to believe, the possessuch a state of things should arise. But sion of more money than a week's The fashion when you immediately talk about para-wages at any one time.


very sure.

I have been a

lysing credit and confidence in the coun- there is for mere labouring men to run try, you open a new and vast subject, in debt in winter and work out the debt upon which I shall have to touch pre-in summer; and, if they were richer sently. First, let me dispose of your than this, very few of them would work remark, that, so long as any respect you may be The fault with "for law and property exists in the us is, not that the working people do 66 country, the tenants will never be al-not save their money; but that they do "lowed to usurp the farms occupied by not get enough to keep them in good "them without paying the market price victuals and good clothing. This is the "for them." Why, Doctor, if they were fault with us. If they had this, not all to pay the market price it would not be the publications and all the preachings in a usurpation. These words, stand fast, the world would make the millions of seem to have occasioned a complete labourers stir hand or foot to produce


any change in the Government or the nal neglect of duty were I not to warn Parliament; and, in this respect, I them against the possible effect of should most assuredly strictly follow a rejection of the Reform Bill, with their example. My quarrel as well as regard to the pecuniary affairs of people their quarrel with the present system is, in general; and to advise them by all that it pinches their bellies and strips means, not to place their reliance upon their backs. I do not want them to the possession of any thing which they have each a parcel of money; and have been accustomed to deem the retherefore what you say about their want presentative of money; but, on the conof money making them eager for a trary, to acquire and to preserve, by all scramble, is one of those natural effu- just and legal means, as much of the sions of antalluct commonly called non- King's coin as they can. I hope, that even if the Reform Bill be rejected, the But, now, for this danger which you people will be patient; that they will have started about "paralysing" credit duly consider the danger attending every and confidence in the country! This species of confusion, and that they will credit that you allude to, is false cre- proceed, as they hitherto have done, dit; the confidence that you talk of is with their petitions and remonstrances; a delusion. They are two words which bearing their sufferings with their acmean the circulating, in one shape or customed fortitude, and calmly waiting another, false things to represent money the result, being assured (and this asand property; but these things serve surance I venture to give them) that the to uphold innumerable usurious transac- end will be a complete restoration of tions and innumerable monopolies, by the civil and religious liberties of the which industry and labour are robbed of country, and of the ancient good living their due. Nevertheless, if a rejection of the working people; and, until of the Reform Bill should induce any they behold these things, I trust that considerable part of the community to they will never slacken in their legal set their faces against these false repre- efforts to obtain them. sentatives of money and of property, the But, while such are my hopes, I consequences would be important in- am by no means certain that these hopes deed. I make it a rule never to sleep will be verified. Knowing, as I do, how with what is called a note in my house. sudden sometimes events come and overThere is no money which is legal to be turn all our hopes and expectations; tendered as money, except that which beholding, as I do, a resistance of the comes out under the authority of the yielding of tithes in Ireland; knowing, King. I never look upon bits of paper as I do well, the feelings of all England as worth anything at all. The law has in this respect; seeing the very Ministers given me security in the coin of the themselves reduced to the necessity of King. For mere convenience to those extinguishing tithes in Ireland; seeing who deal with me, I sometimes take the here one vast branch of the tree of other stuff, and take the trouble of turn- power ready to be shaken from the ing it into money; but if, unhappily, trunk; remembering the many open this Reform Bill were to be rejected, I propositions that have been made, acshould certainly give notice to my cus-cording to statements made in the two tomers not to tender at my shop, as houses of Parliament, of an intention to money, any thing but the coin of the withhold the payment of taxes; and King; and I would take special care, not to receive in payment anything but that coin. With regard to the rest of the nation, I am under no obligation to take any particular pains to guard them against this danger; but to my readers I am under such obligation; and I should deem it a cri

knowing it to be impossible that what is called credit should be sustained for an hour, if such resolution were to beacted on; beholding these things among many others which I need not name, it would be scandalously criminal in me not to advise my readers to forbear from every unnecessary expense; to give no


credit if they can possibly help it, ex- to the perpetrator. Here there is no cept from a feeling of humanity; to risk at all; but on the contrary, here turn their eyes from paper promises of is the practice of the virtue of prudence, every description, and, like sensible men sanctioned and even enjoined by the and loyal subjects, rely solely for se-law. curity in the possession of the coin of the King.

I beseech all my readers to recollect, that, in 1826, month of January, HusAs I said before, first, I hope the KISSON (he being then one of the cabiLords will pass the bill; next, if they net) said that we had recently been should not pass it, I trust that the peo- WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS ple will find their angry feelings over- OF BARTER! That is to say, within powered by their love for their country. forty-eight hours of having no money The mischief done by this long suspense to pass in the country; no measure of is wholly incalculable. While our wise value in the country; no means of Government are sending as many work- causing debts to be paid or contracts ing people as they can to the colonies, executed; no means, no possible means men of property are flocking to the of legally providing food and raiment United States! Perhaps more than a for the people. Always recollect this, hundred thousand pounds in hard money when any one desires you to believe that are weekly quitting our shores for those you ought to place reliance on the wisof the United States, leaving the debt, dom of the Government. If barter had leaving the tithes, leaving the dead- come at that time, there would have weight, leaving the standing army, been no property the next day, exceptleaving Peel's police, which the Whigs ing that which a man had in his have girt with swords, leaving the own personal power and possession. cholera-morbus-law, the game-laws, All who had been in want would the trespass-law, Sturges Bourne's bills, have taken what they wanted; and the pension and sinecure list, and the nothing would have been to be tread-mill, behind them. This is one of the great evils of this suspense. It is useless to tell such men to wait; they have before their eyes certain ruin from the effects of the system, or probable ruin from the effects of convulsion. This they all tell you when you desire them to wait.

All this injury, falling and yet to fall upon the country, will be fairly ascribable to those who shall cause this bill not to be passed. While, therefore, I hope that the people would bear even a second rejection with that laudable forbearance which has hitherto distinguished their conduct, I cannot but fear the consequences, amongst which consequences a sudden and total destruction of that which is called credit is, at least, a possible item. Against this, therefore, I trust, all my readers will provide to the utmost of their power. This is an evil, Doctor, against which no antalluct can provide. The fires set all vigilance and all power at defiance; but in them there is always the commission of heinous crime, and the manifest risk of life

bought, but for gold: bank-notes, exchequer bills, promissory-notes, bills of exchange, written obligations of every description, would have been worthless as the dust upon the road. Those who had gold, though possessing little bodily strength, might have lived through the storm; for gold would have bought them victuals, drink, and clothing; but all debts would have been cancelled for ever; and, in short, property would have completely changed hands. No man would have dared demand a debt contracted before the barter; the goods of no man would have been sacred; even common humanity would have rendered property common; that is to say, belonging to one man as much as to another.

Doctor, if your antalluct will not permit you to take this vulgar view of the matter, I trust the plain sense of my readers will induce them to do it, and will convince them of the necessity of taking every measure by which they can honestly possess themselves of gold. The barter from which we so narrowly

Your obedient servant,


escaped in 1825 and 1826, arose from Bill should not produce a great convalan alarm, which made people run to sive movement in some part of the kingthe Bank for gold. The alarm might dom, or some formidable combination arise from a different cause now; against the fiscal powers of the Governbut no matter what the alarm arise ment. Pray tell us, you who have the from, its effect must always be the antalluct, what security we have against same in nature though not always being brought to barter in this way; the same in degree. Every one ac- and, if a state of barter now come, tell quainted with the matter knows well, us, I pray you, how rivers of blood are that a total discredit of a paper money to be prevented from flowing unless by of all sorts; that is to say, a shutting some such measure as that adopted by up of the banks, would render it utterly America or that adopted by France. impossible, if it took place suddenly, to Leaving you to answer this question, pay wages to any part of the people in I remain, the great and populous towns. In the country men might do; barter might take place there for some time without much inconvenience; but, at Birmingham, or Manchester, or Leeds; or, indeed, in any one of sixty towns that I might name, all would be utter confu- IN London there have been several sion. The thousands would take the skirmishes with the doctors, with the victuals and clothing as long as there police on one side and the enraged was any to take; and, though I do people on the other side. The police believe that the humanity of the people are now become real gendarmerie, as I would go very far towards preventing always said they would become. Here acts of blood, it is too much to hope are ten or twelve thousands of them that even blood would not be shed in with swords girt on to their sides. The abundance. But, if the danger would Tories gave them half military uniform be great in those towns, what would it and constables' staves: the Whigs have be in this enormous place? I have long given them SWORDS. They are mostly accustomed myself to contemplate all Irishmen. I always said it would come the possible effects of this ruinous sys- to this; and I now say it will go a tem; but when I have come to view great deal further yet. How vigorous this Wen, under the effects of a sudden old GREY is as to these matters! If he destruction of what is called credit; were but half as vigorous in pushing under the effects of a sudden dis-on the Reform Bill, people would think credit of all that is called pa- a great deal more of him than they now per money, I have always turned do. Surprisingly vigorous in the case from the sight with dismay; and have of the West India Colonies, too. Vigoralways said, that he must be a devil in human shape who, seeing the possibility of such an event, did not, having the power, and seeing the danger, set himself instantly at work to provide against it.

ous à faire peur in every thing but in his own conduct towards the Tories! However, one of two things will take place: he will get the Bill passed unmutilated, or he will not: if the former, he may be as vigorous as he pleases Now, Doctor, try your Scotch sor- afterwards: if the latter, he will be cosm, mon; try your antalluct upon nothing at the end of twenty-four hours these observations of mine; tell us from the time of his failure,-for he what security we have that the same may be well assured that nobody will Government who has seen tithes extin-entertain hopes a third time. guished in Ireland by the people, will The Cholera Battles arise from an not live to see paper money extinguish- opinion in the people, that the sick peo ́ed also. Tell us what security we have ple are taken away to be dissected. that a second rejection of the Reform This is erroneous no doubt; but its


effect is very terrible; for, people being the Cholera Hospital by the front of the taken away by compulsion, their rela- County Buildings, and up the School tions make a dreadful outcry; and Wynd. When they came opposite the fights frequently ensue; so that the hospital, they were shortly addressed by Whig sword-bearing police, guard the Mr. Robert Wright, on the wickedness doctors and the cholera carts through of breaking the windows or anything the streets. At Paisley the battles have else about the establishment, and on the been still more serious. I insert the cruel results likely to follow to the poor account from the Glasgow Chronicle. patients. This advice had the desired The account is made as unfavourable as effect at the time, and they passed by possible to the people of Glasgow by the hospital, forced up the gate, loosed the infernal hired press. However, the horse out of the cholera hearse, and here it is, and let it bear record of the ran off with the carriage, and broke the transactions under this Whig Ministry. windows of Dr. Kerr and Son, in passing through Orr-street. The next route was down Storie-street towards the canal, for the purpose of throwing the On going out to meet the mob from vehicle into it; but on reaching Georgethe Moss, the sheriff and magistrates, street, and recollecting there were some accompanied by two or three other in- surgeons in the neighbourhood, they dividuals, fell in with them in the nar-changed their course, went up Georgerow passage, Glen's Lane. On a signal street, and broke the windows of Mr. from Sheriff Campbell, the coffin borne Bell and Mr. Falconer, surgeons, and by the crowd was lowered to the plundered the shop of the former gentleground; and that gentleman addressed man of some articles. They then came them on the impropriety of their con- up the Lady-lane, and down High-street, duct, at the same time expressing his gave a cheer opposite the house of Mr. detestation of the resurrection system Stewart, surgeon (who is unjustly rewhich had been going on. While he presented to be an unbeliever in cholera), was engaged in this, those on the out-broke a few panes in the shop of Mr. side of the crowd were calling out for Henderson, a member of the Board of the raising of the coffin, and in the at- Health, and in the tenement in which tempt to do so, through the exertions of he resides; then proceeded direct to the Provost Gilmour, and some of the police residence of Doctor M'Kinlay, Medical officers, it was broken to pieces. The Secretary to the Board of Health in Newcrowd succeeded in getting a piece of street, broke all the windows of his shop, it up, however, and commenced pelting and the Trades' Library, and several of those who were resisting them, and Neil those in his house; next to the shop of Whyte, a police officer, who had taken Mr. Lymburn, surgeon, Causey-side, an active part, was considerably injured where a great deal of damage was done; and under the necessity of taking re- from that to the residence of Mr. Jeffrey, fuge in a house, the windows of which surgeon, Orchard-street, broke the winwere broken. They then entered the dows of his house and shop, then protown, smashed in the shop-windows of ceeded (all the while with the hearse in Mr. Vessey, St. James's place; from their possession, breaking and smashing that they proceeded to the shop it as they went) along Seedhills bridge, of Mr. William Young, Old Sned through Cotton-street, and broke the don-street, the windows of which windows of Dr. Torbet's house, and were rendered a complete wreck; then those in the house and shop of Dr. to the house of Doctor A. K. Young, of M'Kechnie, in a very serious manNew Sneddon-street, and smashed the ner, in their passage up towards the windows of it likewise. Here a halt Cross. When at the West-end of the for a short time took place till the future course should be resolved on, and the rabble then proceeded direct towards

old bridge. Mr. John Bell, Woodside, went forwards alone and took the remains of the hearse from them, which


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