
Civil War. See War.
Clarendon, Lord, character of, 77;
his notice of Cromwell, 109; on
Irish affairs, 428.
Claypole, Lady, her character, 202;
and family, ii., 528, 529; death of,

Claypoles, the, in Cromwell's First
Parliament, ii., 87.

Cleveland, John, poet, apprehended,
ii., 200

Clonmel stormed, 424, 425.

Clubmen, account of, 171; an obsti-
nate one, 173; their designs dis-
covered, 175.

[ocr errors]

Coaches, hackney, in 1654, ii., 76.
Cockburnspath. See Copperspath.
Cockpit, the, bestowed on Cromwell,


Coke, Chief Justice, 40; weeps, 58.
Coke, Henry, taken at Lowestoffe,

Colchester, tumults at, 261; siege
of, 288..

Colvil, Lord, in Ireland, 415.
Commonwealth established, 336;
seal found, 364.

See Hampton Court.
Conisby, Sheriff Thomas, sent pri-
soner to Parliament, 131.
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, in Little
Parliament, ii., 33; in Council of
State, 61; in Cromwell's First
Parliament, 87; is refused the
Lady Mary Cromwell, 213.
Coot, Sir Charles, in Ireland, 401.
Copperspath in Scotland, 443.
Coriolanus, position of, ii., 108.
Cory, John, his letter, 132.
Cotton, Rev. John, character of, ii.,
8; Cromwell's letter to, 9.
Council of State, members of, 335;
first meeting, 340.
Counties. See Associated

Courtenay, Mr Hugh, royalist, ii.,

Covenant, see Scots; taken by House

of Commons, 1643, 144.
Covent Garden, soldiers in, 208
Cowell, Col., killed, 294.
Crane, Sir Richard, slain, 177.
Crequi, Duc de, Ambassador to
Cromwell, ii., 398.

Cromwell, Mrs. Elizabeth, letters

from Oliver Cromwell to, 474, 527,
536; letter to Oliver Cromwell
from, 516; retired to Norborough,

Cromwell, Frances, and Mr. Rich,
ii., 212, 361; married, 213.
Cromwell, Henry (son of Protecte),
is of Gray's Inn, 44; is a captain,
240 in Ireland, 418; in Little
Parliament, ii., 61; in Ireland,
good conduct of, 174; Oliver
Cromwell's letters to, 199, 215;
Mary, letter to, 203.

Cromwell, Major, wounded at Bris-
tol, 179.

Cromwell, Mary, her letters to Hen-
ry, ii., 203, 211,; married, 213,

Cromwell, Oliver, significance of, to
the Puritan cause, 14; modern re-
action in favor of, 17; birth, kin-
dred, &c., 20, 21; youth of, 23;
house where born, 24; his Fa
ther's character, 24, 25; List of
his Brothers and Sisters, 21; of
his Uncles and Aunts,, 25, 26; of
his Children, 67. His poverty?
27; related to Earl Essex, 27; his
great grandfather, 28; the alias
Williams,' 31; his Welsh pedi-
gree, 32; origin of the name, 32;
death of his grandfather, 34; idle
tales of his youth, 35; his school-
master, 35; admitted of Cambridge
University, 39; death of his father,
42; death of his grandfather, 42;
never of any Inn of Court, 44;
marries Elizabeth Bourchier, 46;
his Uncle an M.P., 48; his hypo-
chondria, 48; becomes Calvinist,
49; subscribes to Feoffee Fund,
51; is a Puritan, 51; visit to his
royalist uncle, 53; heir to his un-
cle at Ely, 55; is M.P. for Hun-
tingdon in 1628, 55; returns to
Huntingdon, 60; first mention of
in Commons Journals, 63; is Jus-
tice of Peace, 65; sells his estate,
65. Of his Letters and Speeches,
72; how to read them, 73, 74.

his life at St. Ives, 82-89; sto-
ries of, an enthusiast? 88; at Ely,
90, 91; character of by Warwick,
95; related to Oliver St. John,

97; once dissolute? 44, 98; is
M. P. for Cambridge, 102, 103;
delivers Lilburne's petition, 108;
Sir P. Warwick's description of
him, 109; dispute with Lord
Mandevil, 110; reproved by Mr.
Hyde, 111.

Cromwell, time spent at Ely, 118;
intends for New England? 119;
subscribes 300l. to reduce Ireland,
122; gets arms for Cambridge,
123; his soldiers on the alert, 124;
is a Captain of Parliament horse,
125; at Edgehill battle, 125; his
movements in 1643, 128; is Colo-
nel, 128; his troopers at St. Al-
bans, 131; takes Lowestoffe, 133;
preserves Associated Counties,
134; skirmish at Grantham, 135;
relieves Croyland, 137; the begin-
ning of his great fortunes, 141;
is Governor of Isle of Ely, 142;
his Ironsides, 143; signs the Scots
Covenant, 144; nearly killed at
Winceby, 145; complains of Lord
Willoughby, 148; at Marston
Moor, 150; proceeds with vigor,
154; complains of Earl Manches-
ter, 155; would fire at the King
in battle, 156; an incendiary? 157;
besieges Farringdon, 161, 162; is
Lieutenant-General of the Army,
162; at Naseby battle, 165; heads
Schismatic Party, 169; reduces
the Clubmen, 172, 173; at Bristol,
176; on uniformity in religion,
181; famous at sieges, 182; takes
Winchester, 183; his justice, 183;
takes Basing, 184; his character
by Mr. Peters, 188.

his duplicity? 212; his true
character, 213; very busy, 231;
his Free Offer, 244; his two
youngest daughters, 247, 248, 249.

in Wales, 262; goes north, 269;
at Preston, 274; at Durham, 293;
his justice, 304; at Berwick, 305;
at Seaton and Moray House, Edin-
burgh, 308; feasted there, 311;
at Carlisle, 313; in London, 327;
attends Trial of Charles I., 328.

is made one of Council of State,
335; is Commander for Ireland,

routs Levellers, 362; at

[ocr errors]

Bristol, 367; at Dublin, 373
takes Tredah, 380; takes Ross,
396; at Cork, 409; wanted for
Sootland, 412; at Kilkenny, 420;
returns to London, 426.
Cromwell appointed Commander-in-
Chief against Scots, 436, 439;
conversation with Ludlow, 436,
437; in Scotland, 441; his gene-
rosity to the Scots, 449; encamps
on Pentland Hills, 450; comments
on Scots Covenant, 451: at Dun-
bar, 457, 458; straitened at Dun-
bar, 458; battle of Dunbar, 459-
476; Letters to Edinburgh Minis-
ters, 477-488; in Glasgow, 497;
Proclamation by, in Scotland, 497;
another, on surrender of Edinburgh
Castle, 510; in Edinburgh, 513;
his portrait, 522, 524; dangerously
ill at Edinburgh, 526, 527; at
church, in Glasgow, 532, 533; at
Allertoun House, 534,535; pursues
the Scots into England, 546; Wor-
cester battle, 551; comes to Lon-
don, 556; his government of Scot-
land, 558, 559.

on future government of the
State, ii., 11, 12; disbands the
Rump, 27-29; his mode of public
speaking, 56; in Council of State,
61, n.; made Lord Protector, 64,
65; personal appearance of, 65.

removes to Whitehall, 76; his
First Parliament, 87, 88; difficult
position of, 108, 157; accident to,
in Hyde Park, 138; his Mother
dies, 131.

appoints Major-Generals, 165,
184; assists Piedmont, 169; dines
with Triers, 170; receives Swedish
Ambassador, 179; interviews with
George Fox, 185, 404; on Popery,


fond of music, 266; is offered
the title of King, 273, 274; recre
ations whilst debating kingship,
292; refuses the title of King, 345
installed Protector, 350; unwell,
369; invincible, 399; age and ap-
pearance, 401; last sickness of,
402; death-bed sayings and pray-
er, 403-410; dies, 3d Sept., 1658.


Cromwell, Oliver (son of Protector),
Cornet of horse, 125; death of,

Cromwell, Richard, Protector's great
grandfather, 28-32.

Cromwell, Richard (son of Protect-
or), character, 241; married, 336;
death of, 355; his Wife, 355;
Cromwell's letter to his Wife, 372;
Oliver's letter to, ii., 209; his
estate, 210, n.

Cromwell, Mrs. Richard's child, 440.
Cromwell, Thomas, Earl Essex, 24;
Oliver related to, 27.
Cromwells in the Civil War, 53.
Crook, Capt. Unton, Cromwell's let-
ter to, ii., 135; pursues Wagstaff,
&c., 164.

Cropredy. See Battle.

Derby, Earl, routed at Wigan, 546;
beheaded, 555.

Desbrow, Maj., at Bristo. Siege, 178
Colonel, at conference at Speak-
er's, ii., 11-13; in Council of State,
61, n.; made Major-General, 165,
against title of King, 346; one cf
Cromwell's Lords, 363.

Dewes, Sir Simon, cited, 108, 109
notices of Cromwell, 122; purged
by Pride, 327.

Dick, Sir William, notice of, 310
Dives, Sir Lewis, notice of, 175.
Divines, Westminster Assembly of;
108, 206.

Doon Hill, Scots Army at, 458.
Dorislaus, Dr., notice of, 231.
Douglas, Will, his poetry on Crom
well, 392.

Cross, Cheapside and Charing, de- Drogheda. See Tredah.
stroyed, 136.

Croyland relieved, 137.

[blocks in formation]

Dalhousie, Cromwell at, 311.
Danger, Scots Committee of, 246.
Daniel, Colonel, at Linlithgow fight,

Danton on government, ii., 109.
Davy, John. See Theauro.

Dawkins, Admiral, a Major-General,
ii., 184.

Dean, Col., at Preston, 283; Major-
General, at Worcester battle, 552;
in Dutch War, ii., 17.
Dean, Cornet, Leveller, pardoned,

Debentures of soldiers, 247.
Declaration against Army, 214; ex-
punged, 224; by Cromwell, 293;
by Charles Stuart against his Fa-
ther, 488.

Delinquents, Staffordshire, 208; are
searched out, ii., 18.

Denbigh, Earl, and Duke Hamilton,

Dendy, Edward, Sergeant-at-Arms,

Dennington Castle, 184, 185.

Drury Lane, Cromwell lives in, 202
Dryasdust Societies, 4, 5, 9.
Dryden's uncle, ii., 61.
Dublin, Cromwell in, 373.
Dukinfield, Governor of Chester,

Dunbar, town described, 457; Crom-
well at, 456, 457; battle, plan of,
462, 463. See Battle.

Duncannon, ships taken at, 402.
Dunch of Pusey, John, collection of
letters, 336; Cromwell's letter to,
ii., 352.

Dundas, Governor, letter to General
Whalley, 478; letters to, from
Cromwell, 479, 502, 503, 505, 506,
507, 508, 509; his letters to Crom-
well, 480, 503, 504, 506, 508, 509.
Dundee, stormed by General Monk,

Dunkirk taken, ij., 259.
Dutch War, ii., 17.

Earle, Sir Walter, sent to Charles I.,

Edgehill. See Battle.
Edinburgh, riot in, 94: Cromwell in,
307, 310; Scots Army near, 445,
446, 455; Ministers and Cromwell,
447, 448; Castle besieged, 491,
502-510; High Church, Cromwell
in, 477; Castle surrenders, 50)
Eliot, Sir John, motion by, 58; die
in the Tower, 64.

Elizabeth, Queen, tuned the pulpits,
Empson, Lieut., repulses the Scots,
444; character and promotion, 515,

Engagers, the, 299.

England in 1642, 124; deluded by
Cant, ii., 4, 411.

English genius, 7; character, 8, 56,
64, 117.


Enniscorthy Castle surprised, 413.
Episcopacy in danger, 119.
Church government.
Erasmus's ape, 118.
Esmonds, the, seat of, 387.
Essex, Earl, General of Parliament
Army, 124; discontented, 136;
relieves Gloucester, 143; is de-
feated in Cornwall in 1644, 153,
154; is pensioned and dies, 158;
funeral of, 203.

Eure, Lord, one of Cromwell's Lords,
ii., 363.

Evelyn of Wilts, Sir John, in com-
mittee, 240.

Everard, Leveller, 357.

Ewer, Colonel, takes Chepstow Cas-
tle, 262; presents Army Remon-
strance, 319; succeeds Čol. Ham-
mond, 325; at Kilkenny, 420.
Exchange, Royal, has been twice
burned, 87.

Famine in Ireland, 308.
Fauconberg, Lord, marries Mary
Cromwell, ii., 213; character of,
361; his letter on Cromwell's
death, 410.

Fawley Park for sale, ii., 78.
Feak, Anabaptist, against Cromwell,
ii., 70.

Felsted Free-School, 46.

Felton, John, character and death,
60, 61.

Fens, draining of the, 95; drained,
ii., 30.

Fenwick, Col., besieges Hume Cas-
tle, 513.

Feoffees, purchases by, 50; prose-
cuted by Laud, 51; suppressed,
70; losses of, 88.

Ferral, Lt.-Gen., attacks Passage,

Ferrar's, Nicholas, establishment, 69.
Fethard Town, described, 414.
Fiennes, Nathaniel, of committee,

240; in Council of State, ii., 73,
n.; Keeper of Great Seal, 167;
his speech analysed, 370.
Finch, Speaker, his conduct, 63;
flies, 107.

Finch, Col., in Gerrard's plot, i.,
81, 84.

Firebrace, Henry, notice of, 250.
Five Members, the, 120.
Fleet, revolt of, 270.

Fairfax, Lord, besieged in Hull, 144; Fleetwood, Lieut.-General, at Dun-

death of, 265.

Fairfax, Sir Thomas, serves under
Earl Manchester, 145; General of
New Model Army, 157; interview
with Clubmen, 172; at Bath, 197;
adheres to Commons, 199; meets
the King, 205; Governor of Hull,
233; in Kent, 265; at trial of
Charles I., 328; of Council of
State, 335; half Presbyterian, 412,
Cromwell's letters to, 159, 163,
173, 189, 196, 197, 201, 204, 207,
209, 230, 232, 244, 266, 295, 306,

becomes Lord Fairfax, 265;
refuses to fight the Scots, 436;
gives up his commission, 436; in
Church Commission, ii., 75; in
Cromwell's First Parliament, 87.
Falkland, Lord, killed, 144.

bar, 470; at Worcester, 549, 550,
Deputy for Ireland, ii., 15; of
Council of State, 73, n.; Crom-
well's letters to, 79, 176; conduct
in Ireland, 174; against title of
King, 346.

Fleming, Sir Oliver, Master of Cere-
monies, 341.

Fleming, Adjutant, notice of 198,
killed, 261.

Forster, John, on Cromwell, 18
Fortescue, Major-Gen., in Jamaica,
ii., 191; Cromwell's letter to, 195;
death of, 198.

Fox, George, Quaker, ii., 129; and
Cromwell, 185, 186, 404.
Fox, Somerset, his plot, ii., 81, 84.
See Gerard, Vowel.
France, treaty with, ii., 180, 354.

French Revolution compared to Eng-
lish, 213.

Fuller's Ephemeris Parliamenta.
ria, 62.

Gainsborough relieved, 138
Geddard village, murder at, 514.
Geddes, Jenny, and her stool, 93.
Generals, Major, their office, ii.,
165; names of, 184; withdrawn,

Germany, Emperor of, Papist, ii.,


Gerrard's plot, ii., 82; he is behead-
ed, 84.

Gibbons, Major, defeats Royalists,

Gibson, Bishop, on Cromwell, 18.
Gillespie, Rev. Patrick, interview
with Cromwell, 533.
Glasgow, Assembly there, 101;
Cromwell at, 496, 497, 533; riot
in, 533, 534.

Glencairn's rebellion in Highlands,


Gloucester besieged, 142, 143; re-
lieved by Earl Essex, 144.
Goddard, Guibon, in Cromwell's First
Parliament, ii., 86; his narrative
of, 106, 107, 128.

Goffe, Major, exhorts at Windsor
Castle, 255; is at Dunbar, 470; a
Major-Gen., ii., 184; in favor of
Kingship, 346.

Goodman, Bishop, character of, 27.
Goodson, Vice-Admiral, character

of, ii., 191; Cromwell's letter to,

Goodwin, Robert, M. P., sent to
Charles I., 198.

Goodwin, Rev. Thomas, preaches to
Parliament, ii., 88.
Goring, Lord, pardoned, 343.
Grampian Hills, Charles II., on, 493.
Grantham, See Battle.

Gray of Wark, Lord, commands
Eastern Association, 126.
Grey of Groby, Lord, assists in
Pride's Purge, 326; in prison, ii.,


Grimston, Harbottle, after Restora-
tion, 212.

Grocers' Hall, dinner at, 364.
Grove, Major, beheaded, ii, 164.

Guildhall, scene at, 226.
Guillams, Capt., slain, 177.
Guizot, M., criticised, 171.
Gustavus the Great dies, 68.
Guthry, Rev. James, interview with
Cromwell, 533.

Hacker, Col., at execution of Charles
I., 329; routs Mosstroopers, 514.
515; Cromwell's letter to, 515.
Haddington, Cromwell at, 468.
Hailes, Lord, character of, 531.
Hall, Bishop, pamphlet of, 106.
Hamilton, Duke James, flies to King,

144; taken, 198; prepares an ar-
my, 245; his army ready, 269; de-
feated at Preston, taken at Uttoxe-
ter, 270-287; escapes, and is re-
taken, 338; condemned, 343; exe-
cuted, 344.

Hamilton, Duke William, succeeds
his brother, 343; taken at Wor-
cester, 553.

Hammond, Lieut.-General, summon-
ed by Commons, 215; notice of,


Hammond, Col. Robert, at Bristol

siege, 178, 179; the King flies to,
236; character of, 237; provided
for, 249; letters from Cromwell to,
239, 249, 320.

Hammond, Dr., King's chaplain, 238.
Hampden, John, his mother, 26; a

Puritan, 51; shipmoney, 71, 90
trial of, 94; is Colonel in Parlia-
ment Army, 125; proposed as
Lord General, 136; mortally
wounded, 138.

Hampton-Court Conference, 36. See
Charles I.

Hapton parishioners, letter con-
cerning, 129, 30.

Harley, Col., Presbyterian, 214.
Harrington, James, author of Ocea
na, 250.

Harris's life of Cromwell, 86.
Harrison, Thomas, notice of, 24; at

Basing siege, 187; at Preston, 283;
Major-General, in Scotland, 344;
at Conference at Speaker's, ii., 11
at disbanding of Rump, 26, 27;
Anabaptist, dismissed, 71; and
Fifth Monarchy, 94, n.; in prison,


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