
tmctity, yet, since his death, he has acquired the repution of forging those entrochie which are found ong the rocks of Holy Island, and pass there by the ame of St Cuthbert's beads. While at this task, he ispposed to sit during the night upon a certain rock, and use another as his anvil. This story was perhaps ted in former days; at least the saint's legend conte as some not more probable.

Note 15. Stanza xvii.

Old Colwalf.

Colwolf, or Colwulf, King of Northumberland, flourste in the eighth century. He was a man of some arning: for the venerable Bede dedicates to him his Clesiastical History,» He abdicated the throne 38, and retired to Holy Island, where he died the odour of sanctity. Saint as Colwulf was, hower, I fear the foundation of the penance-vault does net correspond with his character; for it is recorded ag his memorabilia, that, finding the air of the al raw and cold, he indulged the monks, whose e had hitherto confined them to milk or water, with e comfortable privilege of using wine or ale. If any antiquary insists on this objection, he is welcome ppose the penance-vault was intended, by the *cker, for the more genial purposes of a cellar. Tace penitential vaults were the Geissel-gewolle of man convents. In the earlier and more rigid times monastic discipline, they were sometimes used as a metery for the lay benefactors of the convent, whose I corpses were then seldom permitted to pole the choir. They also served as places of meeting the chapter, when measures of uncommon severity w to be adopted. But their more frequent use, as aplied by the name, was as places for performing pebres, or undergoing punishment.


Note 16. Stanza xix.
-Tynemouth's haughty Prioress.

sufficient to enclose their bodies, was made in the mas sive wall of the convent; a slender pittance of food and water was deposited in it, and the awful words, VADE IN PACE, were the signal for immuring the criminal. It is not likely that, in latter times, this punishment was often resorted to; but, among the ruins of the abbey of Coldingham, were some years ago discovered the remains of a female skeleton, which, from the shape of the niche, and position of the figure, seemed to be that of an immured nun.

That there was an ancient priory at Tynemouth is Pain. Its ruins are situated on a high rocky point; 34, doubtless, many a vow was made to the shrine by Gistressed mariners, who drove towards the ironand coast of Northumberland in stormy weather. It Vis anciently a nunnery; for Virea, Abbess of TyneMouth, presented St Cuthbert (yet alive) with a rare winding-sheet, in emulation of a holy lady called Tuda,


Note 1. Stanza ii.

The village inn.

The accommodations of a Scottish hostelric, or inn, in the 16th century, may be collected from Dunbar's admirable tale of «The Friars of Berwick.» Simon Lawder, « the gay ostleir,» seems to have lived very comfortably; and his wife decorated her person with a scarlet kirtle, and a belt of silk and silver, and rings upon her fingers; and feasted her paramour with rabbits, capons, partridges, and Bordeaux wine. At least, if the Scottish inns were not good, it was not for want of encouragement from the legislature; who, so early as the reign of James I. not only enacted, that in all boroughs and fairs there be hostellaries, having stables and chambers, and provisions for man and horse, but by another statute, ordained, that no man, travelling on horse or foot, should presume to lodge any where except in these hostellaries; and that no person, save innkeepers, should receive such travellers, under the penalty of forty shillings for exercising such hospitality.1 But, in spite of these provident enactments, the Scottish hostels are but indifferent, and strangers continue to find reception in the houses of individuals.

Note 2. Stanza xiii.

The death of a dear friend.

Among other omens to which faithful credit is given among the Scottish peasantry, is what is called the <«< dead bell,» explained by my friend James Hogg, to be that tinkling in the ears which the country people regard as the secret intelligence of some friend's deccase. He tells a story to the purpose in the << Moun

who had sent him a coffin: but, as in the case of Whit-
by, and of Holy Island, the introduction of nuns attain Bard,» p. 26.
Temouth, in the reign of Henry VIII. is an anachron-

The nunnery at Holy Island is altogether ficti-
3. Indeed, St Cuthbert, was unlikely to permit such
an establishment; for, notwithstanding his accepting
mortuary gifts above mentioned, and his carrying
a visiting acquaintance with the Abbess of Colding-
lam, he certainly hated the whole female sex; and, in
of a slippery trick played to him by an Irish
princess, he, after death, inflicted severe penances on
aas presumed to approach within a certain distance
f lus shrine.

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Note 17. Stanza xxv.

On those the wall was to inclose,
Alive, within the tomb.

Note 3. Stanza xix.
-the goblin-hall.

A vaulted hall under the ancient castle of Gifford, or Yester (for it bears either name indifferently), the construction of which has, from a very remote period, been ascribed to magic. The Statistical Account of the Parish of Garvald and Baro gives the following account of the present state of this castle and apartment: «Upon a peninsula, formed by the water of Hopes on the East, and a large rivulet on the west, stands the ancient castle of Yester. Sir David Dalrymple, in his Annals, relates, that Hugh Clifford de Yester died in 1267; that in his castle there was a capacious cavern formed by magical art, and called in the country, Bo-hall, i. e. Hobgoblinhall.' A stair of twenty-four steps led down to this

It is well known, that the religious, who broke their
Yows of chastity, were subjected to the same penalty
as the Roman vestals in a similar case. A small niche, 1 James I. Parliament I. cap. 24: Parliament III. cap. 56.


Note 7. Stanza xxii.
As born upon that blessed night,
When yawning graves, and dying groan,
Proclaim'd hell's empire overthrown.

apartment, which is a large and spacious hall, with an arched roof; and though it hath stood for so many centuries, and been exposed to the external air for a period of fifty or sixty years, it is still as firm and entire as if it had only stood a few years. From the floor It is a popular article of faith, that those who are of this hall, another stair of thirty-six steps leads down born on Christmas, or Good Friday, have the power of to a pit which hath a communication with Hopes-wa-seeing spirits, and even of commanding them. The A great part of the walls of this large and ancient Spaniards imputed the haggard and downcast looks of castle is still standing. There is a tradition, that the their Philip II. to the disagreeable visions to which this Castle of Yester was the last fortification in this country privilege subjected him. that surrendered to General Gray, sent into Scotland by Protector Somerset.>> Statistical Account, vol. XIII. I have only to add that, in 1737, the Goblin Hall was tenanted by the Marquis of Tweeddale's falconer, as I learn from a poem by Boyse, entitled « Retirement,»> written upon visiting Yester. It is now rendered inaccessible by the fall of the stair.

Note 8. Stanza xxv.

Yet still the mighty spear and shield
The elfin warrior doth wield,

Upon the brown hill's breast.

The following extract from the Essay upon the Fairy Superstitions, in «The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border,» vol. II, will show whence many of the particulars Sir David Dalrymple's authority for the anecdote is of the combat between Alexander III. and the goblia Fordun, whose words are,-« A. D. MCCLXVII. Hugo Gif-knight are derived: fard de Yester moritur; cujus castrum, vel saltem caveam, et dongionem, arte dæmonica antiquæ relationes ferunt fabrifacta: nam ibidem habetur mirabilis specus subterraneus, opere mirifico constructus, magno terrarum spatio protelatus, qui communiter Bo-HALL appellatus est.» Lib. X, cap. 21.-Sir David conjectures, that Hugh de Gifford must either have been a very wise man, or a great oppressor.

Note 4. Stanza xx.
There floated Haco's banner trim,
Above Norweyan warriors grim.

In 1263, Haco, King of Norway, came into the Firth of Clyde with a powerful armament, and made a descent at Largs, in Ayrshire. Here he was encountered and defeated, on the 24 October, by Alexander III. Haco retreated to Orkney, where he died soon after this disgrace to his arms. There are still existing, near the place of battle, many barrows, some of which, having

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«Gervase of Tilbury (Otia Imperial. ap. Script. rer Brunsvic. vol. I, p. 797) relates the following popular story concerning a fairy knight: Osbert, a bold and powerful baron, visited a nobie family in the vicinity of Wandlebury, in the bishopric of Ely. Among other stories related in the social circle of his friends, who, according to custom, amused each other by repeating ancient tales and traditions, he was informed, that f any knight, unattended, entered an adjacent plain by moon-light, and challenged an adversary to appear, be would be immediately encountered by a spirit in the form of a knight. Osbert resolved to make the experiment, and set out, attended by a single squire, whom he ordered to remain without the limits of the plain, which was surrounded by an ancient entrenchment. On repeating the challenge, he was instantly assailed by the reins of his steed. During this operation, his an adversary, whom he quickly unhorsed, and seized ghostly opponent sprung up, and darting his spear, like a javelin, at Osbert, wounded him in the thigh. Osbert returned in triumph with the horse, which he committed to the care of his servants. The horse was of a sable colour, as well as his whole accoutrements, and «Magicians, as is well known, were very curious in apparently of great beauty and vigour. He remained the choice and form of their vestments. Their with his keeper till cock-crowing, when, with eyes flashoval, or like pyramids, with lappets on each side, and ing fire, he reared, spurned the ground, and vanished. fur within. Their gowns are long, and furred with fox-On disarming himself, Osbert perceived that he was skins, under which they have a linen garment, reaching to the knee. Their girdles are three inches broad, and have many cabalistical names, with crosses, trines, and circles inscribed on them. Their shoes should be of new russet leather, with a cross cut upon them. Their knives are dagger fashion; and their swords have neither guards nor scabbards. See these, and many other particulars, in the Discourse concerning Devils and Spirits, annexed to REGINALD SCOTT'S Discovery of Witchcraft, edition 1665.

been opened, were found, as usual, to contain bones and urns.

Note 5. Stanza xx. -his wizard babit strange.

Note 6. Stanza xx.
Upon his breast a pentacle.

caps are

wounded, and that one of his steel boots was full of
blood. Gervase adds, that, as long as he lived, the scar
of his wound opened afresh on the anniversary of the
eve on which he encountered the spirit.-Less fortu-
nate was the gallant Bohemian knight, who, travelling
by night, with a single companion, came in sight of
the remonstrances of his friend, the knight pricked for-
a fairy host, arrayed under displayed banners. Despising
ward to break a lance with a champion, who advanced
from the ranks, apparently in defiance. His compa-
nion beheld the Bohemian overthrown, horse and man,
by his aerial adversary; and returning to the spot
morning, he found the mangled corpses of the knight
and his steed.»-Hierarchy of Blessed Angels, p. 554. |


Besides the instances of elfin chivalry above quoted, many others might be alleged in support of employing

« A pentacle is a piece of fine linen, folded with five corners, according to the five senses, and suitably inscribed with characters. This the magician extends towards the spirits which he evokes, when they are stub-fairy machinery in this manner. The forest of Glenmore, boru and rebellious, and refuse to be conformable unto the ceremonies and rites of magic.» See the Discourse, etc. above mentioned, p, 66.

in the North Highlands, is believed to be haunted by a { spirit called Lham-dearg, in the array of an ancient warrior, having a bloody hand, from which he takes his name.

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Be insists upon those whom he meets doing battle with In: and the clergyman, who makes up an account of district, extant in the Macfarlane MSS. in the Advos Library, gravely assures us, that, in his time, Dham-dearg fought with three brothers whom he met ja his walk, none of whom long survived the ghostly adict. Barelay, in his « Euphormion,» gives a singule account of an officer, who had ventured with his evant, rather to intrude upon a haunted house, in a wn in Flanders, than to put up with worse quarters sewhere. After taking the usual precautions of proVang fires, lights, and arms, they watched till mid, when, behold! the severed arm of a man drop-angeli lucis, sacro oculo Dei teste, posset assumere.»> ted from the ceiling; this was followed by the legs, the other arm, the trunk, and the head of the body, separately. The members rolled together, united Semselves in the presence of the astonished soldiers, and formed a gigantic warrior, who defied them both combat. Their blows, although they penetrated the Sdy, and amputated the limbs of their strange antaist, had, as the reader may easily believe, little effect aa enemy who possessed such powers of self-union; aar did his efforts make a more effectual impression on them. How the combat terminated I do not exctly remember, and have not the book by me; but I the spirit made to the intruders on his mansion the usual proposal, that they should renounce their emption: which being declined, he was obliged to

ima præ rei inaudita novitate formidine perculsus, Mi JESU! exclamat, vel quid simile; ac subito respiciens, nec hostem nec ullum alium conspicit, equum solum gravissimo nuper casu afflictum, per summam pacem in rivo fluvii pascentem. Ad castra itaque mirabundus revertens, fidei dubius, rem primo occultavit, dein confecto bello, confessori suo totam asseruit. Delusoria proculdubio res tota, ac mala veteratoris illius aperitur fraus, qua hominem christianum ad vetitum tale auxilium pelliceret. Nomen atcunque illius (nobilis alias ac clari) reticendum duco, cum haud dubium sit quin Diabolus, Deo permittente, formam quam libuerit, immo

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The most singular tale of the kind is contained in extract communicated to me by my friend Mr Surof Mainsfort, in the Bishopric, who copied it from MS, note in a copy of Burthogge «On the Nature of pants.» 8vo. 1694, which had been the property of the Mr Gill, attorney-general of Egerton, Bishop of Dur2. It was not," says my obliging correspondent, Mr Gill's own hand, but probably an hundred years der, and was said to be, E Libro Convent. Dunelm. per T. C. extract., whom I believe to have been ThoCradocke, Esq. barrister, who held several offices ader the see of Durham an hundred years ago. Gal was possessed of most of his manuscripts.» The Tract which, in fact, suggested the introduction of the the into the present poem, runs thus:

Bem miram


The MS. Chronicle, from which Mr Cradocke took this curious extract, cannot now be found in the chapter library of Durham, or at least, has hitherto escaped the researches of my friendly correspondent.

Lindesay is made to allude to this adventure of Ralph Bulmer, as a well-known story, in the 4th Canto, Stanza | XXII. p. 86.

The northern champions of old were accustomed peculiarly to search for, and delight in, encounters with such military spectres. See a whole chapter on this subject in BARTHOLINUS De Causis contemptæ Mortis a Danis, p. 253.


Note 1. Introduction.
Close to the hut, no more his own,
Close to the aid he sought in vain,
The morn may find the stiffen'd swain.

which these lines were written, suggested, as they were,
I cannot help here mentioning, that, on the night in
by a sudden fall of snow, beginning after sun-set, an
unfortunate man perished exactly in the manner here
described, and his body was next morning found close
to his own house. The accident happened within five

miles of the farm of Ashestiel.

Note 2. Introduction.

Scarce had lamented Fonnes paid, etc. hujusmodi que nostris temporibus Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, Baronet, unequalled, ent, teste viro nobili ac fide dignissimo, enarrare haud perhaps, in the degree of individual affection entergebit. Radulphus Bulmer, cum e castris quæ tunc tained for him by his friends, as well as in the general emporis prope Norham posita erant, oblectationis causa respect and esteem of Scotland at large. His « Life of set, ac in ulteriore Tueda ripa prædam cum cani- Beattie,» whom he befriended and patronized in life, as as leporariis insequeretur, forte cum Scoto quodam well as celebrated after his decease, was not long pubbali, sibi antehac ut videbatur familiariter cognito, lished, before the benevolent and affectionate biogragressus est; ac ut fas erat inter inimicos, flagrante pher was called to follow the subject of his narrative. bello, brevissima interrogationis mora interposita, al- This melancholy event very shortly succeeded the marutros invicem incitato cursu infestis animis petiere.riage of the friend, to whom this introduction is adSoster, primo occursu, equo præacerrimo hostis im-dressed, with one of Sir William's daughters.

petu labante, in terram eversus, pectore et capite læso,

guinem mortuo similis evomebat. Quem ut se ægre abentem comiter allocutus est alter, pollicitusque |

modo auxilium non

Note 3. Stanza i.
--Friar Rush.

abnegaret, monitisque obtemperans This personage is a strolling demon, or esprit follet, ab omni rerum sacrarum cogitatione abstineret, nec who, once upon a time, got admittance into a monas Den, Deipare Virgini, Sanctove ullo preces aut vota eftery as a scullion, and played the monks many pranks. ferret, vel inter sese conciperet, se brevi eum sanum va- He was also a sort of Robin Goodfellow, and Jack o' dumque restituturum esse. Præ angore oblata con

Lantern. It is in allusion to this mischievous demon

ditio accepta est; ac veterator ille, nescio quid obscoeni that Milton's clown speaks,

murmuris insusurrans, preliensa manu, dicto citius in pedes sanum ut antea sublevavit.

Noster autem, max

She was pinch'd and pull'd, she said,

And he by friar's lantern led.

The History of Friar Rush» is of extreme rarity, and for some time, even the existence of such a book was doubted, although it is expressly alluded to by Reginald Scott, in his « Discovery of Witchcraft.» I have perused a copy in the valuable library of my friend Mr Heber; and I observe, from Mr Beloe's « Anecdotes of Literature,» that there is one in the excellent collection of the Marquis of Stafford.

Note 4. Stanza vii.

Sir David Lindesay of the Mount,
Lord Lion King-at-arms.

The late elaborate edition of Sir David Lindesay's

poet :1

Works, by Mr George Chalmers, has probably intro-
duced him to many of my readers. It is perhaps to be
regretted, that the learned editor has not bestowed
more pains in elucidating his author, even although he
should have omitted, or, at least reserved, his disquisi-
tions on the origin of the language used by the
but, with all its faults, his work is an acceptable pre-
sent to Scottish antiquaries. Sir David Lindesay was
well known for his early efforts in favour of the re-
formed doctrines; and, indeed, his play, coarse as it
now seems, must have had a powerful effect
upon the
people of his age. I am uncertain if I abuse poetical
license, by introducing Sir David Lindesay in the cha-
racter of Lion-Herald sixteen years before he obtained
that office. At any rate, I am not the first who has
been guilty of the anachronism; for the author of
« Flodden Field» dispatches Dallamount, which can
mean nobody but Sir David de la Mont, to France, on
the message of defiance from James IV. to Henry VIII.
It was often an office imposed on the Lion King-at-arms,
to receive foreign ambassadors; and Lindesay himself
did this honour to Sir Ralph Sadler in 1539-40. Indeed,
the oath of the Lion, in its first article, bears reference
to his frequent employment upon royal messages and

bable that the coronation of his predecessor was not less solemn. So sacred was the herald's office, that, in 1515, Lord Drummond was by parliament declared guilty of treason, and his lands forfeited, because he had struck, with his fist, the Lion King-at-Arms, when he reproved him for his follies. Nor was he restored, but at the Lion's earnest solicitation.

Note 5. Stanza x.
-Crichtoun Castle.

A large ruinous castle on the banks of the Tyne, about seven miles from Edinburgh. As indicated in the text, it was built at different times, and with a very dif ferent regard to splendour and accommodation. The oldest part of the building is a narrow keep, or tower, such as formed the mansion of a lesser Scottish baron is now a large court-yard, surrounded by buildings al but so many additions have been made to it, that thert above a portico, and decorated with entablatures, bear different ages. The eastern front of the court is raised ing anchors. All the stones of this front are cut into diamond facets, the angular projections of which have an uncommonly rich appearance. The inside of this lery of great length, and uncommon elegance. Access part of the building appears to have contained a gal was given to it by a magnificent staircase, now quite cordage and rosettes; and the whole seems to have been destroyed. The soffits are ornamented with twining far more splendid than was usual in Scottish castles, The castle belonged originally to the Chancellor, Sit enlargement, as well as its being taken by the Earl of William Crichton, and probably owed to him its first Douglas, who imputed to Crichton's counsels the death of his predecessor Earl William, beheaded in Edinburgh Castle, with his brother, in 1440. It is said to have been totally demolished on that occasion; but the present state of the ruins shows the contrary. In 1483, it was The office of heralds, in feudal times, being held of Garrisoned by Lord Crichton, then its proprietor, against the utmost importance, the inauguration of the Kings-King James III. whose displeasure he had incurred by at-arms, who presided over their colleges, was proportionally solemn. In fact it was the mimickry of a royal


I beg leave to quote a single instance from a very interesting passage. Sir David, recounting his attention to King James V. in his infancy, is made, by the learned editor's punctuation, to say,

the monarch having dishonoured his bed. From the seducing his sister Margaret, in revenge, it is said, for Crichton family the castle passed to that of the Hep burns, Earls Bothwell; and when the forfeitures of Stuart, the last Earl Bothwell, were divided, the baroay Buccleuch. They were afterwards the property of the and castle of Crichton fell to the share of the Earl of Pringles of Clifton, and are now that of Sir John Callander, Baronet.

coronation, except that the unction was made with wine instead of oil. In Scotland, a namesake and kinsman of Sir David Lindesay, inaugurated in 1592, « was crowned by King James with the ancient crown of Scot land, which was used before the Scottish kings assumed a close crown; and on occasion of the same solemnity, dined at the king's table, wearing the crown. It is pro-would take a little pains to preserve those splendid reIt were to be wished the proprietor mains of antiquity, which are at present used as a fold for sheep, and wintering cattle; although, perhaps, there are very few ruins in Scotland, which display so well the style and beauty of ancient castle-architecture. The castle of Crichton has a dungeon vault, called the Massy-more. The epithet, which is not uncommonly applied to the prisons of other old castles in Scotland, is of Saracenic origin. It occurs twice in the « Epistole Itineraria» of Tollius: « Carcer subterraneus, sive, ut Mauri appellant, MAZMORRAS,» p. 147; and again, Coguntur omnes captivi sub noctem in ergastula subterranea, quæ Turca Algerezani vocant MAZMORRAS, p. 243. The same word applies to the dungeons of the

The first sillabis that thou did mute,
Was pa, da, lyn, upon the lute;
Then played I twenty springis perqueir,
Quhilk was great plesour for to hear.

Vol. I, p. 7, 257.

Mr Chalmers does not inform us, by note or glossary, what is meant by the king muting pa, da, lyn, upon the lute;s but any old woman in Scotland will bear witness, that pa, da, lyn, are the first efforts of a child to say, Where's David Lindesay? and that the subsequent words begin another sentence,

-upon the lute

Then play'd I twenty springis perqueir, etc.

In another place, jasting lumis, i. e. looms, or implements of tilting, is face tiously interpreted playful limbs. Many such minute errors could be pointed out; but these are only mentioned incidentally, and not as diminishing the real merit of the edition.

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The record expresses, or rather is said to have expressed, the cause of forfeiture to be.- Eo quod Leonem armorum Rogam paças violasset, dum eum de ineptiis suis admonuit. See Nisa's Heraldry, Part IV, chap. 16; and Leslæi Historia, ad Annum 1515.

nt Moorish castles in Spain, and serves to show what nation the Gothic style of castle-building was originally derived.

Note 6. Stanza xii.

Earl Adam Hepburn.

He was the second Earl of Bothwell, and fell in the it of Flodden, where, according to an ancient English the distinguished himself by a furious attempt to eve the day:

Then on the Scottish part, right proud,

The Earl of Bothwell then out brast,
And stepping forth, with stomach good,
Into the enemies' throng be thrast;
And Bothwell! Bothwell! cried bold,
To cause his souldiers to ensue,

But there he caught a wellcome cold,

The Englishmen straight down him threw.
Flodden Field.

A was grandfather to James, Earl of Bothwell, too wal known in the history of Queen Mary.


Note 7. Stanza xiv.

For that a messenger from heaven In vain to James had counsel given

Against the English war.

them touch thy body, nor thou theirs; for, if thou do it, thou wilt be confounded and brought to shame.'

By this man had spoken thir words unto the king's grace, the evening song was near done, and the king paused on thir words, studying to give him an answer; but, in the mean time, before the king's eyes, and in the presence of all the lords that were about him for the time, this man vanished away, and could no ways be seen or comprehended, but vanished away as he had been a blink of the sun, or a whip of the whirlwind, and could no more be seen. I heard say, Sir David Lindesay, lyon-herauld, and John Inglis the marshal, who were, at that time, young men, and special servants to the king's grace, were standing presently beside the king, who thought to have laid hands on this man, that they might have speired further tidings at him: but all for nought; they could not touch him; for he vanished away betwixt them, and was no more seen,»

: « In

Buchanan, in more elegant, though not more impressive language, tells the same story, and quotes the personal information of our Sir David Lindesay: iis (i. e. qui propius astiterant) fuit David Lindesius, Montanus, homo spectatæ fidei et probitatis, nec a literarum studiis alienus, et cujus totius vitæ tenor longis

This story is told by Pitscottie with characteristic sim-sime a mentiendo aberat; a quo nisi ego hæc, uti

The king, seeing that France could get no zport of him for that time, made a proclamation, hastily, through all the realm of Scotland, both " and west, south and north, as well in the isles as the firm land, to all manner of men betwixt sixty sixteen years, that they should be ready, within aly days, to pass with him, with forty days' victual, to meet at the Burrow-muir of Edinburgh, and me to pass forward where he pleased. His proclamawere hastily obeyed, contrary to the Council of land's will; but every man loved his prince so well, they would on no ways disobey him; but every La caused make his proclamation so hastily, conform the charge of the king's proclamation.

The king came to Lithgow, where he happened to for the time at the Council, very sad and dolorous, aking his devotion to God, to send him good chance and fortune in his voyage. In this mean time, there Game a man, clad in a blue gown, in at the kirk-door, and belted about him in a roll of linen cloth: a pair of Cikings on his feet, to the great of his legs; with all the hose and clothes conform thereto; but he had ching on his head, but syde2 red yellow hair behind, and so his haffets,3 which wan down to his shoulders; this forehead was bald and bare. He seemed to be man of two-and-fifty years, with a great pike-staff in as hand, and came first forward among the lords, cryand speiring for the king, saying, he desired to with him. While, at the last, he came where the was sitting in the desk at his prayers; but when saw the king, he made him little reverence or saluabon, but leaned down groffling on the desk before m, and said to him in this manner, as after follows: ir king, my mother has sent me to you desiring you t to pass, at this time, where thou art purposed; for f thou does, thou will not fare well in thy journey, nor se that passeth with thee. Further, she bade thee with no woman, nor use their counsel, nor let

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tradidi, pro certis accepissem, ut vulgatam vanis rumoribus fabulam omissurus eram,» Lib. XIII.— The king's throne in St Catherine's aisle, which he had constructed for himself, with twelve stalls for the Knights Companions of the Order of the Thistle, is still shown as the I know not by place where the apparition was seen. what means St Andrew got the credit of having been the celebrated monitor of James IV. for the expression My mother has sent me,»> in Lindesay's narrative, could only be used by St John, the adopted son of the Virgin Mary. The whole story is so well attested, that we have only the choice between a miracle or an imposture. Mr Pinkerton plausibly argues, from the caution against incontinence, that the queen was privy to the scheme of those who had recourse to this expedient, to deter King James from his impolitic warfare.

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Note 8. Stanza xv.

The wild-buck bells.

I am glad of an opportunity to describe the cry of the deer by another word than braying, although the latter has been sanctified by the use of the Scottish Bell seems to be metrical translation of the Psalms. an abbreviation of bellow. This sylvan sound conveyed great delight to our ancestors, chiefly, I suppose, from association. A gentle knight in the reign of Henry VIII., Sir Thomas Wortley, built Wantley Lodge, in Wancliffe Forest, for the pleasure (as an ancient inscription testifies) of « listening to the hart's bell.»

Note 9. Stanza xv. June saw his father's overthrow. The rebellion against James III. was signalized by the cruel circumstance of his son's presence in the hostile When the king saw his own banner displayed army. against him, and his son in the faction of his enemies, he lost the little courage he had ever possessed, fled out of the field, fell from his horse as it started at a woman and water-pitcher, and was slain, it is not well understood by whom. James IV. after the battle, passed to Stirling, and hearing the monks of the chapel-royal de

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