
interest in which they lived, and for the promotion of which they died; and in whose death, the cause seemed in a measure, and for a time, to die and be lost. And they shall live again in their successors, who shall arise and stand up with the same spirit, and in the same cause, in which they lived and died, and fill the world and reign with Christ a thousand years, agreeable to ancient prophecies. The meek shall inherit the earth. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High; whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve him." And they suppose, that this revival of the truths and cause of Christ, by the numerous inhabitants of the earth, rising up to a new and holy life, and filling the world with holiness and happiness, is that which is here called the first resurrection, in distinction from the second, which will consist in the resurrection of the body; whereas this is a spiritual resurrection; a resurrection of the truths and cause of Christ, which had been in a great degree, dead and lost; and a resurrection of the souls of men, by the renovation of the Holy Ghost.

"That this important passage of scripture is to be understood in the figurative sense, last mentioned, is very probable, if not certain. And the following considerations are thought sufficient to support it.

1. Most, if not all the prophecies in this book, are delivered in figurative language, referring to types and events recorded in the Old Testament; and in imitation of the language of the ancient prophets.And this was proper and even necessary in the best manner to answer the ends of prophecy, as might easily be shown, were it necessary. The first part of this passage, all must allow, is figurative. Satan cannot be bound with a literal, material chain. The key, the great chain, and the seal, cannot be understood literally. The whole is a figure, and can mean no more than that when the time of the Millennium

arrives, or rather previous to it, Jesus Christ will lay effectual restraints on Satan, so that his powerful and prevailing influence, by which he has before deceived and destroyed a great part of mankind, shall be wholly taken from him, for a thousand years. And it is most natural to understand the other part of the description of this remarkable event to be represented in the same figurative language; as the whole is a representation of one scene; especially, since no reason can be given why it should not be understood so: And there are reasons against taking it in a literal sense, which will be mentioned in the following particulars.

"2. To suppose that Christ shall come in his human nature to this earth, and live here in his whole person visibly a thousand years, before the day of judgment, appears to be contrary to several passages of scripture.

"The coming of Christ, and his appearing at the day of judgment in his human nature, is said to be his second appearance, answering to his first appearance in his human nature on earth, from his birth to his ascension into heaven, which was past. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them who look for him shall he appear the second time, without sin, unto salvation." The appearance here spoken of, is the appearance of Christ, at the day of judgment, to complete the salvation of his church. This could not be his appearing the second time, were he thus to appear, and be bodily present in his human nature on earth, in the time of the Millennium, which is to take place before the day of judgment. The coming of Christ does not always intend his coming visibly in his human nature; but he is said to come, when he destroyed the temple and nation of the Jews, and appeared iu favour of his church. So his destruction of

Heb. ix. 27, 28.

heathen Rome, and delivering his church from that persecuting power, was an instance of his coming. And he will, in the same way, come to destroy Antichrist, and the kingdom of Satan in the world, and introduce the Millennium; and in these instances, and others, he may be said to appear. But his coming to judgment, and appearing to complete the final destruction of all his enemies, and to perfect the salvation of his church, is his last coming and appearance. And though this will not be his second appearance and coming, in the sense now mentioned, and with reference to those instances of his coming; yet, as he will then come and appear visibly in his human nature; this will be his second coming and appearance in this way and manner, having never appeared on earth in his human nature more than once before, or since his first ascension to heaven, after his incarnation. Therefore when the final judgment shall take place, Christ is represented as being revealed, and coming from heaven, and this is often called, by way of eminence, his appearing; meaning his appearing and coming from heaven in visible splendour and glory, in his whole person, in both natures, divine and human. But if he were here on earth, visible in his human nature, and reigning in his glorified body, during the Millennium; he would be already here to attend the last judgment, and he could not be properly siad to come from heaven, and to be revealed from heaven, because this was done a thousand years before. Therefore that Christ should come from heaven, and appear and reign in his human nature and presence before the day of judgment, seems to be contrary to the following scriptures: "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: And the dead in Christ shall rise first. When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, with his mighty angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, &c. when he

shall come to be glorified in his saints."* This is evidently his appearing the second time, for the salvation of all them that look for him: but were he on earth before this, in the human nature, during the time of the Millennium, how could he be said to be revealed, to descend and come from heaven to judge the world?

"3. As it seems to be contrary to the above-mentioned scriptures to suppose that. Christ will appear on earth, and reign a thousand years in his human nature; so it appears contrary to all reason. Jesus Christ is now on the throne of the universe, having all power in heaven and earth given to him as Godman, and Redeemer, being made head over all things to the church. He is in the most proper, agreeable, and convenient situation to govern the world, and take care of his church. It does not appear agreeable to his station and office, as king and head over all things, for him to descend in the human nature, and erect a throne on earth; which, so far as can be conceived, would be no advantage to his person, design and work; but very much to the contrary. He is gone to heaven in the human nature, that he might reign there, till his enemies are made his footstool, and all things shall be subdued under him. And his church on earth will enjoy him to as great a degree, and as much advantage, as if he were personally on earth in the human nature, and more; and will have as great enjoyment of his presence. He is now in the best situation to be adored and worshipped by his church on earth. Though they now do not see him, yet believing and loving him, they rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. And it would not tend to increase this faith, love and joy, to have him come from heaven, and live in some place on earth, in his human nature; but the contrary: For but few, compared with the whole inhabitants of the world, could have access to him, or see him more than they

I. Thess. iv, 16. II. Thess. i. 7, 8, 10.

now do. And when the human nature is in heaven, all may equally have access to him, love and worship him. His church and kingdom on earth will be as happy, splendid and glorious, as if he were on earth, as he is now in heaven, and much more so; for these will consist in his spiritual presence and influence, which may be as great, while his human nature is in heaven, as if it were on earth; and in their holy conformity to Christ, which would not be increased by his being in that sense on earth. It hence appears in no respect advantageous or desirable, but the contrary, that Jesus Christ should come personally in the human nature from heaven to earth, to reign here with his church, or that he should thus appear, till he shall come to judgment. It is therefore unreasonable to expect or suppose he will thus come, unless it were expressly asserted in seripture, which it certainly is not; but there are some, if not many passages, which seem to be inconsistent with it.

"It may be proper to observe here, that the question respecting the manner in which Christ will reign on earth, in the Millennium, has no concern with the question concerning the literal or figurative meaning of this passage, as the former does not depend upon the latter: For no man will suppose, that Christ's reigning on earth, is to be understood in a figurative sense. If he shall reign on earth in the hearts of men, by their voluntary subjection to him, he will reign as literally, as if he were present on earth in his humanity. The question, whether this passage is to be understood literally or figuratively, respects the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, &c. their living and reigning with Christ a thousand years. This therefore leads to other obser


4. The apostle Paul in his writings does not appear to expect to have his body raised from the dead to live here on earth again, after he died; or say anything to lead the Christians of this day to expect, any such thing, but the contrary.

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