एक A SUPPLEMENT TO THE ONANIA, Or the Heinous Sin of SELF-POLLUTION, And all its frightful Confequences, in the (Printed on the fame Letter and Paper, to Containing many remarkable, and indeed Alfo a curious Piece, (as promis'd) tranflated out And which with an Anfwer to a late fcurrilous Libal, London: Printed for T. CROUCH, at the Bell in Pater nofter ૫) THE PREFACE. HOEVER reads the Be ginning of the following Supplement to the Onania, will not think there is a Preface wanting; neither did I intend to have troubled the Reader any further: But recollecting that I had not taken notice of one thing in fo particular a manner, as I believe it deferves, I thought it not improper to do it here: What I mean is A. 2.. the the inconfiftent Behaviour of my Adverfaries in general, and all who either envy or are otherwife no well-wishers to the Book against Self-Pollution. THEY all at first pretend to have a great averfion to the Sin exploded there, and having faid this in their own Defence and Fuftification, they either endeavour to extenuate the Crime, and complain that I have made it appear more beinous than it really is, or else they make the Act itself innocent, and the frequency or abuse of it only criminal; or laftly, call it neceffary, an easement of Nature, and pretend to prove, that in many Cafes, a total forbearance and abftinence from it, may be very prejudicial to Health. WHAT has given a bandle to the latter, is the Opinion of fome Phyficians, who |