
mies, you would fee thefe chariots of fire fent down from heaven in your defence; and, poffeffing your fouls in peace, you would exclaim with the prophet, "Fear not; for they that be with us, are more than they that be with them *."

But, while you rejoice in their friendship and protection, you should propofe their bright examples of goodness for your own imitation. At least, you

fhould not be fatisfied with any thing fhort of their obedience. Your Lord himself has taught you to pray, that the will of God may be done on earth,

as it is in heaven." You are not to regulate your practice by the defective standard of human righteoufnefs, nor limit your defires to any attainments, which do not, in their measure, refemble the holiness of Angels. They ferve God perfectly, without the exception of one duty; conftantly, without intermiffion; and cheerfully, not of constraint, but with fervent love and fupreme delight. This, alío, you should afpire after; and therefore earneftly covet and implore increafing communications of that grace, by: which you will finally be brought into a ftate of com-plete conformity with them. But, on comparing yourselves with the pattern here exhibited, are you not deeply ashamed and humbled ?

Thofe pure and exalted creatures in every refpect anfwer the end of their being. Many, alas! of our corrupt race, are not merely defective in righteoufnefs, but totally oppofite to this character. Do we: not live among thofe, who are actuated by tempers and principles, as contrary to thofe of Angels, as darkness to light? We, therefore, folemnly appeal to them, and afk, Of what fort will be your fociety. hereafter? Difpofed as you are, you cannot have: fellowship with the hoft of heaven, nor they with: you. Their employment is what you will never

*2 Kings vi. 15-17-
U. 6.

relish ;

relish you deteft and put away from you, what is their highest delight. It is not poffible, that they fhould accommodate themfelves to your depraved tafte; for this would involve an oppofition to God and an exclufion from happiness. Your profpect is indeed tremendous. You must dwell with thofe, whom you refemble, and with whom you are confederate in rebellion against Jehovah. Is this what you can bear to think of? Yet most affuredly, you must have your portion with evil fpirits, unless you be created anew in Chrift Jefus.

May the Lord God, in fovereign mercy, pour out his fanctifying influence upon all orders and ranks of men! May He form us to be a people for his name, and make us of one heart and mind with the Church above! So fhall we understand and feel the meaning of those exalted anthems, which we are taught to ufe. With fincere and ardent devotion we fhall cry aloud to the God of our falvation; "With Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we laud and magnify thy glorious name; evermore praifing thee, and faying, Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hotts; heaven and earth are full of thy glory: Glory be to thee, O Lord moft High*!" Amen.

*Communion Service.


Evil fpirits, their existence, fall, and exclufion from hea ven-tempted our first parents-maintain large influence in the earth, among the impenitent-once permitted to poffefs men's bodies-oppofed the Saviourrefift the progrefs of the Gospel-affault believers-yet their agency does not extenuate our guilt-will foon be confounded-fummoned to judgment-and doomed to eternal punishment.

AFTER the ftrong proofs, which we have seen,

of man's apoftasy from God, perhaps the question may arife, Is this the only order of intelligent beings, who have revolted from their obedience? Or, where did fin originate? The facred records have informed us of another fyftem of creatures, who were the first tranfgreffors, and are the authors and abettors of that rebellion, which has prevailed in our own world. We proceed, therefore, to obferve, that there are Devils in hell, as well as Angels in heaven. There is a numerous company of wicked fpirits, who discover a blafphemous contempt of God, and are continually endeavouring to defeat the purposes of his government. The contemplation of their wretched condition may excite many painful fenfations; but the fubject feems properly to come under our plan, as being closely connected with fcripture hiftory, and it may be productive of folid advantage, if we confider it with true seriousness of mind.

Their influence in human affairs, and even their existence have been denied. But, if we allow the infpiration of the Bible, we ought implicitly to receive


its teftimony in every particular. We attempt to invalidate its authority, if we think ourselves at liberty to reject thofe declarations, however clear and exprefs, which cannot be accommodated to our systems or wishes. Now, no account can be delivered in plainer terms, none more repeatedly afferted and confirmed, than that which is given of the fallen angels. It is no good objection to this hiftory, that it does not contain fo full and minute a relation, as our curiosity might defire for it never was defigned, that we fhould understand every thing, or obtain perfect fatisfaction in our fpeculative enquiries. But, if we admit what the fcriptures have revealed concerning the ftate, character, and employment of evil fpirits, we fhall have a confiftent explanation of what we obferve both: in ourselves and others. A serious attention to the world around us, and to the wild and irregular workings, of which we cannot but be confcious in our own minds, would incline us to believe, even if we had no Bible, that we are fubject to a foreign influence of a malignant kind. Univerfal experience verifies what the infpired volume has affirmed. May we be led to admire and adore that grace, which not only reftrains the malice of thefe unholy beings, but is effectual to rescue us from their power! May our great Deliverer break the bonds, by which many of our finful race are ftill enslaved, and give them to know, that his fervice is the moft perfect freedom!

In defcribing the hiftory of wicked fpirits, we muft confider

I. Their fall. A total and lamentable change has taken place both in their situation and disposition. Originally they were poffeffed of dignity, purity, and happiness, which they have now entirely loft. They were ranked amongst the Angels in heaven, and equal to them in excellency and glory; but they "kept not their firft eftate:" renouncing their obedience to God, they left their own habitation," being driven out

with fhame and confufion*. They are called "principalities and powers," and are faid to have been "in high places +;" which fhews that they were endued with eminent faculties, and diftinguished among the fuperior orders of the celestial Hierarchy. But their exaltation was no prefervative: they have fuffered a tremendous degradation, A numerous company,

combined under one leader, who is named Satan or Beelzebub, joined in rebellion against Jehovah. We do not enquire into the particular nature and circumftances of their tranfgreffion. But it fhould feem, that they were inftigated by ambition, or a vain defire of attaining a degree of knowledge or preemi nence, beyond the divine appointment: for, when St. Paul fpeaks of one "lifted up with pride," he defcribes him as "falling into the condemnation of the Devil t." It is fufficient, however, to fay, that they finned.

Having, then, caft off their allegiance to God, they could no longer affociate with thofe, whofe whole delight is to do his will, and worship at his feet. Having loft their holiness, they could not retain their felicity; for mifery is the neceflary confequence of de-. pravity and guilt. Every good principle was banished, every vile affection admitted; and therefore they became a torment to themselves. But their wretchednefs is not to be confidered merely as the unavoidable effect of their apoftafy: it is the righteous infliction of their incenfed Sovereign. His authority being defpifed, his anger was provoked, and his juftice armed with terrors against them. He could not fuffer them to remain in heaven, with a fpirit of difobedience or independence. He appointed them a new place, and configned them to a state of extreme and endless punishment in hell, where they are exhibited as an example of the malignant nature and deftructive ten


Jude 6.

+ Eph. vi. 12.

1 Tim. iii. 6.


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