
"Yes! I have a great deal more to say. Tell me, Brahmin! is God just; that is, does he reward men according to their merits or demerits?"


"God is just all pundits will say so." "But by your saying that God is the author of sin, you make him unjust to the utmost degree-for you say that God punishes the wicked; and yet, according to your tenet, the wicked has no demerit nor fault, because he does not commit sin of his own accord-it is God who causes him to commit it. What would you say of me, if, in your presence, I ordered one of my boatmen to go to the boat and fetch my umbrella; and if, on his bringing that article to me, I beat him unmercifully, saying, O! you wicked man, why did you bring this umbrella to me?"

"I would say that you were a very unjust man indeed; because you punished your boatman for doing that which you ordered him yourself to do."


Now, apply this to God punishing sinners. If they sin (as you say) because God prompts them to it, is it not very unjust in him to punish them for that which they would never have done of their own accord, but did only because He caused them to do so? But I will put but one more question to you. Is God merciful, or is He cruel?"

"God is full of love and mercy; for He feeds men and beasts, and supports all."

"Now, let me tell you, that, when you say God is the author of sin, you make him the most unmerciful of all beings; for you well know that every suffering which men endure in this life and the next, is occasioned by sin. If, therefore, God causes men to sin, is He not inflicting upon them the greatest injury imaginable; and does He not show himself to be their greatest enemy? What would you think of a man who put secretly poison in your food, and thus caused you to die amidst the most intense pain and torture? Would you say that that man was very merciful and full of love to you?"

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then you have no alternative but at once to acknowledge that the God in whom you believe, is an unwise, an impure, an unjust, and an unmerciful God. Are you prepared to acknowledge this?"

"I am not prepared to assert it, and yet, I am not convinced; for, when I am sinning, I am doing it with my mind, with my speech, or with the members of my body. Naw, as God has given me all these instruments of sinning, therefore, notwithstanding all you have said, it appears to me still, that He is the author of sin."

"I grant that it is God who has given you your mind, your speech, and the members of your body; but why has he given them to you? Certainly not that you should use them as instruments for sinning, but that with these you should perform his service, and thus glorify him. The fault, then, if you use these instruments for bad purposes, is not God's-it is yours: you knew his intentions and his will, but did not heed them. Suppose, Brahmin, that this morning on leaving home, you had given a rupee to your servant for the purpose of purchasing for your family some necessary articles of food in the bazaar, and that on your returning to your house you found, that, instead of fulfilling your orders with that rupee, your servant had spent it in drinking, and other evil practices,― would you not hold him to be very guilty ?" Most certainly I would, and that not merely; but I would punish him in a way that he would long remember."

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"But if the servant told you, 'Master, I am not to be blamed-it is you who are in fault; for it was you who gave me the rupee which I spent in bad practices.' Would you not then at once declare your servant quite innocent ?"

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Innocent, indeed! No, I would tell him, "You good-for-nothing fellow, was it to get drunk with it that I gave you the rupee? Was it not to buy provisions?' But I see, Sir, what you are going to tell me. You will say that in the same manner God has given me my soul, my speech, and the members of my body, in order to use them for that which is good, and that if I use them for evil purposes, the guilt will be mine and not God's. And I must say this is rather true. But yet I am not wholly satisfied; and if you will not be quite angry, I wish to ask you one question more. Why does God not prevent men from sinning? He could easily do it, as he is omnipotent !"

"Tell me, would you like to be a stone, a tree, or a horse, rather than a man?

"No, not I! I prefer being a man; for our Shasters say, that the state of man is the highest to which any being can attain on earth."

"This is so far correct, and I am glad you

are thankful that you are a man rather than some inferior being. But why is man superior to the mere brutes, or to inanimate objects? It is because he has a rational soul and a free will, which inferior creatures have not. If, therefore, God did, by force and compulsion, prevent men from sinning, it would be tantamount to making them like stones, trees, and horses, which have no will of their own, but act only as they are moved; and you yourself, Brahmin, this very moment said, you preferred being a man to such a mere machine!'

"This will do, Sir! I beg to take leave, for I see it is time to go to my dinner."

Salutary effects of the foregoing Conversation.

Before, however, permitting the Brahmin to retire, I admonished him seriously to be careful in future how he uttered such a dreadful doctrine as he had done, and

pointed out to him again, not only the unreasonableness, but the horrible blasphemy, of making God the author of sin, and all the wickedness which men commit. This admonition, I trust, had a good effect, if not on the Brahmin himself, at least on the bystanders, several of whom said that they would no more maintain that God was the author of sin; but acknowledge it to be their own voluntary act which would render them liable to punishment.

There is, perhaps, not a doctrine of Hindooism which offers greater impediments to the Gospel than this pantheistic one, "that God is the author of sin," as it takes away all sense of responsibility from men, and prevents in them that anxious desire after a Saviour, which convinced sinners experience. A Saviour, to persons holding this baneful tenet, is an utter absurdity,

villages on the Damoodah, our friends On the third of January they entered

Having visited several other towns and again directed their course to the Ganges. the Roopnarain River, and three days after visited the celebrated idol-shrine at Barodah. Adverting to that occasion, Mr. Lacroix observes :—

Salvation preached in a heathen temple. Jan. 6.-Observing in front of the idol, and placed on a pedestal, a hollow stone in the form of a baptismal font, we drew near to it, and saw some blood in it! We inquired into its use, and were told that the blood of the animals offered in sacrifice to the goddess was poured into this vessel. This led us to address the Brahmins and others on the subject of sacrifices in general; their nature and design; and then we pointed out to them the great sacrifice of the Lamb of God that alone taketh away the sins of the world. After having spoken much of Jesus, and his love to our fallen race, we left the temple of Bisha-Lokky, praising God that he had enabled us to bear witness to the truth in the very synagogue of Satan, and on the very spot, where as St. Paul says, sacrifices are offered to devils.

An idol-temple ruined and deserted.

We then proceeded to view some extensive ruins of an Indian Fort in the neighbourhood, whose last possessor was a certain Rajah, named Soba-Singh. It was built on an artificially raised ground, twelve feet above the level of the country, with a moat around it, and altogether of great strength, and well suited to be the stronghold of a refractory Chieftain, which its last occupant was. The Fort contained, besides the palace of the Rajah, his treasury, elephants and horses, stables, &c., also numerous temples consecrated to various idols;

but all now in a state of decay, and the habitation of serpents, owls, and bats. On ascending the ruinous staircase of the tower of the principal temple, we were not a little surprised to find it occupied by a whole family of baboons, who, on seeing us, leaped down through an aperture in the wall-a height of at least thirty feet, apparently highly vexed at our intrusion. We could not help, on this spot, reflecting on the vicissitude of human affairs. Here was a lofty temple, once the resort of a royal family and its courtly attendants-the seat of a venerated idol, at whose shrine numerous priests were daily officiating; but now, all was deserted, and the sole frequenters a tribe of monkeys!!! Sic transit gloria mundi! We prayed internally that the fate of this temple might soon be that of all others in India, and that such a revolution may be accomplished by the onward progress of the blessed Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

At half-past four, p. m., we took up our anchor to retrace our steps down the Roopnarain, and, at about an hour before dark, arrived at a village called Bondor-Ghat, where we immediately went on shore. An indigenous school was assembled under a large tree, and the boys were busy in writing on palm and plantain leaves. A good number of the inhabitants were also present. We availed ourselves of this good opportunity, and preached the Gospel to the assembled crowd.


OUR latest intelligence of the Mission at Tanna is contained in the following extracts of letters addressed by the Samoan Teachers in that Island, early in the present year, to Mr. Murray, of Tutuila. These communications exhibit our native fellow-workers in an interesting and encouraging light; and also supply important information relative to their spheres of labour. The writer of the first, who is stationed at Resolution Bay, was a deacon of the church at Pagopago for several years, and the first convert from heathenism in the island of Tutuila :—

"I am about to inform you of the troubles that have come upon us in this land. We have had a severe illness. It began in the month of May. Petelu's wife, and my daughter died of it. My attack was light. Vasa and his wife came from Nina, and brought their child who was ill. They

were both seized also with the same dis


Vasa requested to be taken back to Nina, saying, the dew and the cold were moderate there. So we went to Nina, and I was again taken ill, and we were all lying ill together. Vasa's wife died, and we were still lying when a war broke out in the district. When informed that the hostile party had arrived, we fled into the bush, and hid ourselves. The war party found only Lefau standing before the house. A man called out to Lefau, 'Don't fly-no harm shall befall you.' The war was resumed on the following morning, and one man was killed.

"Vasa and Lefau then returned with me to Tanna: all their property was carried off in the war, and had they remained at Nina, no one would give them any food. When we returned to Tanna, the wife of Yagipo was dead, and Yagipo himself was very weak. We remained together for some time-then Yagipo also died. Five of us were now dead. Lefau took Yagipo's place, that he might assist Upokumanu, with whom Yagipo had laboured.

A war

then broke out between the land of Lefau and Upokumanu, and another land-the fight was right over them: the Lord protected them, and no harm befel them.

"Great trouble has come upon us in this land. Still, though we are greatly afflicted, I

thank God there are many good things which I have seen with my own eyes in this land. I will mention some of the things that have taken place. One good thing is, many of the people are inquiring on the Sabbath. They abstain from work on that day, and do not cook ovens. I told them they ought not to paint their faces on the Lord's Day. In this, also, they were obedient. A great many have united themselves to the Christian party. On one Sabbath, five came over; on another Sabbath, ten; on another, four. The people of this land are not distant and wild towards us. These are things that I have seen with my own eyes in these lands."

[The second communication from another of the Teachers stationed at Resolution Bay, is as follows:-]

"I am about to make known a little report of the work of God in Tanna. The work of God has increased greatly in the land where we are stationed. The Christian party is very numerous. On one Sabbath, ten were united to us; on another seven; on another, five. Thanks indeed for the help of God in his work, in which we are engaged in this land! A great many bad things have also taken place in this land; and among these, war and sickness. were many surmises, and it was said that they (the Tannese,) were dying on our account, and because we were living on their land. These were the words of those who are not Christian; but the Chiefs of the Christian party hold fast the lotu. God has been merciful to us, and has delivered us from the evil things that have taken place in this land."


In the succeeding statements and observations, our brother, Mr. Murray, urges the powerful and peculiar claims of the New Hebrides and New Caledonia on the enlarged compassion, and the more direct and vigorous efforts of the friends of Missions :

The letters of our Native Helpers (he remarks) furnish satisfactory evidence that some progress is being made towards enlightening the poor Tannese: they show that the Teachers consider their lives to be perfectly safe, and that they are labouring in hope, even in confident expectation of success. Thus it is proved that Tanna may again be safely occupied by foreign Mis

sionaries. On the vast importance of this and other islands of the New Hebrides, as also of the adjacent Group (New Caledonia,) being so occupied, without delay, there can be no question.

A fact has recently occurred which places the subject in a far more affecting and urgent light than can be done by mere words. Fifteen Romish Priests sailed from Sydney

a few months ago, for the New Caledonia and New Hebrides Groups!! Herein, dear Sirs, is the realization of our fears. The thing that we greatly feared has come upon us; and that which we were afraid of is come unto us. It is a dire calamity when the Papists get the start of us. Surely our Scotch Friends, who stand pledged to occupy the New Caledonia Group, will bestir themselves when they learn this fact. If the Papists succeed in thoroughly establishing themselves before Protestant Missionaries are on the spot, the ruin of the Natives will

be almost certain. They will be likely to fall under the two-fold yoke of Rome and France, and under the spiritual tyranny of the one, and the political tyranny of the other, they will melt away. I do trust and earnestly pray that something effective may speedily be done for both Groups. One of the minor evils of neglecting this will be that we shall lose the labour we have bestowed upon them, and be left to mourn the open doors set before "the man of sin and son of perdition."



We insert with pleasure the following portion of a letter, dated in June last, addressed by the Rev. Holloway Helmore, of Lekatlong, South Africa, to the church and congregation assembling in Rother-street Chapel, Stratford-uponAvon; of which his late revered father was, for many years, the pastor. Our Missionary brother bears explicit and well-sustained testimony to the varied and delightful changes, both morally and socially, which have been wrought by the power and faith of the Gospel among the Bechuanas to whom he devotes his efforts; and we trust he will be blessed as the instrument of extending this gracious work, until the land which but as yesterday was an untrodden waste shall "rejoice and blossom as the rose."

Our schools (writes Mr. H.) are our chief hope. In youth the mind is flexible, suscepti ble of impression, and more inclined to adopt the improvements of civilised life, than in riper years. In this country children rapidly grow up to be men and women. We want to teach the young idea how to shoot. Many of the children and young people are anxious for improvement in every branch of civilization; nor do the elder people think it any degradation to sit on the same form with children.

What a great work has the Gospel accomplished! Formerly their bodies, bes smeared with red earth and fat, and covered with filthy skins, presented a most deplorable and degrading specimen of human nature, sunk in darkness and brutality. Now it is a cheering sight to behold them flocking to church on the Sabbath in neat and clean attire, with the Testament and hymnbook in their hands; or, on the week-days, driving their wagons hither and thither, building houses in European style, constructing chairs and stools, boiling soap, making candles, or looking out for the travellers, to convey their letters to some distant friend.

But still more pleasing is it to see hundreds of converted heathen surrounding the table of their Lord, and testifying their faith and love towards Him who first loved them, and redeemed them from their sins.


think not that the work is done. The majority of the tribes in these parts are still in the darkness of heathenism. Though the Gospel is preached amongst them, they will not hear; for "they love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." Every vice and the most cruel superstitions are still practised amongst them-Satan's seat is still strong, and it is only the arm of the Lord that can hurl him from itthe bright beams of the Sun of Righteousness can alone dispel the mists of darkness and death that hover over the inhabitants of Africa-the Holy Spirit only can breathe life and joy into the souls now dead in trespasses and sins. But for such aid we had all laboured in vain. In vain had we sown-in vain had we looked for a harvest. But now the wilderness has begun to blossom. The command has gone forth; light shines upon the chaos; the waters of life flow in pure streams; buds, blossoms, and fruit appear. Life, activity, and joy, characterise the new creation. The shout is heard, "Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

It has greatly cheered me to hear from time to time of your great liberality towards the Missionary cause. Go on, dear friends! it is the cause of God and of our blessed Redeemer. "He that watereth others shall be watered also himself;" and they that con

secrate their property and their prayers to the cause of immortal souls shall certainly be blessed in their own. May the God of all grace bless you, smile upon your families, and the whole town! prosper all the schools, all the churches and congregations, all the religious and benevolent institutions, and grant to the whole neighbourhood

every spiritual and temporal mercy! It will always delight us to hear from you; and I hope, from time to time, to remember you, and cheer your hearts with good news from a far country. Last Sunday, after the afternoon service, several came forward, under deep impressions, inquiring, What they should do to be saved?


THE Directors are enconraged to hope that the appeal of Mr. Elliott, on behalf of the afflicted churches in Africa, suffering under the destitution occasioned by the Caffre war, has excited a powerful feeling of sympathy and compassion among the friends of Missions in this country, and that ample means of relief will be speedily obtained. Of the many gratifying communications received by the Home Secretary, in answer to that appeal, we cannot withhold the following, as we are assured the excellent example it presents will stimulate the benevolence of others to a like generous activity :

REV. AND DEAR SIR,-I heard with deep feelings of sorrow of the calamity at Rarotonga, and from my humble circumstances I could only add a mite in the way of subscription. But the distressing information from Africa rouses every effort, and seems to reach even to me,-poor as I am with regard to this world. Desiring to convince my beloved African brethren of my willingness to "do what I could for them" in this their time of need, I have collected the whole of my stores into one box, which I now send as the poor widow's gleanings," with my tenderest sympathy and Christian love. There will, I hope, be many valuable boxes sent on the same errand of love and sympathy. If I can but help, though only with one finger, I cannot deny myself the pleasure of simply manifesting my affection to my believing brothers and sisters in Africa. Would you, dear Sir, dispose of the enclosed small pictures? They will produce some trifle, and add a little to the value of the package.-H. M. M.

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From Huddersfield we have been favoured with another gratifying communication, to the following effect :


The touching appeals contained in the Chronicle, have set our friends in motion to provide a parcel of useful articles for the relief of present distress. I brought the case before our church-meeting last week, mentioned it publicly on Lord's-day, and again at the Missionary Prayer-meeting on Monday evening. On Tuesday, between thirty and forty of our female friends came together to sew; and after spending the afternoon in this work, each carried home a portion of work to finish. Next week a similar meeting is to be held, I trust, with equal success. I do not wish to convey the impression that we are doing great things. Our funds for the object are limited; but by a division of labour, and a general co-operation through the churches, something effectual may be accomplished. Meanwhile the appeal calls forth refreshing instances of generosity in humble life. A female, after asking in the simplicity of her heart, "What can I give?" came and offered a cloak-one of two remaining articles of clothing spared from the scanty wardrobe of a departed sister; but we could not accept it. A poor young man, by trade a shoemaker, asked me if a pair of shoes would be suitable to send. Having received an affirmative reply, he has presented a pair of new shoes-a large contribution for him. In this way, as well as by other means, I trust we may make up a tolerable parcel.

MR. ELLIOTT gratefully acknowledges the receipt of several generous Contributions for the relief of the suffering Natives; the particulars of which, with any other benefactions he may receive, will be inserted, in a complete form, in a future Number of the Missionary Magazine.

Mr. E. also begs to express his warm sense of gratitude to the many kind Christian friends in Manchester, Leeds, Bath, and other places, who have so promptly responded to his appeal, and intimated their intention of committing to

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