
IV. SUMMARIES: 1. The Principles of the Culture of the Sensibilities. 2. The Instinctive Emotions. 3. The Egoistic (rational) Emotions. 4. Esthetic Emotions. 5. The Ethical Emotions. 6. The Benevolent Affections. 7. The Rational Desires.

The making of these summaries is of the first importance to readers. Tie the month's scattered readings together in a half dozen well considered statements, and they have been to some purpose.

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FRANCIS BACON :-(a) Social facts in England at the time of Bacon's birth: Astronomy was only coming to be regarded as physical; Solar spots and Jupiter's satellites had not been observed; The law of refraction of light had not been discovered; The law of gravitation had not been discovered; Magnetism and electricity had not been distinguished; Magnetic poles had not been discovered; The alchemist's notion of four elements was accepted; The circulation of the blood was not known; There had been established no posts for the carrying of mails; Much of the country was impenetrable; Cotton manufacture not found mentioned until 1641; Salt had not been discovered in a mineral state; Tables had not ceased to be supported by trestles.

(b) Bacon's Influence: Living at a time when a spirit of inquiry was beginning to manifest itself; Bacon's mission was to teach a method of study; He was not a scientist, but a teacher of scientists; He disdainfully denied the truth of the system of Copernicus; His acquaintance with natural phenomena was limited, but he was able to give direction to the better eyes of others; He was the product of his age and was able to give voice to its needs; He insisted that knowledge should bear fruit-should give practical results-there must be a conquest of nature.

It was said by Lord Macaulay that Bacon's "Instauratio Magna” had not directly influenced the mony, but that it had reached the few minds which have moved the world. Through his Essays he has taught directly a much larger number.

(c) Bacon's Style: His works were either written originally in Latin, or translated, afterward, into that language, it is said, because he feared to trust his thought to the ever-changing English. He is one of the principal figures in English prose. Bacon's friend, Sir Tobie Mathews, thus describes his style: "A man so rare in knowledge, of so many several kinds, induced with the facility and felicity of expressing it all in so elegant, significant, so abundant, and yet so choice and ravishing a way of words, of metaphors, of allusions, as perhaps the world hath not seen since it was a world."



Barnes' General History- -Pages 467-506.

First Week.-1. Commerce in the Tudor era. (Elizabeth chartered the East India Company in 1600.) 2. Nine great Italian inters. 3. English learning. Royal education. 4. The Elizabethage of literature. 5. The great scientists of Europe. 6. The form ar characteristics of Elizabethan mansions. The furniture. 7. Dress. Table furnishings and etiquette. 8. Street scenes. Sunday observances. Christmas, All Hallows, and May Day. 9. German country life. 10. The German student. Platter's experience.

Second Week.-1. The son-in-law and daughter of James I of England grasp at a throne in Germany and lose all. (Sophia, daughter of the wretched "Queen" Elizabeth of Bohemia, would have been Queen of England had she lived until 1713.) 2. The Snow King comes to the rescue of the Protestants. Wallenstein and Tilly. Lutzen field. 3. The Catholic Powers oppose each other. The Peace of Westphalia. The decay of Germany.

Third Week.-I. Louis XIII (composed the popular air Amaryllis). His mother and Richelieu. 2. The fall of Rochelle, and the unexpected clemency of the government. Why did Richelieu aid the German Protestants? Conde and Turenne. 3. The Froude (sling)—a rebellion laughed down. 4. The "Grand Monarque" absolute. 5. The Edict of Nantes revoked. Horrible consequences. 6. The wars in Flanders (Belgium) and Holland. The Dutch nephew and son-inlaw of James II defends the Low Countries. 7. John Sobieski saves central Europe from the Turks. (A constellation in the heavens is named, in his honor, Sobieski's Shield.) 8. Louis attempts to replace James II on the English throne, and to uphold Philip on the Spanish throne. 9. The Dutchman, now in England (having driven out his uncle and father-in-law-James II) maintains himself on the English throne, but is unable to overthrow Philip. King William's war in America. 10. The end of the conflict.

Fourth Week.-I. The character of James I. His high pretentions. 2. The Gunpowder Plot. 3. Parliamentary troubles. England sinks to a second rate power, but human liberty is the gainer from the pusillanimity of her kings. 4. King Charles I tries ruling without a Parliament. Thorough. 5. The Star Chamber (a court in which there was no trial by jury). 6. How money was raised without Parliament. 7. The result of attempting to force a liturgy upon the Scotch. 8. The Long Parliament. Hampden and Pym. 9. Cromwell and his singular army. Pride's Purge. The Rump. Barebone's Parliament. 10. War in Ireland, Scotland, Holland, and on the Ocean. Cromwell the head of the Protestant world. 11. The rise of the Quakers.



H. H. King is principal of the schools at Hope.

M. F. Dawson directs the educational work at Hartsville.

Horace J. Ridge is having good success as principal of the Everton schools.

C. M. Carpenter, a State Normal graduate, is principal of the Bruceville schools.

E. A. Belda, of Wis., is doing good work as principal of the Brookville high school.

Several members of the State University faculty propose to do institute work and lecture this summer.

Chas. O. Dubois has closed a successful term of school at Crothersville. He will teach a review term.

The Hamilton county normal will be held at Noblesville July 12th, under the direction of the county superintendent.

Albert N. Crecraft, Supt. of the Brookville schools, has been elected Supt. of Franklin county vice M. A. Mess, resigned.

R. G. Boone, Supt. of the Frankfort schools, has been in ill health for more than a month past, but is now at work and gaining strength.

M. A. Mess has resigned the superintendency of the Franklin county schools, to accept a clerkship in the Adjutant General's office, War Department, Washington, D. C.

W. C. Washburne, formerly of Indiana, has just been promoted to the principalship of the 12th District School, Cincinnati. There are in his building 24 teachers. Good.

Jas. K. Beck, principal of the preparatory department of the State University, who has had not a little successful experience, will do institute work this summer if called upon.

D. E. Hunter, an old-time institute worker in Indiana, now Supt. of the schools of Terrell, Texas, will spend the summer at his old home, and will accept institute work if offered.

Prof. Geo. W. Hoss, former editor of this journal, now Professor of Elocution, Oratory and English Classics in Baker University, at Baldwin City, Kan., will open an "Institute of Elocution and Oratory” August 2d.

Chas. S. Olcott, late publisher of the Educational Weekly, and more recently western agent for the Journal of Education, of Boston, has recently accepted a more lucrative position as business manager of the Bryant Business College, Chicago. Charley has energy, perseverance and ability, and the Journal wishes him eminent success.

Mr. Elmer Henry, of Kokomo, principal of the high school, is comparatively a stranger in Peru, this being his first year. He came highly recommended and is a graduate of the State Normal. So far he has fulfilled the highest expectations of the trustees. He is a fine scholar; is young, good-looking and good-natured, hence is well liked by his pupils.-Peru Republican.

Geo. P. Brown, late President of the State Normal School, who has since August last been located at Topeka, Kansas, as agent for A. S. Barnes & Co., has recently changed his headquarters to Chicago. He has been meeting with unusual success, and this change of location is a promotion. Mr. Brown has consented to write an occosional article for the Journal, which we are sure will be appreciated by his many Indiana friends.


LITTLE MEN AND WOMEN: By D. Lothrop & Co., of Boston, is just the paper for the little people. It is beautifully illustrated.

VAN ANTWERP, BRAGG & CO. are sending out gratis some beautiful specimen pages of their Copy-Books. Also sample pages of Irish's System of Diagraming.

A CARD from the publishers of Prof. D. W. Dennis's Notes on Experimental Chemistry (Nicholson & Bro., Richmond, Ind.), informs us that the work is being rapidly introduced into the best schools. Its hundred easy experiments are just the thing to awaken an interest. Copy for examination will be sent on receipt of eleven postage stamps. Life of GeneRAL GORDON: Published by T. Y. Crowell, New York,

A very succinct and worthy record of a wonderful life. The story of Gordon's eventful and dramatic career is here told clearly, graphically, and in such a manner as to interest both young and old. It is a life which seems like a story of romance. Arthur and the Round Table has no more blameless knight. He was Lancelot and Galahad, both in one. He died in the service of his country, and his admiring countrymen will cherish his memory among their brightest and tenderest recollections.

MODERN CLASSICS: Boston: Houghton, Mifflin & Co.

These convenient little pocket volumes published under the title "Modern Classics" are worthy special commendation. They are made up of selections from the ablest writers in England and America. These selections are not short fragmentary extracts, but are the master pieces of the authors, and for the most part are entire poems, essays, and stories. Thus the reader is able to gain some adequate conception of the author's style, mode of thought, and distinguishing traits.

The school edition is substantially bound in cloth at 40 cts. a volume. In this form a library of the best literature can be secured for a small

sum of money.

STUDIES IN GENERAL HISTORY: By Mary D. Sheldon. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co.

The author does not claim that this book is a history, but a collection of historical materials. For students of some maturity of mind, who are so situated as to have ready access to a good library, this method of study will doubtless prove very satisfactory. The bare outline of facts is here given with abundant references to the leading authorities. Selections from the great writings of different periods furnish a key to the thought of the time; while suggestive questions stimulate the reflection and judgment by which just estimates of the character and influence of customs, laws and events may be formed.

The work is illustrated by clear pictures showing the style of architecture of different periods and the great works of ancient art.


By B. E.

This is a revision and enlargement of the author's old text-book, in use for several years past. A brief course in commercial law, concisely put, has been introduced. The work is divided into three courses, each complete in itself, or the whole book may be taken; the first course requiring three months, the second six months, and the whole nine months.

There is no mere copying to be done by the pupil. The history of the transactions and final results are given and the pupil left to himself to work out these results. Sets are given to illustrate the comparative amount of work in keeping double and single entry books, and also to illustrate devices for saving labor in posting, keeping special accounts, etc. Blank books and commercial paper are put up to accompany the text when desired. 224 pages, retail $1.20.


THE WESTERN SUMMER SCHOOL OF PRIMARY METHODS.-Will hold its sessions at Grand Rapids, Mich. Six Departments with superior Teachers. Model Kindergarten and Primary School for observation. Send for circulars to W. N. Hailman, La Porte, Ind. 2 6t

NORMAL-Pedagogical Institute and Commercial College, Hope, Bartholomew County, Indiana. Spring Term will open March 30th. If you desire to attend a Live, Practical, Economical School, write at once for our new Catalogue and Descriptive Circular. Address J. F. W. Gatch, Principal. SOLID SLATE BLACKBOARDS.-No imitation. The Best in the World. Up to the times. Neat, Elegant, Cheap. Lasts forever. Any size, or -inch thick. Tile, Roofing Slate, and other Slate Goods for sale. Write. THE BLACKBOARD SLATE CO., Fair Haven, Vt.


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