
late this diseased action; and had Cowper found at Hun ingdon, the employment and the society, which he at last after the departure of Mr. Newton, found at Olney and Weston. he might, perchance, nave eacaped many years of

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Bistorical deduction of seats, from the Stool to the SofaA Schoolboy's ramble-A walk in the country-The scene described-Rural sounds as well as sights delightful-Another walk-Mistake concerning the charme of solitude corrected-Colonnades commended-Alcove, and the view from it-The wilderness-The groveThe thresher-The necessity and benefit of exerciseThe works of nature-superior to, and in some instances inimitable by, art-The wearisomeness of what is commonly called a life of pleasure-Change of scene sometimes expedient-A common described, and the character of crazy Kate introduced-Gipsies-The blessings of civilized life-That state most favourable to virtue The South Sea Islanders compassionate, but chiefly Omai-His present state of mind supposed-Civilized life friendly to virtue, but not great cities-Great cities, and London in particular, allowed their due praise, but censured-Fête champêtre-The book concludes with a reflection on the fatal effects of dissipation and effemi nacy upon our public measures

I SING the Sofa. I, who lately sang
Truth, Hope, and Charity, and touch'd with aws
The solemn chords, and, with a trembling hand,
Escap'd with pain from that advent'rous flight,
Now seek repose upon an humbler theme;
The theme, though humble, yet august and

Th' occasion-for the fair commands the song.
Time was, when clothing, sumptuous or for use,
Save their own painted skins, our sires had none.
As yet black breeches were not; satin smooth,
Or velvet soft, or plush with shaggy pile:
The hardy chief, upon the rugged rock
Wash'd by the sea, or on the gravelly bank
Thrown up by wintry torrents roaring loud,
Fearless of wrong, repos'd his weary strength.
Those barb'rous ages past, succeeded next
The birthday of Invention; weak at first,
Dull in design, and clumsy to perform.
Joint-stools were then created; on three legs
Upborne they stood. Three legs uphelding firm
A massy slab, in fashion square or round.
On such a stool immortal Alfred sat,
And sway'd the sceptre of his infant realms:
And such in ancient halls and mansions drear
May still be scen; but perforated sore,
And drill'd in holes, the solid oak is found,
By worms voracious eating through and through
At length a generation more refin'd

Improv'd the simple plan; riade three legs four,

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