Journal of the Chemical Society, 第 111 巻、第 1 部The Society., 1917 |
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他の版 - すべて表示
acetic acid acetone alcohol alkali ammonia amount anhydrous aqueous solution atomic weight benzene bismuthous oxide boiling boron trioxide bromine c.c. N₂ cent Chem chemical chemistry chemists chloroform CO₂ cobalt colour colourless compound concentration constant containing crystallised crystals decomposed decomposition density diazotisation dilute dissolved distillation dried emetine ester ether ethyl acetate excess experiments extracted filtrate formation formed formula furfuroids gave grams H₂O heated hydrated hydrobromide hydrochloric acid hydrogen chloride hydrogen oxalate hydrolysis insoluble iodide iodine isomerides liquid malt Meldola mercury metal method methyl methylpsychotrine mixture molecular molecule needles melting nitric acid nitrite nitrogen nitrous obtained oxide phthalyl chloride potassium precipitate prepared present quantity reaction readily soluble requires salt secondary affinity separated silver soap Society sodium carbonate sodium hydroxide solvent sparingly soluble specific rotatory power spinacene substance sucrose sulphate sulphur dioxide sulphuric acid temperature tion tube whilst yellow yield zirconium
573 ページ - Little remains : but every hour is saved From that eternal silence, something more, A bringer of new things ; and vile it were For some three suns to store and hoard myself...
287 ページ - An enquiry into the relative weights of the ultimate particles of bodies is a subject, as far as I know, entirely new : I have lately been prosecuting this enquiry with remarkable success. The principle cannot be entered upon in this paper ; but I shall just subjoin the results, as far as they appear to be ascertained by my experiments.
289 ページ - ... combinations of them to exhibit to view in this way all the subjects that come under investigation; nor is it necessary to insist upon the accuracy of all these compounds, both in number and weight; the principle will be entered into more particularly hereafter, as far as respects the individual results. It is not to be understood that all those articles marked as simple substances, are necessarily such by the theory; they are only necessarily of such weights. Soda and potash, such as they are...
43 ページ - The experiments described in this paper were undertaken with the object of detecting and investigating the Hall effect in the positive column of the ordinary electric discharge at low pressures.
194 ページ - Application was made to the Government Grant Committee of the Royal Society for a grant of £250 for the hire of a vessel.
285 ページ - ... that subtile part to be air, which having been imprisoned in the body, under a solid form, was set free, and rendered fluid and elastic by the fire. We may therefore safely conclude, that the volatile matter lost in the calcination of magnesia, is mostly air; and hence the calcined magnesia does not emit air, or make an effervescence when mixed with acids.
286 ページ - I am nearly persuaded that the circumstance depends upon the weight and number of the ultimate particles of the several gases: those whose particles are lightest and single being least ahsorbable, and the others more according as they increase in weight and complexity.
289 ページ - Berzelius's symbols are horrifying: a young student in chemistry might as soon learn Hebrew as make himself acquainted with them. They appear like a chaos of atoms .... and to equally perplex the adepts of science, to discourage the learner, as well as to cloud the beauty and simplicity of the Atomic Theory.
352 ページ - Soon after his return, on September 22, 1914, Meldola presided at a joint meeting of the Councils of the Institute of Chemistry and the Society of Public Analysts to consider the supply of laboratory requirements. A special committee on laboratory reagents, and another on glass,* porcelain, and filter-paper, were the result. The last meeting he attended at the Institute was in...
570 ページ - Ich sah, •wie grössere eine Reihe bildeten und nur an den Enden der Kette noch kleinere mitschleppten. Ich sah, was Altmeister KOPP, mein hochverehrter Lehrer und Freund, in seiner ,Molecularwelt' uns in so reizender Weise schildert — aber ich sah es lange vor ihm. — Der Ruf des Conducteurs ,Clapham road...