





Or the Heinous Sin of


And all its frightful Confequences, in the
two Sexes, confider'd, &c.

(Printed on the fame Letter and Paper, to
be bound up with either the 7th, 8th 9th, or
10th Editions of that Book).

Containing many remarkable, and indeed
furprizing Inflances of the Health being impair'd,
and Genitals fpoild, by that filthy Commerce
with ones felf, which is daily practifed, as well
by Adults as Youth, Women as Men, Married
Es Single, as their Letters inferted manifeft.

Alfo a curious Piece, (as promis'd) tranflated out
of the Latin, from L. Schmeider, as it is inferted in the
Alta Lipfienfie, concerning the return of the Seed into the
Dials of Blood, well worth the perufal of Phyficians, Sur-
guns, Andromifts, and all others of Art and Curiofity.

And which with an Anfwer to a late fcurrilous Libal,
call'd Onania Examin'd and Detected, clearing up the
Charges against the Onania, and thofe efpecially relating to
the Lacies, as feveral Letters from them thew, compleats
all what the Author has ro fay on this Subject,

London: Printed for T. CROUCH, at the Bell in Pater nofter
Row, near Cheapfide; and iSTED, at the Golden Ball,
between St. Dunstan's Church and Chancery Lane in Fleet
freet. Price ftitch'd is. 6d.

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HOEVER reads the Be

ginning of the following Supplement to the Onania, will

not think there is a Preface wanting; neither did I intend to have troubled the Reader any further: But recollecting that I had not taken notice of one thing in fo particular a manner, as I believe it deferves, I thought it not improper to do it here: What I mean is A. 2.. the

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the inconfiftent Behaviour of my Adverfaries in general, and all who either envy or are otherwife no well-wishers to the Book against Self-Pollution.

THEY all at first pretend to have a great averfion to the Sin exploded there, and having faid this in their own Defence and Fuftification, they either endeavour to extenuate the Crime, and complain that I have made it appear more beinous than it really is, or else they make the Act itself innocent, and the frequency or abuse of it only criminal; or laftly, call it neceffary, an easement of Nature, and pretend to prove, that in many Cafes, a total forbearance and abftinence from it, may be very prejudicial to Health.

WHAT has given a bandle to the latter, is the Opinion of fome Phyficians,


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